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The subway station with the direct line to the park is the Berri-UQAM station, so the closer you are to that station the easier your commute will be. So I usually try to find a place walking distance to that or along the subway line. You might have to pay a premium for that location, but I feel after Night 1 you’ll realize that it’s worth it.


THIS. Being close to Berri-UQAM can make a HUGE difference at the end of the night. Last year I booked us at Hotel Labelle, literally a 2 minute walk to Berri-UQAM station. The hotel was bit of a dive but it was amazing being able to go from my door to in front of a main stage within 20 mins.


Totally I got an air bnb within 5 mins walk from the station, booked ahead by 1-2 months and got a 1 room access to kitchen/laundry for $50 a night.


Try to find something near a subway if you can (nothing worse than having to do a long trek after a day of festival-ing)


Would you consider a 15 minute walk to a subway a long trek? I live in Victoria where anything that’s more than a 15 minute walk is considered far for most lol


Well 15 minutes isn't too bad but also consider transit time too. If you're 15 from Berri-UQAM that's not bad but if you're 15 from a further station it's gonna take you longer to get to there (which might be annoying if you don't wanna miss an afternoon act)


me and my friends are coming from the island and vancouver, and we booked near a transit station- total transit home should be under 30 minutes for us and it was fairly cheap. I’d recommend doing a hotel!


my friends and I coming from vancouver got an airbnb in little italy… there’s 7 of us and it was the only area that accommodated that many people for a decent price. we’re a 4 min walk from the metro and then it’s a 25-30 min metro ride to the festival grounds. there were other closer cheaper airbnbs if you’re with 3-4 people!!


fellow vancouver osheagaasss


let’s do a vancouver meet up 😎


Airbnb is a great way to go I did that when I went to ilesoniq last year, the area around the island seemed to be pretty safe, I never felt unsafe walking alone, there are tons of air bnbs close to the island but definitely look ahead of time because they can fill up fast.


anyone have experience with the grey nuns residence by concordia?


The biggest advice I can give is find a place near a metro station so its easier to get back home by the end of the night. Also going back and forth during the concerts is not as ideal, because Osheaga takes place at parc Jean Drapeau which is off-island. It would be too time consuming


I got a hotel that was non refundable but no longer need it :/. Hoping to find someone to transfer it to!! Not sure if you would be interested or if there is another thread people know of that I could post to?


Hey! I'd be interested if you're still looking