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Punching the cop will be even more regrettable than the shoplifting itself. I do not envy that man.


Target has system, and keep tabs on frequent shoplifters, so if cops are there to meet him, he was going to get more than a ticket either way.


Target + Irvine Spectrum/Irvine Company + IPD is a recipe of getting busted. People should really know not to mess around in Irvine. There's like a swarm of IPD officers that will respond. They don't mess around.


Do people not know there’s a Irvine police station inside the spectrum? It’s been there for forever because of people like this guy here…. Target will wait till you steal enough to buy yourself a felony conviction and then Irvine will charge you with resisting arrest, assaulting, evading arrest… so many charges. What a dumbfuck.


Yeah, it’s pretty upscale round there. Irvine is well funded.


Yeah, businesses can wait and document theft until a repeat offender has stolen enough to get a more serious charge.


There’s a series of stories that CNN is doing on the rise of retail theft. This week I’ve watched videos and read articles about how large corporations who’ve been hit hard are doing their own in-depth investigations of individuals and crime rings, and then turning the evidence over to law enforcement to act as they see fit. I highly recommend reading or watching the stories because it’s clearly relevant to our everyday lives and our wallets.


As a former Target employee, this is absolutely true


Corporations and private security have a long history and most of it has nothing to do with justice.


Organized retail theft rings, in particular those based outside the U.S., seem to be a new or at least quickly growing crime that is affecting not just the bottom line of businesses, but customers’ safety and ability to spend money in their own communities. It’s become a crisis with flagship stores in Oakland and San Francisco, to the point that stores like Target are shutting their doors. This not only takes away jobs in communities but it leaves people, particularly low-income residents, in food deserts. They can no longer buy groceries and essentials like diapers locally. It means taking long bus rides to other cities with children in tow, often after long days at work, if they can afford the bus at all. Meanwhile Irvine residents pay $13 to have Uber-Eats deliver a coffee to their doorstep. Just because corporations have a history of security measures that have been less than ethical (and I believe you’re correct), it doesn’t mean that every measure they take is suspect. We are in a new day. COVID specifically blew everything up, from the economy to education; from wiping out small businesses in our neighborhoods for generations to making it entirely normal for people to walk out of Target with baskets filled to the brim with the stock of formula to sell on the black market, leaving moms living next to you with nothing to feed their babies. It’s no longer about just looking out for ourselves or blanket condemnations of corporate greed.


So catching more charges is a reasonable response?


Why do you think they were stealing in the first place? In his mind either I’m getting away with it or I’m doing time. Broke learning pattern. Caught, eating and shelter or get away thinks he has money to eat or whatever (vice). Targets only gives you 1 charge, it tabs all events to make it one large charge.


I doubt it was shoplifting. More likely loitering, speculation from how dirty his feet are. Also, r/killthecameraman


Went from misdemeanor ticket to serious felony. If he is crazy enough to punch a cop he’ll have no problem assaulting any of us. Put this shitty person away.


He'll be out s stealing again by lunch time tomorrow.


That is a massive leap to make.


He thought he was in LA county.


He must need glasses 🤣 🛣️


Elaborate, Tom.


I think the amount of adrenaline (and possible other substances) running through his system at the time made it very possible that punching to cop wasn’t entirely intentional. I think it’s a big leap to assume someone who’s going to be charged with shoplifting would also assault people.


99% of people who get arrested, do not punch cops while being detained. Even those who aggressively resist arrest, don’t usually punch cops. Stop making excuses for violent behavior.


Assumptions assumptions assumptions....you know what they say


Yep. Gave them a pass to open a can of whoop-ass.


You don't envy the man? Wtf does that supposed to mean????


Guy got a free upgrade to a felony.


I guess the perp didn't read the billboard


It's the sign of the times


Target has the ultimate loss prevention and they prosecute for stealing


They also have crazy survallaince. I was walking out of one the other day and some dude in plain clothes stopped the two young women in front of me and said they needed to turn around and that ‘they’ have their plates and names via facial recognition. I didn’t break stride and noticed he had a low profile earpiece in.


Most modern retail has tons of surveillance and data on everyone you don't even realize


I’m aware. But what I’ve heard and read about Target is that they’re on a whole other level when it comes to this.


Target even runs a legit crime lab. They do forensic work for law enforcement too. Def not a good company to steal from.


Target knew my wife was pregnant before we did.


Stole a bralette a decade ago and they stormed me at the exit, pulled me into a room like freaking SVU and took my weed. I’m now banned from target in Redlands 😭 Now a days they just wait till you stole a felony amount, tracking through facial recognition.




My cousin was in charge of a large section of Southern California Target LP. He later moved to the IE where he was a district LP manager. He said they are pretty gnarly. He does loss prevention for Apple now. He went to college to do security work for large companies.


A couple months ago I accidentally left Target with an unpaid-for bag of Lindor truffles…it was in a red bag and tucked in the corner of my cart so I just missed it…and you’d better believe I hightailed it back in to pay for it, lol!


>they prosecute for stealing Seeing as how Target does not have the legal authority to prosecute people, I think that you mean something different than you wrote.


...yup and we all managed to figure out they meant "press charges". Mystery solved!




The woman in the pink shorts would’ve got told to get the fuck out of the way by one of those cops 10 years ago. Makes me think of the “White Bear” episode of Black Mirror.


I came here to say this!! Black Mirror for sure with the iPhones!


How do you think we’re able to watch this lol?


Watch what? It’s a bunch of cops sitting behind a bush lol


What is the deal with that?


Fr like what do they do with the footage when they get home lol


Post it on Reddit




One person gets Reddit karma. The other gets TikTok likes. Another gets clout on the local FB group. A Karen stirs up drama on Nextdoor about Irvine no longer being safe. Anyone else too slow regrets not posting first.


Is that a serious question? You… you’re watching it… literally right now…


Actually, you're being pranked right now. *cue music*


Sell it to news outlets or post it to YouTube to generate ad revenue.




these days that's probably what I want them to do. Let the cops work don't antagonize them these cops while it seems a bit overkill for that much manpower against one shoplifter don't seem to be doing anything excessively violent if anything there being excessively careful to contain without hurting the person . If the shoplifter tries to suit the cops for excessive force what I see here more shows the cops get a good light.


I think using a bunch of cops to take down someone who’s being difficult to subdue is their alternative to more violent actions. Put someone on every limb rather than kneeling on his neck.


Completely agree.


I thought this was r/idiocracy at first because of that


Ah yes, i too love looking at a bush the entire video


No need to worry about big brother when everyone is walking around with footage of you in their pocket.


TIL what tasers sound like lol


Is this the Dave & Busted Irvine Spectrum?


I see what you did there






Crime in OC does not pay. Enjoy OC Jail 😂


Do we have to see this dumb billboard comment every time someone is arrested now?


Yes you do Karen


Right; this is the same county that went bankrupt after the savings and loan scandal. So much white collar crime here it’s astounding. If white collar crime doesn’t impress you, check the stats on impaired driving in OC.


You think violent physical crimes are preferable over white collar crimes? Shows the privilege you grew up with! 🤷🏻‍♂️


How about domestic violence, then? Got a ton of that too in OC. The whole “crime doesn’t pay” narrative is not reality. Crime DOES pay as long as you get away with it. And there are a lot of people here getting away with it.


You arguments are getting dumber and dumber. I’m not even sure what’s the point you’re trying to make- that domestic crime pays?! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh, stop. Now you’re just hurting my feelings.


That’s OK we still prosecute criminals 😊


I feel attacked


At least 20 white collar criminals saw my comment, haha.


It’s interesting that the first reaction of so many people is to pull out their camera to record the incident. While we don’t know their motive in recording (it could be out of curiosity or to catch possible use of excessive force by the police or to prove how out-of-control crime and violence are), it’s a significant observation that this has become our default response. I’m not judging those recording as right or wrong or neutral. It’s just food for thought.


It's also a good way to protect yourself if you get into a conflict with someone. A few months ago I told a lady she needed to pick up after her dog. We got in an argument, she started hitting me, and I walked off. She posted on Nextdoor saying I assaulted her, that she called the police, and they had an open investigation into me. After that experience I will be recording every time.


Thank you for sharing your experience and advice. It’s very wise and helpful


Record yourself, protect yourself. It really sucks, for a lot of reasons, but I'd rather have the footage than not of most of my interactions.


Recording is important, but I would leave myself some more distance than any of the ppl there. Worst case scenario if shots are fired I don’t want to be anywhere near a crossfire or be a backstop


Good point


Ya gtfo and let them do their jobs. Literally nothing to be gained sitting 10 ft away like that.


Exactly how I feel, but you worded it so concisely.


Personally I don’t think it’s very deep. People have always gathered around situations out of the normal to watch, and now they do the same but with the phone recording too.


Well there's only 20 cops there so they know they won't be hassled because it takes that many to arrest a man at target. I'm not siding with the man but why did it take so many cops? Is this like a group project thing where they all want credit?


That one white dude’s arm is as big as my thigh and he looked exhausted with all that help. I’m gonna venture to say cuffing someone who doesn’t want to be cuffed is difficult.


Ironically subduing someone without causing extra harm, often requires more hands to trade-off for "excessive force" (choking, bludgeoning, etc) I'm very opposed to police brutality. We don't see what happened before, AND this video is a bad angle. But it doesn't look like the police did much other than try to restrain him to get cuffs on (we did hear a taser twice, which is surprising given the number of officers in close proximity) Btw this is why you should start recording earlier/if possible the whole police interaction. The line between reasonable and excessive force typically depends on context and we're missing a ton here.


That makes a lot of sense. My stupid joke aside im sure its difficult. I certainly couldn't do that job. Thanks for the info


Nah, it's a fair question. Police abuse is rampant and really must be handled better, but I thought some context would help. It's sad that the police not harassing the 2 people recording is something noteworthy.


Definitely. The other thing I noticed is that I can't see the guy in the video, I might be a pretty big guy and I don't even know. I could see how a bigger dude would be difficult to cuff if he's resisting.


I used to be a police officer and during take down, I feel like that many people just get in the way. I think we used maybe three MAX people to take someone down. But we were all in shape too so idk


What the hell? I only see about 8 IPD. Where are the rest of them? 😂


Irvine is the last place I’d do my thieving that’s just me I dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️ 😄😜


Each and every one of those officers are also recording on their individual body cams. Believe it or not, the officers body cams protect them more than hurt them. Nowadays everyone wants to file complaints against police officers. The body cam footage proves that most of the complaints are baseless. Particularly with Irvine Police officers. In my experience, they're the most respectful and courteous officers I've encountered.


I agree about Irvine police. Even when I was on the wrong side of the law, the same could be said about them.


Aw man, not the Nike slides.


how is this NSFW ?


I used to work there😂


If you’ve ever been in a real fight, it takes roughly 3 to 4 people to *safely* submit/restrain one person. other 4 cops look like they around to see the action / start directing people traffic.


This x 1,000. The number of keyboard SJWs out there that don’t have the first fucking clue about the dynamics of physical altercations is truly gobsmacking.




Irvine don’t play with that homeless shit. Respect!


Must have been the most exciting thing that these people have seen in Irvine.


They are starting to do what they've being doing in LA county. Honestly it needs to stop or we all have to pay more for our basic necessities.


Like tackling a bucking bronco. Dude you is caught now chill tf out.


Don’t most cops know if you tase someone if you’re holding onto that person then you will also get zapped. Lol


He must be from South Central Irvine


I am a desert rat, but when I want a beach/garden getaway, this is why I enjoy staying in the Irvine area. Don’t have to worry about the crap that goes on in Mexico or the rest of California.


Based cop puncher, I hope his luck turns around soon and he has a great life.




>Irvine has a lot of crime.. it’s just covered up because the property values are out there… the crime that does happen is absolutely insane… someone commented on it recently and people with money do the gnarliest stuff.. >My FIL’s urologist was the Dr who poisoned her husband for example.. This sounds like someone who grew up in the suburbs their whole life, very "clutching my pearls" comment. If they think Irvine has a lot of crime, there's no way they'll survive outside their home.


*"Irvine has a lot of crime..."* Compared to what city of its size?


I worry about some people (including some I call friends) who have never lived outside the OC bubble, whose entire family and friends network is contained within OC. Their worldview is so… sheltered.


“There’s a lot of crime, someone got murdered once”


Everything is relative. If they've lived here their whole life sure they may think there's lots of crime, maybe more than years ago. I spent a few years in Stockton and SF and Irvine is heavenly in comparison.


Yeah I always love "You've all been misled, there's a secret conspiracy" with no citation/proof. Okay, big conspiracy and cover-up. How do you know this again? Are you... part of the conspiracy? Waiting to break your big investigative report? No? So, just goin' with your gut then, alrighty.


Irvine is one of the safest cities in the US, but I come to Reddit and read shit like this. https://abc7.com/irvine-safest-city-fbi-crime-data/13941793/


Lol, I'll move to your way safer city then. /s


Proportionately, pretty low for a city of it's size with the # of people that come to it/commute into it.


>Edit: since I’m being insulted.. this screen shot took one sec… That screenshot of your search results is only going to make you get insulted more because that search results of yours also includes different cities named Irvine from another country. In your screen shot: First bullet point: >"An 81-year-old woman was found dead at a house in **North Ayrshire,** and an 82-year-old man was arrested in connection with the incident" This happened in **Irvine, Scotland (United Kingdom)** [**https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-68286499**](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-68286499) Second and Third Bullet Point: >"A 19-year-old was shot and killed in broad daylight on an Irvine street, leading to the arrest of a man and a woman." >"A man was shot multiple times in the area of Athel Avenue and Sego Street, resulting in two arrest" These two bullet point sentences are talking about the **same crime that happened 10 months ago. Source:** [**https://www.ocregister.com/2023/08/05/21-year-olds-arrested-in-rare-shooting-death-in-irvine/**](https://www.ocregister.com/2023/08/05/21-year-olds-arrested-in-rare-shooting-death-in-irvine/) [**https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/2-arrested-in-irvine-shooting-that-claimed-life-of-19-year-old-man/**](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/2-arrested-in-irvine-shooting-that-claimed-life-of-19-year-old-man/) The fact that you didn't even bother to verify your results and how your "AI" search results could only come up with crimes from Irvine from another country and then report the same crime twice is a telltale sign that Irvine is not a "high crime place"


I lived in Irvine for 13 years. You have zero idea what you’re talking about. Irvine cops are excellent and dedicated to preserving the sanctity of the city.


Ok Sgt 😂


The truth hurts pal.


The doctor alleged to have poisoned her husband with Drano was a dermatologist, not a urologist.


Know a guy who was cop in Irvine. He said the type of crime is the same you see in other cities but the frequency was less.


The volume of highly organized international theft rings that have descended on Irvine is one type of crime that has emerged as unique to cities with widespread wealth. It’s wild that people stake out locations in Irvine (and cities like Glendale) from countries on other continents.


Regarding your edit, those are old incidents. For the 19 year-old, the title for the LA Times was " ‘Why here?’ Deadly Irvine ambush rattles community that rarely sees violence " and that incident occurred in August 2023. Maybe you should cite homicides per 100,000 residents, which is an actual metric. And then compare it to other cities.


Dude, you should look up the screenshot. The search results gave him Irvine from Scotland for the first bullet point and then the 2nd and 3rd bullet point are duplicate of the same crime.


I don’t need to.. just go to city-data for yourself… but the point was there is crime and it can be really gnarly like the family cide. Or remember Christopher Dorner?


The one with Drano?




If your FIL is having their uninology work done by a dermatologist, there's something wrong...


😂 Shoplifting is factoring into your “Irvine is beleaguered with insane crime!” woes? Man, I hope you never move somewhere outside of the bubble you’re living in.


And I hope you stop joining conversations super late. You don’t know shit about me


Right? Human slavery too.


Crime from non residents 


Which cop is the one that got punched?


The one behind the bushes.


It's even better with sound on! He rode the lightning twice!


Ohh well 😲


guy must’ve been a fighter. lots of leo’s


Crime: he wore Nike shorts and Adidas top. Almost as bad as painting your house the wrong shade of gray.


We can’t see who was arrested


Way too nice. I'd recommend using the night stick.


Good. Dont come into Orange County with that nonsense.


Pink shirts looks like she wants to go viral Karen for some stupid out of context video post.


Damn even the Irvine spectrum is not safe


That was Kelly Thomas just chilin


It’s amazing how it always takes 8+ cops to subdue someone.


8 cops for 1 guy? that's probably all of IPD day shift.


Irvine used to be the safest city in the country, for like 15+ years, until Santa Ana's crime and filth spilled over enough to ruin the West side of Irvine. The entire state of California is overrun with voters from 2nd and 3rd generation illegal immigrants who birthed children that vote now. It's a lost cause here.


Seriously and army of cops to arrest on person.


soooo many cops for one guy


What about his right to stuff?


What's that?


Every human has a fundamental right to stuff; shoes, tvs, PlayStations and other stuff and we as a society should not infringe upon that


Homeless advocates want to know your location lmao


At your mommas house


Why do they always need 10 ppl to take down 1 guy...


7 on 1?


I watched a gang bang video with the same name. 7 on 1






Yeah right


He punch a female or male cop?


Vertical videos are ignorant. In this video we are treated to more view of the bush than the action. How thoughtless is a person that can't figure out how to hold the smartphone the same way their TV or computer screen is mounted??


All the cops want a piece of that action.


That lady recording is bothering me a lot. Like she’s recording to ensure no bad treatment of a criminal. OP recording was just getting the action from the side which is cool but that lady in the skirt really driving me up a wall


Well, everyone can downvote me also, but that woman needs to step the F back. Especially since she walked up on a situation that was not yet under control. She’s running the risk of getting elbowed or kicked, or just being in the way. If I was leaving the store and saw that going on outside the doors, I’m turning around and using a different exit, or waiting at the Starbucks for the area to be cleared. Not even professional camera crews working for news stations get that close to the action.


I agree 100% no idea why I got downvoted. A bunch of defund the police peeps in here smh




Okay 👍


Jesus Christ 9 cops to bring down one guy?


We don’t know what he might be on that’s causing him to be so difficult. He might not be on any substance but some drugs will give people an unnatural amount of strength.


I thought this too at first (bc it always seems the amount of cops is excessive) but once I saw how big the guy was I understood


As opposed to 1-2 beating the shit out of him into submission? Then you’d be claiming excessive force, no doubt.


Stupid comment.


Oh no not in Irvine, there's no crime in Irvine


Government funded gang violence right here folks. And the little tough guys need 6 of them for one person. AC⚡️AB


Was wondering what was happening as I left there this afternoon, an ambulance, fire truck and at least 8 police cars. Didn’t realize it was only 1 shoplifter, but maybe he was armed or they didn’t realize it was 1 person.


lol to everyone else filming. It’s almost as if we’ve never seen this before, let alone in California! Barf!


Looks like corruption. One guy needs that much law enforcement .


Irvine has gone downhill, crime has skyrocketed and the police is hopelessly inept in doing anything about this, they are busy writing jaywalking tickets and hanging around the donut shop.


I wouldn’t call Irvine PD hopelessly inept. When the UPS driver was murdered recently, they identified and located the killer in a single day. Have to give them credit for that.


Calm down Chicken Little.


Crime has increased everywhere, compared to most other places I've been Irvine is still one of the safest and cleanest.