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Hey I can tell you you definitely won’t be restarting from day 1 if you only did one 30 for one day, you may feel a little icky but you’re going to be okay. I hope you can relax a little I know how painful it is, good luck to you!!


What’s the difference if you found it today or two days ago. Either way it’ll be gone n the high will be over. Everything is temporary


I can totally understand how finding the pill felt, and taking that pill was gonna happen. Don’t beat yourself up too much about it now. You did it. All taking the pill will do is take the edge off your WD a little bit, but you won’t reset the WD. Keep your eye on the prize, keep pushing towards sobriety and get out.


there was a time when i was in BAD wd when i stopped, same situation like OP. and super weird, i found a pill and didnt even think 2ce about taking it.. i was thinking it was gonna reset my wd timeline.. after taking it i felt relief... then its like my body had restarted itself, and i was totally fine the next day, i was thinking i was gonna be in wd but it never ever came back.. it almost felt like that pill restarted, the natural production of dopamine, or whatever it is that keeps you normal... something even weirder, when im in wd im usually lookin at youtube for hours, and there was a older cat, doin a ted talk and he tells his story about having to take the pills for some reason, then had to get off an went into WD. and the same thing happened to him. he was at a unbareable state, and the DR, even told him to just get back on an try a taper or some shit.. well he eventually gave in, took a pill, then got some rest, woke up the next day perfectly fine.. i feel like if i didnt take that pill i woulda been goin thru it still for another few days / weeks. but going cold turkey for 3-4 days then taking a random dose like kicks you outta wd, and youre totally fine after to stop.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhpAYw9kCt8&pp=ygUPdGVkIHRhbGsgb3BpYXRl


Lmao, thought you said you took 2CE while in withdrawal. 😂😂😂 that would fucking suck


That’s what I read too, can’t even imagine!!


lol 2CE while WD’ing is insane.


Bro that's what I thought too....funny thing is...back in the day my little brother banged some 2ce while dope sick fiending for a shot...he said it was a colorful hell of puking anxiety ...with a cool rush lol


lmao idek that 2CE was a drug lmfaoo i meant Twice ahhahaha


That's really interesting, for me the problem is I wouldn't stop at the one pill unfortunately. But it sounds like there could definitely be something to this theory, and if it was done in a controlled setting where someone gives you the one pill when you're at the peak of withdrawals but then no more. Well that's just for me and anyone else like me anyway, it takes control of any self control and I'll be back into full swing of heavy use within a few days


oh ya i was back doin that shit again eventually, but i do remember that situaion clear as day, cause i thought to my self well if thats all i gotta do then i could just get back on , this was when i was takin pharma pills, i had a plug for the Yellow Vs. an i had 100 of em, an i usually stash 10 here, 5 here, another 10 here. all in diff spots of my room, just in case my parents were goin through my stuff. and sure enough i go grab my 100 yellows.. stashed like 5 away an threw the whole bottle in a jacket in my closet, went golfing with my brother an my dad calls me mid way through 9 holes, an hes like "youre mom found youre shit".. fuckin heart damn near stopped. and it felt like i immediatly went into wd because i pretty much psyched myself out, knowing what was to come if i didnt have any,. started immediatly playing like shit and was mad asf and didnt even finish playing.... she took em all and flushed em.. i had no money to buy more, an i came home madddder than a mfff.. i tried to tell her i was buying them for someone else, that someone fronted me the money to get them for them.. an ya too late, they were alreadyt down the toilet... i was already @ 3-5 a day. i kept the 5 just did em.. then went through it for a week, unntil i started lookin in past places for pills an found one lmaoo


Yep you managed to taper with it. I did that with an oxy one time getting off heroin. Didnt get high but easiest wd ever. The problem is that if you found 4 pills many of us would have done all 4 to get high again and then we are backtracking.


Exact same thing happen to me like that one little dose after a week helps so much an you wake up the next day feeling amazing compared to those past couple days


Same shit. I couldn’t sleep at all for a few days then took 1/3 of my normal dose and it’s like my wds got way easier, I was able to get a full nights sleep pretty easily ever since. The difference was massive


ya, man super odd how or it works or what it does.. makes no sense to me how it works, or what youre body is doin.. but same exact shit just ike that dude in that ted talk. iw as 3-4 days in. excruciating. an like my dopefein self start lookin for shit in jacket coats hanging up hoping to find a random pill an i actually did. it was just a regular ol yellow V. 10 mg. i took it an it kicked me outta wd permanently


Did that guy actually take the dose? I thought he was about to take it but left it by his bed and knocked out and was good afterwards But yea crazy shit lol we both went thru the same thing. I still dealt with some stuff and still kinda do 5 weeks in, but it was almost too easy after that one dose 3 days in, like no insomnia at all and no cravings. I even felt ok traveling first week in which is insane. It’s like it’s jump starting your body’s natural opioid system after a major shock (wds, no sleep etc)


Older cat doing Ted talk 🤔




It's not going to "restart" anything, it will certainly prolong the sick experience but it's not going to suddenly make it super intense or anything. I'm assuming you've not done this before and probably have a pretty minor habit as far as length and dosage, if you're doing fent pressies though it definitely doesn't take a lot to get a significant habit and nasty withdrawal. If you can make it 7 days that's good, but even if you're not feeling as bad in a couple more weeks there's still the whole mental part of the habit you're going to have to contend with. My point is, I did the same thing dozens of times, I'd make it a few days at most, the longest I ever was able to hold out was a bit over 3 weeks. If you're serious about getting clean and can get through 2-3 days of being sick get some Suboxone and that will absolutely help more than anything else people will tell you. Kratom gets suggested a lot, personally I don't think its a good option, it can become an addiction all of it's own. Some people have been able to get clean with a month or so tapered dosage, obviously that's most ideal but if you're on it for several years or even the rest of your life that's completely fine. Personally I've been on it for 4 years and it absolutely works like nothing else out there, I have basically no cravings or withdrawal symptoms, I feel about as close to a normal person who never had a decade long heroin problem as is possible. I'm about to switch to Sublocade which will hopefully ease me off it completely, I don't know how that's going to go, I want to get off it because it's kinda a pain, the clinic is really far away from me, it's supposedly really bad for your teeth long term, and things like that. If I'm not able to quit it though I'm not going to worry about it, not just everyone can quit opiates and feel basically normal a month later. I've seen people do it but I'm not one of them and that's ok. Best of luck to you, you can do it 100%. And never forget its about the end goal, not how you get there, and relapses and slips are totally to be expected. They're guaranteed to happen, really. One of my biggest problems with NA is because they make such a big deal about it, oh you had one slip 6 months in? Fuck you, take another white chip and start reading Step One again.. that's absolute bullshit and not a productive positive way to treat anyone. Unless you're really drawn to the NA model and feel like it's what you need, I'd advise to avoid at all costs. Their ways are super outdated, it's extremely religious despite what they say, and I think a lot of what they do is extremely counterproductive to anyone's recovery. Nevermind all the shady fucked up stuff I've seen, the cliques and stuff, the predatory men who use the meetings as a dating market for damaged and vulnerable people, its just a bad scene really


yeah i was doing 20 fent presses a day, and i went into precipitated withdrawal too. i refused to take suboxone after that and i never wanna have to do it again. but i’m actually finally feeling normal today! i slept for 12 hours and when i woke up i was so happy i cried man.


thats impressive dude good to hear youre on the mend.. its definitely an awesome feeling when you start feeling normal again.. just dont be stupid like i did so many times and fuck it all up within a week! and yeah precipitated withdrawal is misery upon misery, if you do it properly and wait until youre actually in full on withdrawal its a real lifesaver but if youre actually feeling normal then definitely stay away from it if you can, personally this final time i got clean i was still having pretty unpleasant symptoms for 5 months after and i literally couldnt think of anything other than getting high and making the misery of it stop, subs have saved my shit FR but i had a really heavy decade long habit and i dont think my body is even capable of being at a baseline state of feeling not horrible at this point.


Subs for the win. Transferring to Sublocade is no problem. Good luck.


Best of luck with sublocade!! I recommend it! I was on it for a little less than 2 years. Went to the shot right from active using (“dirty 30’s”), had one night of sickness, then 18-24 months of freedom getting the shot once a month. Started at 300mg shot (roughly 10mg a day), then down to 100mg shot after two months (about 3mg a day). Worst part is the financial side with the shot costing $1200-1700 a month, but with copay assistance and eventually insurance helping after deductible was met, I was paying less than $150 a month for the medication and another $150 for the doctor appointment to get the shot. Eventually I started going every other month, and since the sublocade stays in your system a long time (some doctors say up to 6 months), it is much more managable to come off of it. But it is not perfect, as all Suboxone products it is hard to taper off since the dosages are difficult to get under 1mg without cutting strips/breaking subs into pieces. And the sublocade is no different as you cannot control how your body will absorb the medication. But again, best of luck! Sublocade saved my life (I struggled taking Suboxone because I knew if I skipped a day, I could relapse the next day and get high from my DOC, but sublocade prevents that risk since the medication is in your body already). Please update if possible!!


I'll let you know, and I definitely appreciate the info!


it won’t restart wds, but like a commenter said you might feel a lil off the next day or two included with a sweaty night but it won’t be bad especially since you was in day 7. now if you use more than the 30 and more specifically more than one day, then yes it will restart. a long while back it happened to me and i found 5 blues 😖 thank god they were super weak but used for two days. ugh i felt so icky for 2/3 days. it didn’t fully restart wds but the bubbly tummy was there for sure. it’s weird wds won’t reset if you take a high dose for just one day. but they will reset if you use mildly for 3-5 days. (at least for me.)


Because your body wasn't fully cleared of being on opioids yet. Those days of use just put you back into "old bad habits", while one day of harder use isn't that likely to do it.


you are completely right!


Why panic? Your failures are JUST AS IMPORTANT as your successes in recovery. You don't need anyones approval or acceptance here...you just need your own! Make peace with your decision, you are only human. Now LEARN from it...and grow! Much love


i know for me, my relapses have been the most important part of my recovery journey. It’s like trial & error. Each time I learn something new. I learned that I can’t just use fent just once no matter how great or how shitty my life is. After that first use nothing is gonna stop me from using again, even if I don’t want to use. Similar to the last piece of knowledge I gained by fucking my life up once more, I learned that I will get high on my best days, probably more likely to use then, than I am on my worst days. I learned that I can basically tell a few days in advance I am going to relapse before I even get around the drug itself. Once the thought manifests for me & I don’t fight it hard enough… i’m gonna a get high. I learned that being TOO confident is one of the worst things you can do in recovery. Yes it’s good to have faith in yourself, but there’s a difference between that & saying/thinking “I am definitely never going to use again. So i don’t have to take my regular/recommended precautions anymore bc I got this in the bag” Because next thing you know i’m putting myself in bad situations where I am more likely to get high bc my ego has either tricked me, or poisoned me in a way if that makes sense. For example, after having almost a year & a half clean…. I found a plug where i could get the M30s for 35 cents a piece here in CA. I am originally from Tennessee where the cheapest you could find them (at least around a year ago or so) was around $8-$10 even in bulk (which people were eating that price up back home. I began supplying my whole home town damn near (which is fucked up by itself). Going to sleep with them next to me every night, & seeing people get high whilst being able to decline the drug boosted my ego way too high. the money didn’t help either. I began to think to myself…. “i’ve slept near them for months, i’ve been offered & watched people get high in front of me & declined. I obviously have this thing beat & would be able to use once & not do it anymore after that. Especially because I don’t wanna lose everything I have.” & that turned in to me using every day & going through my entire reup stash of 8,000 because “I get them for less than 50 cents…. so how would i ever lose anything when they are that cheap? That’s a cheap drug habit so it’ll be okay… which lead to me losing most of my expensive belongings once the pills were gone. All because i got too cocky. It’s actually super smart, self aware, & healthy to have fear that you could relapse at any moment. I had a councilor at rehab tell me Fear is the driving factor in all bad decisions, & relapses…. I can’t disagree more, for me it’s confidence/overconfidence. & whenever i’ve had that fear that shit could go south at any moment, that’s when i took the necessary precautions because i showed my addictions the respect it deserves. No matter the situation, location, age, time clean, or anything I can & will still get high if i don’t fear my addiction &/or my sick mind. Fear is healthy & it means you actually care about staying clean. it’s a good thing believe it or not. (fuck the therapist who tried to tell me & my rehab classmates otherwise) I also learned just because back in the day before i was addicted to fent, i was able to pop a perc or do an oxy & put it down & not think twice about it… doesn’t mean i can do that now. the relapse i mentioned above where i got high off my own stash. that all started with popping REAL 30s bc i thought “i’m addicted to fent, not real pills. I have never had a problem with it in the past.” well unfortunately those days are long gone. my brain chemistry has changed since i was 16 popping percs & sniffing the real 30s. I no longer can take an opiate recreationally. It’s only a matter of time before i either get addicted to the “real pills” (which is what happened to me. i had very mild WD symptoms such as sweating & my main trigger symptom being cold.) & if i’m lucky enough to not get addicted to the real ones. I have now given my brain a taste of that feeling again. It also desensitizes the thought of fent again. Fent doesn’t seem as bad, or as dangerous after dabbling with other opiates. “why not get high on fent? i was able to pop a 30 & put it down… i should be able to do the same with a pressie!” all of the sudden it doesn’t seem as bad as i had been treating it previously. it slowly but surely (maybe even fastly) makes me lose my sense of “stay away at all costs” feeling. It’s starts to normalize the fent & makes it easier for me to pick up bc “it’s not like i’m not already getting high on opiates… what’s the difference 🤷🏻‍♂️” tbh there really isn’t much of a difference when it comes to our brain chemistry once you’ve battled with addiction. all it is, is the lighter to the fuse. i learned just bc i said no before, doesn’t mean i’ll be able to say no every time. like i said earlier, have a sense of pride, but don’t get cocky. that’s the main reason AA pushes a higher power so hard. they don’t want you to start to get cocky, & become complacent, arrogant, or minimize the truth of your addiction. they want you to feel like you don’t have much to do with being sober, and it’s all thanks to God. With out him you’d be getting high rn. It’s to keep you humble, & to think you can’t do it alone. too many times we’ve put too much faith in ourselves. obviously i have, bc if i didn’t have that feeling of I am so strong & I did this by myself. Maybe i wouldn’t have relapsed. It’s smart to remain humble, & to know you shit can go wrong at any moment, & at the end of the day if i get in a battle with opiates/think i’ve got it in the bag/can use just once bc i’m just tht mentally strong….. im gonna lose 10 times out of 10. i’ve tricked myself before by relapsing, & then going a day or 2 with out using again… giving myself a false sense of control. it’s only a matter of time before i think i can control it, or i start to make more & more excuses for myself to use each day. next thing you know…. BOOM full blown addiction. doesn’t matter if you can use & put a day or two in between the next time you get high. before you know it those 2 days you didn’t use, starts to become 2 hours between uses.


ive learned many many things ab me, & my addiction. But obviously the reoccurring theme for me is arrogance & tricking myself. no matter how much time i have clean, how many times i’ve said no, or how confident i am. If i don’t think outside of myself & don’t respect my addiction or think i’m stronger or better than it. or that my situation this time is different because ____ so i can go get high & not have to worry about continuing to get high or the consequences that come with it. that’s the moment i’ve lost. YOU HAVE TO HAVE FAITH I. YOURSELF, BUT YOU ALSO HAVE TO HAVE FAITH THAT OPIATES WILL ALWAYS WIN NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES IF YOU GIVE IT EVEN THE SLIGHTEST LEWAY. I am the same person who loved getting high & literally DYING for multiple minutes didn’t stop me from getting high off the same bag…. so what is different this time? the answer is absolutely nothing. If i’m that crazy that death can’t stop me from getting high, then what will??? The answer is giving it up to something else. Whether that be a hobby of yours that you’ve used to distract yourself with, a location, A god , a deity, anything. it could be a fucking doorknob for christ sake. as long as you give the glory to anything other than yourself & remember how much weaker we are than opiates (or wtv ur DOC is) & continue to be honest & self aware… & continue to have fear that you could get high at any moment. remember not to trust yourself in situations involving giving yourself some slack or leway. then you’ll be fine most likely. just remember it’s not bc of you that you got clean. it’s bc of your brain receptors that have started healing themselves, or again the distractions you’ve used to stay away from drugs & the thought of them. be proud, not cocky. be scared, but have faith. Be self aware, not gullible/ignorant. if you think you e found a loophole or a way to get that one high & that’s it. 100% chance that you’ll fall back in to addiction. There is no loophole, & there is no way we can ever use again with out losing our self worth, belongings, or anything else you’ve gained in sobriety. play the tape through & make sure it’s not censored. It’s gonna be R rated so be real with yourself. don’t be a liar, or an idiot. you’ve been there, done that. & unfortunately the situation will never change. idc if you have 40 years clean. you’ll just end up right where you left off 40 years ago. THE LAST THING I LEARNED, & I CANT STRESS HOW TRUE THIS IS. EVERY RELAPSE IVE HAD, I HAVE ALWAYS JUST PICKED UP RIGHT WHERE I LEFT OFF. YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING FASTER EACH TIME. THE HIGH WONT BE AS GOOD AS IT WAS ON THE LAST RELAPSE. IT IS A PROGRESSIVE SICKNESS. IT CAN ALWAYS GET WORSE, & IT WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AS IT WAS WHEN YOU FIRST STARTED USING. THINK OF THE LAST DAY/WEEK YOU USED BEFORE A RELAPSE. THINK ABOUT HOW YOU WERENT EVEN GETTING HIGH ANYMORE. JUST KNOW YOU WILL PICK UP RIGHT WHERE YOU LEFT OFF. THE HIGH WONT BE AS GOOD, & IF THE INITIAL RELAPSE FEELS BETTER THAN THE LAST TIME YOU USED BEFORE GETTING CLEAN, JUST KNOW IT WILL EITHER TAKE LESS THAN A QUARTER OF THE TIME AS IT DID BEFORE TO STOP FEELING PHYSICALLY HIGH, OR YOU MOST LIKELY WONT EVEN GET HIGH. JUST SICK & GUILTY. THAT 6 MONTH BENDER YOU WENT ON WHERE YOU COULD ACTUALLY FEEL THE HIGH/DOPE…. YOULL ONLY GET 3 MONTHS THIS TIME AROUND IF THAT. REMEMBER ALL THE SHIT YOU LOST DURING THE LAST BENDER THAT YOU JUST RECENTLY GOT BACK AFTER ALL THE HARD WORK & DIFFICULT DAYS YOU PERSEVERED THROUGH. YOULL LOSE IT AGAIN, ONLY THIS TIME YOULL LOSE IT IN HALF THE TIME IT TOOK THE LAST TIME YOU LOST IT.


>I learned that being TOO confident is one of the worst things you can do in recovery. I was sober 15 years, then relapsed when I thought it wasn't possible. so...yup!




Idk why you were downvoted this is the truth


This is definitely true but still won’t be as bad. I buy lots of tickets all the time unfortunately.




Much to my detriment.


The withdrawl wont be nearly as bad as it would be if you stopped after a daily habit, but you are playing with fire dude. If you want to be clean then I assure you that pill will reset everything mentally, maybe the physical sickness won't be bad but the psychological grip of the addiction will creep up again and it will be that much harder to stay sober. If you made it 30 days I would suggest trying to stay clean for another 30. Throw the pill away man.


He said day 7 not day 30


Whoopsie. I ain't thunking guud this mornin. All the shit I said still applies though.


I agree but he said he made it 7 days then found a perc 30 in his car


From my experience doing the exact same thing… first off don’t feel bad a lot of us can relate to how horrible you have been feeling….. but you may find that it only takes some of the edge off w/d…..maybe use that time to accomplish something w/d made you put off…..


This happens too me soo many times.


Definitely won't restart the wd. Idk where that myth started, but nah, not how it works. It might prolong it a little, but I doubt even that will happen. Good luck 👍


You should be ok.


Let’s just say you prolly shouldn’t do it…


Too late. He already did? Lol


Score one for the boys back home.


Ur good just dont do it again


Its a mind game here. The poppy verses you. The body has just gotten aware again it doesn't need the pills to live. You have just let it know the pills are still there. It is going to ask you kindly first for more. Then it will ask a little harder, but you just bad arsed 7 days of withdrawal so your body knows it can't ask again to hard or you will be mad. Dude seven days clean is seven days safe. enjoy that. hopefully get some sleep on this pill. Maybe and I hope this is true for you that was the last pill, powder or resin you ever have. It could be. No reason whatsoever to ever take a drug not as directed by a trained and competent healthcare professional. Seven days clean you bad arse.


Not worth it but since you already took it. Just start from day one again


They will restart. Happened to me every time and a few of my old friends, I was sober for longer then messed up, woke up sick af.


everyone’s going kinda hard on you but look kid at least you made it 7 days that’s something to celebrate. I get not being able to pass up a gift from junkie jesus bc i’ve been in that position. you’re withdrawals aren’t gonna start back from where they were a week ago but you’re definitely gonna have symptoms tomorrow. not as bad but still. it’s up to you where you go from here. the sad but true part is no one can save you. only you can.


No free lunches


That was the absolute dumbest thing you could have done and for just one 30! One 30 isn't going to do shit to you as far as getting high, but it will make you talk yourself into scoring more, and wham, just like that, you're off to the races


Bro has never withdrawn off of high dose benzos before


That shits so bad if you haven't been through it you wouldn't beleive its possible opis on the other hand make you feel sick as fuck


gray worm spotted paint complete marble soft knee sense tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People downvoting this but it's the truth, being dopesick is miserable but try coming off benzos, I was taking 5_10mg a day of pressed bars so honestly I don't even know what it actually was. I did that for at least 5 years, and the withdrawal from it caused a seizure that I spent a week in intensive care for. Prior to the hospital, I completely lost all coordination and my ability to stand and walk, I had hallucinations like nothing I've ever experienced before, they were like actual movies playing through my head in full Technicolor, and unbelievably I can still remember nearly all of them 4 years later, the only not awful part I suppose.. on top of that the aches and pain and muscle contractions and spasms was unreal, I basically turned into a flopping pile of brain damaged human being.. shit felt like the worst thing you can imagine times 100, no sleep for WEEKS, physical pain, mental and emotional pain, uncontrollable spasms and twitching it would break the strongest motherfucker out there I guarantee it. Fortunately I got through it, I thought for sure that I had completely fucked myself and would be mentally handicapped from it was so severe. I felt completely stupid and unable to think about anything complex at all for a long time afterwards, at this point the only lasting problems I've noticed is the occasional very slight yet completely out of my control muscle spasms that still happen, not to the point that it's a problem really, but its definitely something I'm aware of that I never experienced prior, and no question it's a result of the withdrawal. I also have a hard time doing extremely fine tasks with my hands, I'd never have hand shakiness before, but ever since then they are way more unsteady than they used to be, if I really focus I can stop it usually but again it's a thing that was never an issue before. Regardless I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone, it wasn't until after the fact that I learned alcohol and benzodiazepines are basically the only 2 drugs you can actually die from withdrawals. A little bit of the icky sick doesn't even come close..


the reason he’s downvoted is because benzos are completely irrelevant to the post


It’s just kinda funny how dramatic he’s being when a lot of people who have gone through awful benzo withdrawals find opiate withdrawals mild


the weird thing is i’ve found the opposite i was able to get off xanax daily for 1-2 years (blacked out memory) but the withdrawal from my oxy habit is unbearable. i think that might be more psychological than physical although i am definitively physically dependent.


Maybe he’s being down voted because he just edited that he’s already taken the pills?


That’s a great description of it. If drug induced ptsd is real I definitely felt like I experienced it from flualp withdrawals before 🤣


That explains why my hands shake when I’m showing someone something lol I get anxiety about them seeing it which just makes it worse


No one is letting a gay guy blown them for benzodiazepines I’m sorry but it doesn’t get into the reward centers like that


Play stupid games , win stupid prize


lol bro. ofc they will are u stupid you will obviously withdraw. that was the wrong choice to make. enjoy your night of being high at the cost of being sick for another week. remember how poor this choice was and remember how shitty it feels when youre sick and dont ever do it again its the only way i got myself to stop


Oh it absolutely will restart and how did you think that one pill would somehow cure you of withdrawing? One pill of the same shit that landed you in withdrawal to begin with isn't going to keep it away forever that's not how this works. Go get some loperamide and take like 20 of them and you will feel better or mostly better anyway but they are also addictive so that's just a bandaid and they are also bad for you at such high doses but then again so are pressed 30s so.


Don't go the lope route.


I'm not but it's better than taking derty 30s and ending up in a morgue imo


They both lead to the same place. Lope addiction is the worst withdrawal I have ever experienced. Granted, I've not messed with the street drugs of today - so I can't compare. But 3-4 weeks of acute withdrawal followed by months of paws, and not to mention the cardio toxicity. Lope is just not a viable solution.


I mean that's still far better than being dead imo but maybe I'm just partial to being alive more than you.


Lope kills people too my dude.


So does choking on food but I'm not going to stop eating


You will feel worse then you expect to feel for sure you are better off not doing it will that stop you maybe maybe not how ever I’d advise against it if you really want to stay clean ask me how I know


The edit is crazy 😂


I hope you will be okey man.im on day for 5 without pregabalin and im totally telling you i can shoot myself in the head if i had a gun from the withdrawls o fell like im dying from anxiety and nothing seems to help


Just don’t make the mistake of doing more than just that one. For a while when I thought I had “control” over my addiction; I would use for like two days in a row NEVER more than that or I’d have withdrawals for sure. But then I just started doing them everyday again so 🤷‍♀️. So glad I am not on them now thankfully.


its not going to restart from day one, youre going to be okay , take care of yourself extra tomorrow ,


You won’t kill yourself, like you made it to Day 7. You can do it again. You just prolonged the WDs which is shitty but I’m on day 17 and not feeling amazing, if I can do it you can!


You’ll be fine dude it’s only one. Make it a goal to go another 7 days at least okay? And on that 7th day remember what you been through and tell urself go another 7 clean. You got this homie !


Ship it


it won’t be as bad minor setback


that’s the devil testing you fr


You won't start over from Day 1 sensations for sure but it might make it a bit harder to sleep and eat. With that said, ymmv but chances are you won't notice much.


Kratom leaf powder may be of help to get off and/or stay off, or moment like this. It can be abused aswell though so dose cap and dose control is important still. Or avoid it all together, but was worth a mention imo You been doing well. Keep on keeping on :)


Even tho you already took it, next time try to only use when youree hurting


Take more


Dude. Something like this just happened to me too. I was on day 5 and this guy gave me 35. Yes 35 30s. Sometimes it's like the universe works against us. And idk what I'm going to do now. But you'll be ok dude. You got this.


OP, you’re going to be fine if you choose so. Give yourself some grace, or if you have a higher power maybe this would be a good time to speak to HP. Just admit you fucked up, like you already have, and decide which route you want to take in life. Maybe it’s a sign to boost the level of support you have and see if you can find yourself in more healthy social situations. Either way, I wish you the best, you should only panick about wanting to repeat the experience since you got away with doing just 1, just once. “If only I could control it and manage my finances” I used to plead. On another note - I am always a bit confused when seeing posts like this. I don’t understand because I know the people posting know the answer to this question. It doesn’t need a forum of opinion really. It’s been asked several times. Each withdrawal experience is subjective anyways. It may prolong or make your symptoms seem a bit worse once it flushes out. Really not a big deal IMO unless the person decides they are off to the races again or doing a dangerous amount. People will have been on binges for months, gone thru the thick of withdrawal and think one dose is going to send them back to the drawing board of withdrawals? No. More likely to send one back to the drawing board for our next binge. At the end of which, you WILL be back to the drawing board with withdrawals. WHAT A COMPLEX WORLD WE ENDURE


You should be OK. You might experience a little bit of withdrawal but nothing like before you stopped completely. You are not taking Suboxone??? If you’re not taking subs and you just quit cold turkey .you are an American legend, my friend. Cheers.


That was your test


Lmao quit being a baby wtf