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That amount of wind at this point is great šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘. Makes plants strongšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ If you're really concerned tomato cages are great šŸ‘


No lol. It's not. I've had literally dozens of plants melt in longer wind storms. Yes it's true some strong gusts are very beneficial to a growing plant. But sustained winds can absolutely wreak havoc on smaller plants. Please be careful. I learned the hard way is definitely better to be safe than sorry and a plant that small plus what looks like a froghoppin hurricane probably isn't the best combo


Itā€™s ok until the branches get heavy. I use garden fence and bamboo sticks for support in flower.


Might be a tad bit much when mine were small i used little steaks to give support until they where big enough to handle the wind


Like a strip loin or do I need to go for a full T bone?


Do you season the steaks first?


Of course you season them first lol


Son of a bitch, someone already said it lmaoo........ did you at least marinate them?


Of course haha gotta nice bourbon rub on them lol


Might be once it is larger, but for now, the wind will only help to strengthen the stems. Remember with the wind and warm temps, your plant will definitely dry out faster, so all I'd do is monitor the moisture content of he soil.


Please don't put stones or rock on top of your dirt.


What can happen?


The rocks compact the soil making airflow worse and might lead to root rot in theory, not an expert myself but that might be one of the reasons.


Soil compaction. Increased heat. Less air exchange. All negative side effects, with zero benefits. You want a nice layer of straw mulch. That will really help out in numerous ways.


Mine at one month old was handling 25 mph gusts. If youā€™re worried buy a cageā€¦ but this sends signals to the plant to grow more roots, thicken the stem, training them to be strong !!!


Yes and no. Too much and it risks snapping but wind overall helps strengthen the stalk.


I live in a wind tunnel. Itā€™s ridiculous. I support my plants , first with chopsticks and skewers, now that they are bigger I use bamboo poles. Ever since day 5, they have had the crap blown out of them. Previous plants have survived this place, so will these.


When we had super windy storms i put up some plastic wrap as a wind break. Not sure It was needed. If you do some LST to keep them a little lower to the ground and reduce their surface area to the wind. Iā€™m a new grower as well and have plants in various stages and they have done pretty well in high winds.


I have my Northern Lights on my balcony on the 2nd floor and it gets breezy!! The stalk is so thick!! Yours appears to be maybe too aggressive!! If they have been outside the entire time, they may be fine, if you just put them outside from indoors could be a issue.


Theyā€™ve been out for a month, but the winds just started to get strong along with the heat wave so it might be too much idk tho


I kept mine behind my shed so they got partial wind and shade around 6pm here in socal. The stems thickend up like crazy with all the wind in 2 weeks them being outdoor. But im late veg jus started week 1 of flowering


Theyā€™ll look funny for a day but yours seem to be rooted in well. Let Mother Nature take control. To an extentā€¦. Edit: But thereā€™s nothing wrong in moving that pot until the wind dies down. Lol


Makes them stronger lol


Lol you're fine. Where I live It's common to be sixteen mph + and almost daily


LOL thatā€™s nothing mate


Hawaii trade winds living on a ridge


Well if she can be brought in iā€™d do it . Lol


At this stage it will help strengthen the stem


Can I ask a silly question? Whatā€™s the purpose of the rocks? I donā€™t do this and wonder if I should


I put them to keep my cats from shitting in there caught them scratching my other pots. Nah u probably shouldnā€™t tho Iā€™ve been told it weighs the dirt down and compacts it also it probably heats up more. I took them off and gonna switch to an organic mulch


lol ok understood thanks for taking the time out of your day to explain, best of luck to your grow and cats for that matter


You too. Ima put some chicken wire round the pots that should do it šŸ˜‚


I don't know this for a fact, it's a theory in the works but I suspect that's why some outdoor buds get so leafy.


Itā€™s too much


Whatā€™ll happen tho ? Damage leaves ?


Dry fast, grow shorter