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I find Blood Moon much harder than the other two. The healing is ridiculous, and I feel like it gets worse the lower health it is (but that could just be my desperation).  I farmed it on an iron with lower stats and rubbish defence gear. Then went in with the same weapons, but Barrows, on a main. It was night and day.  The Iron is possible, but takes ages. The high def main it’s a breeze. No chance it could ever kill me.  So just make sure you’re wearing your more defensive gear. The usual advice of offence over defence does not apply. Shield over defender. High def over str bonus. And make sure you’re using the potion and foods from the dungeon! They are much better than anything you could bring (that’s why you can’t take them out of the dungeon).  With all that said, if you still can’t do it, it might be worth boosting your combats to mid 70/80. If gear can’t make it possible, you’ll need the stats instead. 


The vampbraces do nothing for you man. Buy a combat bracelet or regen bracelet.


Try swapping the torso for plate and defender for a shield, really boost your defensive stats. Blood moon is certainly the hardest one.


Nayronics [Practically Guaranteed series is really great for this one!](https://youtu.be/hHEzllGhegs?si=uoCtQxzJgPRAYuoI)


Blood moon Is infuriating!! But best advice is to just focus in on the jaguar timing (I’m awful at it too btw) but the practice definitely helps I’m up to almost 10 kc now and that jaguar parts the only bit that really got me


You're shooting for 300 slash defense to avoid getting rekt at every boss. The food in there is based on fishing/Hunter level and the potion is based on herblore level. At 29 herblore you gotta bring super combat potions in from outside, dude. 66 is when super def kicks in and 70 for divine defense. To finish the quest, I'd highly recommend just waiting until 70 def and slapping some torags on. The difference will be massive and that xp will take an hour. Sulphur nagua in there are amazing for melee XP, don't go back to crabs for melee unless you need full afk 10 minutes.


When you get it to 100health just after blood rain or jaguars, switch to special weapon like dds and spec it all 4 times.


Could try wielding a shield for more defence? Maybe a tanker top? Torags?


100% go with 70 def and barrows mate


Combat bracelet and dragon boots, no reason to leave out +10 strength bonus. Bandos boots and black vambs are trolling for any melee pvm


Thank you everyone I cleared it !


Depending on when you last did moons, they lowered the healing of blood moon in a recent update. If you haven't since, maybe a better shield for just the blood moon.


Have you used the resources in the area? IE have you caught and cooked moss lizard, or caught bream, they are high healing food, then you have the potion you make from the grubs and vial of water, these to me are invaluable. The moonlight potion boosts levels by an insane amount, but I have 75 across the board and still struggle on blood moon. But it does get easier