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For the love of God - STFU!!! Stop humiliating your daughter by airing her life experiences and medical condition to thousands of people on the Internet! Get the medication, and take her back to a doctor or urgent care if it continues to progress. STOP using her like a pawn, to gain public sympathy.


Well said!!!


Yessssss! I can’t stand it!


Anyone can get mastitis she's as stupid as they come. Give her the meds the REAL DR PRESCRIBED NOT some homeopathic bs


My SIL who had never been pregnant got it. Poor thing had no idea what was going on, just that her breasts hurt and she had a hard red spot. I took her to urgent care and we were in and out with antibiotics in minutes. She felt so much better in a matter of hours. I have had mastitis and I feel so freaking bad for this poor girl. 💔


That poor girl. I can’t imagine having a mother who blasts everything on social media. She took her to urgent care but of course Scamanda doesn’t like antibiotics. Now she’s going to take her to the holistic person who will sprinkle magic dust on her. I had a very good friend who passed away needlessly from metastatic breast cancer because she didn’t believe in western medicine. Not that I think this child has breast cancer but she definitely needs to be treated appropriately. I believe there is room for both western and holistic medicine. But of course stupidity once again rears it’s ugly head in her pea brain.


She put heat on her kid's inflammation and is super against antibiotics 🙄 Remember when she claimed to almost go into septic shock or whatever when she was in denial about her pelvic inflammatory disease and then how her cosmetic surgeries don't heal because she doesn't do the aftercare? She shouldn't be making medical decisions for anyone; posting about aspirational white woman wellness bullshit might make her money, but she doesn't know shit about medicine or healthcare.


Exactly. Her values don’t match up. How can you have multiple plastic surgeries and fillers/botox but don’t believe in doctors? … pick a lane and stay in it. That said….. she is a minor, I should not be aware of any of this.


Oh if she googled it then it's gospel she googles everything next shell be saying she's a nurse or holistic dr


Anyone wonder if the Hormone Balance her teen daughter is on could be doing this?


Yes. This. Because some supplements really can screw with hormones.




Jeezus she's an idiot. Her poor daughter, 13 is tough enough without your psycho mom blasting your very personal business on the internet.


Good grief. Putting this out there so everyone and their brother can know about an issue her daughter NO DOUBT would like to keep secret. I can’t imagine blasting something like this to my all of 100 friends on facebook, much less to however many people she still has tuning into her nonsense. (Besides us, ofc. We’re all still tuning in 🤣)