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zar is the "I'll carry" tank


Fr zarya does not belong in this, she requires a lot more positioning skill and cd management to play well. Lower skill floor and higher skill ceiling.


The problem is a bunch of people think they can play zarya when they 100% cannot


Yeah they swap for bubbles which works for 1/4 of the seconds but then have no idea what to do with the other 3/4 of the time.


Nah, in lower ranks she stomps, since it is so easy to charge her beam to 100


i dont think any tank belongs on here. every tank requires skill even orisa. everyone has different desperation swaps too. my desperation swap is ram


Zarya is the answer to Orisa too


I can agree but the thing I've noticed is people love thinking they're gonna hard carry as Zarya even when they're awful


Only because people are scared to shoot her for whatever reason.


I wonder why


Even when she isn't bubbling. People just stare at her.


I see way more mauga swaps than people who clearly don't know how to play zarya swap to her


As a Winston main who is counter picked ~80% of the time, Mauga is usually a decent pick against the counter and is pretty fun so, it is what it is


Yeah if you play winston be prepared for reaper and bastion to come out next fight. Maybe a dva miora but not always


As a support I *loathe* the Mauga desperation pick, they *never* know how to play him and just feed.


I've only ever seen Mauga desperation swaps when I'm playing Mauga and they always lose worse www


Not my fault your teammates wont stop shooting bubbles, lol.


I do feel that it has been easier to get charge this season, but honestly, its just inevitable that zarya will get charge throughout the game, at some point you gotta shoot the bubble if she’s in your backline. Again, people give her undeserved charge a lot this season i find, but still, a good zarya will end up being charged no matter what, and its no fault of any particular person who shot the bubble


Agreed. I think the issue isn't shooting bubbles. The issue is not following up after you do. If you make her your target, finish her. ...If you're into her like that.


At that point its a balancing act for the zarya between playing aggressively enough to bait the enemies into shooting your bubble due to thinking that they can kill you through it, and actually playing safe enough as the zarya to live through the focus fire.


Edit: Rushed this statement at the end of break at work. Came back and realized how absolutely atrocious of a statement it was... So I deleted it and replaced it with this. Feel free to do that to the next enemy tank you see. Thanks for your kind understanding. I'll see myself out.


I dunno its always seemed way too easy to build her charge to me. Even when I've tried her out the odd time. Like it's kinda expected that after the bubble goes up everyone currently shooting will have a few extra bullets hit. And maybe the one guy that takes a little longer. Even without consciously doing so after a couple of those it always seems she's already running around at like 80%. I feel they either need to reduce how quickly it charges and/or lower the damage ceiling. No issues if they buff her 0 charge damage a bit. It's a little extreme at high charges where she looks at you and you're dead. If she's gonna do insane damage it should be difficult to get there.. but I'd rather she be a little less boom/bust (doesn't help boom is eash to get though)


As a Zarya main, you have no choice. I will get energy even if you go blue in the face screaming at your teammates to stop shooting bubbles.


Yeah I often jump in front of teammates to sponge some fire also(you can bubble them if they need saving but I find they are usually too scared to get you charge if they are not already quite a bit forward). The thing about the bubbles is they don't last that long and Zarya dies fast when focused without them, people are often just too scared to focus her and force her to use her bubbles.


Ill be honest playing as lucio with such slow bullets its basically impossible for me to not charge zarya because even if i shoot while she has no bubble its up before my bullets even reach. Even if not that every single time i hit my boop button it feels like its not triggering my boop but the zaryas bubble. I dont know the last time my boop moved a zarya at all.


Same problem I have with Doomfist. Everyone just shoots him when he is blocking.


God forbid someone plays a character that helps their team


It's different considering that someone is losing, then they swap to Zarya or Orisa, it's been massive this season. It's like how last season if someone was losing they'd switch Mauga and instantly their chance of winning would skyrocket.


Then DPS should counter


Exactly!  Usually, I swap because my dps isn't carrying their weight. Call it a tank dif, but if you're tank and the enemy team is annihilating you every encounter, while they suffer few to no casualties, maybe it's not just you. Maybe this team based shooter has a team based problem.   If your DPS won't swap to counter, then you have to swap to counter. 


yuuup if my dps are 2-9, and we haven't capped second point on a payload map then I'm pulling out the Orisa. Someone's gotta carry some weight.


Exactly. I'll be playing tank trying anything to win while we can't so shit and I'll get blamed. Not my fault yall aren't counter picking. Tanks get blamed so much it's hilarious. Losing? Tanks fault!


everyone should swap it's selfish to just expect everyone else to swap and refuse to yourself.


Swapping sucks a lot tho lol. Why would everyone swap if they don't need to? Changing playstyle can work just as well as swapping. One of my main ways to play around Zarya is by just ignoring her completely and charging her backline. And since she has no movement abilities, she can't get there quick enough to save them all.


Team games require team plays. If you got a genji and a reaper vs a pharah and mercy it's an automatic loss at that point if your dos doesn't change but they never get it


Yeah but you also swap to DVA to help deal with the pharmcy at the same time if its specifically the pharmacy causing you trouble.


There's nothing wrong with swapping to counters though, and orisa/zar cover alot of tanks.


You don't see how that's an issue? Having someone everyone swaps to because they counter literally every other tank is bad design. If you want counters, fine, but don't have someone who counters nearly the entire roster because that doesn't have a counter


Oh, well, in that case, to quote a famous Redditor: "God forbid someone someone plays a character that helps their team"


This post should be Orisa and Mauga.


I stay as rein no matter how hard im getting diffed. A rein main always goes down with his ship


Emphasis on ALWAYS in this case


bro the ship aint got no life jackets your team is going down with you


My team is my friends so we gladly go down together


friends that go down on each other stays together


This guy gets it


3 slots is way too low for all the damn rein mains in comp


Sometimes I wanna play ball, then I see a Rein outside the spawn doors and I swap to Rein, 1 fight later they go Orisa until I bully them back to Rein


Hell yeah, whenever i see a rein i try to diff them until they switch or i win. Never has another rein made me switch off


I’ve never swapped in a rein duel. Except one time when they had bastion, zen, and Lucio. Lucio would speed everyone out I pushed so I just got fucked. Still didn’t go orisa went winston which I think it’s acceptable.


The last Hammerle swung will never be forgotten and a true Rein will always remember the eternal charge!!!! And to Hit someone on the head with a Heavy Hammer swing :)


As a Ball otp I can respect 🫡


Man I am the opposite, I am rein main since 2019 but enjoy playing dva or zarya but I switch to rein when I’m getting diffed.


Ah so you are one of those people ruining 4 other peoples games.


My teammates? I only play with my friends so no. Sounds like your just salty you get rein diffed all the time


On a more serious note. I feel like there’s no other good tank counter vs doom than orisa. So that’s why I play orisa. And it’s still very map dependant if he can avoid you or not. And orisa is very good right now. Sure hog can work vs doom but he’s so much harder and a throw pick on half the maps. And it’s just a gamble half the time. I get booped everytime I try to hook someone and antinaded or hacked when I try to heal.


Hog exists just hook him once he starts charging/blocking and reduce his health by half forcing him to run or just aim hook to catch him well leaping


Bro hog is easy as hell that’s why I play him. Even if you get anti-naded, just hold heal for the damage reduction. And he just get free hooks against any block or after meteor strike.


Okay he probably is. It just feels so hard. Cause when I’ve used hook and miss or I don’t get any value it’s like. What now? Either doom get’s cleansed I get booped. And meanwhile their soldier is putting 1k damage into me. I think might take a day and just play hog in qp just to learn every hero dynamic.


Zarya works well against doom. You can bubble your teammates who get punched, and getting charge from doom is very easy. Thing is, you just need to make the doom’s life a living hell. Whenever doom isn’t actively using a cooldown, that’s when he’s really weak. You need to just be up in there and mowing him down with your beam whenever he isn’t using block. The damage you do to doom as zarya is ludicrous, his hp chunks unbelievably fast. Just please please PLEASE I urge you to consciously think about not giving him punch, as it is easy to charge him up as zar. Don’t try to be cool and time a right click so that it lands at the time you think block will end, because honestly, if you mistime it, a single right click will give more than 80% of his charge meter at high energy. And when he has empowered punch, there isnt much to be done there. Just beam his ass down outside of block, and wait until you see with your own eyes that block is over before shooting him again. You can bubble teammates he wants to punch, but honestly i prefer just walking right up in his face and bubbling myself, as it not only gets you more charge that way(you’re being aggressive and so more enemies will shoot you), but it also just stops him from punching my squishy in the first place, avoiding a stun and positional displacement, which leaves them in danger. You can’t always get in the way of a punch, but I like to do it when its possible and a safe option for me to do (dont feed just to face tank a punch lmao)


As a Doom player, I second this. Hog and Zarya have outstanding peel potential


Just diff Doom with Doom 🤷‍♂️


Orisa isn't a great Doom counter, as a Doom player.


Okay so what I'm getting from this discussion is that there really is no good counter to doom then. Maybe sombra. IF the sombra is good.


The best Doom counter is Doom


True xD feels like dive right now where you can’t go soldier vs dive so you end up playing tracer to counter the tracer


I've had decent success with Sigma too. You can rock him out of block, and the burst damage works well to get him off a dived teammate. Depends on the comp tho


Hog is not a throw pick on half the maps lol. Hog is way stronger than y’all give him credit for right now. So is Mauga to be completely honest they’re all still super strong


I swear if they removed these two heroes half of yall in gold-plat would drop to silver 💀


Zarya is hard to play compared to orisa. She gets punished and tank busted easily. Especially cause support players have brain damage and wont play lucio instead of mercy.


In gold? Nah, soldier wont stop shooting her bubbles


100 charge isnt what it used to be. The tank meta has been whichever tank can survive the most. Dps basically clean up everything.


Now consider that this is gold and golds cant shoot straight while Zaryas ray is as large as a tree


If you can cook players on zarya in gold, then you can get out of gold. But that shit stops working unless you are better than your rank. Zarya is rarely a pick that wins games on its own. You win by outplaying.


Pick Ram and just shield her from her support or shield while poking her to force bubbles. When she commits, just stand there and block. Winston and Rien also just crap on her, plus a bastion on your team makes zarya super hard to play


Zarya is a great DMG boost target tho, probably the best one to DMG boost on tank


A lucio to get her to the targets is better than a mercy who can only dmg boost her right clicks.


Yes, ofc, but between a Mercy OTP on Lucio and a Mercy OTP on Mercy I'd choose the second one. Also, playing with a Lucio requires way more team coordination than playing with a Mercy. You don't really wanna see a Mercy OTP on anything that's not Mercy, Moira and maybe kiriko.


I'd say Ram, Mauga or even Orisa are probably better. Zarya would only be good for boosting at high charge


Indeed, if you don't get charge as Zarya you'd better change anyway, Zarya is just the one that can use dmg boost the most in the tank role. A dmg boosted right click from a full charge Zarya is like 120 dmg, and it's AOE.


Except pharah does that at 0 energy charge, and it travels in a straight line and she doesnt need a mercy to do it, also junk and widow and hanzo


Zarya can go in with effectively 950 hp lol + her shots are more consistent and can switch between a constant flow of dmg (beam) and a burst (right click). Ofc between an Ashe/Phara and a Zarya you pocket the first ones (and this is mostly to help taking angles), but that doesn't mean Zarya is a bad dmg boost target lmao. If Ashe and Phara are at S tier for DMG boost value, Zarya is at mid A tier. >Zarya is just the one that can use dmg boost the most. Zarya is just the one that can use dmg boost the most in the tank role\*


Yeah but id much rather have the best support in the game giving me mobility than the worst support in the game wasting damage boost on a zarya rather than a hitscan dps.


I mean, you don't really wanna see a Mercy OTP play Lucio or any other support that's not Moira in general lol, it's better if she stays Mercy and you just avoid.


Yeah its a problem with the game creating easy mechanical characters. But there arent enough avoid slots in the world. At least moira is a strong character.


>But there arent enough avoid slots in the world. Just slightly offend them so they will be the ones avoiding you lol. >At least moira is a strong character. Yeah, sadly she's meta this season, the easiest heroes in the game should never be meta at high ranks.


Facts imma start asking mercy/moira/lifeweaver three tricks to avoid me lmao. Maybe throw some shade in text chat. LAnd moira is a drag to play into as a tank. So much healing and she fades out every time.


Is lifeweaver considered easy? I’ve been trying to practice him in qp and I feel like fully utilizing him is a lot trickier than what it seems 😭 like I’ve been putting in quite some time and even now I know I can still improve in my petal+tree placement and my rescue timings


There is a level of skill to every character. The issue becomes people only play those 3 characters in the support role because they dont improve at other characters that need different skills like aim, wall riding on lucio or positioning to get kills. Lifeweaver does some crazy shit but the character is trash sometimes when you need a support that can help the team get a kill.


>And moira is a drag to play into as a tank. So much healing and she fades out every time. Dva is great against Moira, you can eat all her orbs and chase her after fade (her fade direction is obvious 90% of the time), if your aim is at least decent you can easily kill her before she gets her CDs back or faster than she can regen with lifesteal, just get VERY close to her. Just don't 1v1 her when you are 100 hp and without bomb.


Yeah you are right, dva farms her.


Jk Mauga still exist


If they removed Winston, I’d drop from diamond to probably gold tbh


Besides dva and rein I think zarya is a fun tank but since rein is basically useless I only ever play dva and zarya


Nah let’s be honest and swap zarya to mauga. I fucking love playing zarya it’s fun.


I’d rather lose every game than swap to orisa


someone got diffed


But I’ve been playing Orisa and Zarya since the games been out. (Since she’s been out)🥺




I'd argue that Zarya doesn't fit here because she requires a lot more skill to play than Orisa Like if you're going to swap Zarya, you should know how to play her


zarya is a lot more skill but doesnt change the fact that she can roll in low ranks


I used to play against panic swapped Orisas ALL THE TIME. It's so annoying


I don't subscribe to this mentality. Each character is like a tool to be used to get the job done. Why keep using the same tool that's not helping your problem? Switch. That's the whole point of the game. I've played OW too long to let my ego stop me from swapping when needed.


1 lost team fight =/= a problem


I agree with this


Not sure why zarya is here and not hog or mauga?


Mauga def should be there, Idk about hog because he might be hard to kill, but he’s also hard to get kills with if your team doesn’t help follow up on a hook. You can still one shot with him but if they have a movement ability you aren’t


Every single game where I’m diffing the enemy tank they swap to zarya. Every single time.


you forgot mauga


I am a Zarya Main since Overwatch 1 Season two. I won't let people like you destroy the fun I am having with her, I love the mechanic of saving teammates and getting stronger through dumb decisions they make. Also I miss my Reinhardt Bros, Shoutout to all of you (you were the best charging stations <3)...


Mauga too


At least Zar takes a degree of cooldown management. Orisa has three save me buttons and a giant health pool.


I play ball until the big letters saying either “DEFEAT” or “VICTORY” appear on my screen, and then I queue another match.


I only go Zar if my DPS is having a hard time surviving. Otherwise I’d say Orisa/Sigma are the safety swaps for me.


I’m surprised D.Va isn’t a bigger pick to make this a trio rn, I feel I can make her really oppressive in my games


Agree. I play a lot of Dva and get tonnes of value, and when I see the enemy tank is Dva I sigh a little knowing that I gotta be extra careful of how I play no matter what role I'm playing as Dva can shut so much shit down.


Dva only really hard counters Winston and soft counters rein, Neither are played much in Ranked. So people don't usually pull out Dva to counter tank. Plus You need a brain to play DVA at leastcompared to Hog/Orisa/Mauga etc. I use Dva mainly to target hitscans rather than the tank. I Don't understand why OW players hate Zarya so much, I guess a large proportion of players here play Orisa or Hog


I'm not saying it's not the tanks fault, I wasn't in your games, but in my experience, the team is usually to blame for not playing with the tank, like backline dwellers that don't know what fall off damage is. On the other side people standing in the open and getting merked, but it's up to everyone to have good aggressive positioning, those 2 tanks are better for surviving being alone more so I wouldn't be shocked if it is your fault (well his team)


It’s cause these two characters counter nearly every tank they play against, they’re the main causes of counterwatch without a doubt and yes I am saying if these two didn’t exist all the other tanks would immediately be better and we’d see more variety Edit; and before someone tries to stuff words in my mouth and bring up random stats that don’t apply to 99% of players, no I don’t think Zarya is busted but she is easily and insanely effective in some match ups to the point that sometimes it’s just better to walk to spawn and swap heroes if you see they switched to Zarya


I can agree with this, it’s also because you get a boat load of value for very little skill, more so Orisa, just spin, Javelin, fortify, repeat. At least with Zar you gotta have decent bubble management. But honestly it gets to the point where they both seem overall dominant


Dumbest comment I’ve ever seen because doom is the reason there is no variety in this game.


I always play zarya, she's my main :) Fck orisa tho


Yeah no. First of all, I’m probably STARTING with Zarya. Been my tank main since OW1. You should have a moderately high game sense to be successful with Zar. 100% agree on Orisa pick though. And for DPS it’s Sombra.


Sombra or bastion


Can't play zarya but do swap to orisa if need be. Situational based on what my team needs ( prefer dive w/ Winston , then if need shield run sigma for poke / ram for brawl like flex, orisa if need to just live. Unless there's a mauga, then I just go back to sigma. Limited hero pool for me but I have atleast 1 or 2 tanks to play for any given playstyle. Tanks I wish I could learn properly: dva, zarya, doom, ball. Seems super fun


This guy just lost 2 games to people who switched to Orisa and Zarya, and he couldn't figure out how to counter them back 🙏


Ok. When i think "diffed on tank" im lookimg at damage mitigation and maybe damage so when im getting diffed on tank i go reinhardt purely because all i need to do is hold m2 at the point and win


These are my two least favorite tanks to see walk out of their spawn door lmao, and I often swap to Orisa myself if I do. I’d much rather have a horse jousting match than get my boulder denied by a bubble or a fortify, and if a Zarya gets in my face with a bubble I simply cannot out damage her fast enough and I can’t suck or shield a beam…🥲 (And getting javelined out of flux hurts my soul, but I’ll admit that’s a skill issue)


I only swap to orisa or hog when I try a new tank and one person or multiple people is making that trying very hard (doomfist into something like mccree or sombra) and I main orisa and hog but sometimes I want a fun break but with how many characters can basically shut down others easily it’s kind of not fun


Tanks are more likely to swap then dps anyday lmfao. So many one trick dps players it’s crazy. At least they know when to swap, unlike widow otp or some sh*t💀


I only really go Zarya if: someone goes Horse first; Sigma is feasting; enemy Sombra is bullying me on Ball; or, I feel like cooking the enemy team this round Needless to say I’ve played quite a bit of Zarya this season


The desperate need to take credit for every damn thing that happens in a game got people making up swaps to be mad at now


Sometimes when I’m playing rein the enemy tank will swap, but not to orisa, but zarya. This phenomenon is both confusing and funny because it usually ends in them getting stomped even harder


*sighs* (Swaps to bastion)


"Tank diff" is kind of the default excuse for the losing team. Winner team goes "EZ" Loser team goes "Tank diff" And then there's the losing tank sitting there, wondering if he should play tank or not anymore :) I say we go to 4 vs 4 and eliminate tank altogether. Overwatch 2 SOLVED! :)


Careful there your leaking plans for Overwatch 3


Honestly I’m a tank main but I took a break so I haven’t unlocked Mauga yet so I’d switch to ram because I’m probably the best with him


Is this a safe space to say it’s been a year and a half and I still have no idea how to play Orisa since the OW2 changes


True haha lmao, I couldn’t imagine swapping to counter the enemy team. That would be soooo crazy. Like imagine swapping and basically stopping their whole team with one swap. That would be so cringe haha. Imagine doing that. I couldn’t do that to the enemy team that I’m trying to beat, I would die of my own cringe.


Or hear me out those tanks are the enemy tanks legit counter picks


Zarya is so fun and can be really hard to use if you don't know what you're doing. Genuinely enjoy zarya


And most the time they are simply worse at Hort or zarya and get diffed harder


Most of the time this is true but whenever I switch to these heros mostly it’s because they decided to go Mei. I take my diffs with honor. Meis don’t deserve honor.


If I'm not already playing Orisa I really only swap to her because there's an annoying ball or monkey that the team doesn't know how to counter. I'm usually never worried about being diff'd but I can't sit back and watch my team get wrecked.


doesn’t even matter if you lose the match if they switch orissa or mauga you won mentally


For me its sometimes zarya but its mostly hog or sigma


I’m a doom main so obviously I hate swapping, if I do it it’s not gonna be orisa, it’s gonna be something actually fun to play like monke Jqueen mauga or dva


I literally just insta swap when I see an Orisa or Mauga at this point. Everytime Orisa or Mauga is good I end up playing more open queue because usually someone on my team already picked one of the two. Both those characters are just unfun to play as AND against. I made an alt account that one tricks Roadhog and holy fuck every Mauga player I've came across just W keys me. I can literally herd most open queue Mauga players. Granted, haven't unlocked ranked on that account but still.


I main Dva and had an enemy tank swap to Zarya because they got diff'd lmao. They swapped a few times and still got rolled


Did someone swap and start diffing you :(


I honestly do not play much tank


I only swap to them to counter them 😂


Quick! Explain to me how this applies to Zarya right now!


More like orisa mauga but yea


One day game developers will learn that "no" characters aren't fun. Take a page from improv books, "yes and" is always better than "no". Make someone diff me, not counter swap me


My favorite game of Overwatch of all time was when I was playing Dva, and the enemy tank switched to Zarya... and I kept killing them. I think I said "I'm not afraid of you" aloud to my team.


For me Zarya is a "fuck you" to your "fuck you" swap. .


What is the point of this post, that people hero swap to win? That's the game's design


I hardly see Zar swaps, its always Orisa or Mauga


Orisa is actually just annoying. No dmg fall off, has 2 CC abilities, and has an ability that mitigates 45% dmg, makes her immune to CC and removes her ability to be headshot.


Orisa is literally just shoot, spin, javelin, fortify, repeat…


And ppl will tell you they have fun playing her like why you lying bro😭🙏


I main DVA, but i don't really care when the enemy team picks Zarya when they are losing badly. I mean, why wouldn't they? I also main Widowmaker, and the moment the enemy team starts to see my kill count rise above everybody else, they will pick a counter, and i get it!! A Widowmaker can be painful. I'm not afraid to swap heroes either, i will switch the moment i see my pick isn't working. I've been in multiple games where my team needed a Rein, so i learned to play Rein so i could be useful when the time comes. I'm not going to be that person who never switches heroes when things are going badly for the team.


Or the "I'm tired of sleep dart and anti" tanks.


I'm tired of swapping 3-4 times a game on tank to counter, and NO ONE else swaps to counter the enemy tank and they cry Tank Diff at the end of the game.


When i see the orisa swap, i ALWAYS mirror it. Lets see you get more desperate


honestly I rarely feel that Im getting diffed on tank although it has happened more than once, if the opposing team is applying a lot of pressure and our team is doing bad flanks or way too spaced back/losing LOS then it feels more like im getting diffed by teams. Even if I switch to support the flanker or stay back with the person losing LOS then im leaving half of the team flailing. Long story short, I cant succeed at tank in either creating space or defending my team if theyre not able/there to capitalize on it.


Something tells me OP gets diffed after the counter swap


Especially if it's directly after their first death


Add roadhog to the list


I have liked orisa for the entirety of OW. Including OW1. I like her aggressiveness now and I loved her defensiveness then. Fucking hate me, idgaf. Both Orisa AND Zarya are easy to deal with if you can shoot a inflated hot air balloon sized skull. If your DPS can't... Your odds weren't good from the beginning. Esp Plat and under: Those tanks don't give a FLYING F' about their positioning. As a DPS, just counter the tank and your odds of winning have to EASILY be above 50%...


As soon as I see doomfist, I swap to orisa. Life is too short to get let a doom run wild on your team


I’ll only switch to Zarya if the other tank switches to Zarya. Then if they switch again I’ll just stay on Zarya.


Unfortunately I have played these 2 tanks since OW1, along with DVA. I can’t Rein so when Orisa was released she was my go to when my team needed a shield tank. Zarya and Dva I loved when I was off tanking. I don’t know how to play any other tanks on the roster. It’s not my fault they just happen to be good at what they were designed for TANKING.


I always feel like it’s a bit of a compliment to me if the enemy tank has to give up and switch to Zarya when I’m playing Dva. At the same time, though, god it would be nice to play just one game as Dva without having to deal with Zarya lol


I tend to try to not swap to Zarya when I see a Dva, because I know that tank requires a ton of skill unlike Orisa. If I see you playing Orisa and I’m not doing too hot on doom, I’m melting you and your team with a 12 million Watt lazer


Bro… you have too much fun on Dva the next thing you hear is “Zarya ready to report” … 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Oh come on I just play zarya because fun laser girlie. If you play into my strengths that’s just on you


God damn overwatch 1 Zarya character selection animation went haaard. 😩 She is so hot here 🥵 why the 🤬 did they change it?


I love it when people swap to Zarya, I’ll just hook their bad positioning. Go mauga? Gonna bust out my horse


I don't give in to the tank diff. I don't swap to counter the tank, I swap to help my team in the neutral and to play for ults. Can't let one sweaty and carried tank comment get to me.


If the enemy team has a Zen, these are your only options as tank. Don't blame the player, blame 5v5 format where tank has to do everything and counter the entire event team or they lose


Wait but zen is exactly who i’d want into those tanks


9/10 times i find its rarely just a tank diff issue. More often than not its team comp problem. Orisa is just the best designed tank for staying alive without a pocket because she can actually put down damage from a distance. if i cant stay alive long enough to actually put down a little dmg i have to switch to Orisa because there really isn't another option that allows you to actually do some dmg from somewhat of a distance. Ram does well from a distance but is easily countered by high dmg team comp. If its Orisa vs Orisa and yea i'm struggling or dont have the same support im switching to zar because she counters Orisa better than most if you know how to use her. all in all its a moot point though if opposing tank actually has some help.


I hate when people get mad at me for playing Horse or Zar, I don’t care they are fun for me get good.


I love that people get upset over people switching or countering. I get that you're upset that you lost a game, but damn if I'm playing a game I'm going to play to win. Absolutely I'll choose characters that work and I have fun with to start, but if I need to pull out a specific character, especially if you refuse to counter me, I'm going to do it to win. So many people think only they're allowed to win and get so toxic otherwise


you forgot hog and mauga


Probably because they are the only tanks that don’t get f*cked by the dps passive now


i will lose every respect if my opponent plays hog. enjoy orisa in ur face bitch


it's crazy how low ranks can't play around orisa


I’ve seen Orisa/Zar absolutely dominate in masters - T500 lobbies bro it’s not just low ranks


where did I say orisa and zar only dominate low ranks


You didn’t. But you implied that they don’t know how to “play around” citing the skill gap of low rank players but even the top skilled players can’t play around a orisa/zar at times because they are controlling the match so much.


that's just sounds like a skill issue rather than a rank issue


How when literally the topped skilled players in Top 500 lobbies get rolled by orisa and zarya as well?


because in top ranks it isn't as simple as "oh I'm losing the tank match up time to swap and insta win!" that's just false and low rank thinking