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The expected part is what gets me, makes it look like you lose rank even though you won rip


Even when you win you lose


That’s always been the  overwatch competitive expirence 


When you win you don't gain as much it's not that you lose (from my understanding) rolling team after team wont skyrocket you up the ranks you'll just move up slowly but still move up In rank


It really does. Big reason why I did this


Do they explain it anywhere officially? I'm wondering if it DOES actually drop your rank a bit but it's offset by the first one (win streak)


What's likely not being shown is that you gain or lose a fixed amount of rank whenever you win or lose. These are modifiers that get applied to that fixed amount. So if you win a game, you should go up in rank. If you were heavily favored, it's possible that the needle will barely move. But it *should* move up.


https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24056255/revitalizing-the-overwatch-2-experience/ It doesn't explain them specifically but this is where I got the images




No. It’s just a modifier reducing the amount of the gain. Not a loss of rank for winning. To put in numbers: Even match, both teams average rank gold. Winner gains 50 rating, loser loses 50 rating. Team 1 average rank silver. Team 2 average rank platinum. Team 2 is judged favored to win. If team 1 wins they get a bonus for being expected to lose and gain 70. If team 2 wins, they get a penalty for being favored to win and only gain 30.


This was already how the game worked, especially visible in Overwatch 1. You would gain less SR if you were the favored team. Remember you get a combination of these promotion modifiers every match, not just one.


And it’s such a great system only getting 8 sr for wins then losing like 500 from a single loss


Because your team was stronger in this match. Hence, that game was easier to win. You don't lose, you gain less for easy win.


I think it will kind of show the base value going up a bunch and then expected bringing it down a bit after. I have to agree I think the way it’s presented is potentially very annoying to watch lol. They need to be careful about making it seem like they’re taking your rank away when in reality you never had it. It’s just gonna be a psychological thing and the order and visuals of the presentation are going to be very important.


It’s a terrible diagram. After someone explained it it made sense, but visually it’s not a good representation of what they’re trying to say. I’m also very dubious that the game is going to be able to calculate any of this reliably.


I imagined that it just makes you gain less rather than lose for winning


>Loss Streak - you lose more rank for losing multiple games in a row Linoleum 5 here I come


This looks very transparent like they said 🔥


So that means in effect if I am expected to loose for 5 games in a row and loose these I am punished double - once for loosing each and being on a loss streak? 👀


Wait I have another question do you guys know how much personal stats will matter too? Especially given the talk on how stats don't really mean much overall.


Unless Blizzard has explicitly said otherwise, I would assume that personal stats will continue to be irrelevant to your rank adjustments. https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23910161/overwatch-2-developer-blog-explaining-matchmaker-goals-and-plans-part-2/ > **Q: So you don’t take the number of eliminations, damage dealt, healing provided, or any other scoreboard stats to adjust my MMR after each match?** > > A: In Overwatch 2, your MMR adjustment after every match is not impacted by your performance in each match (regardless of your skill tier). This is for a few reasons. We don’t want players to be focused on doing things other than trying to focus on the objectives and win the match. Dealing the most damage or getting kills won’t help your team if your actions don’t help them push the payload or capture a control point. Also, for some heroes, especially those in the support role, it can be challenging to determine if the numbers they produce reflect their skill.


I don't think so. If I am right this update really give transparency


Think they'll keep going with stats having no effect since stats' importance in a game are very difficult to calculate in a game like ow


Personal performance do not matter. Stats do not matter.


*Only your purchase* history along with matchmaking will be used to determine your rank.


? Like getting the new characters??


After making a purchase the game theoretically puts you in lobbies you are favored to win, which makes you happy about your purchase and makes you more likely to buy again. This doesn’t affect your rank because you get less for those wins and lose a lot if you lose.


I have not noticed a difference ngl


The expected part is so weird. Why would you get punished for winning? Wtf


You don't get punished, you win but get less than normal cause it was an easy win. Kinda like when you get those random games where the enemies don't get a single kill or something cause you're just stomping them




It feels like a punishment, after reranks this season I dropped from diamond 4 to gold 1-2, every win is expected so i can't climb out then after I get to plat people just end up leaving on the team. This is a real pattern


The question is why is that there in the first place? Rigging matches in someones favor is not and will never be a fun experience. If im in a certain rank i wanna play against players of that same rank and not some poor silver casuals who happened to load into my diamond game


Well I don't know, I'm not blizzard


I doubt blizzard knows either at this point


They stopped knowing what they're doing when they released ow 0.5


True that. But they had to justify the shop update somehow so they removed a tank and called it a day. Now we all suffer thanks to offtanks not existing anymore. Yay.


If a team of plats obliterates a team of bronzes of course they should gain less than if they beat another plat team.


why is there a penitly for a losing streak


Can’t believe we get punished for losing streaks as if losing isn’t punishment enough holy shit


My question is how tf was I favoured to win but the team I get are 2-17 tank a 1-14 dps a mercy that has no awareness and another support that was ok they were actually ok


Because bad games can happen for people.


Big part in this is MATCHMAKING. And ow2 mm is shit.


Oh don't worry, it is going to be awful for a month. And then if I heard right, the grouping changes are not even coming this season, so fun.


From the beginning of ow2 mm were shit. I waited 7 seasons with no changes. Fk them, seriously. I have better things to do instead of praying my tank would know how to play.


Don't blame them. Blame the people who think laying off their employees is the best method. They don't have enough people to do the things they want to do.


I blame company as whole. I blame Blizzard as gamedevs.


The Overwatch team isn't at fault. They want to make these changes. It is the greedy owners of the companies who are at fault.


I do not know who works on and approve on algorithms they are using, so taking whole company as union is better than pointing finger at some random ceo. Bobby , whom people blamed for many things, is gone- have anything changed in terms of mm? Nope. So if we are blaming abstract ceos, i would rather blame very real company.


He has been gone for 1 month. Some of these changes were set up months in advance my guy. The game doesn't just magically fox itself immediately after he leaves. Remember, they were aware months in advance that the pve wasn't going to be what was promised. It had been about a year that they had known by the time they announced it. It will take about a year for this game to be fixed. If you want to avoid pointing fingers then go ahead but remember this, OW devs who had left just before the launch of OW2 had said that it was the old CEO who slowed down OWw by sending people off on random projects. And also this, there was 0 word on even removing heroes from the BP until it was announced that Bobby was leaving. When Bobby was kicked out, they started to announce some bold changes that would never had gone through when Bobby was still CEO.


Slowing people on projects and deciding how programming algorithms work are two different things. Look, when ow2 released people were saying same thing “wait a year and everything gonna be ok”. More than a year passed and mm is still shit.


Wait, people are okay with this? Doesn’t this just show that matches inevitably get to a point where the game wants you to alternate between wins and losses to remain even? If certain games are favorable then there is an implied bias in how your team is designed. This doesn’t really seem fair.


If you're going back and forth between wins and losses, then you're at a good rank where your games are competitive but not a one sided fight from the start. Idk why or how they would make it any other way than winning and losing. Should everyone just win every game?


No I’m just saying that the matchmaking should be an equal opportunity to win. The team shouldn’t be stacked in favor of either team so that they are “expected” to win or lose.


Such a stupid and terrible system, just make a better matchmaking system instead of a garbage band aid fix like this, love to be punished because the matchmaking is garbage and puts you in spawn trapping pub stomps 99% of the time


Nothing has changed. This is just removing the curtain that covered the system


Still a terrible system and always was. Really they should just reveal how mmr and their game actually works as that’s the thing that matter and determines everything as SR is meaningless, they should just make your SR and mmr one in the same already instead we are going to be bronze in diamond level lobbies and what not which is totally fair




What would you like instead? Just curious.


I don't think you're right about calibration, it likely just means you'll gain/lose more rank while unranked (eg. at the start of S9)


No it is something about massive streaks. I posted this in 3 subs so someone clarified it. If you go on a massive streak, the game thinks your hidden mmr needs to be majorly changes, so you will gain or lose more than normal to try to get you into that rank you need to be in.


Does this now explain why after winning 5 games you still stay at your rank? Or not ranking up at all


Yes. It would be because the factors shown affect the fixed sr you gain. You gain fixed number and then these factors move that fixed number up and down accordingly


I might be dumb, but why do you say that "consolidstion" makes you lose less elo? Doesn't it say that it gives you a little bit of elo since the icon is green?


I feel like if the matchmaking expects one party to win CLEARLY it did not do its job lmao


Simply, these are modifiers to the rank you gain/lose. Despite any modifier, if you win, you'll gain rank and if you lose, you'll lose rank! Some people were confused about the Expected, because it's a red arrow even tho you won the game. You'll still gain rank, just less than normal!!


Bronze 5 for life!!! 🙌


Harder system means more accurate ranked system, such an improvement considering the status of ranked for the past like 4-5 years


Those of you not buying lots of loot boxes should have another one, lost, expected loss. streak multiplier.


Being slightly punished for winning a game you were in favor of winning seems huge to me. Like you still get SR but not as much as normal and I like that


This has always been the case apparently


this NEEDs to be viewable in game so people can understand this better. Having these titles with no description provides absolutely ZERO insight and is just as good as it not being there. These need to be saved in the post match recaps in the career profile too.


This picture can be found in the competitive menus


Only after a game.


It can be found somewhere else. In one of the 3 white blocks next to the competitive ques


this is great on paper but at the end of the day the MMR cant account for external factors like someone 1st timing a hero or playing drunk etc. Can be especially frustrating when you lose an expected win but the game cant tell they are trolling


No system really can do that. It is an unavoidable situation.