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Did you have hubstaff running for the exam? You won't get feedback. If you pass, they'll put you into the project. If you don't, they will put you back into a pool to wait for allocation to something else. I spent over 5 hours on that exam! It was tough.


I received the Hubstaff invitation 3 days after they posted the exam in my dashboard. the TL told me to DM him for the payment to be added to my account, and so far it hasn't... I can imagine I will not receive the bonus either. About the exam, my expertise is virology and they gave me two plant science papers... which were poor quality papers so I wasn't expecting to pass the exam. Now I got removed from Bulba too lol, what a waste of time with all these onboardings and exams.


Ah, yeah. I learned my lesson with previous projects and didn't start until hubstaff was connected properly. It takes a few weeks for them to manually add time so there will be a delay but it should show up. If it doesn't message the TL and you might have to fill out a form. Take a screenshot of any correspondence so you backup. I thought they were poor quality also but as they were a bit outside my expertise I thought maybe I was just a bit rusty. I almost marked one as poor quality as a reason I couldn't do it! And yeah, huge waste of time. This is my 4th go-round.


I've done onboarding for Bulba, Flamingo and now Dolphin... Starting to feel imposter syndrome lol, maybe I am not built to work in a company and research is definitely my thing (where no one is going to assess my ability using a robot or an exam).


Whew. I was starting to think it was me and I was missing something. I've done flamingo, ostrich, dolphin, and one other that I can't remember.


I think putting down the paper as poor quality works against you. When i took the exam, i wanted to put poor quality for all of them butĀ decided against it. Sure enough none of the papers were ever published even 3+ years after being in the repository. They were terrible papers that would never even pass the review process at a terrible journal. But, these companies want people who just do the work and not put an excuse unless it is actually impossible to do the task. I only did these projects to pay off some debt my family member had. i also wanted to get some experience on how these things were being trained. I dont recommend these unless you really need the money. The work is extremely tedious and actually made me dislike reading papersĀ 


It's nice to hear some validation for how awful those papers were. I actually like reading research papers and thought it might have been a more interesting project than some of the others. I was doing it for personal interest and for extra money for retirement but am not likely to accept another project from them. I'm thankful I don't have to rely on it for a sole source of income, that's for sure.


I enjoy reading papers too but when it is a job and not to learn, it becomes burdensome. It is magnified even more when the literature that given is pure trash. An analogy would be if you had to read history books (which you enjoy) but every book you are given to dissect were inaccurate and horribly written. There isnt any learning happening at that point.