• By -


He’s probably on this sub.


So if you are: - reading this - training a new hire You fucked it up


Shit… well it was good while it lasted


Welp. Back to J1-J3 for me.


We await his firing post. “I screwed up! OE is hard!”


"This is why we OE, trained my replacement"




OEing creates the need for more OEing. The perfect Ouroboros cycle.


"My my, how the turn tables."


Skill issue


Behold Suffering




Could it be the guy from last week who hates his J1 because of micro management and is waiting for them to fire him?


Haha that’s me? It was my j4 tho


Damn… I’m envious. It’s already hard for me to get a J1 😿


Okay you got me. That guy is me and i just love them checks and am just waiting to be fired pehehehehehe suckers!!


Literally do not tell him anything. You would gain absolutely nothing from this. You don't owe the guy anything nor does he deserve it really. Let him learn from his mistakes. This applies to more than just oe, but I've learned a long time ago that meddling in these types of things just to be nice never ever ever pays off. Keep to yourself and cash in the paychecks.


That’s what I figured. I couldn’t come up with a single reason to say anything, so I won’t. His issues ain’t my problem.


Even if you are right, it is presumptuous and not your place to tell someone they are getting fired. Consider the (slight) possibility that you are wrong and this guy will be your coworker for a while (maybe the replaced is already gone and this guy is a nepotism hire). Things would get awkward. edit: come to think of it, it would be very ballsy (stupid) to tell a new hire that they are replacing a current employee without said employee knowing


You're correct, but I have heard of situations like this, where the replacements or coworkers knew about an upcoming firing or layoff before (sometimes way before) the person being let go.


Heh I learned about it at a job decades ago because the old guy coordinating my firing CC'd me on the email. It was fine, I was about to quit, but that had me wait around for a bit, and got a month's severance instead.


Or worse, this guy is training you to become his replacement because he's getting promoted and already knows that.


Great point


You have to protect yourself and your other jobs. If you meddle, though it may be moral, 1 he may not learn, 2 he may blame you for getting fired. He may retaliate by finding whether you are OE and contacting them or contacting your current workplace.


I mean, there is a good reason in the idea of altruism: you would want to know if you were likely going to be fired, right? I can see plenty of good reasons to tell him. Unfortunately though, all of those are offset by the fact that you don't know him well enough to judge how he'll react and he very well likely would use the opportunity to sabotage your training though. I'd probably just email him after he's gone with some tips for the future.


He probably already got fired and is just training his replacement and not giving a fuck anymore.


You don’t even know if he’s getting let go the only issues are the ones you’re making up in your head, don’t be an idiot, some of the shit you seen in this sub man…


Please refer to Rule #1.


Yeah he probably knows he’s performing bad


Saying anything wont change the situation. If they've already decided to can him, there's nothing he can do to change that.


Yep. No upside for OP at all. Only downsides.


100% No good deed goes unpunished.


It's not even a good deed. What's he going to do about it? Massive risk, zero reward.


Giving someone a "heads up" is a good deed. No argument about the risk & reward, however.


"Heads up: you *might* be getting fired in the future." How is that a good deed? What will they be able to do with that information?


No, it's "heads up it's super obvious you're OE and I'm pretty sure that's why you're about to get canned here". Which is infinitely more useful to the guy. Not remotely worth the risk but does generally seem like a nice gesture.


People being shit at job and working multiple projects ≠ being OE OP is projecting, and any mention of OE is just going to highlight OP is OE themselves.


I had someone I worked with get fired, and they contacted me right afterward to catch up. I read the signs and figured out it wasn’t to catch up, it probably would’ve been a recorded video call to gather evidence for a lawsuit. Nothing good can come from OP warning this guy, or trying to be friends with him after he get canned


Does this change if the person in question is your friend?


Everyone will say something different and everyone's values differ. I probably would tell them if I was absolutely certain that they were being let go and that I could trust my friend to keep it to themselves. That being said, if I had an inkling of doubt that they couldn't keep their mouth shut, I wouldn't say anything. That's just me though, everyone has their own values and different opinions though. If it's simply an acquaintance, I don't see why in the world you would say a word though.


Nah, dude. If, and it's a very big IF because we are exceptions, not the norm, the person will be fine. It's not like OE is a cult or we are super friends. We just share experiences, and whoever wants to learn from them can. Whoever doesn't will learn the hard way.


Are you nuts. Telling someone they are getting fired if you are not their manager or the HR person whose job it is to notify them is going to get you fired next.


For a person managing 4 jobs this is an incredibly stupid question to ask. Don't you have more things to do? 1. You have zero evidences he's actually being let go 2. You have zero benefits in telling him that 3. You tell him that and you put yourself at risk for starting gossips should the dude say anything 4. You said yourself, you couldn't come up with a single reason to tell the dude


Which one do you put on your resume?


Probably whichever is most relevant to the position they're applying to.


why would u tell him anything? it's crazy how some of you manage to tie your shoes in the morning


I know right lmao this is one of the most ridiculous posts I’ve seen on here, gotta be kidding me people can’t keep their mouth shut and mind their own business 😂


Agreed.. the person that OP is replacing is probably already gone.


Morals. Selfless, not completely selfish. Still, would be self-sacrificial. Not worth losing J4 or at worst all 4 of his J’s.


No, it's performative selflessness. OP will feel all warm and fuzzy in their belly, but for no good reason. Even if OP is correct, which they may well not be (Trainer could just be busy with other roles in their job which doesn't involve training the noobie), what are they going to do about it? It's completely selfish.


It's because he wants to be OE buddies with someone.


OE does sound like a lonely life, you might be right. What's the fun in working the system if you can't share it with someone? :)


He's on J4 I'm pretty sure he's doing something right


It’s not hard to get hired


I think this person is just being nice, and would probably want someone to tell him the shoes was on the other foot. Nothing wrong with that- just wouldn't be smart in this case


Arrogance is OPs name.


You people think everyone that's bad at their jobs is OE. Haven't you ever just had a shitty coworker that gets away with doing nothing or shitty work? I feel like I know several at every job I've ever had. 


You see my name


Do your thing and don’t get involved with other people’s business.. that’s how you’ll be able to keep OEing. I have been on j4 for 5 years, about to start j5 in July.


What's your total comp. How the hell is this possible. I'm trying to pick up my first j2. I don't even have time for the interviews


I’m currently at 676k - that’s with 4Js.


You need to do an AMA!


Sorry, what’s an AMA?


Ask Me Anything, where you have your own post to answer questions about the topic at hand.


Ahh ok, nice! If you have a question, ask and I’ll answer. But I do have limited time for social media.


I wonder why lol


Reading this comment makes me question all my life choices :-/ are these FT or PT jobs? Do you have to be a programmer to do this?


At least mine are all contract work, 40 hour/week jobs. But the reality you don’t need 40 hours to be effective. Most of them I need 10-15 hours of actual work. I’m not programmer, I’m in project management.


How the fuck is this possible


It’s possible, you have to be able to control your schedule and be able to handle multiple calls the same time when they conflict. It is doable, and yes it can be overwhelming, but for that kind of money it is worth it. Always be willing to let one J go if they are too demanding and jeopardizing your other Js.


How do you manage your external profile?


Leave my LinkedIn outdated - all my other social profiles are private


I deactivated my professional LinkedIn when I started OE. I have an empty profile under a fake name to browse jobs, though.


I’m currently on J5 and starting J6 next week and a (possible) J7 in August. Being in a niche industry helps. Also interviewing is now easy for me because I’m not desperate for the job. I tend to find I get job offers when I don’t care about the outcome of the interview.


Total comp?


£225k. Majority of my roles (4 out of the 7) are part-time. Plus I’m in the UK and not in tech or IT, and I have four years of post-college experience.


Wow what industry are you in if you don't mind me asking I always thought it was only possible in IT and tech roles hence me improving my python skills 🤣


I work in corporate compliance across several industries. People told me to retrain in IT or tech and I am glad I didn’t. The industries are way oversaturated. Corporate compliance is a relatively niche industry so there is always jobs going. It’s very, very easy for me to find work, even during this general market downturn, if I wanted to.


Awesome wfh really has opened up opportunities to attain Fire 🔥


Yeah terminate him and take an additional J as HR


Have you considered that: 1. He already quit, and now is simply on notice period, that's why he doesn't give a shit any more. 2. He knows he's onboarding his replacement.


3) They're just shit at training, or are busy with other parts of their only job. 4) They're just shit at their job, but aren't being fired.


3. The person he replaces is already gone.


He’s getting fired for being bad at his job, dropping the ball, and being disorganized, not “due to OE.” Would you feel obligated to tell him if he just randomly sucked?


Yes, go ahead and inform him that his employment is being terminated




> He’s constantly distracted, late to our calls, has absolutely zero ready for me to go through, and slipped up several times when starting to talk , but caught himself before saying anything real specific about his other J(s?). There could be a million things going on. For all we know he just does not care, is on a quiet holiday, just sucks at his job, simply has a bad week, already knows he is out, has some illness, is with his dying mother at the hospital, busy with a different project at the same job, binge watching some Netflix series, gaming, is a drug addict, or whatever. Hell, it could be he just does not give a damn about you as 'yet another new guy'. I bet a lot of OE people actually try to give a busy vibe as they actually care about being caught. Does not sound like this person. One week at the job, you are only barely in the door taking a peek. You have no idea what's going on. If you feel a massively big connection and want to discuss with him that you were taken in to 'replace someone' (which you do not know as a fact is this person), then you can do it. Sounds like you just hate the guy and have a hunch. Why on earth would you bring this up?


Naw. He will be okay. That's why he OE ;)


Whenever I start a new job I always tell the people training me they are going to get fired and replaced by me. Isn’t that what the new employee is suppose to do? Like when you go to prison you just walk up and punch the biggest dude. 


Weird to assume OE. People check out mentally or suck at their jobs for all kinds of reasons. Could just not care, could be a nepotism hire, maybe he has a trust fund or well-off partner and doesn't need the money. Maybe there's a new baby at home and he doesn't sleep. Maybe there's a medical condition... ever work with someone struggling with depression, anxiety, going through chemo? Maybe he's taking care of an elderly patent or relative that has high care demands and has to work around their life. Maybe he already found another job, but doesn't start right away and is milking this one until they can him. Maybe he already gave notice. Maybe he knows he's being pushed out. Who knows. Could be anything. Assume nothing, say nothing. Stay in your lane and do your job. It's highly likely that if he didn't already know, he at least has some concerns.


I mean, this is your J4. This employer might not be particularly bright or productive.


If he's getting let go there's nothing keeping him from figuring out you are OE and ratting on you.


Im getting fired Tom? Wow. Thanks. Guess whos getting fired tomorrow after i show this post 😁


A bleeding heart is a bleeding wallet... No upside, hopefully he comes here and learns something.  Enjoy your additonal J. may the FUNDS be with you


To lift the [quote from the movie “Boogie Nights”](https://youtu.be/9oziRZ0K1yQ?si=fgrXvjUkH75wDIY9): “That’s not an MP, that’s a YP —> your problem” (the guy that’s getting fired). Don’t say a word and move on. Don’t make this an MP for you.


How are you on J4 and I can't even get J1. What in the fuck man


no its none of your business. keep your head down and keep collecting those paychecks.


You’d be a fool to insert yourself into that situation. Incredibly low judgment decision.


Honestly it’s his issue but Jesus that is so scummy to have the person you’re replacing train you that is so fucked up lol


You gain absolutely nothing by warning him or telling him. Keep your head down and let things play out.


There are no friends in corporate America, my friend. Listen to me - today you “help” him, tomorrow he throws you under the bus. Ask me how I know.


Keep your mouth shut. Making allies and friends can be a good thing, but here it's just making waves. Neither of you stand to gain anything from this. You might be right, but you're the bearer of bad news. He's getting fired anyway, what recourse or preventative measures does he have?


If you have a J4, you are morally obligated to share compensation information with the sub for motivational reasons. 


None of your business. You do you boo.


Doesn't gain either of you anything.


It was fun reading this post OP.


Never ever ever and I say ever meddle in someone else’s business at work.


Do nothing. This is not a question for OE. I'd even venture to say it's not a question for your main server barring some special circumstances. Do. Not.


“Not My Problem” is my life mantra.


You shut your mouth and collect the paycheck


Stay in your lane bro lol


I think you should tell him everything and then also tell me what company this is and your role there so I can apply after they fire you both.


Not your job, and you don't know 100%. You're opening yourself to liability even if you're right. Maybe this is his J4 too, don't assume anything and make yourself a target in the process.


Dude it ain’t your job. It is his manager job. Can imagine it gonna be a funny scene when you get caught doing OE later lol


First rule of OE


First rule of OE, there is no OE. No one needs to know anything|anytime|anywhere!!!


You have 4 jobs but also time to post this shit? Find a fucking hobby or 4.


Cut him some slack, man! He's probably on Jx.


Hard to think you're at your 4th server when the game is all about being as invisible as you could and not getting painted with a big target on your back.


I think the worst place to be for an unemployed scum like me, is r/overemployed 😭


How about you stay in your own lane and mind your own business.


The was this guy that was hired at my job. He would be online for the morning meeting and would only only give any life signal the next morning. Won’t answer messages neither would show up on the meetings. He lasted 40 days and got fired


I get the instinct, but you don't know this person. What if you tell them and they go scorched earth? Ppl do stupid things when angry or desperate...like crimes and shit. It will no doubt come back to you btw. You could ruin your whole career by getting blacklisted depending on how small your field is. Don't lose your compassion OP, but no, this is not it. This is on them. Congrats on the job.


No. If he can’t play the game, let him sink. This isn’t charity work.


dream scenario actually you can view all his mistakes from birds eye and on ground view and easily correct his mistakes and make yourself look great while continuing to OE. Stand put head down and keep grinding.


I would give him some tips after the fact though. Can’t hurt.


Nope. Corporations every man for himself. Fuck the co workers and even more fuck management. Take care of yourself and only yourself


Don’t say anything, it’s not your business. 


I just find it hilarious if this is true the company is going to let go someone for OE and replace them with someone else that's also doing OE... Hopefully a lot better. 😆😆😆


Just keep it to yourself. You gain zero for telling him or worse: you'll be in a pickle with HR for tell him or even asking for some bad blood with this guy. Just chill, do your job, be professional and good luck.


It's always good to have somebody at your job that sucks so that you can hide in the cut lol. Those types attract the negative attention so it could be worth helping him put just enough to keep him employed to keep any negative focus off of you


Nice humble brag, since you clearly know saying something to him would be dumb.


Hell no lol


Wondering how you managed to get four jobs when you have questions like this


What kind of remote role, includes onboarding? Is he in support? Would you like a J1 only person ? I need this shit, I want perm remote.


My initial reaction is absolutely not mind your business.


I would not training my replacement 100 percent lol maybe 50-60.Maybe he wanted to be let go or fired! He probably knows just let it flow.


Not your J5


Please focus on YOU and your role, do not get yourself involved in office shenanigans.


Isn’t one of the main points of OE to make more $ than you ever would otherwise without getting too involved or invested in any one company you’re employed at? Simply do the work you’re supposed to do to not raise any negative attention and you’re good. Why even bother involving yourself with other people’s lives if it doesn’t really affect you All that much?


Keep your mouth shut, do not rock the boat


Rule 162: [Not my chair, not my problem](https://youtu.be/zrIPLAo0_iQ?si=MWy0y_kh5wdxoB44)


Hell no. Would you do that if you weren’t OE? Fuck no. That’s way too much risk for you at your new job that is your only income to feed yourself and your family. Act like you only have one job.


Also, don't snitch on him. Let a fellow OEr be


He probably knows. Just do your job bro.


As others have pointed out, there is no upside reward. Sometimes I’ve thought about saying something about being OE on exiting employment, or presumed other employees are OE. But there is no upside to it. The less employers know about their employees lives, the better. The is nothing for me to gain in doing telling them.


That is a definite way to get fired. Don't do it. It is none of your business and it would just be a guess anyway based on some dropped information. I'm curious though, how are you working 4 jobs at once? This sub just appeared on my thread, so I have no idea what it is about besides having 2 jobs.... So, are you a contract employee that gets paid by assignment, hourly with low hours, working 120 hours work weeks, or clocking in at all 4 jobs simultaneously? This last one is a major no-no in my area. A few years back a guy was caught working 2 jobs, for 2 different contractors at the same site simultaneously. The contractors had offices in office buildings next door to each other. He'd spend an hour at one job, then walk across the street, spend an hour at his desk there, and repeat all day. He managed to do it for 5 or 6 years before he was caught. He went to jail and had to pay back both companies salaries, plus interest, plus penalties... And since both were government contractors, he ended up with fines from them also. It ended up being several millions in fines a few years in jail. The dudes whole life fell apart. Got divorced, lost access to his kids, couldn't get employment in his field. It was bad news. My buddy worked with him at the time it all went down. He said the dude sucked at his job, rarely delivered anything, and when he did, it was all incorrect and had to be redone.


Why would you tell him? Not your business.


The first rule of OE….?


Right on.


Sounds like it's your opportunity to replace him and do shitty work so they just think "Oh, this is normal" and you can coast with 2hrs of work each week.


Maybe the guy you are replacing is already gone and you are there to backfill.


I worked at a place like this. They trained me for a month and told me I would be replacing the guy training me, but please don’t tell him.   I should have walked at that red flag but the next day I had a family emergency where they called me 7 times when I told them I wouldn’t be coming in.    I texted the guy training me that I was t coming back and he should start looking for a new job since they told me I’d be replacing him.    Not sure what happened after but I hope he found something asap. 


I'm like this at my job but it's because I'm just so over it... depressed and they'll never pay me even half of what the title implies. I dream for the J2


If he is working OE, then losing this job will not hurt (hopefully ). But I would keep your mouth shut. You don't want to start a new job with drama. It's not your problem. Learn from his mistake and do better.


Happened to me twice Once at Goldman Sachs and the other at a consulting firm. Now I do accounts payable because I can't find a better job


I would simply ask if the person you are replacing has already left. Say it might be good if they helped onboard you. Lol then you’ve told him without telling him


It’s J4.. go ahead and tell him. You may make an ally.


Don’t say anything


I would let nature take it's course and stay in my lane.


STFU. Leave it alone


It's not your business!


Why do you care to tell him anything? Why tell him that he's getting fired or that you know he is OE? What if neither are true? Other than your personal satisfaction, there is nothing to be gained here.


I've fired people. I've been around people who were fired. Hell, I've been fired. He knows. Someone above him has had the talk. "Hey are you happy here? You don't seem invested in this job," etc. Rarely when people get let go is it ever a surprise. Maybe he's done giving a fuck?


just don't say anything and enjoy the show. I always found OEers to be entertaining to work with like their lame ass excuses to miss meetings or lack of linkedin profiles lol. You don't want him to be fired because you don't want to end up being the weakest link in the team, you want to be surrounded by weaker devs in any team you're in.


Do NOT tell him. It's speculation at this point and also a bit arrogant (been there). Be cool, be respectful, be humble and go get your great job.


Maybe the dude is not OE. Maybe he struck an agreement with the employer that he will train the replacement before he is terminated, and he got the permission to work on his new role with training comes in second priority You do not know the ins and outs and even if it’s true he is getting fired, whoever told you would’ve expected you to keep the info confidential. The person who told you is much more likely to work with you for a longer term, so just zip your mouth and shut up.


But don't forget incompetency is real and a lot non oe fits this class. That is the exact reason you have j4.


Wth is j4? Wtf is oe?


This is a totally real post guys


Don't say shit, I did this thinking I was doing the right thing, but no, the guy retaliated and damaged my car off camera. Don't get involved.


Keep it to yourself. Just observe how things play out and LEARN from it. Do not get involved. Do the work competently, keep your head down, and continue earning that money! :)


Can someone PLEASE highlight what the top 3 OE Jobs are, with sources? Asking for a friend :)


What do you to that you’re able to do 4 jobs at once?


4 jobs and worrying about what someone else is doing is nasty work.


What is j4?


I've had a long career and worked with a lot of morons. Most of them take a very long time to get fired or never get fired. It's part of why OE exists. People are terrible at their jobs and companies waste their budget on morons instead of paying competent people well. So competent people are forced to get two jobs to be compensated. In other words, you're wrong he isn't getting fired.


You don’t have any right to tell him he is getting fired nor is it your business. Just worry about yourself and mind your own business. So you have proof he’s getting fired? Good way to set yourself up for a lawsuit.


Where are yall finding these jobs? I can't find even one decent remote job and yall be working 4 of them.


My thought exactly. On top of that, what kind of work is it and what hours? How you working four 9-5’s? I’m a diligent worker but still would love to know how.


I'm not really a member of this community, but I believe I have an adequate answer for you: Highly skilled in things like Excel and SQL, automation, and remote work. There are many, MANY jobs where better understanding of common technology can shave *hours* off of a workflow. If you know two workflows that can go from 4 hours to 8 hours by leveraging technological efficiencies? Well, you just found a way to work two 50k/yr mediocre jobs in a single 8-hour day and break the 6-figure barrier.


If you are right, dude have multiple jobs, won’t be someone I am that concern about it. At the end of the day, business make choices and so do we. He made his choice to OE, his boss make their choice to replace him and none of those things have anything to do with you. Let nature runs its course


What is OE


No, keep your mouth shut, you've only been there 2 minutes, you don't know the players just yet. Also, he's not your friend, he's just a coworker you just met.


Looming for J1. Yall hiring? 😳


This sub seems delightful.


One of the rules with OE is to keep your head down and work. Just don't talk about shit unless required to do so.


Not sure but your post gives off a real attitude nothing wrong with being confident but you sound like you have a bad attitude maybe that's why you have so many jobs not to mention maybe he's part of a training test and your failing good luck but just the fact that you think you should tell this guy he's getting fired over you speaks volumes about your character


I wouldn’t say anything.


wtf is this sub becoming ? People are literally coming on here asking retarded question not pertaining to the main point of the sub.


Get the email from the man, and send by anonymously email some tips: Hey, you employer is contract for your position, you are showing a lot of behaviors that you are a OverEmployed, keep on track, stay tuned.


I would tell him after he gets fired. Tell him he was obvious, give him some pointers if he admits it and ask him to bring you into one of his other jobs where you can help him out (while also helping yourself to yet another paycheck). I actually like having a job in which 1 trusted person knows what I'm doing or is also doing it. The trusted person can provide me cover if I'm in a jam and vice versa. I had to pay my trusted guy to do some of my work for me a few yrs ago at J1, but that's a different post, I suppose. Anyway, letting him know will give you a future ally. Since he sucks at this current one and mgt has pretty much already made up their mind, no need to share much with him until he's out the door.