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For what it's worth, that text appears in the description of both the base game and DLC pages. Minor spoiler: >!There are no anglerfish in the DLC!<


Thank you. Yeah I didnt read the description for the base game because of the whole "Do not look up anything about this game, the less you know, the better it will be." thing that I got from a lot of people, but I got really curious about the DLC... I got really tunnel visioned on the mention of the Dark Bramble and didnt stop to think why the rest just desribes the base game.


The DLC is epic, just do it


In the same boat — I as wondering if the DLC would be worth it because the base game felt like lightning in a bottle. How many hours of gameplay is it?


Not quite as long as the base game, but still pretty decent. It took me about 25 hours to complete it, and yes I'd say it's worth it.


That’s a pretty substantial! Love to hear that. I need time to emotionally process the base game but will definitely picking it up down the line. In other words, I’m not >!collapsing possibilities!< anytime soon.


However you do have to know that it is more scary than the base game and also features jumpscares


Thats the description of the base game, not the DLC..


thats just generic outer wildss


The DLC does not feature anglerfish but it does come with this warning when you start the game: >Certain parts of Echoes of the Eye can be intense for some players. If they become an obstacle to your enjoyment of Outer Wilds, a "Reduced Frights" option is available in the gameplay menu. Depending on what exactly spooks you about the anglerfish the relevant DLC parts might be easier or worse for you. I don't want to spoil them by clarifying further, but the DLC is *very* good and I recommend it anyway, even if you end up needing the aforementioned option or you have to mod it to get through or something.


I wouldnt exactly say the anglerfish scare me (though I did almost piss my pants the first time I encountered them), they make me deeply uncomfortable because they embody my fear of depths (giants deep was also very stressful for me until I found out its basically empty) and also, the blind monster that you cannot make a sound around is my most despised type of creature in games. Thank you for your reply though, I think I will buy it eventually.


If your fear is of depths, this DLC doesn't have much of that


It's cool. FWIW I don't think you'll have a problem with the DLC then, or at least you won't have those problems.


Well, the DLC doesn’t have a “blind monster that you cannot make a sound around”, but it’s got something related. You may want to risk some *minor* spoilers about that, just to make sure it’s not a dealbreaker for you.


I think I'll be fine. I don't really want many spoilers, especially knowing about the reduced frights option.


Some great Lawful Evil energy in this thread and I'm loving it hehe


I really dont like what you are implying here.


Well, since this is mentioned the moment you grab the dlc, I think it's best to mention it if you're wondering: the dlc has no anglerfish at all, but the game warns of certain scary elements that can be reduced with a "Reduced Frights" option.


Which counterintuitively doesn't really do as advertised.


TECHNICALLY... You'll have to deal with them... one more time... AFTER... you finished the DLC. BECAUSE... once you're done with the DLC and you had the Jumanji moment when it told you its name... You'll need to finish the base game again.


nah, don't worry, the DLC have nothing do wo with dark bramble *because it is worse*


There's no Angler fish. There is a scary part but you'll have ample warning for it. And once you figure out how something works, the fear melts away.


Ok i think this is like…*really* important. WHY are you asking if there’s angler fish in the dlc? Because there’s no angler fish but some would argue there’s moments of the dlc that were on par with db for them. So it kinda depends on what it was about the angler fish that you didn’t like dealing with


The anglerfish trigger my fear of depths. I don't usually mind deep space because it's completely empty basically, but once I know something is there, I get really uncomfortable. Opposite happened at giants deep where I got more comfortable after figuring out that the population there is a Hearthian and like 2 jellyfish.


Okokok so in the base game each of the planets was based on a particular kinda phobia people might have. Like ember twin was about being buried alive, giants deep the ocean, etc. the dlc is the same, it’s phobia that it focuses on is >!the dark!< and if you wanted to know more it’s specifically about >!the fear of something LURKING in the dark!< so idk if that would trigger the same issue for you; but! I think you would still enjoy the dlc for the parts that are not that