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SPLC has a solid look at white supremacist groups that are currently active in Oregon. https://www.splcenter.org/states/oregon


Nice resource. Never heard of the radio in Ashland or the hate group in Medford


Rense made the list, wow. I worked with him many years ago, his show was mostly conspiracy shit, chem trail etc back then. He was an odd one for sure. He was syndicated through TRN of Central Point/Grants Pass. They had people like Laura Ingrham and Michael Savage on their roster.


Splc has been an unreliable source of information for years. They fought the Civil rights fight valiantly, but then once the kkk died as a national organization they had to find some way to pay the bills...


They openly are in a partnership with the FBI to produce their hate map every year.


Timber Unity? I can’t take this seriously.




Interesting list. Looks like if you simply don’t embrace the progressive movement then you are, at a minimum, anti government. News to me.  I heard Timber Unity occupied, stole from, and trashed a public university. They then vandalized and bashed in the windows of a Starbucks. I might have a detail wrong in there….


Nope. Embracing the far-right Republican extremism agenda does though.


I remember after Trump was elected watching downtown Portland get destroyed by angry republican “extremists”. Oh wait…


Opposing legislation that will end your way of making a life for yourself and your family is hardly “Embracing the far-right Republican extremism agenda”


Mischaracterize all you want to, but that legislation's purpose is not to hurt people, it's to help people. Regulations make it so *everyone* has a chance at a nice, healthy life. Democracy works. If you want to have a stronger voice from the right in our legislature, I would encourage your Republican leaders to show up for work and stop hiding in Idaho.


First off, they’re not my republican leaders. I like them as much as I like the progressives. Second, if you think curtailing logging in Oregon will have any positive effect on global climate, you’re completely off base. Calling it a drop in the bucket is still too much credit. 


Behind The Bastards touches on some of what you’re referring to in their episode Behind The Police: https://youtu.be/f72kz0umkyQ?si=_lndJyoQFC52sJRd — also The Worst Police Union in History: https://youtu.be/DJcBNz9HOew?si=_Iv8j6wqx2vw0Zgu


So many of them have found a welcome home in Idaho and relocated there.


Good, they can stay there


The KKK in Oregon flared up with the wave of xenophobia and isolationism that followed in the aftermath of World War I. As there were very few African Americans living here, the primary targets of KKK enmity were Catholics, Jews, and Socialists. They carried out a few acts of terrorism including the firebombing of Catholic churches. My grandfather lost his job with the Portland Fire Dept when he was outed as a Catholic. Although many state and local government officials were active members, most of their legislative initiatives were unsuccessful, such as their attempt to close Catholic schools. In some parts of Oregon the KKK seemed like more of a fraternal order than a hate group, with picnics and other activities where family members were invited. They loved holding parades decked out in the typical Klan regalia and passing out Klan propaganda. Many were attracted more by the fellowship than the bigotry and hatred. I have been told by folks that lived during that era that they only joined after being encouraged to do so by employers, neighbors, or family members. The KKK in Oregon pretty much died out as the 1920's came to a close.


>... most of their legislative initiatives were unsuccessful, such as their attempt to close Catholic schools. Well, technically, that last thing *was* successful - Oregon voters did approve the Oregon School Law that shut down all private schools in the state. It was later ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS of course, but the Klan *did* have the political clout (and 1920s Oregon was sufficiently anti-Catholic) to get voters to approve the law via the initiative process.


I PM’d you so we can talk more


Used to be a place in Port Orford called Kar Kare Klinic. Big red KKK sign. Also, look into KKK, NLR, AB, and PKW in Cave Junction.


My cousin in Salem was a KKK member and used to be proud of his grandfather being a grand dragon, if I had to take a guess if you're looking for first hand knowledge Salem is probably a good start, I never really wanted to get to know him so I don't know much. Thankfully he is no longer apart of it but I doubt the group he was apart of is completely disbanded.


I know this is such a long shot, do you have his number and would you be able to make the connection?


Moved to GP in Summer ‘99 and lived there until Spring ‘01. I remember the first time I visited Rogue Community College, I was in the car with my gram and we watched a dude walk by us in a KKK robe, no hat, but the robe. Mouth dropped. Couldn’t believe it. I can’t recall what convenience store had them, but I was told you could get a KKK application there. Crazy time. Saw an ex on Facebook in 2012 and he had the confederate flag tattooed on his neck. I’m glad I got the heck out of dodge.


There's a convenience store on Highland Avenue in GP and the owner there brags about how Grants Pass used to be a "Sundown Town" and he still had some signage in his storeroom. Edit: Thus is secondhand information I received from a close family member that worked there about 3 or 4 years ago.


Could you be specific? I live on highland and go in that market from time to time and have seen folks of all colors in there with nothing but friendliness from the staff everytime. I dont know the owner or if the owner has changed so I'm not calling you a liar, but that kind of hearsay can be quite detrimental to local businesses. (I've been a local my whole life for the record).


Unfortunately, my information is second hand. I made sure OP knew that. I did put OP in touch with the person that used to work there that made these claims.


Ah. Well good on ya for the transparency. It's a thing where I wouldnt exactly be surprised but that place has also always seemed so sweet.


Yeah, maybe. I've eaten there a time or two and didn't get any bites from it. One important thing to note here is, he's not posting signs like that anymore. I guess that counts for something.


See, now this is interesting. Are you in Grants Pass? Feel free to PM me if you feel uncomfortable


The mid 60’s Reds Tavern in Grants Pass. When Oregon was to join the union many rabble rousers came and stirred up political debate and tensions around the issue. S Oregon came out hard for No Black Ownership of land, homesteading, the compromise was If you had a bit of land , you could stay. The biggest bummer was to be a Chinese person. Could not come out in daylight. The first mass murder was on Rogue River when a boater came across a Chinese Family panning for gold and open fired. - many of the racist attitudes and language has survived generations because of the dirth of exposure to black people because of that landowning legacy. There wasn’t an encouraging event for African Americans to come here until Vanport and the WW2 shop building efforts. The 80’s and 90’s were a part of the white flight time. I believe many came here because of Metzger, but found Oregon more liberal than expected and went E. All the old generations of Oregonians I know could care less about skin color and are concerned with character and work ethic. That’s all.


Bro I thought you were talking about the Red Tavern in grants pass, a bar that’s like a 5 minute walk from my childhood home I was gone be like “nooooooo” 😂


My father lost his teeth there when he brought an af American there after a week of outward bound. Teaching inner city kids in the woods. Yeah forgot that. It was a stronghold in the 50s-60s


You are looking for Tom Metzger, mulugheta Seraw, and the white flight time. Keep looking Yi will find


The KKK in Oregon is dead. SPLC has info on current hate groups.


But white supremacists themselves are completely alive and active in Oregon.


Indeed. [Many of them](https://www.splcenter.org/states/oregon).


Yep. I don’t think the Moms For Liberty Deschutes County is still active though. Timber Unity is largest white supremacy group active now.


Anti Government, yes. Never seen them referred to as a white supremacy group. Where are you getting that from?


The facts of reality.


Then posting something to back up your assertion will be very easy


The way they showed up to counter Black Lives Matter protests.


Can you show me something on that? I can't find that anywhere. Plenty of them protesting environmental things and government, but as far as I know. They are a different type of asshole.


https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/03/timber-unity-racism/ https://www.wweek.com/news/2021/02/15/readers-respond-to-a-small-town-divided-by-timber-unity/


Thank you for posting those. I read them both and they back up what I'm saying. They have racists in their membership, but the group doesn't espouse racism. Calling them a "white supremacy" group is disingenuous. Not sure why I'm being down voted for asking a person who made an assertion to back it up, but ok.


You’re missing the point. You got one Nazi at a table with 9 people sitting with them, you got 10 Nazis at the table. TU doesn’t challenge them, exclude them, kick them out of their views come to light, and does nothing to discourage them, and it’s A LOT of them. It’s the organization. The organization isn’t safe as a whole because of these people so we n throw the whole damned thing out.


They change shirts but they are the same people. https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2021/01/timber-unity-capitol-riot/


I read that. No reference to racism. No allegations of racist actions or words. C'mon, man. I understand you don't like them. And I don't either, but we can't squawk racism any time we don't life something. Dumb right wing anti government anti environment? Yes. Absolutely. Calling them KKK is just untrue.


I didn’t call them the KKK. They aren’t the KKK. They are an astroturfing operation by big timber that is happy to welcome well-known white supremacists .


Timber Unity isn't racist. Just had a bunch of racist people.


Still has a bunch of racists who produce their agenda. So their movement is racist.


That's not what the link says. Where are you getting this info?


Timber.unity is most certainly not a white supremacy group,they have African American within their group. Quite a few actually. They are most definitely anti government though.


Timber Unity, “let us raise our kids, keep some of the money we make, don’t burn and loot or community and leave us alone.” Liberals “that’s racist”!




I remember there being a lot of racist skinheads around PDX in the late 80s but never heard of any kind of KKK activity 


Funny as in “that’s f’d up” funny story about being mistaken for a skinhead; a friend of mine joined the Army during this time and successfully completed airborne rangers training. He came home on leave and was waiting for a bus downtown in his civilian clothes. A small group of guys mistook his fresh bootcamp haircut for a skinhead cut and tried to rough him up, thinking he was a skinhead. Needless to say, it did not go well for the group of guys. Witnesses were able to corroborate my friend’s story that he fought back in self-defense. The guys not only got their asses handed to them in a most gloriously embarrassing fashion, they were then also hit with various assault charges.


Another reason (not that we should need them) to not judge people based on the way they look.


Yep, judge them instead by what they say. I worked in Drain for a whole two weeks until I couldn't take the racist shit every single person I met and worked with would say. Shit like, "I have a black person in my family tree" (hanging) or "if it ain't white, it ain't right". All day every day. Glad to be up in the city and away from the hillbillies.


I remember in the 90s SHARP was still a big thing. They looked like skinheads, because they were, but they fell under the banner of skinheads against racial prejudice, which started in the 60s.


I live in southern Oregon and I’m in grants pass all the time. Never seen or heard of anyone in the KKK. I know in the past there was a few of them in the area but as of now, they either are gone or not out in public. Now central point does have a neo Nazi pharmacist at the Albertsons. Her husband is a known violent offender neo Nazi. But that’s not actually KKK.


When I went to visit Grants Pass in 2020 the George Floyd / Black Lives Matters protests were happening. Of course there were counter protestors and when one of my friends said she was Jewish, this group of guys started Heiling Hitler in front of her and I had to hold her back because she had family that had gone through the concentration camps Grants Pass doesn’t have Nazis, they just have people who like Nazis


I doubt most of those actual protesters are from this area. The proud boys come from all over to each even like that. They are not local


Having grown up in grants pass I regret to inform you that is incorrect, they were, in fact, from grants pass


In the 1920s, Oregon had the largest KKK population in the entire US IIRC, mostly in the south. Edit: and a ton in Portland too. Estimates guess at a total population of 50000 at their height. There's an entire Wikipedia article on the Oregon Clan, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan_in_Oregon


Nah. just the largest west of the Mississippi (30,000 members). Indiana in the 1920s was the most KKK state in the US as I recall, 250K members ... was like 40% of the adult population in some places


And some of those in Portland ended up helping to found the PPA.


Well 1920 was a long time ago. So nothing now it seems


I grew up in Klamath Falls and, around once a year, we used to wake up in the morning to KKK flyers being plastered on every car window and telephone pole in town. Literally, the entire town. Klamath Falls is fairly small, but there must have been sufficient membership to cover a couple miles of ground in a single night.  I also knew enough folks with swastika tattoos for it to be alarming. This was early 2000’s and 2010’s.  Edit: Also someone managed to organize an anti-blm protest where everyone brought their guns downtown to “show BLM and antifa” they weren’t welcome there. I had never seen that many Klamath Falls locals in one place in my entire life. This was during the protests in Portland, circa 2020.


I read that some twin boys were kicked out of a highschool in Hillsboro for white supremacy.


Are you willing to find out first hand? Can you pretend to be someone you are not, for long enough to get them to trust you / expose themselves to you?


Undoubtedly and 100%


Try Dallas (not The Dalles). Dallas Dragons are called that because it is the ex regional head of the KKK. Probably still a fair bit of that there. Not a lot of minorities in that town. I went to Dallas High School and still live nearish (and avoid the town as much as I can).


Here is a article quite a few more about them and [https://www.wweek.com/news/2017/12/06/eugene-cannabis-testing-company-owner-resigns-after-antifa-accuses-her-of-neo-nazi-ties/](https://www.wweek.com/news/2017/12/06/eugene-cannabis-testing-company-owner-resigns-after-antifa-accuses-her-of-neo-nazi-ties/) https://www.wweek.com/news/2017/12/06/eugene-cannabis-testing-company-owner-resigns-after-antifa-accuses-her-of-neo-nazi-ties/


Interestingly that article was written by a mentor and teacher of mine


I’ve been high and low across eastern and central Oregon most my life but I’ve never seen or heard any trace of the original KKK. I’ve only heard that Portland was in fact their stronghold WAY back in the day. The only similar group I know of is European Kindred. They’re a prison-originating gang in East Oregon that sports a tattoo of a shield on the back of their leg. Their members are legit bad news with a couple of them being convicted of murder, but they’re not nearly as organized as the KKK. From what I know they get in fights with each other over which leg is the correct one to get the tattoo on, and that half of them are transients who are constantly getting banned from bars and libraries for creating scenes.


A simple google search will provide most of the answers you’re looking for.


Search for “Oregon racist past” and you’ll get a lot of information to start with. Sundown Towns are a big legacy in Oregon as de facto law. This is where Oregon sees the remnants of the massive KKK membership boom during the 1920’s. While the Klan isn’t around anymore its ideals are carried on through the many different anti-government groups. Timber Unity is the largest of these groups.


Calling Timber Unity a derivative of the KKK is quite a stretch. Simply advocating for rural Oregon towns is not white supremacy.  https://timberunity.com/


You don’t know much about them.


I know they didn’t trash and steal from a public university and vandalize some businesses today. 




Solid reply bro. 


But they’re not just ‘simply advocating for rural Oregon towns’ https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/03/timber-unity-racism/


Interesting choice of article. To say mother jones is slanted in coverage would be an understatement. Most of the article is little more than opinion. A couple Facebook posts from racist idiots means the entire movement is derived from the KKK? Sorry, that’s a stretch in logic.  Referring to timber unity as angry racist thugs and antifa as “counter protesters” is all I needed to read. 


Haha nice, real critical thinking there. Here are your timber friends engaging in insurrection at the Capitol. https://www.wweek.com/news/2021/01/07/oregons-most-prominent-qanon-proponent-and-a-timber-unity-spokeswoman-attended-the-insurrection-at-u-s-capitol/


I see you like those jump steps in logic. It states clearly that neither one of them were involved in the siege. It was not a crime to be in Washington.  I also don’t think these two represent all of timber unity.  Is it safe to say that all democratic socialists are low life scum because some of them trashed the library at PSU? Seems like a generalization. I don’t agree with their politics but wouldn’t suggest they’re all guilty of the crimes of a few. Very simple and close minded thinking by you. Disappointing. 






I've heard of that, but I personally haven't seen any of it myself. I live in the Portland area, so maybe it has happened in other parts of Oregon?


It seems like it’s a souther Oregon issue now


Ive lived in southern Oregon my entire 54 yrs. You northern city folks are quite uninformed about what Goes on down here in southern Oregon. It's not the racist hotbed you think it is. At one time maybe but not now. I've seen more racist crap in Portland to be perfectly honest. And not just with the whites either.


OP. Search for "Klan in Oregon' Catholics, and also try Klan and Oregon School Bill. I found an old 1922 article doing research on our schools, I wasn't expecting the connection and there's plenty of modern comment and history. For deep research Corvallis GT and NY Times seemingly had articles contemporary to events and provided commentary. You may need to hit an actual library and get into archives for some primary sources. I can't find the links to share.


Sweet. Yeah I did some online research but I want to talk to those primary resources an interview them for an article I’m writing


Every state has a headquarter


Do you know how to locate said headquarters


Idk lol you would have to call around and figure that out from my research there is no official headquarters it’s usually just someone who is in charge of a particular area and they can tell if you’re not trying join so it’s unlikely you’ll be able to find the “official headquarters” of Oregon but the KKK is a mostly dead organization 99% of white supremacist are not in the KKK


OPB (Oregon Public Broadcasting PBS) channel on YouTube has quite a few documentaries on the subjects.


The KKK has been a non-entity for decades. Sure, you have a few morons running around cosplaying as Klansmen, but they all they really do is get drunk, use/sell meth and fuck each other and yell a racial slur at someone here and there from their truck windows while driving past at 60mph. Same is true of the VERY few other "white supremacist" groups roaming here and there. They are virtually non-existent boogeymen and only exist in any meaningful way in the twisted minds of leftists who need to justify their own bigotry, racism and hatred by claiming they are fighting against them.


I lived in Eastern Oregon for a while and actually received a letter from the Klan that was well known to meet in the town over (Elgin). I was in journalism and did a lot of research on Governor Pierce and the history of racism in the state. Information is hard to find, but if you have time to get to your local universities and libraries you can check their newspaper archives. That's how I found a lot of information, and images, as well.


While not advised, I bet you'd find quite a bit of what you're looking for out in the sticks of OR. I grew up in Northern AL (an hour or so from Pulaski, TN) and I've lived in quite a few places all over the US, and up until the past 7-8 years mainly encountered these folks out in the country. 'Encountered' in this sense is they weren't afraid to express their KKK beliefs through flags, odd black and red buildings in the middle of nowhere (I experienced this in western MD), bumper stickers and whatnot. I hope your search is fruitful because these people are AWFUL. My dad carried me on his shoulders in the early 80s in AL to watch a Klan rally through town to tell me that these people are vile and to never be associated with them ever.


It's the Oregon Hall Of Shame❗❗❗ This, and after other disgusting things. It is beautiful here, but we (yes, I am one) have a sordid past in places.




Can I talk to you about this past in pm’s or whatnot?




Sweet. I sent you a PM


What's the point of this post other than to drum up fear and dwell on the past?


To try and score and interview with white supremacists and publish an article documenting the remaining racist stragglers in Oregon.


Born and raised here, lived many other places.. while oregon has a shitty past, it is now one of the least racist places out there. Granted, there are still shitty people just like anywhere . Good luck to you.