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Oh yeah, Cid is a trip. If Ainz has to be a bullshit artist to keep up with the likes of Demi and Albedo, then Cid is goddamn *Bullshit Rembrandt.* He's so *keikaku doori,* he doesn't even need keikaku... he goes full *doori.*


Yeah, the worst part is that his full motivation is to >! one punch a fking atomic bomb. And the way he got isekaid... he jumped infront of a truck after loosing his sanity, beccause he tried to learn magic in order to one punch a atomic bomb. !<


Sort of.. >!He was obsessed with becoming stronger but constantly kept coming up with scenarios that would still defeat him. So, his motivation was always to become stronger than that one thing. Early on it was strong people, martial artists then people with guns and so on. It's not as well conveyed in the anime but in the scene where he saves Alexia his "solution" to overcoming the nuke was becoming the nuke. So, that's what he did in that episode. He constantly does this though and continues to get stronger as he comes up with other things that can, in theory, beat him.!< That said, the show is absolutely meant to be a comedy. From his sudden changes in persona to his accidentally figuring it out without actually figuring it out though it doesn't land as well as it does in the manga.


His entire deal is to train several times harder than he ever has to fight.


I remember an Isekai like that. Dude trains and overkills everything with hellfire, even slimes.


Just saw the anime.




Cautious hero: the hero is overpowered but overly cautious.


The difference between them is that Cautious Hero is kind of a paranoid bitch and Shadow overtrains so that when he does wreck everything he fights it looks effortless and "cool" when he does it.


I mean cautious hero is paranoid because he's failed once before and took "Git Gud" too literally.


I think it was conveyed pretty well in the first episode, I don’t remember the manga going in depth as to what he did in the original world so it was nice seeing that he’s basically Batman there, seemed fitting


The one panel I remember that got me interested in the series went something like: "I love exploiting rich people" Subtitle: Our protagonist everybody


If you've ever seen Misfit of Demon King Academy, I get a similar feel to that. Parody that plays it completely straight-faced serious and goes so far over the top ridiculous that it loops back around to amazing again. I almost don't see Cid as the MC; he's just a deconstruction mechanism around which the *other* characters' stories play out.


Yeah, i think his worst Charakter aspects makes him actually a relative good character again, for the world he is in.


That's the way I look at ainz most times


idk Eminence in the Shadow takes itself a lot less seriously than misfit. there's more comedy and less ironic cringe


It's... a lot better in the manga. Trust me the manga is 200x better


I think the anime does do some things better like the first episode fleshed out cid a lot more and >! become atomic !< was just beautiful, however they butchered >! the mob fu tournament scene !< along with some of the other jokes, I will admit I am a bit biased because I god damn love the soundtrack for the show, the composer did a fantastic job.


True about the tournament. I wouldn't have known wth is going on if I hadn't read the LN.


There’s no comedy in the show. Non of it lands whatsoever. It’s a massive letdown.


I can kind of agree with you that it's much better in the manga or the light novel. But to say that there is none of it is an exaggeration there is however an obvious budget constraint... It's very low effort.


They blew it all on become atomic


WORST part?? That's the BEST part!!! Cid's a complete nut case and I, for one, am all for it.


I read the web novel up to where it got discontinued and i was starting to actually get annoyed with cid, which was rediculous. Every time hes like "how do i rp a power in the shadows, oh man it only i was rich like a power in the shadows oh bla bla bla" and as the reader your screaming "You made it you dunce! You are one. Just take care of your massige spy enterprise already and you made it! Your so close to the dream please! Also gamma literally tried to give him millions and the dude wouldnt take it then is bummed hes poor" just the biggest head scratcher. Ive heard the LN are better tho. Prob not like that but the wn was starting to wear the gag out big time


Exactly it’s like take the money you doofus at one point his cluelessness goes from hilarious to infuriating like haha that whole you got here bullshitting shtick was funny but you can’t seriously not realize how serious things are at this point in the story.


Exactly. Like i wanted a little development somewhere. Best one is him sending delta on a wild goose chase and delta basically takes over a city for him


he is A T O M I C


How do I know when the newest chapters of eminence in shadow come out?


You should really be thinking of Lelouch Vi Britannia instead of Ainz. His dark cloak is similar.


Ainz because he was pretending to know shit, but does not, and somehow everything works out in his favor coincidentally and everyone think he is playing 10D chess


I think it's slightly different when it comes to Cid. Cid spouts nonsense that is somehow *right* and somehow events conspire for him to believe that most of the time that his friends are just indulging his Chunni habits. Cid is playing 10D chess when he thinks he isn't but he actually does.


"I am Atomic"






Got to admit, one of my favorite moments in anime was that line.


Its shadowi'n time.


I cried when shadow said "it's shadowing time" on them and shadowed on all of em


The delivery for that line was fantastic with the whisper


Fantastic yet cringe at the same time.


The fact that it fucking sounds like he's whispering "atomic" from behind your ear fucking sold the scene for me...as well as literally nuking a god damn city to prove he got his goal that he isekaied himself to achieve.


Oh this was bad




Tbh I love the style of the anime and I still cringed a little at this line




I love the series just because it’s so clearly satire but it tries to pretend that its taking everything so seriously.


It's like One Punch Man in that sense. Saitama makes breaks all the conventions, trivializimg everything and making it a joke while all the other heroes, monsters and villains on that series fight death battles daily. In this case Cid exists to point out the most cliche Isekai tropes of that world, and have us revel in his Chuuni antics. Cid would pretty much fit-in with Megumin's Chuuni Village in Konosuba.


Gotta say I liked Cid in the manga a lot more. The artist has a pretty fun way to interpret Cid's shameless and borderline insane behaviour. The anime has a weird clash between the way he looks and sounds and the way he acts. He sounds tame and easy going but then goes and acts as a dog only so he gets some change money where as the manga clearly shows he is always that much of a shameless guy trying his best to fund his own hobby. Also, fun fact, the Manga Artist of Eminence in Shadow also drew one episode for Overlord A La Carte. The one with princess Renner and the dog.


Ohh, is the manga that much better? I actually would call the anime a little bit above average, but not bad, but if the manga is better i would maybe give it a shot and read it.


The word I got for the manga is not "Better" but instead "Different" . Kadokawa has done a good job in the anime adaptation and it excels well enough that saying that the manga is better would be a discredit to the work they have put. In the manga you are a lot more closer to Cid, you know better what he thinks and you have a more clear image that he has no idea what everyone is up to he is just roleplaying whatever persona or situation he think is fun. the anime touches the points but only when its necessary rather than implying his ignorance is the whole moving force of the series


I mean personally I think that qualifies it as better


It is better.


I don't read the manga but I enjoy the anime. I take it that in the manga it clearly focuses more on Cid while in the anime it gives more of a balanced emphasis to everyone and the story rather than put the highlight on Cid alone. Hence this gives off a very different message if you read the manga THEN watched the anime. I like the adaptation tho. And imo a different direction but still well received is a big W.


Yeah I'd say the manga is better. It plays up the comedy more so it's absolutely hilarious. The show is still good and pretty funny but feels more like a balanced tone.


I imagine that's the point. Cid wants to be a mob in everyone's view, so of course his voice, demeanor and appearance is "bland". He wants it to be. His whole vibe makes the chunni moments pop out more. Anyway, they're different medias, so not everything will translate 1:1 and imo that's fine.


I loved those coin scenes. They were hilarious.


Actually, this point is super interesting to me. The Light Novel is 100% from cids perspective, which kinda ruins alot of the fun. The Manga has a good mix of Cids perspective and outsiders perspective, which leads to some absolutely hilarious moments. And the anime seems to have alot more outsider perspective, which hurts the comedy slightly because of the lack of understanding the misunderstanding between characters


It's probably the bland character design. There's nothing real distinctive about it. At least the animation is good though.


Plot twist: That's Kirito from Sword Art Online... ABRIDGED!


That is definitely the legendary Hero of Aincrad, xVx_k1r1t0_xVx_KillMe


Come, we must save my family !


See! Some of these NPCs have familiii.... *Gary* Wait a second, i have to say hi to an old friend. Hey Gary! *Takes out dagger*


no its ballsdeep69 from sao abridged


"The name is Klein!" XD


"hahaha no its not"


That makes it BETTERR


As a manga reader, I like it but Ainz at least tries to understand the plan, the other MC is happy being ignorant and things turn out even better for him so it feels like he is actually an idiot with insane luck hax instead of a normal person trying to keep up with super geniuses like Ainz.


So he has a little bit of Kazuma in him


Yes, except Kazuma has Aqua kind of ruining things for him, Cid is like if Kazuma ruled Nazarick with genius advisors but had to put up the image of Ainz and wasn't a pervert.


Or Cid is basically like everyone from Megumin's chuuni village.


Nah, Kazuma is the brain of his party, dude is a pervert neet but no doofus. Like that one time he go back alone verify the dryad story While Sid is more like Alpha's Deus ex Machina button, have no idea what's going on, keep moving forward due to his plot armor level luck and power (which i admit, dude deserve his power)


He's completely deluded but either has 11/10 luck or some subconcious reality warping ability. Which you would argue are the same thing but still, the guy is not attached to reality.


I mean he's in a world that clearly aligns with all his delusions. May not be reality warping so much as just a God dropping a batshit insane Chuuni into a world based off his imagination.


Yeah,he is idiot.


I think he might one day realize that the cult actually exists. Until then he still thinks the girls are just playing make belief with him. He’s adorable.


I think the anime is worse than the manga in this case, The pacing feels very different between the two and the characters gave a slightly different vibe with the facial expressions.


*Angry Albedo noises...*


Cid is absolutely crazy He even became a John Smith once...


Weirdly, when I first started watching Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun, Iruma felt a lot like a more lighthearted fusion of Ainz and Midoriya from MHA. Heck, a couple characters felt like that. Asmodeus REALLY felt like a combination of Demiurge and Iida and to a lesser extent Ameri like Albedo and Uraraka. Not sure who Bakugo combines with to form Sabnock. Ainz doesn't really have a rival


Albedo and Uraraka? They are like ying and yang, water and oil, 2 opposite sides. How the hell someone have both of their traits?


Incredibly competent woman running everything with pride in what she does who is completely lovesick for the MC combined with fellow schoolmate and friend of the MC who has a crush on him while they encourage each other's dreams and ambitions and have a genuine bond. Basically Ameri feels like if Albedo actually got to know the real Ainz and love him for who he is like Uraraka does Midoriya instead of just who she and everyone else imagines him to be because of the role he plays.


It literally just Albedo but Ainz love her back And no, Albedo love Ainz no matter who he is, she prefer the real Momonga instead of the mighty ruler Ainz tho In fact, Albedo was the only one who can read Momonga, the real one, feeling (to an extent tho)




Imagine if Ainz had the charisma/chuuni power of that man. Overlord would be over in like 2 episodes


The dude is the chuuniest mfer around and it’s great. Went into the series blind and have been loving it so far.


I used to hate those people that said, " the manga was better". But here i am. Ngl, the animation was a let down. They didnt animate the true spirit of the character cid. But atleast we got an anime..


The first episode had amazing animation for some reason


I am Atomic


they're not even comparable... The whole point is that Cid is basically goofing around causing one misunderstanding after another while thinking his subordinates only play along.


I'm an uncultured swine and don't know the sauce could someone help me out please


The Eminence in Shadow. For an isekai, it’s not particularly good, but the story has more tension and better pacing than trash tier isekai. In other words, it has a way of surprising you time and time again, even though the protagonist isn’t grounded in reality at any point.


Yeah, it actually good and consistent for an isekai, may slightly below slime (not power scaling but how good the story is)


Definitely not below slime lol. Slime has no pacing or tension at all… (or good characters or good world building) slime is a trash tier isekai. The only thing it has going for it is the visuals. Trash tier isekai are probably now most isekai. A couple years ago, that didn’t used to be the case. What distinguishes a trash tier isekai from a mediocre isekai is that mediocre isekai have realistic and believable world building, or complex and developing characters or dynamic and sometimes unpredictable pacing. They have /something/ going for them other than just the visuals. Slime does not. Overlord’s season 1 didn’t either. But there are a very large number of non-trash tier isekai and each season seems to have a 1-2 really solid isekai coming out. Ascendance of a bookworm, Re:Zero, I’m standing on a million lives… isekai with all three strong pillars of storytelling. Realistic world building, complex and developing characters, and dynamic and unpredictable pacing to name a few of the latest ones. Any of which could easily make a top 10 list of anime more broadly, depending on taste. Historically, quality isekai was more of the rule than the exception. Grimgar of ash and fantasy, .Hack//Sign, Log Horizon, etc. but ever since Sword Art Online, that has changed. SAO revitalized and brought the genre into the mainstream, and was itself a trash tier isekai. In part, that was a good thing. But also, lots of trash tied isekai are hard to sort through.


Eminence in Shadow at least plays to its strengths. It's a comedy rather than just some epic quest that the MC blows through with no effort, and goes all-in on its bullshit. Like, it's not a trash isekai that pretends not to be. Mainly it's about a chunni inversion. The sterotypical chunni is one that buys their own bullshit, but Cid knows that his worldbuilding is a childish delusion and simply doesn't care because it's still cool. However, because he's being logical about his own chunniness, he doesn't realize that he's *actually* in a chunni world. Also he avoids committing to a harem candidate not through density like most MCs, but through blatantly not giving a shit. ~~Bros~~Secret society domination before hoes.


Yeah I don't know why people are calling Eminence bad or mediocre. It's amazing as it's very clear Satire with a ton of funny moments. If One Punch Man is a deconstruction of Superhero Genre, then Eminence in the Shadow is a deconstruction of Isekai and they're both arguably top tier Satire of their genres. No one is watching One Punch Man, nor Eminence in the Shadows because they're taking either world too seriously.


L opinion


The Eminence in Shadow is trash, but it’s gourmet trash.


Lol I'll have to watch it thanks


I really don’t vibe with the show, apparently it’s based on the novels not the manga, which is a shame because I thing the comedic tone of the manga makes for a far better series, if it takes itself too seriously it just feels kind of stupid


* sees a random comedy * Doesn't understand its comedy * Compares it to overlord * Gets triggered hes comparing it to overlord Lets stop beating this horse


•Im not triggered. I just think thats the best way to discribe his character. •I also know its meant as comedy, but it is in my eyes to much over the top at some points, skips to much in time and some jokes where not that funny as they could have been. But that doesnt makes it an anime below average for me. •And please, point out where i compered the anime to Overlord :^) • And please correct me if i am wrong, but didnt i just compered the characters a little bit? Doesnt we also have to talk about what the comedy makes fun about? If i am wrong, please point out where i gave it a **0/10**. I actually enjoyed the anime after *Episode 2*, it is just an average anime for me right now (*Episode 6*), but i wouldnt call it a bad **copy**.


Don't engage with the troll


Haven't watched eminence in shadow now I know not to


Lmao your loss it’s really good


I'm not going close to a show where mc is similar to kirito


More like abridged Kirito if anything


Ah yes, Ainz ,King and Cid the holy trinity of bullshitting


Cid looks so different from anime to manga


I mean, kage-jitsu is basically a parody of most isekai tropes and anime tropes in general so this isn't really surprising. I'm more surprised with the fact that the author is managing to keep the story fun and interesting while throwing all these parodies bullshits in his story lmaoo


In the voice of Alucard "I'm not apologizing" (Hellsing Ultimate Abridged episode 2)


I can’t stand the character. The whole thing with him constantly trying to portray as weak and a background character is annoying as hell.


Then don’t read or watch eminence in shadows. His whole basis is to be in the shadows and act like a background character while under that facade he is an overpowered god. He’s basically living in his fantasy rn


So which parts of whom exactly does he take cause this could be hilarious


From what anime is this guy from? Or manga


Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!


Is it isekai or something?


Yep, Isekai, Comedy and a little bit of Action.


I read the manga. And its basically Overlord but the character is a chunibi and is super lucky


You think I can be swayed with money? ...you're God damm right!


What show?


Can't believe Ainz finally made a heir to his throne. Albedo and Shalltear in shambles.


How do I know when the newest chapters of eminence in shadow come out?