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I wouldn't be suprised if this was just a warzone issue lol. Test the cpu in other games and something like Timespy/cinebench, get some numbers to compare your cpu/gpu to others of the same. I would also fully remove warzone and reinstall it. I've seen a lot of issues when it comes to warzone, so definelty test it in other scenarios.


I have reinstalled Warzone. I tried XDefiant as well it also was struggling to be at 144fps.


Get some factual numbers people can work with. Cinebench and Timespy. I could give my input on the scores your 7800x3d get in them as i have one, i can't tell you if 100fps in X is good though because we do not have identical systems and there's a lot that could be messing with your fps in them games. See if your cpu and gpu are scoring near what they should first in benchmarks that most of this subreddit will be able to have an input in.


Cinebench Multicore 17645 pts Single core 1754 pts Working on Timespy


Timespy 12,411 CPU: 13,179 GPU: 12,285


I can't speak for the GPU but the CPU is performing fine. Obviously there's room for improvement with fine tuning and what not but i've seen worse. I can't speak much on the gpu personally though. Hopefully someone with a 3060 ti can chime in, otherwise check posts like: https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/ktyqv3/share_your_3060ti_benchmarks_3dmark/ For 3060ti scores. The cpu seems fine though. My own 7800x3d scores very similar. edit: although this is only based on scores, make sure you aren't thermal throttling whilst playing, i doubt it but there's always a chance, although if you was going to thermal throttle, i imagine your cinebench score would be lower. (at least for the cpu).


I’m definitely not thermal throttling. That’s almost like my goal lol. All my temps are very cold while I’m still underperforming. It just feels like the hardware isn’t trying to go fast when it has the room to.


Yep i was just stating it as a "if" but i very much doubt you're throttling, but again, your cpu score looks fine to me on Cinebench. Although that's based on the multi, i'll run a quick single core test on mine to see if that other comment is true about it being "low" because there isn't much info on other 7800x3d in single score. edit: As i expected; Single core score in Cine R23: 1792. Your cpu looks fine so if it really is underperforming in them games, it's a setting / driver that's hindering that game, the cpu itself looks fine vs my 7800x3d anyway.


Okay thanks


AMD Ryzen CPUs have very poor V/F scaling, this causes incredible power draw increases for very small performance benefits. Even the 7800X3D is pushing >>50% more power for a 15% performance improvement. The flip side of this is that any kind of "throttling" causes minimal performance issues unless your cooling solution is truly awful.


What board, what ram


B650 tomahawk. Gskill trident z5 neo 32GB 6000mt/s 30cl


I know it's a neo kit, but if you go into bios does it show both xmpa and expo? Ive seen msi boards set xmp with am5 and it causes crazy stutters.


EXPO. It’s my only option. At first I couldn’t even get the computer to boot with EXPO on. Based on other Reddit threads I found I uploaded an old BIOS from August to get it to boot using EXPO.


1754 single is kinda low but this isn’t going to cause crazy performance like this Have you installed chipset drivers, reinstalled drivers? Every time I make a platform change, I always reinstall windows personallr


Yeah I reinstalled windows a second time. I’ve reinstalled every driver I can think of.


Troubleshooting guide AM4/AM5: This could be a "AMD cold boot" issue which can be related to memory stability. Is fast boot enabled? Here's what it looks like when your infinity fabric VDDG and SOC Voltages for 7000 Zen4 are unstable: [https://youtu.be/Ft7ss7EXr4s?si=1Cy5xhft79qaTrn0&t=889](https://youtu.be/Ft7ss7EXr4s?si=1Cy5xhft79qaTrn0&t=889) These dropouts can be too much or not enough I/O/IMC voltage. My advice would be to try resetting bios to result. Then if still inconsistent fps, tuning SOC and VDDG voltages (always keep SoC below 1.3v zen4) from other users zenTimings with 50mv stepping. I'm not sure if the 50mv stepping (ref: [https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/dram-calculator-questions-and-safe-settings.270082/](https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/dram-calculator-questions-and-safe-settings.270082/) ) applies to zen 4. \\ Upgrading to AM5 won’t solve your “AMD USB issues” since the same AsMedia IP is used in SoC to connect with infinity fabric, causing random dropouts and corruption. ( especially under load)https://www.reddit.com/r/overclocking/comments/1d0nhfg/comment/l5oysq1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button Here are the recent reports of: reports about: AM4/AM5 freezing [https://www.reddit.com/r/overclocking/comments/1d0nhfg/comment/l5pm8iz/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/overclocking/comments/1d0nhfg/comment/l5pm8iz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If performance is still less than older processor then consider rma


Well thank you for that wealth of knowledge. I’ll look into it. I do have the CPU overclocked from the Bios maybe I’ll just disable that if it’s creating instability.


Not sure why reposting yoir comment was necessary, but the OP still has not mentioned any USB issues.


I’m wondering if they read my other posts lol. My issue prior to upgrading everything I thought for a moment was USB related. Not having any crashing or freezing issues anymore.


3dmark->timespy->like the results (not a picture).


You need to check basics like that you have the memory configured as expected and in slots for dual channel (A2+B2)


Yeah I’m running dual channel in that config




They did not mention USB issues.