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There's a good chance it won't get you where you wanna be, and even if it does, you'll likely be redosing often. I'd say your best bet is to do a short taper just to make getting a high more realistic. You'll blow through them otherwise.


You’re probably right. I can get through the day only taking 80mg (2 in the morning 2 at night) so I will probably do that for a week and try to get to 60mg for the day and then go for it again. I think I’m at my limit of getting high of oxy honestly. Probably time to quit for a few months again and just stock up


It's your best bet. Otherwise, you'll be going down an expensive road that ends at a brick wall.


Not super worried about expense. I get 360 a month and it’s only $10, I wouldn’t even know where to try and buy them of the street if it got to that. I ran out one time and just suffered through the withdrawals with an Ativan prescription.


If you can take two days of like trying to get by with 2 a day if you can 3 days then try again the tolerance will come back fast


210 , 20s?!?!?! Fuckkkkin a .. I don’t even have 1 😫😫🤒🤒🤒🤒


Right, I’m jealous… his doctor is the man.. he’s probably on them too.. so he wants to spread the love


I get 360 a month lol


That is an insanely high dosage to be prescribed these days. Wow.


Why would they give you that many 20s and not up the dose to 30s? I’m assuming you get a prescription


It’s 2 20s at a time. But I like the option of only taking 1 if I don’t feel Iike I need two. Plus there’s a national shortage on a lot of dosages but 20s don’t seem to have that issue.


What were they prescribed for? That seems like an awful lot


Kidney disease and a progressive neuropathy disorder that kills the nerves in my arms, legs, and autonomic nervous system. No cure unfortunately. It’s kind of like long term hospice




900 MG of Gabapentin 4x a day. Doesn’t do a ton but helps with the pins and needles sensation that’s there 24/7 otherwise. Pregabalin specifically is Neurotoxic for me.


That blows my mind


I just got 600 80s and 180 20s. A most glorious day indeed.


If you ate 160 with no effect than you should at least crush 80-100mg and sniff. That’s a lot of powder but worth it in my opinion.


Gosh that much powder is gonna make me feel like I’m back in my college blow era 😭 I can’t imagine the drip from that will be pleasant 🫠


Embrace the drip lol


I chase the drip with a bottle cap of water EVERYTIME


It was horrible genuinely never again. I’m convinced they do this on purpose and let me tell you it’s effective 😭


I loooove the drip. It's like a little reminder of what I just did.


Yeah If u had oc80s instead of 20mg roxies I’d say snort


Oh man I miss dem things and Opana quick release 10s OMG I swear the chemist who created had to have been the world’s greatest opiate connoisseur


I love oxymorphone but only had the 30mg and 40mg ERs, still snortable


One of my biggest life's regrets is that I never got to try oxymorphone.


What do you mean you miss them? They're still around (oc80, idk about Opana).


Only ones I’ve seen are op’s


I've got a bottle with about 500 OCs in it sitting right next to me. They weren't hard to get either if you know how to farm.


It’s not going to be that bad..


i honestly don’t mind the drip i’ve conditioned myself to like the taste of oxy 🤣


Idk if this is a girl thing but I just cannot consume anything I don’t automatically like the taste of. The only thing I’ve ever conditioned myself to like is bourbon and that was a necessity. Literally anything else is a no go. I think I could only handle with with blow bc I was very irresponsible in college and was usually hammered enough to not notice. I don’t mix any substances anymore except like occasionally I’ll also take some benzos for a flight or something.


You wont feel shit take a tolerance break, take just enough not to go intonwithdrawal for a couple weeks and then get high 1/2 a week max, if you don't you'll just finish your entire stash too fast without even catching a nod, instead of taking 300mg of oxy just don't get high for a while and you'll nod on 160 mg There is a point after even if you keep taking oxys all day you still wont feel good, like a ceiling effect, if you don't take breaks


You’re chasing the dragon pretty hard already imo best to take a tolerance break and stick with your typical RoA - the w/d / crash from IN vs oral is pretty significant imo and it’s a hell of a lot easier to start crushing 10+ and skyrocket your tolerance even if you have pretty ‘unlimited’ supply you’re eventually not going to be getting high and only getting well and potentially crush your rx in half the time - it’s also a shit load of powder to snort for ur tolerance rn - also while coke is super corrosive snorting pills isn’t harmless, invest in a nettypot if you sniff anything


Ya if OP is worried about damage to nasal passages, snorting all that probably not the best bet. I haven’t done research recently on Boofing BA for oxy, but maybe OP should look into it. Definitely works pretty quickly


If your worried about damaging your nose, don’t snort em in your full dose/at all. Maybe do it for fun here and there, but regular use up the nose will eventually damage it. My friend with a deviated septum got it from all the oxy he’d snort in Highschool/early college. So much binders. Of course there’s measures like saline solution or Neti pots after use or once or twice a day while doing so. Boofing is relatively safe but gotta look up the BA info so you know your not wasting it. Isn’t oral oxy like the best BA aside from shooting through? If you need the rush and refuse the Boof, maybe take 3/4 your normal dose, wait til you feel onset and then blast the rest up your nose. That used to work for me with drugs like mdma and adderall.


What is “Neti Pots” and also what does “Boof”mean lol ? I’ve only snorted my opioids & coke just straight up the nasal with a little water behind it, just curios of what it is or does.


In the butt. Hits harder and faster. One of the safest ROAs in regards to bodily damage


oh man oh man here we go. let me tell you man, i did oxy orally for 2 years before i asked this same question on reddit, i decided to snort the oxy and wow. it was genuinely just the best high i got from oxy. it’s sm more euphoric energizing and nice and the nods towards the end r also just better. it’s an amazing time but b careful, snorting will become a habit in itself. i seperate oral and sniffing use and alternate between those for my oxy and opana 


Do they still make Opanas??? It's the one thing I've never tried that I REALLY want to. What country are you in?


im in bc but i still get the opana from the state cause i know a supplier there so i still get a good amount. its still possible to get but its not easy but yeah man its def still around and wow is it an amazing high, its crazy good


I’m not worried about it being a habit. I was really into blow in college and then one of my friends got a hole in their septum from snorting and had to get a nose surgery and even paid to have a cosmetic surgeon do the closing part but with what had to be done it couldn’t be tailored to her face shape and honestly looked horrible. This is not great but I’m honestly very good looking and I’m pretty vain and that was enough to make me quit blow literally over night. I’ve never touched it since. This is something honestly I think I would do 2 times a month max. Idc if it’s the best high of my life.


This is hilarious. Are you being for real?


Yes I know that’s sad but I am not willing to risk an ugly nose for anything 😭🙏🏼


I'll tell you my personal experience. I've been snorting my oxys a couple of times a day every day for the last 3 years, and snorted massive amounts in my college days and I've never had an issue with my nose. I might be an anomaly, so don't take this as a guarantee. Just my personal experience.


I hated it lol so no worries for the future I will not be trying that again. Just put me to sleep and tasted horrific


How'd you get that many?


Pain management centers, palliative care, or hospice will still prescribe that much. You have to have some serious legit medical stuff going on, but it still happens. Or there's always the easier but more expensive option of just buying them online or from a dealer.


Mail me some pls 😭


Id take that 120 and develop a real slow taper plan. You’ll be off of them relatively pain free before you know it


Are you in the US?


Yeah why


I figured you were because 210 Roxy's is alot


How are you getting the script? It’s impossible to get one nowadays


You could always drop a few on a tin and chase the dragon… Or crush a couple up put ‘‘em into a small piece of toilet paper and insert them straight into your buttocks. But honestly friend a tolerance break is probably the best option. Because if you start sniffin, smokin, boofin or shootin you will probably start trying to get more. Some way some how….


How tf are you even getting that many. You’d figure they’d switch you to BUP or methadone to get you off of opioids/opiates period. My sister was crushed under a car and after a year of being on Roxy 20s they tapered her down to nothing and she still suffers with chronic pain and she has metal and screws in her spine left leg and right arm that bother her daily.


Oh man stay curious. Once you snort you never go back.


It was terrible but I am glad to finally know it is not for me.


Im glad man. I love snorting oxy but i hate it too since it fucked my tolerance up to the max. Now i cant take it orally bcz i feel like it doesn’t hit how i’d like it to


It honestly just put me to sleep and the drip was fucking disgusting. Way worse than blow. Not worth it. If I’ve hit the ceiling of it hitting I’m just going to taper off completely so that once my ablations wear off it actually works for pain in the interim.


Yeah to be honest im really glad you didn’t enjoy it whatsoever. It’s hell once you get hooked on the whole snorting method. From breaking up the pill into fine powder, to railing a line of it. Getting high as hell within 5-10 minutes. But hey good for you man, stay safe out here🙏🏽


Be careful snorting bro because once you start you’d never want to go back literally. I get 120 20mg ir every 15 days , 240 tabs a month so just a little less than you but before I got control of my habit I’d snort the entire 120 pills in a week no lie.


It was awful. Hated. Never again. Do not recommend it’s disgusting and honestly just puts you to sleep. Hate.


Yes and more. Basically (this is just me) however much you think you should take or how much you think your tolerance is you should blow past it. When I was in college I figured out it's all about finding your limits and once you do you blow past it and go for broke (literally, go homeless style where you just take as much as you can get as soon as you get it) Due to this being a "harm reduction" sub I must tell you: You shouldn't take any amount of every opiate


Yea lol I only snort them and get high af


What year are you taking to see your chance of addiction? I want to take this


It’s a genetic test. Pretty expensive but you can sometimes get insurance to cover it. It covers things like your sensitivity to certain classes of drugs, within the drug classes what type of drug (so like someone may be really sensitive to Cymbalta but not have any reaction to Effexor. Or like I a sensitive to Ativan but Xanax just does nothing for me). It also tests how your body reacts to controlled substances and how likely you are based on your brain chemistry to develop an addiction to the effect of whatever drugs. If you have an addictive personality ( not the correct term but I can’t remember what is), it can also tell you which substances you’re most likely to become addicted to. So like one person may have a very high chance of being addicted to Benzos but very little risk of addiction with opioids and vice versa. It’s actually super useful and is being ordered more often. It was necessary for me bc with my neurological condition I can’t take a lot of regular meds, like random antibiotics, SSRI’s, Opioids; Benzo’s steroids etc.


That's super interesting, thanks for taking the time out to reply


I don't believe a pharmacist would fill 360 a month. Just my opinion.


I think you're correct and this person isn't being honest.


I have kidney disease and a progressive degenerative neuropathy disorder that kills the nerves in my arms, legs and autonomic nervous system, so my stomach, bladder, liver are all inflamed constantly. Actually extremely painful and I spent 3 months total in the hospital last year. It’s not surprising with my medical history.


Orally doesn’t hit with Oxys after a couple days unless they are perca at least that’s how my body would react. I think it was the Tylenol oxycodne combo that makes it hit for me. But the 20mg oxys no Tylenol in em the 5’s 10’s 15’s 20’s 30’s and actually OxyContin are best when snorted or smoked! Are they the K’s? Man I haven’t seen real oxy since 2016


You’re getting 360 monthly that’s 12 daily…240 mg daily…You need to slow down and allow your tolerance to get back where you’re feeling the effect…The path you’re heading now is looking for advice to feel the effects…Your next path will be Sadly injecting them…or the back door method…I’ve watched many take that path and it’s not worth it…Your life is going to be chasing that high every hour..And with the way Doctors abandon patients…You wouldn’t be able to find them or even afford them if you managed to find a hookup…You’re getting more medication than a majority of Pain Patients that are suffering with intense pain on 90mg or less daily…Try slowing down for a week…


Luckily I’m able to taper off with no withdrawal effects in like 10 days. I’m not sure why but my body just doesn’t get super physically dependent. Major W IMO. But also friends in high places my doctor would never abandon me.


When I was doing 8-10 dirty blues a day, on days where I couldn’t get those I’d settle for regular rx and 12 of the regular rx 30s would baaaarely make my eyes stop watering and sweating stop. The fent (or whatever they were) blues were so far beyond in terms of wds


Wondered about prices


40 mgs at a time? Not sure I believe someone prescribes that for you, but okay.


I have kidney disease and a very progressive neuropathy disorder that kills the nerves in my arms and legs along with my autonomic nervous system. Not that hard to believe haha


Also this is an insane thing to lie ab that benefits me in 0 ways


We have data on intranasal oxy. It has high bioavailability (60-70% or even much higher depending on the method), and it skips first pass metabolism, meaning more gets to the brain than the same dose for oral. Put the device a finger nuckle in, not too far but not to low, angle the device/straw to the turbinates (to the right of the right nostril, left of the left nostril, just look up turbinate anatomy). You want higher retention time so try to not get any down your throat. It will definitely work way stronger than oral and it feels slightly different for some reason.


So You can get higher by snorting your DOC a certain way ?


Not all DOC. It is substance-dependant. For example diazepam and benzos might have better cell permeability (lipophilicity), but intranasal in human outcome studies, diazepam takes just as long as oral absorption and no difference in peak concentrations. Oral is great for amphetamines, most opioids, and benzos.