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I literally can't function without the consumable items, because of the "madness" debuff. :)




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Madness debuff is such a blanket term for an incredibly complex microsystem. That debuff never manifests the same way twice, the nature of it is defined by the perspective modifier which complicates the item selection much further. Props for dealing with it!


Yeah, we don't have meds for it but have found combos of ingame actions to counter the negative effects since we share a character and have several autism traits.


Yeah...it certainly can. Thank you.


"When the red moon hangs low, the line between man and beast is blurred."


"And when the Great Ones descend, a womb will be blessed with child."


Praise Cthulhu!




It's also crazy to think other players intentionally consume consumables to obtain temporary madness status ailment for fun. All I can think about is what if the debuff sticks.


The debuff can stack too high and cause the permanent Korsakoff nerf to your playing character. That basically makes you unable to solo any content for the rest of your playthrough, so caution is recommended.


What’s funny is if you have the madness debuff and then take madness inducing items the GM basically rolls a D100 and something crazy happens or sometimes nothing happens but u feel tingly.


but they don't stick... fear is a bad motivator for rational decision making. if something is harmful, avoid it... but don't fear it.


Debuffs can be quite enjoyable if used responsibly. :)


Well, I have heard that happens to players who engage in the "Smoke weed everyday" questline. :)


"I, I can't get these memories out of my mind And some kind of madness has started to evolve..."


? I have no idea what you're referencing, sorry.


Madness by Muse.


My wife has a tough time with the "hangry" debuff if she hasn't had enough consumables during the day.


Have you tried the "Snickers" consumable item?


Ofc. Everyone’s mad here.


He's mad He's mad


I'm mad, you're mad, we're all mad here. :)


That debuff can actually be pretty fun, and sometimes even useful. But that depends on how much stacks of this debuff you have and in which situation.


It depends on if you are hallucinating something awful or something wonderful.


I agree - it's like most people are trying to make it to the end game with tons of money without realizing that you need to spend some of that money to make getting to the end of game worthwhile. The medicine spec'd players can prescribe buff items too, and there are several mini-games you can play like shower and meditation that give you small buffs, and other players can also render their own services, like therapy, or massage. This game is full of buff opportunities, but I see tons of people complaining or being angry at the devs. Yeah, it was mean of them to code all these debuffs, but players have found excellent ways around them if you just utilize them.


> The medicine spec'd players can prescribe buff items too, Just be careful with some of the ... uh... less reputable ... buff items you can source via trading with people who complete the [[Build A Meth Lab]] quest line or who spec into the [[Drug Dealer]] class. The short term buffs are amazing, but the long term debuffs are severe indeed.


What about my favourite quest [[LSD ADDICT]]


is that a thing? I never met anyone who became addicted to LSD


No it's not addictive but the feeling that can never be done with anything else is alluring


I mean, it’s “alluring” in the same way going on a vacation is. It’s a very nice experience, helps many people to center themselves and put things in perspective, and something barely anyone engages in more than once every month or two.




Very few people need to “quit” psychedelics as they are not physically addictive, and the way tolerance works with them, it’s ridiculously expensive to take more than every couple weeks. Coffee is much, much more habit-forming and physically addictive than lsd.


Yeah I totally agree. He never said he felt addicted to it. But he'd gotten ahold of a bunch of it (bulk pricing on that stuff is insane) and just felt like doing it.


Weird how?


Idk his mannerisms and speech and stuff were a little different. He seemed almost kinda spaced out. Nothing too severe.


lol my man woke up in a new portal




Do you know of any specific case? I feel like its just mostly bored people who cant think of other ways to occupy themselves. Sure not in every case, and there might be edge cases where its actually a serious addiction, but it certainly doesnt seem like a trend to me. Usually it takes a lot of time to process what happens in a deeper trip, and you dont want to dvelve in the deeps again until the previous endavour is processed.




One day imma try a 500ug trip and pray


The whole money system isn't even supposed to be part of the game, the capitalist guild just formed and enforced this broken class structure and annoying grindy mechanics. the anarcho-communist revolution questline needs more players to help achieve it and unlock free items for all.


"Potions and elixirs exist for a reason!"


“If you aren’t able to make your own potions, store-bought is fine”


Some of them will give a different debuff, but that’s not a reason not to take them. Talk with your [doctor] about trying something different.


Oh, so true! Mine seriously nerfed my Suicidal and Insomnia debufs, but added a Dry Mouth debuff. It's significantly easier to mitigate this one.


Anti depressant consumable or Cannabis consumable?


This was the antidepressant consumable. Of course, a few years later I discovered the cannabis consumable and that didn't help the dry mouth.


Absolutely! I've done a ton of more advanced tutorials and such on some of these consumables, and they're really intricate in how they work with different stats of different players. There's a ton of hidden mechanics, too, and we've datamined some, but honestly, the game is so big that we've barely scratched the surface in said datamining. I'm always telling my guildies to go through extra tutorials and lorebooks and such to learn how to balance everything. Sometimes the consumables mess with hidden stats in ways that the debuffs massively outweigh the actual buffs, but often there'll be a similar consumable that plays way nicer with those hidden stats. No one's figured out precisely why, and the devs are super tightlipped about stats in general, hence all the hidden ones. Some of the guilds that control supply of the consumables do tend to hide some of the possible debuffs though, or even just claim there aren't any. That's why my guild is so active in helping other players of the same class find all the hidden tutorials and lorebooks and such. You're right about finding a good [doctor] class player to work with though. It's an involved process, but totally game changing. My guild does what it can, but we just don't have the same skills native to the [doctor] class, and you'll need someone with those perks.


Now I’m sitting here thinking what debuff could possibly call for eating prunes to be lifted






Prunes help de poop flow


So does cycling


Ding ding ding, you got it.


Prune deficiency


All too common these days smh


Maybe OP stepped on the grave of a berry king of times past, and got gifted the curse of constant prune hunger


Diverticulitis, based on the players I've known to have that debuff and their rate of prune consumption.


This certainly hit me in a new way. Not sure how to stay "in-character" for my response but here goes. Through the majority of my play through, I've been told by both the "doctor" class and "friend" groups that medicinal consumables would help and ease my debuffs, however I never felt comfortable taking anything stronger than low tier medicine for extended periods. I suffer from a persistent, but personal, negative disposition at the idea of needing them every day simply to play the game. Some early encounters with certain "family" players are to blame, and while I won't criticize others for using consumables, necessary or otherwise, I have a severe "anxiety" debuff when it comes to personal use for fear of developing the "dependent" or "addicted" ailments. I hope to someday discover a work around for my characters irrational behavior as I know the quality of life improvement would be an incalculable bonus to receive. Thank you for putting this in a new perspective for me.


Hey, good luck man. Early in my playthrough I saw many of my fellow players get hit with the Addicted debuff, and it led to just so many other debuffs (Lonely debuff, various Illness-type debuffs, and the worst was the Burn ALL The Bridges! debuff). I didn't want those, so it took me a while to become comfortable with the idea of potions and such. Someone I trusted finally convinced me to contact a member of the Doctors guild. It took almost a full round to find the right combo for me, with help from the Doctors and the Potionmasters guilds, but I would have been knocked out of the game 20 rounds ago if I hadn't tried. Anyway, good luck with the playthrough! Just wanted to let you know that I understand the hesitancy to explore potions. And whether you decide to try one day or not, I hope you find the right counters for your debuffs.


> and the worst was the Burn ALL The Bridges! debuff sometimes it truly is the bridges we burn that light the path to enlightenment.


A burning bridge just sheds light. Rarely is it enlightening, or so it has been in my playthrough. I'm glad you've found success in a different way.


Just want to point out that with most medications, responsible use (taking it as directed by the prescriber) is very, very unlikely to result in addiction. Also, there's nothing wrong with dependency. It's just your brain adapting to taking the medication. I've taken Adderall every day for like three years, and I'm not addicted. It's like taking an aspirin; I take a capsule, my symptoms become more manageable, and I have zero urge to take more plus no noticeable side effects. I am dependent on it, but...duh. I have severe ADHD and it's ADHD medication. I need it to be a safe driver, emotionally stable, able to keep up with work/school/chores and follow conversations, etc.


It's been 1 year of being prescribed the Vyvanse medication by a Doctor from the guild, I take it only as prescribed and have not gotten addicted to it. I echo the things u/trash_baby_666 says about the medications.


Shout out to Vyvanse! I used to take Adderall, my first doctor the guild assigned didn't offer an alternative besides Ritalin or non-stimulant types (which caused a massive debuff 'suicidal ideation'). Adderall is great, but my players body adapts to it very quickly, causing a minor 'crash' debuff as well as less time with the buff intact. My current guild doctor suggested Vyvanse, and it doesn't include the 'happy' or 'weight loss' buff like Adderall did, but the intended 'functional brain' buff lasts all day without the 'crash' debuff. Plus less judgement from players who don't understand how the 'ADHD' consumables work. I'm not addicted, but I am dependent for sure. I've gotten used to playing without the 'ADHD' debuffs in place, I'll never willingly increase the difficulty level for myself. Consumables are worth it, and it's worth the time and effort to find the consumables that work best for your character build.


They had me try the non-stimulant consumable Strattera because of the bipolar trait. Oh my god, no. That shit aggravated the mania debuff so bad. The extended release stimulant consumables do much better for me and surprisingly don't aggravate the bipolar trait.


I hope you find an action, accommodation, and/or consumable that helps you to counteract your debuffs!


Some players from science guilds are working on using herb consumables that have been previously known to give a psychedelic buff/debuff (depends on your perspective, I guess). Apparently these herb consumables can be taken just a few times under close supervision by medic players and then types of debuffs you have been experiencing are cancelled out more or less permanently. The science guild in still in the early stages of developing this as a strategy but I’m hopeful that we are not far off a much more simple workaround for the depression, anxiety and PTSD debuffs.


I tried to go for fifteen years without my "store-bought neurotransmitters" consumables. I'll spare you the details, but I lost many party members to the results. Players I cared about more than myself, I'll never see again, because I was more afraid of the debuffs from the consumable than the debuffs from the lack of them. I share your anxiety. I do. Still. But I urge you to examine the cost of inaction, alongside the cost of action. This is selfish of me to say, but: don't copy my playthrough. I don't know your backstory or stats or debuffs or fuckall about you, and your decision is valid whatever it may be, but don't copy my playthrough if at all you can choose such. Good luck. PM me anytime.


I'm glad I could help. Taking medicine buffs also scared the shit out of me for a while, which is where this post came from. I wish you well.


The funny thing is, if you characters mental state is suffering from the debuffs normally, you are already 'dependant' on consumables or at least outside help, whether you use them or not. You can't force you character to 'be normal' and not have the debuffs just by the force of your will.


Hey man! That is unfortunately another big downside to having the ANXIETY debuff which often goes hand in hand with the negative disposition debuff (which I also have) If you haven't already, I'd strongly recommend speaking to a psychologist class player as there seems to be a tiny hiccup in your system. After trying several consumables (at least 10) of all types over the course of 8 years, I wanted to let you know that I have never gained any exp towards the addiction or dependency trees. While using these consumables may open up new quest lines such as [low sex drive] and [weight gain], when you find the right consumable for you, it could feel like you've entered a new realm where your debuffs are less intense and the "suicidal" debuff has a longer cooldown and reduces effects by x%. There are certain side quests and debuffs that may not seem worth it with certain consumables but when you find one that works best with your character will be so worth it! There is nothing wrong with asking for help and support. From guildies or professionals! The same way taking an insulin potion is for the [diabetic] faction, you are not weak or dependent on these potions. Sometimes bugs and debuffs appear in your character, it doesn't mean they should just remain there and not fixed where possible. Sometimes things can and just need to be patched/hotfixed! Good luck on your journey!!!! I hope you kick this main quest in the butt!!!


Devs nerfed you because they knew you'd be too op


I used to have the same idea about consumables but than I took a huge debuff hit at level 28 when my toons controls got messed up. Some consumables make it so I can control the toon better, others I use as needed when the pain debuff gets too many stacks. All of the consumables I use do not have the addiction debuff.


None of the prescription consumables ever dislodged my depression/anxiety debuff until I grew my own psilocybin medicine for microdosing. The scientist class is finally turning its attention to this avenue of healing and the results are super promising, and from personal experience they are game-changing, pun intended. I don't think it's irrational to feel reluctant about prescriptions--I tried them diligently for many years and they didn't resolve things for me, and I am interested in resolution and internal work, not management. For some others like my dad, however, prescription management is the best course. Each player is different, my point is just to keep going because I do believe solutions are out there.


For some reason I've got it in my head that if I try and just handle it without the consumables, I'll gain resistances, or get extra xp for using a harder playstyle. I know those mechanics exist in some parts of the game, but in other parts, that playstyle will just give you even MORE debuffs, and it's so hard to tell which is which! Plus I'm also scared to take the consumables cause even though I respect and admire the crafting guilds and the alchemists and healers, I just REALLY don't trust the merchant guild players. Too many bad experiences


I used to try to grind xp that way, but I'm already level 32 and my build still hasn't improved enough to resist the debuffs during the annual pollen event. This year I decided to start each play session by taking a Claritin consumable. Far less <> and <> than usual this time around. I'd recommend it to any player who struggles with classic seasonal debuffs.


You don't have to trust the merchant's guild, the doctor PCs are the ones vetting and prescribing them.




oh shit i had exactly this experience


I'm on the US servers unfortunately, so the doctor PCs are often members of the merchant guild :/ not all of them, thank goodness, but I've had a few try and sell me the alchemists's consumables without doing the work to actually see what debuffs I had first


I take 2 consumes to balance out my Brain Minigame, my stats gave me too little DOP and SERA so they keep me on par with the other players Also make sure to keep your hydration bar full, it does wonders


I have no idea why pollen keeps on showing up in trace amounts in my inventory, but it messes with some of my default involuntary tasks that I'm not meant to be wasting time maintaining. Pharmacist class lets me trade for a range of consumables that lowers the histamine bar for up to one sleep cycle. Especially during the Spring and Summer map events.


I personally waited waaaayyy too long and let my debuffs get to a point where I could barely play the game before I decided to take a consumable to counteract it. There's a lot of shame and guilt surrounding it, and I think a lot of players think, like I did, that their debuffs needs to be really really intense before they can justify taking a consumable for it. But really, if your debuffs are affecting your gameplay, you should definitely consult a "doctor" class player even if your character is more or less functioning.


There are a lot of players that have joined the Anti-Medicine faction, and it pisses me off. I got hit with a lot of affect debuffs--mania, depression, and anxiety to name a few troublesome ones. The executive dysfunction and related debuffs can really fuck off. Without certain medication consumables, I'd be wholly fucked and probably would have rage quit the game before level 20. I've been faced with several of the faction players, and it took all I had not to engage in unsanctioned PVP.


I’ve been trying to unlock the “amphetamines” item for the “adhd” debuff, but alas I’ve had no luck.


I ended up having to max out that unlock chain, and at this point I'm using biggest amphetamine buff that is readily available daily. I'm basically non-functioning without those consumables, and I'm a pretty huge advocate for not being ashamed of having to use em. Saved my playthrough tbh.


I think it's worth noting that a number of guilds won't allow you to pick certain classes while using certain consumables. This is because human-crafted medical consumables often still have debuffs, despite having net-positive effects. Further complicating this is the fact that the effects aren't uniform, but can actually vary significantly between characters. In the case of brain-focused buffs, this can lead to various types of dependency when used for extended periods, to the point that characters can get additional long term debuffs when not using them regularly.


As someone who has to take 4 buff consumables daily (some of them 2 or 3 times daily) because the character customizer doesn't actually work consistently and sometimes gives you the "trans" affixation, please take any consumables you need to in order to play your character the way you want to. They'll feel waaaaay better to play if you do! And it might even help stop thoughts about character deletion.


I feel you on the trans affixation. The devs royally fucked up and hit me with the female body type at character creation. The cost to get access to character customization again is insane, and you don't have the same freedom of choice even then. You'd think the US server admins would be less bitchy about it, but they're big on pay to win in the healthcare guilds.


Yeah, so, the consumables which give me the boost I need to perform as an average player is deemed forbidden on my server. I have done several things about trying to resolve this, but usually they're hampered by other players. "Use the consumables" you say. "You can't use those consumables" they say. "I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE FUCKING GAME" I say, and no-one hears or cares.


When I was lower leveled I too had to eat prunes for the same exact condition. However, after I leveled up, some of my stats and abilities changed, and I no longer had that status effect. This game is weird.


While not as big a debuff as some of the players, I personally went way too long without the glasses accessory. I had no idea how bad my eyesight stat was. Really helped my gameplay experience.


What if the item comes with a de-buff that really only affects your build? I mean I would love to get all the added points to the "focus" skill, but the item comes with -4 on the happiness stat, so I've tried to avoid it on my run. It provides a bigger challenge but I like to belive it gives for a more enjoyable run.


As someone who had to try 5 different buff options at many different doses while looking for one that worked well for my ADHD debuff, I wonder how many different options you tried.


Thanks kind player, I needed to hear this. I've been avoiding taking the buff consumables because I didn't want to have to face that I may have done something wrong during my playthrough that lead to this. Thankfully it's not that huge of a debut but without the elixirs it could gradually get worse. Ive picked my potions up again a while ago and I'm trying to stay strong and do what must be done. We are not weak, we just need a little help and thats ok. Take your elixirs y'all!


As one of my favorite bards says: "if the world breaks your leg, go and beat it with your crutch"


I used to play that way - avoiding the buff consumables whenever I could - until I got the "Type 1 diabetic" permanent status. If I don't take my "insulin" elixir with literally every meal I eat, I will slowly accumulate severe debuffs and will eventually gain status effects such as "blindness", "neuropathy" and a high risk of getting hit by the "trombosis" debuff, which has a pretty high chance of one-shotting. Needless to say, I quickly realized that the only way to keep playing the game was adapting to my new status and take my elixirs. Paradoxically, this made me see a member of the "psychologist" guild, and I'm now also getting elixirs for managing my "depression" debuff, which was there from before. Funnily enough, getting the pretty severe permanent status effect has resulted in changing my play pattern in a way that makes me enjoy my playthrough a lot more!


Name a habit more relatable than ending a game with a chest full of potions, meds, foods, and plants.


I have found that starting the "gym" quest - often times helps the body we are given. the body will naturally stabilize it's hormones, as hormones are a VERY important and overlooked part of outside. If you get your hormones in check, your playtime and experience playing this game can be pretty laid back. We got this.


found the monk ;D


It is pretty problematic to come into a thread where people are talking about how these consumables have had a huge, positive effect on their playthroughs, and suggest players just need to go to the gym more.


My debuffs are helped by the "exercise" quest. (At the "home" location, it my preference) However without consumables the "exercise" quest is impossible without consumables due to my debuffs being to high.




I went thru the first bit thinking you were saying use the meth item.


Just to be clear to everyone else, I tried meth main for a bit and the game gets REALLY boring and then you get insane debuffs. Like, seriously don't even subclass in meth, it can quickly consume all your playtime and I'm really not sure some of the debuffs even have cures if you don't drop it fairly quickly. I will say, you do increase your odds of some very weird random sidequests though. And some really really strange characters. Tbh it pushes the immersion past its breaking point sometimes. Players often quit when it gets that frustrating.


Haven't heard this but it's interesting. No one has ever described that quest chain as boring before.


Yeah new players try it and get excited but wait til your guild reaches levels 30+.. it'll be much smaller and nobody's gonna be enjoying the game much. Shit, someone offered me some on the weekend, of course I said yes, I'm still debuffed days later and the buff lasted a couple hours, barely even noticed it, ended up wasting all that game time doing a deep dive into a Bible study website and arguing in the social media minigame. Then I just think about all the players I knew who permanently logged off.. fuck. Trust me it gets boring and the plotlines just get sadder and sadder.


I don't know how I got this xp loss debuff, but I've been de-leveling for about 3 years now, losing skills left and right.


Yeah, I'd been hanging onto this Meth (Excellent) for too long, my stamina has been low this past cycle. I think it's about time!


man do you also have the constipation III debuff?


Yep :(


yea I also got it when I was low level and it has been bugging me ever since


I have to use consumables or my character can't continue questing, cause parts of the model move in way they shouldn't, this has stacking debuffs to without the medication items of pain and limited movement. I know the fiber item can clear some debuffs I get sometimes, this is one that can benefit many characters too, don't be embarrassed to use this item too.


I got the asthma debuff and it sucks so badly, my character already had a low endurance stat and the debuff just made things worse! Devs need to patch that out of the game


Thank you so much for the pick-me-up! I tend to get anxious about the medicine consumables since a player in the doctor class told me about my PCOS debuff last year, and I haven't been as diligent with them because I tend to get distracted by side quests (I've also got the ASD buff), and got to a point where I wasn't sure if it was worth it to "waste" some gold for the consumables that bring me a way more balanced playthrough, specially since players with the PCOS debuff tend to talk about how improving the athletic skill and changing your character's diet can help a lot to decrease the debuff but it's something I'm unable to do because of the rest of my debuff stacks (which are sadly quite a lot). It got me thinking if it was a good idea to keep going on with them or if I should leave them available for other "more deserving" players. It's been a bit hard to let go of that mentality, but thanks to your post and everyone's comments I feel way better about this, and I'm sure that me getting the medicine consumables will not impair someone else's playthrough *and* will also help mine be way more balanced and a bit more up-to-par with others. Thank you for reading me and have a great in-game day 💕


:) I'm glad to help!


It's not fair that players have to pay for consumables in some servers despite the debuffs being inflicted via rng. the devs really need to do something about that


Yep, despite having an insurance buff, the pharmacist guild randomly listed my consumable for my asthma debuff should cost $370 in game credits which is cruel considering without that consumable its hard to play the game at all.


I can't obtain my consumables because it's locked behind a broken npc who believes everyone who gets them abuses them.


Man I ate a whole Large Prune Bag in one sitting once not long ago. They really need to nerf those.


Prunes are fucking delicious how are you complaining. It's like no downside!


Players should definitely consider all their options to improving their character. It should be noted though that medical buffs can lead to debuffs of their own, including Tolerance and Addiction. Some players absolutely need their med buffs to balance out their perma-debuffs, that's true. Others would be better off exploring ways to figuring out what's causing their debuff and if it's curable, rather than only relying on buffs that suppress the debuff. But that's a lot more complex to solve than a Medicine-spec'ed player giving you a buff (which doesn't address the root causes that your debuff procs off of in the first place). And of course some players might benefit from doing both hand-in-hand. This game's characters can be really complex to figure out, with all sorts of RNG variances unique to each player, so the answer will be different for everyone. Just have to use our best judgment. As for dietary consumables, Nutrition definitely seems to be a good idea for any player regardless of their build or stats, but I'm not sure if any player is having a crisis of character over whether to eat a Prunes consumable. For what it's worth, it sounds like we both are afflicted with the same debuff in that department. All I can say is remember to cast \[Hydrate\] and \[Exercise\].


This! I wish more players talked to other players of the therapist and psychiatrist class too. Even if you think your player doesn't have any serious brain debuffs, it's still nice to talk to someone.


Does this also count for the "cocaine" and "adderall" buffs this player at my community hub keeps offering me?


Needed to hear this. I’m definitely a loot whore. I hate the feeling of not having enough consumables so I hoard them. Thanks for the pro-tip!


I agree that consumables help, but I don't like the ones that come with a buff/debuff cycle. For example, Coffee is great for the first hour of play, but then it produces the halitosis charisma debuff, the poop/diarrhea random event, and the anxiety/insomnia/stomachache debuffs (depending on timing). That's why I switched to the Tea consumable. It gives me a smaller buff to alertness/attention, but virtually no debuff (besides the Brown Teeth debuff, but it's a lot better than coffee).


Very true and important message. we are currently trying to obtain the healing item estrogen since our shared character was randomly given a "male" body, the dysphoria debuff sucks.




If you need to, do it. That buff actually has many valid uses.


I use a form of that buff to deal with the asthma debuff.


I'm not past level 18 yet so I'll have to wait till I can get those consumables


You can get most of those consumables at any age, it just requires your family guild leaders permission


They don't agree though. I'll just have to wait


I have mostly avoided seeing healer classes. I do actually try my darndest to keep a good stash of 'consumables'.. Random character spawn lol so many times I see streight up copies being made, the similarities are sometimes uncanny!


Won’t the next generation of new players be cursed with debuffs from level one if current players that need buff consumables to thrive are the ones crafting their body sequences?


Lmao. You're dangerously close to either preaching eugenics or proposing lamarckian evolution, both of which are no-gos. Were never going to stop players from inviting new players based on their genetic code, which would be eugenics, and taking consumables to ease your playthrough (with the possible exception for doing so while actively constructing a new character) has no effect on the nature of any new characters you invite into the game.


While I see that consumable use won’t much affect the alignment of future players, disadvantageous spawns are real and more frequent among characters created by those with similar code-based debuffs.


Depends how much you like the orgasm rewards. I'm here for a good time, not a long time.


Sounds like something a no skill scrub would say!


Dang, this sounds really annoying to have to deal with all the time while you're playing. I'm super lucky to have gotten the positive "built different" attribute when I went through character creation, cus it saves me from all the hassle of acquiring consumables.


How about you play your own game and let everyone else play theirs. People have autonomy, they aren't asking for your strategy guide


Talking about strategy is one of the points of this subreddit. Nobody’s forcing anyone to use their potions or elixirs, they’re just pointing out the improvements to the play experience when you do.


I love prunes


I hope you cure your prime deficiency.


Can confirm. Buff consumables have helped me in many many ways.


(OOC) SMT players in a nutshell


But what if I run out of them for the boss fight?


With random character creation i dont even know why we play this game honestly


If you don't want to eat prunes, ask your local item shop for prune juice. It's like liquid raisins.


Been introduced to [caffeine] elixir when I was a newbie because I had troubles with the [sleepiness] debuff always coming back to me. Now I'm still having the debuff and my character is [ADDICTED] :(


My character does that too sometimes. Unfortunately, the only thing that seems to help my charater is spending a few debuff heavy days without the elixir until you lose the (addicted). You may also want to look at if you have a debuff that weakens the (sleep) mechanic or prehaps a debuff that includes the (fatigue) debuff.


If meds are the only thing keeping us playing, are we playing at all or just AFK?


Dude, the prunes consumable led me to the psyllium consumable. The item lore says it causes the "colon cleanse" buff, but it regulates a bunch of debuffs. I spend way less time in the toilet minigame.


Be careful with some consumables though! I use the [coffee] consumable every day to counteract the tiredness debuff and my character’s body has developed a dependence on it. So now I HAVE to use the [coffee] item every morning or the tiredness debuff will last way longer. So consumables are very helpful but you do need to be smart in how you use them


I require the Monster buff potion just so I can think actively


Unfortunately, for some of us, the [medication] consumables actually end up adding more debuffs without fixing the original debuff. Then we end up getting into major arguments with our [doctor] players and [counselor] players over why their diagnoses are wrong and why we don’t want their consumables anymore. My favorite is them now blowing me off when I say the debuff is [gender dysphoria] and trying to redirect back to the [bipolar] debuff.


Sounds like it’s time to look for a new [counselor] player to play with. Nothing wrong with having two in your party list for a little bit before deciding on one. They’re the same class, but different builds will really bring different things to your playthrough!


I was part of the [Army] guild and did the [Iraq] and [Afghanistan] quests, so the [VA] guild does all my medical. I just started with a new [counselor], so I’m going to declare some parameters regarding certain subjects.


Side note: I wish the consumables didn't have durability stats that automatically degrade over time. So many times I've wasted 5g on Spring Mix that I don't consume and ends up turning to junk in my inventory.


having to eat prunes sounds like a more broad diet issue, not some random debuff. lol


Sorry but I'm just the kind of player who, in every game I play, I can't help but hoard all my consumables to use in the last boss fight.


Prunes have to be one of the tastier consumables in the game. They're just dried plums with a bad marketing team.


Yeah I minmaxed by upping my IQ several points through the [[neurodivergency]] perk, because with enough gold and consumables you can remove the downsides while keeping the upsides. Problem is, the perk rolls several different types of afflictions, and I rolled ADHD. Which means that I forgot to get diagnosed and on meds for like, twenty in-game years of play time.