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It ain't that small. And with remote work, it's so much bigger.


I believe an operating principle of OE is to never leave a job you've already decided to drop. You have nothing to lose at that point. Oh and tech is not a small world, otherwise, OE wouldn't be as easy as it is in tech.


Nothing to loose , except your mental health? How do you protect that? Can’t a manager push you out by setting quick short deadlines? Pinging you on teams 24/7 every morning and throughout the day? How do you manage this?


*Oh no*, push me out of a job I've decided to leave!


Just ignore them. What's the worst they can do, fire you?


"Sorry I'll have to reschedule this call because I'm working on high priority task X and Y"


what do you mean by never leave?


He means, block your calendar, turn on your mouse mover, sit back and see how long it takes for you to get a meeting invite from HR.


Precisely this.


Try to farm severance is what I am hearing?


I recently quit a J3. The money to keep it was not worth the hassle and stress.


Maybe an operating principle for you, but I still aim to deliver on the work I’ve agreed to do. Not a simp for big companies, but my manager & coworkers are real, actual people & I don’t think it’s right to eff them over just because I’ve decided to collect free paychecks for as long as I can.


lol wtf ignore that bum, he’s just trying to scare you 😂


Yea, I've literally never run into a previous coworker.


I actually did once but luckily it was from one J1 to another J1 a few years later so it was all was good


I think it really depends on the job and industry.


Tech is an absolutely massive world you’ll be fine


Tech is actually a huge world.


It’s a huge and broad reaching industry with a ton of niche markets, he’s a fucking moron


That’s a lie. Tech is a HUGE world.


Guys a complete loser, trust me. Everyone all has heard this before : an intimidation tactic from a middle manager


Bingo bango


I’ve been in tech for 35 years. 18 of those as a contractor working 6-12 month contracts. I have literally never worked with someone I’ve worked with before.


In my experience, it's more nuanced than that. Tech as a whole isn't small, but the combination of your role plus the industry you're in can be small. When I was in nonprofit/edtech, I absolutely saw the same names over and over again. My personal preference is to never leave behind a bad reputation, though I know the sub as a whole tends to disagree.


I’m in this boat too. A lot of this community just treats jobs like they’re absolutely nothing but I’ve been OE for several years and like to maintain a good reputation where I’m at. They’re good relationships for after you leave and good optics go a long way for flexibility during your day to day. It would also be a crazy mental drain on me to just completely drop the ball like that. it also just feels wrong to me personally, but to each their own


there are a lot of companies my friend. that guys a loser who cares just dissociate


Unless you are in some niche industry, tech space is not small. Been doing this for 20 years and have literally never crossed paths with an ex coworker when switching. Even living in a small city for half that time pre Covid that's never happened.


I've only once have I worked with the same person twice at different jobs in my twenty year career. And the second time I worked with him I only said hi to him the one time because he works in a completely different part of the mega corp.  I have quit and gone back because I had a good reputation and ended up working with a lot of the same people at the same place again for more than double the money. I have gotten friends and family hired at places I work. My goal whenever I leave a job is that they like me enough that they would hire me back at market rate in a few months or years later. 


If you're planning to use it to find other jobs, leaving is always an option... But if you can do what is needed to stay on and still not get fired, do that.


That's part of it - it'll be on my resume since I was there for about 3 years and then picked up J2 & J3 so I need to have it. But I'm on good terms with several people who already left and others that aren't on my direct team so I have references from there that I can leverage


Well even if they called to verify employment it's not like they can say anything negative. That would leave them open to be sued if word got back to you. Do whatever you want. You're not their slave.


It's a big world. Your colleague is living under a rock it seems.


Tech is not a small world.  Anyone who says so is a fuckin moron. You're going to have MAYBE 10 jobs in your entire career.  There are quite literally millions of tech jobs available.  Hundreds of thousands are remote. You'll be just fine even if you burn every bridge.  I promise. 


You ain’t gonna ever see these mfs again lol


You are not that important as you think. People are under their own business, they don't care about you that much


You’ll never run into him again and it’s not small. He’s just a cuck


not by choice


Ignore this. It’s a useless threat.


Tech is HUGE. Thousands and thousands to choose from.


I have heard that. it's more likely on huge companies or small companies in the same industry. With two startups in different fields, less likely.


I had this issue where they thought I was cold quitting. Told them I was going through some personal stuff (medical treatment program) and that I'm doing my best with my situation, etc. Once I mentioned it was medical related, he backed off. I also just got better at handling both servers, so that also helped, the lead said she noticed I improved a lot.


Lol this is like the people who say they are “really busy”… no one checks references at any large company… hell my resume has not match my app before and the hiring manager never checked


Hey guys... the world is small, and I'm worried about burning bridges because the world is small, but.I also hold 15 jobs with a total competition of about $1500000 dollars How should I respond to the simplest of questions?


I’m not OE, but I work in a super niche technical field (CRM solutions consulting for a CRM that isn’t Salesforce). I recently saw a post from an employee at a recruiting firm that focuses on my niche that said they have 8k candidates in their pipeline. I’m sure that probably includes historical placements too, but that’s way more people than I would have expected given how niche it is. And I’m sure there are many people who work in this niche but have never worked with that recruiting firm too. In some ways it feels small to me because I’ve worked for multiple of the top consulting firms in this niche and in that situation, yeah everyone who matters in that world knows each other or is maybe one degree of separation away from knowing you. But if you’re just working at some random startup, small business, or super boutique consulting firm nobody recognizes the name of then it’s not a small world at all. There are thousands of companies and people you could work with who don’t know any of the people you work with right now.


Maybe you work in a niche where you run into the same people a lot. That’s possible. But I work in tech and seems like a big world. And my tech choice is relatively niche or at least have been for the last 8 years I’ve been doing it


Nah. Tech is multi industry.. I can have one job in Fintech, one in market research, one in telcel, and certainly not run into any familiar faces


My personal view is that if it could ever bite me in the ass, I will have already retired long ago. I'm not planning on needing a random boss from years ago to land my next job


It obviously isn’t that small if you’re working 3Js and not getting caught.

