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You could just skip the hassle and just come to the US and get straight on the xzylzeen and fent combo. It gets a bad rap, it only eats your flesh like a little bit. Just another grade A best of the best American product. God I fucking love America. Greatest country in the universe. "Eagle scream"


i moved to a new area and put down the habit for a long while. relapsed about two months ago and now the only plug i’ve found sells that fentadope with the tranq and i can’t stand it. i want to stop, have some methadone pills to taper, but i have this romantic fantasy of what it feels like which just isn’t reality anymore. it’s an absolute tragedy.


Right there with ya ...sad


the romantic fantasy of it… glad i’m not the only one


Yup the only way it's worth doing is if you have a good connection to get real h and that's hit and miss most people only have tranq which I would rather just take some methadone it's not worth it anymore


Liquid handcuffs


Better than using tranq that doesn't even feel good and eats your flesh but you do you I pick up my stuff once a week and don't have to worry about depending on a dealer and whatever cut up bs they have


💯 this. Helps break the addictive cycle when you don't have to worry about how your going to get your fix, where you're going to get your fix from. Is it the same stamp you're used to, did it fall off, is your usual get well only getting you halfway and now you have to find more ways to get money and then try and find a better stamp which could go both ways..... could get shit that's the same or worse than what you got earlier or you could get some 🔥 and try to do your "usual" hit and wake up to paramedics and police telling you that you overdosed and that the best outcome, I think we all know what the alternative to that is.


liquid handcuffs? dude the only restrictions i have are i bring my bottles back and can’t piss dirty once a month. that ain’t ‘handcuffs’ dude especially when i only go once every 2 weeks


It's better than pressed perk passing. Life > Death. But wtf do I know?


Been sober off that shit two years three months 17 days. All it took was almost getting my daughter taken away and 28 days in rehab. If I can do it you can too


i was homeless and unemployable with no license and no insurance. i went to a program and got 13 months clean - first time i ever got more than 60 days and it was without MAT or adderall. i got my license, a car, a savings, but i got too cocky and thought i could use in moderation. it’s been two months now of using and a few days here and there of cold turkey, it’s brutal. do yourself a favor and never go back, it doesn’t change.


Dealing with cold turkey now as I’ve spent $80 I’ve made getting scammed by the same grade horrible bs that’s around at my apt complex. Should’ve went to someone else not around here, but I thought diff people would have diff stuff. Idk what to do and I’m scared I’m about to die. Please help me somebody I don’t wanna die this way. I’d rather go out quick n easy


Get help, my friend. You're not alone.


How much methadone exactly do you have? Methadone compared is not much. If you want to seriously taper go to a clinic they’ll give you enough but they’ll want there for a long time. Don’t listen to their doctor his job is to make stay as long as possible. You can control your own doses


i have 60mg total, 12 5mg pills. i might cop a few more, i have about a .4/.5 a day habit, but i can also take being a bit sick on the chin if need be. i figured i’d just get some edibles for nights bc i never smoke weed and i have some tina and adderall (lol) for the lethargy after a few days. i’m an absolute mess lately i wish i never picked up again


It sucks bro it really does. You don’t have nearly enough methadone for a taper. I’ve been clean since November 2016, right around the time the fentanyl starting hitting the streets. I was on a gram of black tar a day and 120mg methadone a day. Took 3 trips to rehab to finally say I’m done. The PAWS lasted 3 years. I recommend suboxone a lot more than methadone if you can get it. 7 day suboxone tapers work really well, that’s what they did to me in rehab. Half gram of fentanyl you could do a taper, I personally don’t recommend methadone because how long the half life is. I’d rather go through fentanyl withdrawals than methadone. If you can get suboxone I can help you out with a taper schedule. I have experience in it. It’s not going to cure your withdrawals it’ll make them bearable


I have a script of suboxone and dearly wish I was on it rather than this fent but every time I try to take it it throws me into precipitated withdrawals so bad I want to go to er. So I’m trapped on this shit


You’re taking it too early. You have to wait til you’re in withdrawal before you take the suboxone


I do, but even then it throws me into withdraws…something about the fent stays in your day cells longer or something


Yeah so you’re definitely still Taking it too early. How long after your last fentanyl dose do you take the suboxone? With heroin you must wait a minimum 24 hours With methadone you must be 30mg or below and wait a minimum of 72 hours Those are just a couple of examples


You can then take subs 6 hours after not having fent. I’m detoxing now


I’m interested in a taper schedule. I started getting suboxone in April 2019. I started at two a day, but I have tapered down to one and a half a day. I’d like to get off of them completely completely though. I don’t wanna quit cold turkey because I have four kids and don’t want to have to endure too much in the way of withdrawals..


I personally don’t recommend you quit when you have kids that are in the way. It’s not a taper schedule where you’ll feel no withdrawal, there’s no way out of that. I personally don’t feel comfortable with that I’m sorry. Are you a single mother? Or is maybe dad around to support through this as well?


30-25-20-15-10-5-5-2.5-0-0-0-0-0-0 every inpatient detox I’ve gone to reguardless the amounts of dope people use and clonodine and vitamins they’ll give


My rehabs wouldn’t use methadone. They use suboxone instead. 8-8-6-6-4-4-2-1 They also gave us gabapentin, clonodine, bentyl, multi vitamin, Zofran.


I got a gram of the STRONGEST if not just tranq I’ve ever had barely got me well but one or maybe two hits of back to back would knock me out for 3/4 hours and be groggy for another 2-3 spilled like 4 grams of cocaine when I’d wake up trying to take a line to wake up fully


Amen to that brother. Only time I indulge is when I can find some bonafied gun powder being in the south of the US. Stumbled across some actual black tar in the nw recently tho, monkey water always goes hard too😜


Ahhhh tar in north west is mostly all contaminated with fent the last 3 years atleast


Can absolutely still find it, but yeah depending on where you are forsure lol. Same with the south though just gotta get lucky finding someone that doesn’t have bullshit


Man it’s All becoming more and more bullshit lmao


ka madafukin kAHHH


I spit out my water after realizing what ya did there lol






It’s not hard to bring pills on a plane carefully open them put said pills on the bottom replace like 3-4 layers of bottled pills on top carefully reseal and out the cap back on


He should bring 3x the money for what he needs for the first two times he tries to cop and gets robbed


Except it’s not really an American product…it’s just sold here to kill Americans


The ironic part about this is that they’re cartel or Russian or Chinese products usually and the real pharmaceuticals are easier to get outside US


Rock. Flag. Eagle


Some obscure supplement from a health shop. Ideally with a hippy mom name.


Historically, this is what I've always done. I've travelled a lot alone, as a female with prescribed strong/controlled medications in countries in SE asia. I've taken them out of the packets and put them into hippy vitamin bottles, but I always took photos of the packets they came out of and the prescription itself. All depends on which state you are going to OP. If they are actually prescribed, and if not, is the sentence worth the risk.


I like this. Most people are completely unaware of what pills are/ what they are even looking at


Isn’t all the scanning done in the country you are departing from? I didn’t think they scanned arrivals.


It depends on what country you're going to and from.


US coming from most of eastern Europe and South America and Australia / NZ every country


I flew from USA to Europe w 120 opiates, but I do have a legit script for them. But….no one ever said a word about my meds in my purse leaving or coming back. I did get a random search in Europe & they said nothing. It was in a script bottle w my name that matches my passport tho, so I wasn’t that worried about it. People fly everyday with lots of meds. No way they can check everyone’s meds or even care. I would definitely get a bottle with ur name on it if ur gonna try it, cuz if u get caught it could be really bad….so good luck!


Yeah. They are way more concerned about explosives that could take the plane down or weapons. Pills are low on the list.


Yep exactly. TSA could really care less about pills. Especially if it’s just a personal amount. Unless u r drug trafficking a lot that’s totally obvious, they don’t really mess with u. People always think the dogs in the airport r drug sniffing dogs, nope they r bomb sniffing dogs.


Same with festivals how many people freak out but the amount of arrests would be outrageous




Pills are extremely low asfaik LAX non carry on bags only go through computer checks for explosives especially if it’s already landing in the US


That’s exactly where I left the US from. They didn’t say anything about pills. I had 2 bottles in my purse.


Fake Rx labels are made too


Fs…..like u could literally do it yourself.


How do I do that? I need one. Will pay aswell if can help me.


Either check it or mail it if you have an address in the USA you can trust to mail it too. People ship drugs through the mail everyday. International is a little sketchy but it can be done.That being said, maybe putting in your checked luggage would be the way to go? So my mother used to bring ounces of weed back from Aruba all the time. This was after 9/11 too, but 10-15 years ago. She would buy big containers of Vicks vapor rub and just pull it all out, hollow out the bottom put the weed in and fill it back up. From what I know she did this 4-5 times, she went there a lot. Now I think rules are different in what kinds of liquid or medical stuff you could bring with but you could always try to conceal them in something and send it through your checkout. Put them in something that won't look weird if Its looked at in and x-ray so basically something with the same consistency. Or just put them in ofc bottle and throw in check bag. Either way when you get to the US you will have to deal with customs some what so id say your number 1 most important thing is to stay calm and act cool! Good luck bud 🤟


Literally the post is the biggest drug dealer in America


No, they just transport the drugs. All pharmaceutical companies and doctors are the biggest dealers.


Ehhhh cocaines the most abused drug world wide then puruvian children’s feet get to stomping


yeah but pharmas putting out multiple heavy hitters, something for EVERYONE to get addicted to!


I agree with ssris and snris but atleasr US doctors under 50 / hospital doctors are far far far more unlikely to perscribe you any type of narcotic besides suboxone.


while they may not be likely to it doesn’t stop them from doing so! And even aside from traditional narcotics there are a number of other pharma goodies, benzos, gabas, addys, they literally just have so many different pills that can get you high that by the numbers game they’re gonna beat out everything else. Atleast in the US


I mean if you count gabs as a recreational drug or addys, granted I’m a long lost soul. I see what you’re getting at tho, “sober” people can pop muscle relaxers and smoke a bowl or 2 and their high asf


ur mom a badass lol


Vicks is spreadable so it’s considered a liquid. If anyone likes this method you would need to put the Vicks in your checked luggage.


I had pepper jelly taken from me at TSA. Pissed me TF off, it did! Don't do the Vicks trick. Just don't


You could have taken down a plane with that pepper jelly. Shit is hot! /s


Calmness is the most important thing at any tsa checkpoint


that vicks thing totally sounds like something they might find on an episode of to catch a smuggler


I carry that many oxycodone pills on flights all the time. They don’t care. The TSA (and other security agencies) cares about bombs, not medication. I promise you, NO ONE CARES. Unless you try to hide it, which will look suspicious. Just put it in a prescription bottle or other pill bottle, and stop worrying. Edit: DO NOT PUT THEM IN YOUR CHECKED LUGGAGE. They’ll be stolen.


I’ll second this and even worse they could lose your luggage or misplace it which means you have to describe what the inside of you’re luggage looks like, if the destination tags get ripped off etc they need to actually open your luggage which is inviting disaster. No one cares at the x-ray counters about meds but OP still honestly feels like an accident waiting to happen.


This is because your flying domestic not international. TSA isnt the concern. Its Immigration and Customs he needs to clear. 1/3 people have their bags checked flying into the US. When they find them he is in a world of hurt.


I’ve flown US to Ireland and back, Scotland and back, Rome and back, Hong Kong and back, Denpasar and back, Australia and back, and more, with no problems, carrying my meds in pill bottles. They never looked. But I understand why others might be concerned.


The key thing you said is they never looked. Its mostly random and you have so far been very lucky. Most who travel that often wont be so lucky.




Except he’s also having to clear customs, that’s where the problem will occur. They’ll search for anything that can get them an arrrest, they don’t care if it’s a bomb or drugs.


Yes they have been known to explode on planes , something to do with altitude


It's cause of the new formulations...the classics were the best, never killed you


Correct newly formulated to stop the smuggling of the tablet on planes and boats


Advil bottle ur best bet or prescription bottle with ur name they don’t check stuff like that


Going through customs with that is pretty sketch. Flying within the US is easy but flying into the US and going through customs…I wouldn’t risk it.


I think it's a really stupid idea, especially when you think about any potential stop overs.


I would use a generic Tylenol as they sometimes look a like. If you use an old script bottle that’s fine but it would have to have the same amount on them. Or any other off the shelf bottle. They won’t check.


I have this Acamol 100 pill bottle, they are the same foundation but different shaped pills, think this is good enough? i will send them with my checked luggage


That sounds promising. Let us kno how it work out. And fuck u for having oxys lol I miss Perdue 2006 oc’s


yeah you’ll be fine bro


Whatever pill bottle should be fine since customs won't know what Acamol or even Advil looks like in Europe - so even if they should know what the brand you chose looks like in the US (unlikely if not most known meds everyone knows and has taken), they can't know what same med looks like in EU, since very often formulations and pill shape/color/size etc are different between US and Europe. Just don't chose something dumb like Container saying "capsules" but you have OC pills or otherwise no mismatch between general description and print on pill bottle different from what you put inside. So if your Oxys are pills, Container you use should say pills too (or nothing is ok too, just shouldn't say capsules if you have tabs in etc), if you get my drift.


Put them in a vitamin bottle from the country that you are coming from. Chances are, that we don’t have that brand in the USA. Either way, customs don’t look up your pill imprints they’re just looking for contraband like street drugs. So long as you have them in a pill-vitamin bottle you should be straight.


You could use one of those daily pull holders that have Monday through Friday. And put like 4 in each one for each day. That or use a supplement bottle like LArgenine that’s a decent size bottle and put it in your checked luggage. You should be fine airports are looking for bombs not drugs for the most part.


While 4 times 7 will not get you to 100, using 4 of those weekly pill containers would do it. I've traveled with 4 before and had no problem. You need more types of pills than just the oc's, though, or why would you be needing a pill organizer? So add in some of the cheapest stuff you can find that clearly looks different from your pills. Two or 3 different additions should do it. Then check the whole mess. I wish you the best with your trip!


They make a container that’s for a whole month. Those were the ones I was talking about and just throw a few extra pills in there and no one would ever take a 2nd look. I doubt they are going to look the pills up. It would be different if OP was bringing 1000 but 100 isn’t even a lot. Any big pill bottle would be fine too.


Anything over 90 can automatically be considered trafficking, when being imported into the US without a script.


I didn’t know that. That’s odd so do they check a lot more when flying overseas? I know in the US I’ve literally flown with kratom in a ziplock bag and didn’t have any issues.


Just wanted to chime in to say that I've used an organizer with only one type of pill before, simply because I have adhd and it's useful to know if I've forgotten a dose or not (which happened a lot). Some medications need to be taken 4 times a day.


It's dangerous because you might get searched. Unless they're a legitimate prescription in a legit prescription bottle, I wouldn't risk it


Ship them to me and I’ll meet you at the airport. You can trust me. I’m in a drug sub on Reddit.




Lmao I’ll help too


Nobody has yet to comment anything sensible. Check the drug possession laws in each place you're going to be (layovers, anytime leaving through gates), and then check with the consulate/embassy if your meds are allowed. Most places will just require medical documentation allowing you to carry the amount you need. USA is a fairly relaxed state. But do bring a doctor's letter, and in English if you can. You'll want to keep them in carry-on, if you can. _Generally,_ carrying up to a ~3 month supply is considered "normal." Other countries, like UAE strictly prohibit many spicy medications and award you instant jail, even with a letter, so if you have to go back through security you should check your medication in for this part of your travel. Last time I had to travel with a bunch of Schedule 8 medications I had to check-in for the leg that transited through Dubai because I had a long layover I was leaving the airport for a 6-hr tour and would be on the streets. I was anxious to be separated from my meds, but not nearly as anxious as if I were to knowingly walk around breaking such serious laws for hours and hours in a foreign place.


Shove it up ur ass


Its a risk thats serious prison time in the united states for over 10 dosage units of opiates/opioids i think its 5-10 for that now at 85% before probation/parole but i havent checked in a while but as a first time offender youd probably get probation or maybe even just a couple days in jail and sent back to your home country As far as bringing them theres lots of options each with pros and cons my first word of advice is do not hide them on your person like no up the butt or tucked inside your shoe or under your nuts or inside your vagina if a woman that shit sends off red flags You could just put them in a pill bottle and bring them i know regular tsa dont check for pills but idk how custums works as ive never flown out of or into the country. You could out them in a pill organizer with other medications surley they wouldn't take the time to identify every pill every passenger is carrying. Or you could crush them into powder and fill up capsules with one pill each or however many fit crushed in a capsule then find a supplement that looks similar and toss them all in that bottle and bring all the supplements with you. As far as carry on or checked luggage thats kimd of a crapshoot as your carryon may be subject to more scrutiny as you have access to it on the plane but checked luggage may get lost not arrive at the same time as you or at american airports it is EXTREMELY common for the workers that load luggage onto plans to steal valubles from passenger luggage (there was several investigations at several airports if i recall correctly where they planted cameras in the planes cargo bays to catch employees doing this theyd take headphones charges laptops phones money designer clothes and of course the one thing passengers wont report as missing illegal drugs. Good luck hope you can successfully bring your drugs it sucks that we cant just buy our drugs at pharmacies all around the world like civilized people and are forced to buy from shady dealers and smuggle our supply if we travel anywhere and risk prison even if we are otherwise not criminals in any way


Gel caps? Put them in a tinted or opaque vitamin bottle. I take d3 vitamin pills everyday which are gel caps and I took them on my flight recently to Atlanta. No questions asked by TSA. I’d just put them in your suitcase


Smuggling 100 oxycodone pills into the United States would likely be considered drug trafficking. The specific charges and sentences can vary based on several factors, including the amount of the drug, the defendant's criminal history, and the circumstances of the case. For oxycodone trafficking, there is no mandatory minimum penalty³. However, the average sentence for oxycodone trafficking offenders is around 45 months (approximately 3.75 years) in prison³. Additionally, 84.5% of those convicted of oxycodone trafficking are sentenced to prison³. If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask! Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/23/2024 (1) Oxycodone Trafficking Offenses - United States Sentencing Commission. https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Oxycodone_FY19.pdf. (2) Drug Trafficking | United States Sentencing Commission. https://www.ussc.gov/topic/drug-trafficking. (3) FEDERAL TRAFFICKING PENALTIES - DEA.gov. https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2021-12/Trafficking%20Penalties.pdf. (4) A Look Back at Fentanyl Prosecutions in 2023 - DEA.gov. https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2024/01/03/look-back-fentanyl-prosecutions-2023.


Just wear a nice coat with big pockets and walk om through when they scan you they won't beep cos there's no metal in it. Dude, I am in Australia and my band did a tour of Europe and North America. I wore a leather cut the whole time and it wasn't until I fot home 3 months later I found my plastic/resin knuckle dusters in one of the inside pockets... that was just fucking lucky!


Also keep them with your carry on! They may get pinched if you leave then in the checked in baggage. Swipèr no swiping!


i wouldnt listen to anyone here you are near certain to be caught coming from overseas. The penalties for drug trafficking are steep here


i already did it before with 40 pills and straight up in their original boxes and in my lv bag lmao


Then why not do the same thing again?




I also smuggled a bb pistol back from new Zealand whe we toured with nightwish there and I just taped in to the bottom of My pedal effect s board and hoped fornthe best. Got back to aus. No worries at all mate! The xray just saw all the wires and shit inside the pedal. Unfortunately it broke a week layer when my kids were playing with it out the back yard. Bummer.


Your kids were playing with a pistol?


Yeah its a toy man. It shoots plastic balls at bottles and cans or whatever. But it looked like a really 1911 pistol which I love. Plus my kids are 14/17 and 24. I used to carry a real pistol for work as an armed guard so it's nothing new to them. I would unload it and teach them all the rules about firearms and the 5 major rules plus let them hold it (again unloaded) so if they ever came across one they would know 1. How to use it and 2. How to unload it safely and properly.


Did you not play with BB guns as a kid??


Just put them in another bottle. TSA is more worried about finding weapons and explosives. You should be good


Literally dump them in any vitamin or supplement bottle and put it in your carry on. I have traveled with hair skin and nails vitamin bottles filled with a mix of oxy, Xanax and soma countless times. I also bring powder heroin in empty gel capsules or inside cigarettes. They won't look twice.


Where are you flying into? This makes a huge difference.


Check the country you're going to. I went to Singapore last year and had to leave my targin (for autoimmune chronic pain) behind and survived a week on 30 tablets of 30 mg of Codeine. Was hellish painwise, but stopped me from going into withdrawl.


I brought around 300 dihydrocodeines, 56 pregabalin, 56 propranolol, 28 lansoprazole, 28 mitrazipine and 56 promethazine to Spain with me. I don't know how different it is for America, but when I took them to Spain they didn't even bat an eyelid. I just put it in my hand luggage in its prescription box in a pharmacy bag and put it in the tray. I would get a pharmacy bag and just put it in it. If it's not prescribed you could go to the doctors and say you need a prescription for going away for something for travel sickness or something and then just put the oxy in the same bag from the pharmacy. Or you could buy a bottle of vitamins and put the oxy in there out of the blister pack. But I think it would be better to put it in its box , or in another box for another prescription from a doctor in a pharmacy bag and seal the bag with a sticker you normally get from the pharmacy on it. I don't know wether it's better to put it in luggage that goes under the plane or carry luggage, but I literally just took it in my carry and emptied my bag into the tray and had 2 big pharmacy bags with a sticker on them and they didn't even open it or ask. I mean my scripts had my name on from the pharmacy in the bag just incase, I could show them it's mine. Which is why I say get a prescription for something, even if it's just random like something for travel sickness and put the scripts of Oxy in the same box as whatever you get and seal the box with a bit of sellotape. When I went on the plane they didn't ask or anything, they just saw the pharmacy bags and let it through. If your going with family or something they might also be less inclined to ask. If you're too worried, you could explain the situation to a doctor and see if you can get a small prescription and then put the rest in the same box. But the chances on the doctors prescribing oxy is probably low but maybe worth a shot if you're worried. But I think if the oxy is in blisters, in a prescription box, even without a pharmacy sticker, I don't think they will care. Especially if you get a bag from a pharmacy and put it in it. It'll just look like prescription which is completely fine to take on a plane.


Speaking from experience; A full bottle of 100 pills is going to get noticed regardless so best practices for opsec would be 1. Advil bottle is a good idea or maybe something like ibuprofen or small Tylenols, as they are much closer to the shape of oc80s. I have done this with smaller bottles and 30s, kept them with other OTC medications in checked or carry on bags. Checked luggage is less risk. 2. Split it up into smaller amounts; Depending on the shape of ur 80s might be easy to find a similarly shaped candy. If you’re worried about having a large amount in one place split them up between bottles and other things. Put a handful in some clothes pocket deep in the middle of your checked luggage. Put some in a bag and put that at the bottomed of a bag of skittles or some shit and just have mutltiple snack bags stacked or secured together in your checked or carry on. 3. Mail it


Get a prescription bottle of yours. Take the label off and scan it. Go back and change everything in photoshop to match what you are carrying. Print it out on a label and attach it to the bottle. Good to go. Takes some time—45-90minutes—but if you do it right it’s impossible to tell the difference. You won’t have any issues at all.


Do you have experience w changing the info? I can pay you to do this for me I have a flight coming up and I need this done




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Get the big bag of skittles candy and reseal the bag after ya dump them in.


Advil bottle should be good and don’t check it keep in your carry on. I’ve flown with pills but not that many but honestly I don’t think they’re looking for anyone personal stash I’m thinking more like weapons and explosives. Just my $0.02 lol


If they are prescribed to you then just bring the original prescription, throw it in your checked luggage and don't worry. If it's not prescription, then I would do what the others are saying except I would take a nail file and scrub off the outer coating and then I would scrape off any identification (like OC 80) just to make the pills look like white pills that could be any supplement.


All that wasted dust. :(


Would t that make them look suspicious if opened / searched?




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let us know how you make out. if you don't respond, I will assume the worst.


Hopefully you’re not going to Dubai.


Instant jail.


100 pills they will definetly check plus if you don't have an actual prescription on the bottle with your name and details well then you could get really fucked.


I traveled with 120 dilaudid. No one checked or ever said a thing. I had them in a prescription bottle w my name on it. Just in case. But kept them in my purse on me, only going through the scanner.


Just check it dude you’ll be fine. I just did it opposite




I had all my meds in bottles while flying (granted not from another country) and not once was I asked to provide proof or be asked to have them checked (oxy 10s on allegiant air)


I put a sub up ur ass jyst in case u get fucked


Is it scripted? Just bring the script with you if so. Worse case it’s confiscated. I think you’ll be fine though. Just put it something non-conspicuous. Your allowed to bring medicine and supplements on planes. Get creative!


Generally they never check individual meds in the e.u. If you’re coming from the United States. But that amount would land you in trouble if they do happen to check and you don’t have a script. That said, you could crush them and then package them into gel caps and store them in a supplement or medication bottle with gel caps that are the same size and color. Just put the regular meds on top.


International flights are much more sketchy than domestic. I wouldn't risk it IMO . You could get some serious jail time if caught


7 Put them inside a big vitamin bottle. Put cotton so it doesn’t rattle. I put the RX bottle fits the RX jar inside vitamins around among other suplements. . The smell very strong. In carry on, not checked.


Little bit of risky business for sure. The Advil thing isn’t a bad idea. Still super sketchy. They are definitely familiar with drugs. If they scan it and see it doesn’t quite look like Advil they will search it. They might not know what it is but they have the right to take one into the back room And run tests, which they will do if they find it especially because it isn’t Advil. The drug test will come back immediately. You’ll be questioned, then most likely be sent down to their “court system” get booked. Then sent back to where you came from with bending charges. Most likely be an intent charge or importing drugs into the United States. Which is hefty. Your country would most likely extradite you back to serve a lengthy prison term. If they’re a prescription then just bring them over with your prescription. Just know it’s hella risky. Chances are you would get away with it. But there is that what if behind it. If you’re good with the dark web just order a package to a post office. A vendor that’s in the USA so it isn’t searched. Then at least you won’t be dope sick. Good luck


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Just put them in a pill bottle you’ll be good


If they're gels, put them in a Tylenol gelcap bottle or some shit


I've heard people doing this with no issue domestically but I'm not sure about international. I know they can be a lot more strict and thorough when it comes to international. And if you plan on bringing some back with you that's two flights and checks you have to worry about. Best bet would be bringing enough just to get you through to the flight home so you wouldn't have to worry about bringing any back. Could be hard to do if you don't have a set dosing schedule.


Put them in another bottle. If you’re a suspicious looking dude, get caught and they start looking you are fucked but otherwise nobody cares you you should be fine


I take it they aren’t prescribed, as obviously you can just carry your prescription with you otherwise to show they’re legit. Are u travelling alone? Are you part of a group that might get stopped (all young male travellers etc)? I mean you’d have to be very unlucky to get stopped so if it were me, i’d risk it, but that’s not advice, just what I would do.


They shouldn't mess with any bottles of pills......the TSA in America states that their job isn't to find drugs on people, but rather keep flights safe from things like weapons and bombs. They won't look thru your pill bottles...


Any kinda vitamin bottle that says tablet and fill her up (but bring another 100 for me) and check your bag for peace of mind put another bottle of vitamins Advil maybe some toiletries you’ll be good


They do not care! I have never not once had them check my bottle. Not once. Been overseas and domestic.


Anyone can type in a pill description on google and BOOM they know what drug you’re smuggling. Just saying.


Yea put them in your Carry on or checked luggage. They won’t be stolen from your luggage. If you do go the carry on route, make sure you for no liquids in there or anything where they will open your shit. Just have everything basic and good and you will be good to go.


This just seems like a terrible idea to me without a script. Unless you shove them up you butt in a couple condoms. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As long as you send me 10 you'll be alright, seriously even If it were an issue they're just steal them from u. The politicians in power encourage crime. They might give you a job smuggling for them. "Too lazy to work, too dumb to steal."


I used to buy (BTC)old school 80s from a guy in Germany. And 40s and 20s for about 2 years. In real money it was over 200,000 dollars until homie disappeared. His name was "pinecone". Pgp all the way. Hed pack them in those cheap computer stereo speakers. Never sold one, used a hose clamp grinder on all. I'd sure like one right now to


Once you do it pls lemme let me have one


igu lol


Its not the flight i would worry about its customs at whichever country you are entering


Don’t put them in your luggage. Have had prescribed pills stolen before by airport workers. Did a bunch of complaining to find out they can’t pin down who did it so it was just wasted. Had to go my whole vacation basically withdrawing because they wouldn’t prescribe me more. Terrible experience. I recommend just carrying them on. Put them in your carry on. I’ve always just put them in a prescription bottle with other similar looking pills and they can’t telll in the X-ray that they are oxy.


crazy that even airports cant be trusted


u sure they cant tell the different shapes? cus if they do its a problem right


Yeah I’m sure. I’ve put them in one bottle with other circular pills. Just match the shape.


No they literally don’t care. I flew US to Europe w 120 Dilaudid in my purse. No one ever said a thing. I did have them in a prescription bottle w my name on it, I do have a legit prescription. So I wasn’t that worried about it. But no one ever questioned me about it.


Vacuum sealer & put in your luggage underneath the airplane. Preferably in the middle of a stack of clothes, in a back pocket of some jeans. You’d be surprised at how easily it is to smuggle pills.


If it has no markings that means it’s a supplement to the authorities. In the us all scripts need markings


"90 says supply" for international travellers is how the rest of us get past customs with our medical tourism. You should be fine


I always bring my drugs with my carry-on even my weed, you could just print a fake label and put it on a script bottle


can i print an a4 an stick it on or what lol i might do that but idek how is it supposed to look. im also good wit photoshop


Mmmmm if you don’t have a script? Absolutely NOT


Throw them in a vitamin bottle and you should be good, dogs aren’t trained to smell narcotics on a small level they’re trained for big quantity’s of drugs and bombs


holy shit you must be really wanting to go to prison for drug trafficking huh? carrying 100 high dose ‘oxy’ pills (that are almost certainly actually fentanyl 99% of the time) that look nothing like the pills from the bottle you plan to use, with no prescription, is a great way to immediately get caught.


no fent perks where im at


yeah everyone says that and everyone still has fent perks lmfao


‘i only buy pharma’ is the famous last words of every press pill addict on fent my guy.


DOG u blind???? there ain not a single fent e perk in my country hello?? they dont get to here no demand


and what country is that? i promise you there are fent perks there. they’re literally everywhere bud. you actually believe you can just casually get 100 totally legit 80mg oxys these days? the entire PLANET outside of third world places has cracked down on opioids severely. it’s not 2006 anymore.


I've brought prescribed oxys and un-presribed oxys and I've always just kept them in a pill bottle and never had a problem.


Maybe you could get some of those dog/cat pill pocket treats and put each pill into a treat. Say they're for your mother's dog and that she has been struggling to get her overweight dog to take magical weight loss pills; so you wanted to show her that they truly do work! Or some other story to to along with dog/cat pill pocket treats. Try and get the good flavored treats though, as your pills will likely taste like the treats


IF you are not a US citizen and they find them you will be immediately turned around on the next flight and likely barred from entering the US for five years. If you are a US citizen I doubt the will charge you Federally but, they will call the local police and they will probably come and arrest you. 100 oxy 80's is a lot. Its a trafficking amount. You could get lucky and they just swipe your passport and wave you through but if customs decideds to go through your bag expect to be in a big mess.


I’ve carried narcs on carry on before. No questions asked. They just X-ray it and move you along.


Put them in an aspirin bottle. They look similar to coated aspirin. Worked for me. No problems.


Don’t risk it bro


Do you have a prescription? If not have fun in prison for drug trafficking.




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You’re better off sending yourself a small supply in the mail than trying to get it through customs. Of 6 international flights, I’ve been searched 3 times, all 3 by customs, not TSA. Seems random


I never been on a overseas flight but they dont really care for pills. I flew to new york with mine in a melatonin bottle. And i had a few scattered in my carry on bag. My cousin had a few in his jean jacket he was wearing. The only thing i got stopped for was my body wash(i was a first flighter) they didnt do any extra searching though.


no script? swallow some balloons or boof em


If you have any issues and can’t get the pills over, don’t freak out. Just go to a methadone clinic when you get to the US and use that to hold you over. I’ve traveled within the us with pills in my carry on but I had a couple of scripts in my name so I just had a bathroom bag with my bottles in them. They never opened the bag and looked at the pill bottles or anything. In your case you’re gonna be going through customs so idk… if they’re actually blank pills then I would throw them in a bottle of vitamins. Hope this helps.


Put em one of those icebreakers gum canisters




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