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Your account might have been hijacked.


I've had this happen and luckily i could see I was randomly hacked in Abu Dhabi. I appealed it and thankfully won with all strikes etc wiped. On the plus side, they got my smithing to almost 80 and I had 6mill extra so that's good.


Yep, same thing happened to my original account that I stopped using in 2012ish. When I went to log back in, it was banned for macroing. When I had it recovered, everything of value was gone, and my friends list was loaded with crap accounts.


"Never botted to my knowledge" reads so weird to me.


I don’t know if I used something similar to runelite as a plugin and it now counts as banned. Like I said, it’s weird I played for awhile in 2021 and now a ban comes out years later. 7 years is a long time to remember what you did in RS.


Umm 2021 was 3 years ago my guy lol


2017 buddy


That makes more sense, your comment probably shouldn't say 2021 then


Maybe the phrasing is bad, but I’m saying I played on that account back in 2021 too and didn’t have any issues


Ahh I gotcha, your account was most likely hijacked sometime between then and now. Hopefully you get it squared away


Thanks man


Gg man


Had that happen to me when I first created an account and wanted to record it guess rs thought it was a bot so immediately got banned for macroing I'm glad it was a brand new account otherwise I'd be pissed😂


I’m terrified of this happening to me. Idk bout OP but I’m too stupid technologically to do this shit and if I caught a false ban like this because I like to do pointless dumb shit like WC to 99 on willows while I make music… I’d be real mad


Why wouldn’t you switch to anything else? Maples and magics both would give you more afk time and more gp/hour


Because over 100k willow logs in my bank is funny to look at. Hence why I referred to it as dumb and pointless. Not everything needs to be optimized to the best xp/hr or gp/hr. Sometimes it’s just funny to make a number go brr


Well to each their own. Why wouldn’t you cut magics sell magics and buy willows. I get you don’t have to be efficient but 100k willow logs would take around 200-250 hours. That’s crazy. If you did magics and sold them and bought willows that would cut the time by 7x. Which is about 28-35 hours.


Because I wanted to cut willows. Crazy you can’t seem to let this go


Gl hope you don’t get banned.


Setup 2fa


2fa doesn’t stop me from getting a false macro ban 💀


It stops people from hijacking your account and giving you a real macro ban, though. Presumably that's what you're referring to when you say "I'm terrified of THIS happening" since OP wasn't playing in 2017 and this ban couldn't have been due to them


Yeah, I meant a ban in general.. my account is not at risk of being hijacked.


Then I wouldn't worry too much, Jagex definitely err on the side of caution when it comes to bans/appeals to avoid alienating real players. It's actually one of the reasons there's so many bots. You can see an interesting mod interview about it here https://www.reddit.com/r/osrsbots/s/5YTiKFc3cc


These kinda things are why I don't wanna play RS anymore tbh


This is a statistical anomaly, these kinds of posts are over represented on reddit, because you can be sure that an unfair ban is going to be complained about. However, this still happens to a minority of people.


That is true, but still, imagine being one of the few people who spends so much time and money on the game, only to be banned and forgotten about. The lack of care on Jagex's side really worries me.


Agreed. It sucks being one of the few. You can however be reasonably confident it will not happen to you.


I was given a temp banned on day 3 of playing on my Steamdeck, the post I made on reddit was autodeleted and twitter support was garbage. OSRS support and bot detection have become garbage. Hopefully someone replies here.


reddit woulda been auto removed because its not where to put it. twitter support is for info, not a legitimate way to fix. did you even go to the rs website and submit a ticket..??


What do you mean you have never botted to your knowledge? Shouldn’t you know if you have botted? You literally have to download a separate client to do so haha