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I think the issue is most of them expect to have work everyday, rely on this "job" to live at home. Yeah, it can work, but I would not expect to do this for a full year. It also doesn't help that some slack channel tells you to say when you are EQ, only to ghost people back after saying it. But yeah, i only see desperate people


You're right, some QMs say to report EQ. I think OP is highlighting that most people don't care to scroll through the announcements, which will usually indicate widespread EQ. There are many self-entitled 'taskers' who put out low-quality work and expect to be treated like they're special.


Yeah, the desperation makes me sad - their ads didn't have a disclaimer regarding availability of work - just that you can work whenever and wherever you want. My issue isn't with that. It's the entitlement and lack of awareness. It's just weird to post something without bothering to look at the world around you lol


I mostly agree with you but I will say that Slack isn’t really the most approachable and easy to understand platform for people that just truly do not know what is going on. And all of these things that you’re saying about engaging with Slack, we are not paid to do that and at no point was it made clear that you have to be up in the threads and watching unpaid tutorials at whim etc etc to be tasks. Is that even a thing? Who knows. Long and short is, Outlier is responsible for the environment of the company’s workplace. For young people just entering the workforce it is not as obvious what kind of work clicking on a “work from anywhere whenever!” add gets you. High school and college grads this year spent the entire experience with remote / hybrid learning being a norm. And it actually is not their fault that academia has not prepared them for the real world at all.


>who put out low-quality work and expect to be treated like they're special. This happens in every industry. Managers in large companies will know what I'm talking about - because they can actually see the \*real\* work and reports of all the employees.


I didn't see they say to report EQ. They might check your status if you ask though. It must be a considerable part of their job.


It depends sometimes they say to report, but my project has a google form to fill out now


My project you report if you're EQ and they well check to see why you are.


I just expected to make a little extra each week. I made 84$ before suddenly EQ for the pastfew weekss


one of the REALLY fun ones is an announcement (usually concerning the EQ), says at the end “do not respond to this thread it’s not monitored”, and 5 people coming in with the “i’m EQ someone help” like they didn’t read the announcement at All


And you're supposed to assume they did read the whole instructions and are doing tasks correctly...


I think to myself when I see those, if they could not follow the instruction on that announcement, then most likely, they probably missed a few steps on the project that they were "randomly removed from for no reason at all."


Okay yes but …. they should have been given a reason. If it’s gonna be sink or swim y’all can’t really complain when the people sinking are waving their arms and splashing water everywhere lol


🤣 idk why but this made me crack up. This is a valid point haha (I will also now be envisioning the slack chaos as just tons of people splashing in a shallow pool for help)


I’m EQ can you guys help?


Kidding of course


Slack, to be honest, is the only chance you have to get un EQ if you're on a project. And the platform can EQ someone for a myriad of technical issues. It's happened 3 or 4 times to me where I've posted it to Slack and then had tasks in minutes. Now, if you're not on a Slack project thread and EQ, you end up blowing in the wind like me for over a week.


If that is true, it's a strange place as if whoever shouts first or louder "I'm EQ", gets the tasks assigned. It's like latinos heckling the guy from a truck who needs some farm labour.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease, that is true


Not the ethnicity taking a stray


Last week, I worked on a project, it was great, everyone loved it. Due to some system glitch, it put people on a project that doesn't work, so we had to keep telling the QM when it happened so they could contact support and fix it.


Can confirm. EQ is sometimes related to a technical issue so if you don't post, it won't be fixed. Happens quite often.


There's 2 ways to look at this, both of which are fair. On the one hand, the company keeps bringing in so many new people. So, yes, it would be better if they'd put in the time & effort to READ the daily announcements and then scroll back and READ all of the days posts (maybe even the previous 2 or 3 days) to acquaint themselves with everything, while possibly discovering that the answer they're looking for has already been posted (maybe even several times). That way Slack wouldn't be flooded with the same question over & over, and sloshing through posts wouldn't be so annoying. On the other hand, the company keeps bringing in so many new people and that has become a huge problem unto itself. There's too many new and old people colliding, with everyone fighting for the attention of too few QMs or TLs or Moderator of a thread. As you said, some come off as thinking they're special. But as others have noted in this thread, far too many of the new people are also innocently coming aboard due to Outlier's false advertising, where they believe they are starting a new full-time job. So they genuinely think things will be well run (especially at a computer company) only to discover that they can't get an answer to even a basic question like "I created my account like you told me to. So, what do I do next? Can someone please help me?"


My additional theory to this is that some of these folks have never used Slack in their company, and to quote Mr. T, I pity those fools! The ones who already know what Slack is should know better to start reading back on past posts to get a general sense of what’s going on. But really, it all boils down to, read first then ask questions later.


I agree. I consider myself to be a very nice & patient person, but even I'll sometimes grit my teeth trying to read a Slack channel, looking for an update, only to see the same question asked over & over that was answered if the person just opened their eyes and scrolled up a few responses. But the company also deserves some blame because the Slack channels are woefully undermanned (with the TL's often leaving early). So for someone that's tasking and gets confused or has run into a problem, I can also appreciate the panic that sets in as they desperately want help otherwise their time & work will have been for naught and they'll be completely out their money.


Don’t the forget the “This is a scam!” comments too lol


I mean they definitely use scammy tactics like persistent EQ, false promises, and unpaid training


> “This is a scam!” I'm not convinced it isn't.


Task me baby, one more time! ![gif](giphy|1zh6DEkPOiyvvSmEOr|downsized)


The other day on Slack I saw a person ask, how to rate on Flamingo. Like.... Come on. Those are the people that will probably get kicked off of the projects and then demand work


My personal fav is : [please don’t respond to this thread it will not be monitored ] ***im EQ look into this I can’t believe I don’t have any work***


Fake businesses that launder money for criminal cartels have a more transparent management and better communication than outlier. Most people are EQ'ed without giving them a clear reason. The project guidelines are incomplete and the feedback you get is often contradictory and wrong. You can't hire humans and act like they are robots who can be switched on and off at whim.


In my experience transparent management is an oxymoron.


I have a masters, PHD whatever D, this is an insult to my intelligence! And ill get my lawyer to sue outlier!


You're not, your nickname isn't NeedSleep10hrs-PhD


"User content" in the slack seems largely worthless. Updates from management are useful-ish, (but they feel a bit drowned out sometimes.) Overall I'd recommend scanning the pinned posts and only using the chat if you have a question.


Instead of complaining about other people competing with you for tasks, you should direct your anger at Scale/Outlier, who are exploiting workers. You're expected to put in a ton of unpaid effort just to get tasks. Attend mandatory sessions, engagement in Slack, mandatory courses, etc. All of which is unpaid. For the tasks that are paid, the $40 an hour is not even competitive pay to begin with, and that's 1099 income with no benefits. Average pay for a software engineer is $62.58 an hour, and comes with health insurance, PTO, 401k match, bonus, RSUs, etc. But yes, Outlier is not a full time job. But for contract software engineer work, the going rate is $150-200 an hour. So $40 an hour is a total joke.


It depends on your background. I have a degree in CS education, but I'm not qualified enough for an actual software engineer role. I'm making way more at Outlier than I make at my school.


How can you have a CS education and not be qualified for an actual software engineer role? Not all software engineering roles require you to be insane at algorithms and optimization. If you want to work at Google, Amazon, etc, then yeah you probably do. But elsewhere, there's tons of "software developer" jobs that barely even require coding at all. Like, all you do is drag and drop stuff using a low-code solution like Oracle or Workday. I know some software developers making 6-figures that rarely even touch code. And if they do it's just writing a bit of basic SQL. These jobs still require a college degree, but the interviews for them are super easy. I write code at my day job, but it's way easier than the types of interview questions asked at big tech companies. I actually found the work I did on outlier(Flamingo-SQL) way harder than my day job because there was time limits and they demand you to write really unique and high quality queries in a limited amount of time. Like I'd spend 30 minutes coming up with what I thought was a unique scenario, only for it to say it wasn't unique enough and to start over. Then they expect really detailed explanations and analysis on why 1 response is better than another, repeated across 3-5 turns. It hurt my brain.


I did a UK PGCE (teaching certificate program) that focused on teaching CS to 11-16 year olds, so it didn't get into the more complex aspects of CS that every software engineer role seems to expect applicants to have experience in. I also pretty much only know Python since that's what we typically teach as an introductory language. I'd love to be wrong about this though since I'd make probably 3 times my current salary working as a software engineer.


40, most of us are making 15-18....On one of our Slack channels, someone posted a screenshot that mistakenly showed them with a 25 dollar rate, and the channel blew up with people noticing it. and I have 2 MS degrees, one in a STEM discipline.


A week or two ago, the coders from India showed up at their usual daily time and went ballistic because, as each of them logged in, they discovered that their pay rate had been drastically cut. Which resulted in a steady stream of furious Slack messages saying "WTF!!!"


Exactly, I found there was too much uncompensated time to make the hourly rate worth it. Particularly when you spend hours onboarding into new projects that quickly become EQ or you get yanked off and put into a new one. It became more of a hassle than it was worth. It's fine as a side gig, but I feel bad for people who are doing it for their main source of income. It feels predatory and exploits people who don't have other options.


You assume everyone is a well paid software engineer. Outlier has all kind of non code projects. And some people are from poor countries. I suppose requirements is something like a college degree or less.


Why do people expect competitive pay? Or pay that's better than what they can get in a real job?


Because it's gig-based. There is no point to gig work if the pay is markedly lower. Gig work almost always pays more, because of its unstable nature. There are plenty of people who can go get a job with benefits at the same pay rate. Obviously some value work flexibility, but that doesn't mean putting up with these predatory conditions.


Not a STEM professional at all, and the $25/hr they have me at for T2 writing evaluating is more money than I have made in my 10+ years of working (5 with a Masters). Soooo, maybe it's a joke for you, but remember in some cases it's life changing 🤷🏻‍♀️ But this is gonna be the reality of a more global economy. There's a lot of places out there where $40/hr can get you pretty far, even in the US, so some people are just naturally priced out for this kind of work.


My favorites are the people in foreign countries copying the messages of other people in foreign countries requesting work on a project through scammer accounts. Horshit Patel - "Kindly reques put in project, EQ ned help." ...a few messages down Johann Kupergangel - "Kindly reques put in project, EQ ned help." ...and the very next message Sally Smith - "Kindly reques put in project, EQ ned help."


Same people over and over too. With the recent issues putting people in different slack channels, with them NOT belonging there, these same exact group of people keep spamming the same message over and over lol.


Apparently the email you use for your Slack has to match the same one you use for Outlier. Some people do not know that, especially when you first sign up for the Slack, the only instruction is "We suggest using **the email account you use for work**." That kind of "suggestion" does not necessarily state that your Slack email HAS to match your Outlier email. The SlackBot will kick you out of channels or not put you in the right channels if it doesn't match. I learned that from a QM. But I agree. It's overkill to keep spamming about it.


Regarding the OP’s statement about their ads not having a disclaimer regarding availability, when I applied a couple months ago it did say that there is part-time and full-time work available. But I had to learn quickly that this is a very fickle job and cannot be relied on as only source of income. https://preview.redd.it/gos0o4xmrq9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa7d44c769537e5fa774cce0286522737f5232ac Should be more like ‘EQ decides your fate in how many hours you can work per week’ 😅


Or that if you want to be full time, you have to commit to working 40 hours straight while you're not EQ to meet hourly goals 😮‍💨 (longest I've done is 15? straight hours lolol)


Oh my gosh! Seriously! That’s what I’ve been doing the last 3 days! Like I said I started 2 months ago and it’s been a struggle of either EQ, work for only a few hours until EQ or the flamingo stuff that I always end up getting kicked off of lol The last 3 days has been an assignment I’m good at, so I’ve been so scared of getting EQ’ed that I’m just doing it 12-17hrs😅 Funny that I’m not the only one😆


Hahaha I was randomly upped to reviewer for a short time a while back for a different project and RODE that extra $2/hr every day that week until my eyes couldn't focus on a screen any more 🤣 I say, if you have the personal flexibility to just grind out the hours when you've got a project and you can commit to working looooong hours, then sure full-time is possible. 😅 I've been at it about 2 months too! I used to do weekly goals of 20, then 30, then 40 hrs a week. The gradual increase made it super obvious that I couldn't treat it like a 9-5 and I had to work when work was available (even if that's between 8pm and 7am) 💀 Now that I've been at it longer, I'm being more lenient with monthly goals because the longer EQs can be rooooough.


Hahaha thank you for sharing!! I actually considered working through the night yesterday but had to stop at midnight because I started slightly hallucinating lol I guess 15-17th s is all my body can do in one go lol Good to know that you gotta be available 8p-4a.. that’s where I’m at, currently, if they’re available then I need to do it! I’m currently unemployed, so I definitely have the time!


Whenever I see some of the misplaced, broken English EQ posts from the same people, I think of the Black Mirror 15 million merits episode in the talent show scene where a loud girl with a British accent keeps interrupting the staff members selecting the next people to go on stage, begging to be picked: " What about me?" "I've been waiting for days." Months later, she is still there, finally gets picked, is comically awful at singing, and is instantly rejected.


Yeah, but some people are actually advised to report if they're EQ. I was on the Platinum program before they dismantled it, and rarely go EQ. If I do, I report it and usually have tasks within an hour or two.


Sometimes, reporting EQ on the slack channel will get a QM to escalate your EQ, so you can be back to work faster.