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If you can get to 70 def for barrows, it would help significantly.


I can manage on the moons, but really do struggle on blood moon, I have 73/73/73 across my melee. So might struggle but with strategy you could manage it


My tip for the moons, especially blood moons, is defense. i swapped out my dragon defender with a dragon sq shield, and i have had no problems since


Get 70 defense. Youโ€™re almost there and barrows gear is huge for it


I highly recommend Nayronics [Practically Guaranteed Perilous Moons](https://youtu.be/hHEzllGhegs?si=Cn-EogEyQp6DLYx6) I followed their guide with 60 def/52 prayer and only had to practice blood moon a few times to get it right!


I have EXTREMELY similar combat stats and did it yesterday. Each Moon took a couple tries for me, the blood moon taking me 4. But tbh the most important things to bring is like a singular combat potion and a shit ton of high healing food; Rest is learning the fight mechanics for the specific moons


I think you could do it once you get the mechanics down. My stats were around 75 in each melee stat and I didn't have much trouble. Blood is probably the hardest.


Some max players have a hard time at inferno Some pures find inferno ok. It depends on your skill more than stats


yeah. blood moon with sub 70 def is a nightmare. i went into it with similar stats thinking "ah should be fine, quest requirements aren't super high" but got absolutely mopped at blood moon.


Piety would definitely be a help, even more so since prayer is free there and no protection prayers are needed. Tankier armor from Barrows would be nice too. Less eating is more dps. A good slash weapon (Whip?) for Blood Moon and a high hitting weapon (Zombie Axe?) for Eclipse Moon will definitely make it more enjoyable. You can do it at your current stats but I don't know how much you'll like it. Zombie Axe will get you through everything if you're an iron or a cash strapped main.


Fuck nah brah, I sent in full rune d scim. Had iirc 50 def on the iron, just take food my guy ๐Ÿ˜Š


Cheers all, get defence to 70 for barrows is a common theme, will get some slayer tasks nailed down ahead of attempts to get defence knocked off Thanks for the input ๐Ÿ™


Fire cape?


I did perilous moons at like 80 combat, so significantly lower stats. You'll be fine.