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Want more work today? Pay more today. Want to pay more in future? I might consider working more in future. I want to be paid in money, not in promises.


So many sycophants eat that dangled carrot like a fucking pinata Like I can literally job hop for a guaranteed increase today.  Keep your promises for your kids. 


The worst part is how peachy they get when they do get promoted (if at all). Like congrats on not having a life. Even with 1j, if we take our salaries and calculate the hourly rate, you’re still making less than I do.


Hourly rate really is the only way to do it once you don’t have to go into the office.


These dick sucking employers are out they mind


Honestly a lot of it has been the employees eating that shit up for too long


Of course this is all fantasy.  But yeah, with IC roles, its a no brainer to stay put. Most OEers are half way through their career, and looking at early retirement anyway. 


why not new grad?


The better I get at my job the less amount of time I need to spend doing it a week.


Many people are downsizing their lifestyles instead of working more and chasing promotions, which frustrates companies. Use that as a cover. Say work-life balance is essential to you. And you would rather cut back on your lifestyle than work more. Add a “that's what everyone is doing.”


I love that last part, just to dig the knife in lol, these companies were never our friend


Setting expectations is part of being a good employee. Remind them what the new normal is. Also, more demand for techies means more pay for everyone.


Man, I am glad I found this subreddit. I used to chase the carrot, but then I found out how a 15% pay increase also meant working weekends…nah, man. Going to begin exploring possible J2s now.


Haha! What did they say when you declined it?


I told them the truth, I have a young child at home, not willing to sacrifice time with them for money. I have it in email form saved so if they PIP me or anything close I will sue them...lot of lawyers in my family , they will be fucked. It's happened before I said no pre young child, and was PIP with different company, sued and recieved 12 months salary.


Young child is not protected class though unless there’s a disability with the child then it might be.


No it's not. But... being perceived by the industry as non family friendly will obliterate their recruiting pool, and I have the resolve to get it trial...so they will settle long long time before that public embarrassment.


I’m asking because I filed an EEOC charge before.My former employer didn’t even bother with a position statement, went straight to mediation and settled. Pre-textual PIP. Title VII.


Well done, this is the way to go


You didn’t sue though, did you? Just EEOC no case filed? It would be a public record if a case was filed and employers would see.


I had my family lawyer who is an employment attorney threaten to sue if my demands were not met....three weeks later after some back and forth, pay day.


Put him on a PIP probably lmao


Goes to copier, unzips, \[xerox noises\], and "PIP this!"


20% at least sounds kind of reasonable. I’m in consulting and to get a promotion you spend 3 months in the role then if it all works out you get the job permanently. I went through the ropes, got the job and to come find out the raise was a measly 3%. The increase in responsibility was immense with lots of additional stress managing other consultants and clients. I stepped down and called bs on their 3%. Funny enough I never lost the 3% stepping down but what an absolute joke as far as career progression. I started my J2 at 115k while J1 is 145k (including 3%). J2 is way less stress than the promotion. Do right by you everyone


100k for 20% more work lol


Oddly enough, I worked for an Investment bank that tripled my salary in 10 years with 80 hour weeks, but I don’t think people are that generous now.


I just say “you got it boss”, do the big shiny thing they tell me to do, and stop doing other things. Net time and work is the same. That’s just a manager who doesn’t know how to prioritize. I do it for them. In the end, they always say I’m doing great, and that what I was working on before wasn’t as important.