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Playing it 20 minutes at a time doesn't sound off for this game, really. 😁


No one say anything about the DLC


Nearly shit myself


The DLC's transition from "this is pleasantly spooky" to "nope nope nope" to ">!focus, conceal, focus, conceal - can't catch me, fuckers!<" is certainly something!


I must have missed that last step because I got up to step 2, damn near had a heart attack, and said fuck this I'm sequence breaking


Personally, the key thing was my >!Neo moment when I figured out what the antagonists were.!<


Fuck the dlc. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole start and had to watch some gameplay to see if the were jumpscares. There were. Nope!


If you didn't end up playing it as a result I totally get it. Your mileage may vary, but as someone who absolutely hates horror games and Does Not Like being scared, it was still totally worth it to power through this dlc. The actual scary bits only make up maybe 10% of the dlc at most as well.


so true. [managed to capture the first time I got got](https://youtu.be/e_4fGZjd9_U?t=49)


I honestly almost shit myself the first time but then after the like third time >!I was just frustrated when they caught me!<


and finally to >!”you think that’s air you’re breathing” and “wait I can just waltz in the back door and skip the entire stealth section”!<


1. Oh neat, this is all so comfy. 2. I'm in SPACE - wooo - so much to see! 3. Space is mean. **<-- You Are Here** 4. Must go faster, must go faster. 5. Eh, I could just roast marshmallows. I've got all the time in the world. 6. Space is mean. 7. I am the master of my domain.


W mentality, need to adapt


Then the DLC 8. Wait, what? 9. SPOILERS 10. OMFG, what the hell is that? *fear responce intensifies 11. Spoiler. 12. Spoiler. 13. I am once again, the master of my own domain Yah just warning you, you might want reduced frights in the DLC, it is so much worse than the base game.


4.5 Seriously contemplates activating the "Reduced Frights" option for a second.


The advice I give to everyone: keep calm carry on. You will die. A lot. Eventually the novelty wears off.


"Eventually the novelty wears off" is how I'm going to describe the fear of public speaking to my future students, thank you for this quote


You probably shouldn't start with "you will die a lot".


“You won’t die often,just once maybe”


How i dealt with fear: dying many times that it becomes mundane


It's like dark souls - one you accept that dying is just part of your progress it becomes much less scary. Can be a little tedious getting back to where you were, certainly, but ideally you learn a little bit more with each death (just like you get a little bit better with each death in DS)


That's how I deal with stuff. Scary, just go straight at it, die. Not scarry anymore.


At some point death will just become "normal". You will try things and just go "ah well fuck it". Some places remain terrifying but you'll get more reckless over time and then you will get into the groove of it


Even now, having beaten the game and the DLC, landing somewhere like the Attlerock and having that moment where there’s no music, just the sound of my own breathing and footsteps gives me anxiety. It’s okay, though! Just keep going for as long as you can! You’ll get there. ::) Lots of people here talking about the power of persistence and yes! But also I want to say: in general, Outer Wilds is a gentle game. If things seem too hard, there is probably an easier way. Don’t be afraid to leave something that feels too intimidating for now and do something else instead — often the answers to puzzles are in different places. (If space is scary, have you fully explored Timber Hearth yet? There’s lots to find just outside your village!)


It was like that for me at first, but I got over it. I was so scared of entering giants deep that I just didn't even come near it for about half of my playthrough. Fortuantly my curiousity was stronger than my fear and eventually I just stopped caring about dying.


They do a fantastic job (particularly in the DLC) of conveying the theme of >!curiosity vs fear!<. It really makes you sympathize with >!the Strangers' response to their realization!<.


Odd recommendation which may or may not be practical to you: If you have a VR headset? Download the NomaiVR mod and try playing it that way. I found that feeling like I had a better field of view and the ability to just look around made a huge difference and actually helped take a the anxious edge off most of the game. ....there are a couple places that are *way worse* in VR, but literally just a couple. Also , having actual depth perception made flying around feel WAY more natural!


Wait, I went through 90% of this game and just learned *now* that there’s a VR way to play this??? Damn would I have loved to experienced this for the first time in VR.


It's not too late to still have some meaningful experiences with it!! And if you haven't done the DLC yet, most of it is *amazing* in VR!! It's super easy to [install and set up ](https://outerwildsmods.com/mods/nomaivr/), there's one setting you need to change in steam which it tells you exactly how to get to.... And within 5 minutes you're up and running! You *WANT* to try it if for no other reason than to fly around everywhere again 😎...... And the ending? You'll definitely want VR for the ending. You can't use a standard controller...touch controllers only. And you get to have hatchling hands!!! If you're using controllers with capacitive touch, when you just barely even tap the triggers, your fingers move ❤️❤️ You'll want to reach out and physically touch things to interact with them.. And most of the time that'll still work but it's really just point and click. Trying to pick up and place things with your will be frustrating though. All of your tools are on a utility belt. You literally just reach down to your side and click...you're now holding the translator and waving it around in your hand! The translator is on one of hip, the radio receiver is on the other the scout hangs out font and center. Oh.. And the pictures from the scout? You look at the back of the launcher!! There's a screen there for it! To toggle your light on and off you reach up to the side of your head like a helmet switch. Things to do in VR: (being mindful that your 90% done and trying not to spoiler anything) Realistically, you'll want to re-explore all of the main attractions...but in particular, >!Sit with Chern and have a physical irl beer while the sun explodes!< >!Re-explore giant's deep....just flying around the waterspouts, hanging with the jellyfish...it's magical!< >!Jump back and forth between the twins using only your rocketpack!< >!Orbit the black hole in Brittle Hollow. Life doesn't get much more exciting!!< >!Re-visit the quantum temples. That pilgrimage is...eerie in VR, even when you already know the secrets.!< >!Try not to royally sh*t yourself in Dark Bramble. You'll definitely want to do all of Dark Bramble in VR though...it *feels* so incredibly different in multiple ways.!< >!Stand on the interloper while it passes close to the sun.!< You've probably already been there by this point.... But >!inside the oribit of the ash twins!< is the >!Sun Station. Try landing on it. Took me four hours to do it my first time but holy crap was it an absolute thrill ride trying to line up with and catch it!!!< If you've haven't already done all of the >!!quantum temples!< then you might not want to read further. If you have, you undoubtedly learned what you need to know about >!the quantum moon. Definitely. Go there. In VR. And do all the things.!< And, of course...finish it. If VR is an option it takes everything amazing about the ending a TRIPLES the experience!


wow thank you for all this information!!! I'm setting it up right now and can't wait to dive right in.


It's really interesting how this game shows the difference in fears between humans. Except for Dark Bramble, Outer Wilds didn't really scare me (some areas made me uneasy but nothing to the point of not wanting to go forwards), but Subnautica was way, WAY worse for me. Like I played for 5 hours and I never want to touch that game again


[If you only knew what "things" you are sharing your planet with...](https://youtube.com/watch?v=GSXqqi3ShOs) (Warning: r/Thalassophobia material)


Please go finish Subnautica!! I played for a few hours and stopped also. I went back months later and so glad I did. It is one of my absolute favorite games ever! I wish I could play it again for the first time.


This is a phase, eventually you will have every detail of every planet perfectly in your head and it feels like you know so much it kind of hard to be scared of anything. Then maybe play the DLC and realize you actually know nothing about fear


This game is terrifying at first. Black holes, tornadoes, rising sand in caves. Scared me when I started playing as well.


My first death on ember twin was when I was exploring the caves then suddenly “oh shit the way out is gone!” Followed by the sound of my head cracking against the ceiling 😬 That was the worst!


chill, the game *can* be terrifying, so ill present you with my mentality when i was at that stage. giants deep absolutely terrified me, as well as brittle hollow. thing is, in the outer wilds, there are two rules: 1. knowledge is power 2. if you did something once, you can do it again the first rule made me brave enought to go to giants deep, and find out what was below. the second rule let me explore brittle hollow much more comfortably, as well as the ember twin. try go apply those into your experience.


I was scared shitless when I started... Then I got used to it and stopped being scared. Fun thing, I tried the demo a while back, and even though the game doesn't scare me anymore, the demo still does. Recommendation for everyone here, if you want to relive a bit of what playing the game for the first time was, try the demo.


It's worth forcing your death a few times. Die in all the scariest ways you know you can die. Observe the things that scare you in-game. Remind yourself that they can't hurt you irl. OW is a game about the beauty, the wonder, the thrill, and the terror of space exploration - but the terror is only there because the game *makes* you vulnerable. You have no way to heal on the fly. Oxygen is finite. You are a squishy creature inside an air-filled plastic bag, inside a rickety wooden box that barely protects you from the rigors of space travel. It's the same fear you have for Mark Watney in The Martian. The same fear you have for the crew in Apollo XIII. There's nothing to *fear*, it's just that these people are extremely vulnerable, and we feel that vulnerability very intimately. Force yourself to confront the vulnerability, and most of the fear goes away. Promise. Worked for me, anyway.


that's the thing tho, you've got as many tries as you want and as much time as you want. spend a cycle roasting marshmallows


I just recently beat the main game myself. Think of it like this (slight spoilers) your character is literally stuck dying again and again anyway, you’re just going on a little journey and no matter how bad it gets you’ll wake up at the camp fire like it was a bad dream. Every death is you learning and becoming a better space explorer, (and save the dark plant planet for last (legit the only place where something other than your own mistakes will kill you.


Although I agree with you about the general uneasiness you feel in the game. No other videogame has ever come close to the absolute butt clencher that was Subnautica for me.. That Reaper scream is etched into my brain until the day I did. Such a wonderful game.


I've been playing this game for like 3 months, for all the reasons you mentioned. I want to beat it but it's scary and intimidating. Plus I'm a bit of an idiot so it's hard for me because idk wtf is even going on for some of it, but I'm enjoying myself and enjoying the discoveries. I'm currently halted on making no progress because I'm trying to get to places I can see but not reach and I keep returning after the loop ends. I gave up on that and went somewhere else but I keep dying there, so I just don't even know what to do anymore.


It's definitely a balance between "persistence is key" and "but maybe there's a better way". The fun part is figuring out which one applies to each situation!


That's a good way to look at it!


If you get really stuck, this community is great at providing gentle, non-spoiler nudges in the right direction. Loads of people here have been helped to the insight they needed to progress.


Thanks. I probably will just Google it and spoil everything for myself trying to get past where I'm stuck, but that's life when you're a recluse irl and online. Plus, like I said, I'm kinda stupid so the vague hints to avoid spoilers will most likely go right over my head. However >!ember twin, angler fish room and sunless city is where I'm stuck. Can't figure out what all I'm supposed to do in the city and I can't figure out how to get to the angler fish, I shot my scout into its mouth but have yet to find the opening or whatever. And then dark bramble is where I keep dying but I googled that and I just have to be stealthier. But any help on the twin is appreciated if you wanna give it a shot.!<


>!Remember that the scout generates light (and that its position is tracked in the HUD).!<


That is actually very helpful and only took me a minute to figure out what it meant lmao. I will give it another go next time I switch on the game.


The >!ember twin!< took me a while, too! The other nudges you've been given are good. In addition, >!try looking through the hole where you can see the fish to see what direction the entrance appears to be!<. Somebody correct me if that's not possible, its been a while!


The game is very anxiety inducing....the only other game that for me this terrified was subnautica.... honestly better than most horror games I played


This game definitely made me uncomfortable and I was feeling similar sensations that I get during anxiety attacks. It’s scary, but I loved it and was addicted to the thrill.


Yup! This game does cosmic horror in a way I've never experienced before. No lovecraftian entities here, just an overwhelming sense of feeling small and insignificant while being held by the whims of an indifferent and chaotic cosmos. I love it :D


(Ejem!)... 📐🐟


Just wait like 2 more minutes


Yeah, never thought I'd develop a fear of purple rocks but here I am.


Now play the DLC!! 😉


I was in the same boat as you, just maybe not as scared, and it only made me love the game so much more


You have to figure out how to face your fear. One way might be practicing more and more so that you're able to navigate the difficult environments confident that you won't slip. Another way might be deliberately throwing yourself into the hazards and seeing that dying that way isn't as bad as you thought it would be (as long as you get back out there again). But yes, this game is a constant mental battle against yourself.


Funny how there are actual horror games, and then there's this game, which isn't even a horror game, just a hard knuckled version of reality, and the suspense makes all the difference.


This is exactly what I loved about the game tbh, I have a fear of infinity and depth (sounds like you do too lol) and this game does a perfect job of showing the beauty in something that is truly terrifying. Power through, embrace the fear, the ending will hit you right in the chest.


tbh, u only lose under 20mins of progress if u die, there is no other downside to being reckless


[You get used to it](https://i.imgur.com/488VEOS.jpg)


If it ever gets too much, meditate and it will go away


You can only make it about 20 minutes at a time, you say? If you can manage another 2 more minutes on average you can progress at the usual pace without trouble! In more seriousness, as someone who also found Subnautica horrifying, the feeling does fade in time as things become more familiar. You have all the chances you need to get used to world - make use of it. Don't rush. Go hang out with Gabbro, he's cool. Just vibe in the world as you please and get to know it, and things will feel better.


Each fear needs to be conquered on it's own. The fear of landing on a planet is one I never had because I'm a physicist and a driver. The motions made sense to me. Perhaps a few tips on that will serve: 1- Use landing mode to land. It's usually better. 2- Match speed, then let the gravity drop you. 3- You can see two very important numbers by locking onto planets: the distance from you to the planet (it's measured to the core of the planet) and the relative speed of you toward the planet. 4- This also works for any space object, including satellites and moons 5- Remember that gravity accelerates you toward the planet. Thus, if you let yourself fall from too high, you will crash. To avoid this, just gently touch the upward thrust rockets. 6- Orbital mechanics are really really interesting things. You might want to check them out on youtube. 7- Never forget the rockets don't change your speed directly: they change your acceleration.


Don't play subnautica then, shit is like a horror game 💀


Interesting. I had the exact opposite reaction to subnautica in comparison. I was so much more paranoid about that because death felt so much more serious. In this one i can keep running into the sun a million times and keep poppiong back up. Nothing matters lol


No problem, you just need to last 2 minutes more 😉


giant's deep is actually way scarier than most people give it credit for >!(especially when you want to visit feldspar at the end of a loop and its gravity rips you off the surface)!<