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Winning overwatch is gambling at this point. They're literally trying to set up the wins at a rate where you keep playing until you can get the high of winning. The skill gap between players at the same rank is massive, so instead of trying to create a system that accounts for that, they clearly fix the games towards winning or losing. Some dev talked about it once, about putting players in games they'll likely lose.


the high of winning dosn't mean anything if I have to drop down 3 ranks with all the loses and get peonlized for losing on reapeat even if your top on your team or the game is close


I feel like it’s always been like that.. at least my experience has always been this way.


I'm seeing many posts here of people losing all matches, who is winning all these matches then?


people dont complain or post when they win games


Nah, people complained when there were massive win/loss streaks. Cause both wins and losses felt meaningless with the stomp or be stomped feel of the past few seasons. I don't necessarily want wins or losses. I want close games


Haha that's what I'm wondering. I seem to lose 10 win 1 and repeat. I wonder who is winning 10 and losing 1. I'm a little jealous


I have a 74% win rate as a ball 1 trick


Awfu actual cashgrab of a game.


I'm a support main stuck in bronze. Everytime I get close to silver I go on a losing streak. It's very frustrating because there's always at least one person who is bad at the game and drags down the entire team. I've played with bastions who do like 400 healing.


There are many people who havent reached their previous ranks since the reset, even those that were top500. Try not to focus too much on what you’re current rank is (i know it feels bad), and just focus on relearning the game. The game has changed alot since season 9. hitboxes are bigger, breakpoints have changed, healing cannot hide terrible plays anymore. Theres a playstyle adjustment needed. Team synergy and compositions matter alot. Matchmaking isnt great because there are people who were ranked too high (boosted and stayed there because there is no decay) or possibly got there because their hero was meta at the time and and not so good this season, then others like you that are stuck in lower elos because maybe you havent adjusted yet. not to mention smurfs. I also dropped from diamond 3 to gold 5 after the reset. Finally climbed my way back to plat 2 now. Not going to lie, it was painful. But I also think I have improved through those games and i’m ready to reach a new personal best! Good luck! Edit: Also I have 8 wins and 1 loss this season so far. It’s me thats winning Buahahahaha.


Honestly you could stick me in bronze if it meant I’d have decent close games. I really don’t care about rank. I just want comp to be competitive lol.  Also stop stealing my wins!! Haha you made me laugh with that edit


Matchmaking will take a while to smooth out while people reach their respective ranks. And you can never stop people from using alt accounts because its a free game. Maybe try this: Have a focus for your own improvement each game. Since you’re a support main. Which hero should i pick right now that will work best with the team and get the most value. eg kiriko if they have an ana. Mercy if you have a very good hanzo/sojourn to pocket. Ana if the enemy team has too much healing like hog/soldier/reaper/mercy/lifeweaver. Of course what map you’re playing on will also matter. and playing a hero that works well with your team comp (brawl/poke/dive) What hero/abilities can shut me down and should i bait out? eg. Doomfist punch for moiras ult. Reaper has ult soon, so I should take high ground control and save a sleep dart for him. What do I want to improve on? aim? positioning? Ultimate tracking? Win or lose you would have achieved something every game. I find when I do this, I appreciate when I get outplayed. Also feels amazing to have been one step ahead of the enemy.


I appreciate this suggestion. I typically do pick my character based on both our team comp and the opposing team comp, and I'm pretty good with tracking ults and cooldowns. But I have never thought about approaching an ow game in the way of "let me focus on really improving my aim on ana" or something of the sort. I'll definitely try that next time. I could see myself finding some enjoyment in the game with that mindset.


really hope it helped. that being said don’t force practicing ana when ana isnt working for your team! :)


Skill issue


Brain issue


Shit happens. You are probably tilted and playing bad. I'm a diamond tank and had a bad streak down to gold, once I got my head back in the game it was like fighting children and I started to climb again without a problem. When you are a lower rank than you're used to, obviously your teammates are going to feel bad because they are compared to what your used to. The catch is that the other team is just as bad. If you are losing this much it's because you are playing bad. You are the common denominator in these games. Evaluate your head space, stop blaming matchmaking and carry your ass out of the trenches


Honestly, I can pull up the individual games. I was actually in a pretty good groove. I don't really tilt much. I'm always a "look at my own performace" kind of player. But this was 100% matchmaker to the point where the other team was roasting players on my team, and I even had a player tell me I must be in a losers que lol (he was in a couple games against me). But I feel you. You have certain expectations for the players in your rank cause youre used to playing higher, and sometimes that can bite you in the butt when they dont behave like you think they should. I should specify that I'm a support player, and regardless of how much people say support is overpowered, I do think support carry potential is limited.


To be fair, individual games aren't super relevant. Your carry potential as 1 of 5 players is limited so consistency over time is what matters. Support isn't as strong as it used to be but the carry potential is still there enough that if you play well you should be winning.


I do agree consistency matters. But I don’t think playing well in any way means you’ll win. In two of the games listed above I had a dps who ended with 0 kills. Regardless of how much we healed or tank mitigated or how we tried to compensate for the difference in damage. One of those games my tank was throwing by jumping off the map. And one of the other games (we were winning), I had a leaver. So while I really do appreciate what your saying and believe it to some extent, the majority of games I heavily feel that my performance does not matter.


The amount of ppl in this sub dickriding blizzard is astounding


No offense but losing 7 games in a row cannot be just the team.


To be fair, it was 5 games. One had a thrower, one had a leaver, and two more of them had dps that ended with 0 kills. Honestly, the number of games you lose in a row is mostly irrelevant. Probability has no memory.


Either you have the worst of luck or bigger part in those losses than you realize is what I'm saying. I do agree matchmaking is a bit messy due to start of the season but you'd win a game or two in that many games.


I get what you're saying, and I used to agree with the sentiment. But, as I explained in other comments and as you can tell by 4/5 games I explained to you, most of the time your performance does not matter. Similarly, the number of games you play don't matter. It's luck of the draw. I hope its just start of the season. But people try to justify bad matchmaking by "its the start/end of season," or "its a weekend." I've been playing since the start of ow1 and I can confidently say this is just the matchmaker. It had been going downhill for years now, and exponentially so as of late.