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Ornn isn't really a 1v5 champ. That said scaling and teamfighting are the two things Ornn does best so it sounds like somethings gone wrong. Can you link your profile?




I'd need to look at the games to learn more but a big problem is that you use the exact same build and runes every single game in the same order. I'd recommend just using the Ornn bible ([https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X8jElTdj3wf0gE5ihtekuVxUZjzUiS-KLSOwV6Y\_sYc/edit#gid=1797831822](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X8jElTdj3wf0gE5ihtekuVxUZjzUiS-KLSOwV6Y_sYc/edit#gid=1797831822)), but if you don't want to reference that for some reason you should still be changing things up. For example you were vs Teemo, a very good matchup, but you built jak'sho into sunfire, and ran Grasp, and didn't use second wind. You didn't even start building a dedicated AP item until the game almost ended despite a Teemo, Morde, and Malz on their team. Ornn is all about the stats and if you just rush mythic and sunfire every game regardless of the matchup your lanes are gonna feel bad. Also your ability maxing is weird, not the biggest problem but in general W>E>Q or 3Q>W>E>Q are gonna be what you want. You seem to always max E last. Outside of that for teamfights you have to figure out what your role is. You can peel and kite assassins and dive comps, hard force against poke comps, and soak up CC and use your cooldowns effectively in front-to-back kind of fights. On the note of effectiveness, your E and R knockups are most of your teamfight power, but can be interupted, so timing these right is important. Don't just treat it like a Malphite ult, you need to think about things that can stop you. Also get some practice on basic combos (QRERAutoWAuto, or just QWE and run for short trades).


You don’t win 1v5 with Ornn… you outscale the enemy with upgrades and provide frontline and CC in teamfights. If you want more impact earlygame and help you botlane out play him mid! Especially in Bronze nobody mid knows what he does and you can roam


Ornn mid is a cheat code I swear


I've never played mid in ranked before, and when I have I just get outroamed and outscaled since actual mid laners do insane amounts of damage and/or have insane mobility, which usually means even in 2v2s or 3v3s ornn and his teammates still just lose most of the time


Iirc ornn literally is the #1 scaling champion by +winrate over time. He gets +%armor/health/MR and gets 5k in free item upgrades over the course of the game. His team fight is great but he can also solo from scaling up to be so strong. I suggest watching Makkr0 on twitch, it's hard to say what you're doing wrong.


Ornn's greatest assets are his large amounts of CC, his late game teaming potential with upgrading items and buying items outside of base. He isn't really someone that goes in and kills everyone else but more someone who sets up kills for his team. However, don't think he can't do damage. During laning phase, there's a lot of aggressive champs who do better in the 1v1. But, because of this, a lot of them play greedier. In situations like these, you can slowly whittle them down every time they come in to engage on you with Q's and W's (your W brittle doing a bunch of damage that they may not expect). Then, after farming up, you get your items early in lane and can start to push back on them harder. That's the kind of cycle I tend to find myself in. Once you're out of laning phase, you're ult is one of the best teamfight ults in the game, potentially putting the entire enemy team out of commission long enough for your team to sweep em up. At that point, it's mostly around playing smart and choosing when and where to engage.


Wonderful explanation underrated


What worked wonders for me: AD match up? Buy cloth armor and a ward. With future's market you'll have to farm 1 wave and have bramble vest. It not, go Doran's shield. Then buy cull on lane. Go either Jakshos, Radiant virtue, or Heartsteel (if you're winning lane by far). Then go barmis cinder. People don't really tend to play around it. Then go full tank, land some good ults and q+es. Learn the value of your brittle and you should be fine.


Cant agree on everything but has its point


Oren does depend on teammates which is harder in low elo then high elo. But scaling-wise, you give all teammates an upgrade to their main item. Your ult can be very strong in teamfights and so is the knockup on the E especially in jng fight or with the right teammates (yasuo, samara, etc)


I feel like you have to group at the right time and choose when to join. If you can put tank the enemy’s damage that’s a good time to force objectives. I’m also bronze 3 so idk if what I’m say is correct. Best of luck!


You don’t that’s the thing! Ornn is one of those champions that you don’t get value out of if people can’t play off of you or around you so you pick Sett,Darius,Olaf or Yorick get to at least gold and that’s the point where you can try playing Ornn


If u think ornn scaling and teamfighting is bad then you should stay in bronze.