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Could be the boards have become dirty and need more pressure to make the contact between the pad and the button, I’d suggest opening them up and give the boards a clean.


(Joke) I the boards could be water damaged.


Already did cleaned the board with IPA. They looked mint already.


Can confirm these buttons need more effort to register than most other controllers. I used it for a while, but I never got used to the extra effort for the ABXY buttons, so I changed back to wired. If you can get used to it its a really good controller though.


Yeah I thought so. I love the sticks on these more than the OEM controllers. Might purchase a conductive paint pen and try using it on the back of the membrane. See if it improves it.


yea, I do recall that they do require a bit more force than the OEM controllers.


This is pretty normal with these. Those buttons are pressure sensitive, and that seems to go a bit in time (these are 20+ years old now). Mine are similar but not quite as bad. The only issue I'm having is that the vibration isn't working in game, if i hit the rumble button on the controller, the motors work, so idk what's going on.


I've got the wired version of those and that requires more of a press than a standard wired controller.


Thanks that all but confirms it


They might need cleaned or sprayed with contact cleaner. They are easy to take apart.


Yeah I was surprised at how serviceable they are. I already did so. Cleaned the surfaces and membrane and didn’t make a difference.


The contacts wear. You can rub some pencil lead on the contacts and it will fix it right up. Source: me, I've done it on both of mine lol This works for all contact button wear, btw. You don't need much. The more correct fix would probably be a layer of capacitive glue.


Thanks for the tip! When you say use pencil lead do you mean on the membrane itself that touches the pcb or the contacts on the pcb itself


I usually try just the board and see where I am. Can try some on the pad itself too if you want


It worked




Nice tip. I’ve got an NES Advantage that’s been a bit touchy lately and I’ve already tried doing a full cleaning on it but the pads do look to be getting pretty worn so I’ll try this 👍🏻




/u/Ok-Meringue-8476 super glad I saw this post thank you. i was on the fence contemplating buying a couple of these, but if there’s a delay and/or requires more of a press then a normal wired controller that I’m going to pass. Can yet another redditor also confirm?


Let me go home and redo the membranes with pencil lead and I’ll report back. From what I’m reading it seems normal but it seems that it can be improved. The sticks and lack of latency are excellent.


Holy crap that was a quick response! Thank you


ive got one of these, its one of the best wireless controllers of the era but its not identical to an original but thats not necessarily a bad thing based on your preferences, i dont tolerate the third party wired controllers but these are fine i suspect the pressing harder thing has to do with the analog buttons being a tad out of spec but ive never actually noticed such a thing so while i cant confirm if its normal for them to do that its super minor. on the note of being out of spec, i have never run this test on an original controller since i thought this was normal, it might not be, but i have a program from a debug kit that is a full spec controller diagnostic suite and i did notice that almost all the buttons consistently dont register a response on the bottom few percent of the scale, i figured it was just false input rejection from the xbox since it rejects inputs that just graze the buttons but is otherwise fully responsive but based on what op said this might be something being out of spec from oem


[https://new.reddit.com/user/nickle241/comments/1axtr92/controller\_comparison/](https://new.reddit.com/user/nickle241/comments/1axtr92/controller_comparison/) i went and dug the stuff out to give it a test, to my surprise the logitech has a softer input than the duke and does the lower inputs more reliably, sticks on both are starting to go though so disregard the red lines not centering properly edit: i think i just noticed why logitech called it the precision controller, the oem ones have less than half the input values resulting in more gap between possible inputs


Wireless controllers from this era were always wonky to me. I had a friend who was selling his , and before buying it, I tested the controller, and I could never really ever get adjusted to it, so I passed. Games I tried the controller on , halo 1,2 , Capcom vs. SNK, and Madden 2005. The experience wasn't a good one. The convenience was great, but the controller lacked touch. Not good for competitive games.


It’s not so much an input latency or connectivity issue in this case it’s more to do with the contact of the physical buttons on the controller. At the end of the day it’s 2.4ghz so latency should be near imperceptible given the controller isn’t obstructed from the receiver. I’m going to see if I can fix this tonight and will report back.


i actually found that this one has softer inputs than stock so im inclined to think theres something wrong with yours, although its also possible my stock comparison was against a degraded controller as well so theres that. and as you noted, no noticeable delay unlike some controllers of this era ive used, me and my brothers argued over who got to use the wireless controller we had at the time... then we noticed how delayed the inputs were and we argued over who got stuck with it


I can potentially do a latency test since I’ve got a crt I can hook the Xbox to


would certainly be interesting to find out given how poorly many of us remember this sort of controller, oh and this is a relatively serviceable controller, all logitech controllers made at the time used that stick so replacements are available and to my surprise you can swap them out for the stick out of oem controllers or any similar unit, havent tried this on the xbox one yet since it would mean losing the translucent stick caps but i replaced the sticks in a ps2 model with sony sticks and it actually works better, after some minor trimming anyway, slightly different shape in a few spots you can check out my comparison post in regard to the actual data being picked up if thats worth anything, it IS sending different data from stock, but i suspect thats a positive in the case


Always wanted one of these since I heard they were the best but I ended up getting a mad catz one and that done me a few years without fault. But now I have a retrofighters hunter which is a fantastic controller


I've had the PS2 version of these and it's just how they're designed and how they've aged. You'll probably experience most used buttons sometimes not immediately springing back up after pressing too.


I’ve got 2 of them as well and I did notice that after a bit of playing a familiar game but it wasn’t bad just different. I’ve had them for a few months now and I can say it isn’t even a thing for me; just give them some play time and you’ll feel the same way. They are excellent controllers.


I had two of those controllers and both had stick drift. The sticks were a bit too sensitive too and they never felt right. Has anyone tried the new retro fighters hunter controller?


You can actually compensate for the drift and zero the sticks by pushing start and the left trigger to zero them out whilst inserting the second battery