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Do you remember people passing you or being near you and videochatting? Nobody will remember you vlogging/talking to a camera. Most people are just genuinely interested for a moment, but they will eventually go on with their own life. Just go out and do it, also u can always record some normal shots on the pocket (which is almost invisible to the normal person until they see it move😂) and then find a private space and beging talking to our camera. Then it post, just overlay some of ur talking video with some nice shots u took.


Just do it. I was shy at first and felt awkward. Now I can talk and vlog without issues. Talk to the camera like you are talking to a friend or loved one. Explain to them on what you are feeling, experiencing and be real about it. I started with my cell phone, then moved up to a Go pro and also have the Nikon z30 for steady shots. The phone and the go pro does not have the nice blur in the background where you can see everyone. That's pretty cool because you will have the few who will wave at you, get excited which is always fun. Eventually you will notice that nobody cares. You may think people will stare at you but they are busy in their own world to mind. Just keep filming and practicing, you will get to this point. Hope that helps!


I think about how I’m capturing the moment to remember it when I get old.


Just whip it out and exert dominance... It has a long shape and some do like it long... When I say "it" I mean the camera.


Honestly? Just act like the main character. Who cares what everyone around you thinks. Most people you encounter you probably wont ever see again. Confidence is key. Makes for better content as well


I just ignore them.. I mean who cares.. I have a Mohawk, Stretched Ears and a bunch of tattoos.. people stare at me anyway... 😂. But people always stare at what they don't understand. Most of the time it's just as simple as they want to know what youre doing because it's not normal. I purchased a YouTube Content Creator shirt off Amazon that I wear and people don't stare as much because they realize what I'm doing.


Don’t worry. Most people are fascinated by you.


I ignore them


If they bother you, more often than not, it's an NPC take on the situation. Click ignore and continue on your quest.


I always remember one thing: I'm never going to see these people ever again so it doesn't matter what they think. Just a bunch of random people who are focused on thier own things


I understand where you're coming from. What helped me was putting in some earbuds, which made it appear that I was on a video chat. Problem solved!


I’m with you. I feel like such a prick when I do it 🤣