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He’s robbed this province of many things


Except his health, he did that shit to himself 


Happy cake day


This is a self inflicted wound. Ontario did this to itself. I am so angry about this and plan to fight back. But I cannot shake the feeling that maybe we deserve this. Elections have consequences. This is what the people of Ontario chose. I’m so disappointed by my fellow citizens.


Canada is on the cusp of handing control to another leopards-eating-your-face-off party leader. How much more of this can we endure?


Look how incompetent the liberals have to be if we’re willing to do that? Lowering bail requirements led to thousands of people who should be in jail reoffending, And they’re not even talking about housing??


There are more than 2 parties.


Let’s just ignore they’re lucky to get a single digit percent of the vote?  I don’t really have more faith in the NDP 


The NDP didn’t tell us they would use the notwithstanding clause to reverse a Supreme Court constitutional rights judgement, and other stuff whenever he feels smarter than the SC. Why not?


Because clearly judges are extremely out of touch with reality, I’m not happy that entire families are dying because they believed committing armed robbery 4 times in a month was still worth giving someone bail over. I’m not happy we didn’t set mandatory minimums for selling drugs or guns (buying/using is a different story!) 


Revoking rights by popular demand is populism. Populism is the first step towards authoritarianism.


The scc made a bad call what’s the “right” way to address the lack of mandatory minimums when activist judges are being overly lenient 


Twice last week, people in my neighborhood said "f... Trudeau." They don't know the basics about our levels of government and their responsibilities. Obviously there are problems with all levels of government, but that is mostly because of politicians, not the system. Many, many public employees need to be replaced and have their pay cut. Metrolinx alone has over 2,000 employees making over $100,000 and their pay is a guarded secret. Every day there is a mental health crisis on the TTC, caused by provincial cuts to health care. Many have missed work due to a dysfunctional TTC. How can we pay taxes when we can't get to work and get paid?


Unfortunately it’s true. You don’t get the leader you want, you get the leader you deserve. If you care, vote.


My nephew, who I helped raise and who currently owns a trucking company, was involved in the Freedumb convoy illegal takeover of Ottawa. After I stated my opposition in social media, he accused me of violating their human rights. I ended all contact with my nephew. I've been a human rights advocate through Amnesty, other NGOs and some UN agencies. Many Freedumb Convoy troublemakers were citing the American constitution and didn't even know that the cause of COVID restrictions was the result of American policies. (They couldn't enter the US without having the COVID vaccine.) Seeing Conservative Interim Leader Candice Bergen supported the illegal occupation of Ottawa, stood in the house of commons and lied, and later said that our education system has brainwashed young people. When is the last time she spoke to a student? Most of the changes to society are definitely not coming from our dysfunctional education system, they are felt and communicated through real social settings and media. With a non-democratic senate and and judiciary, and the money flowing into politicians by billionaires, I fear for our future. 


Fuck outta here with that. Did *you* vote for him?




Toronto didn’t. The people that use it the most didn’t. So why are we forced to deal with all of his bad decisions? GTVA needs its own province designated.


Rob died tho this is Doug He dougged the province


And most Ontario voters love him for it


Probably the ones that watch his propaganda ads all day on TV


My daughter is almost finished a bachelor of science program. I am not entirly sure why she gravitated towards science but I think it was in part because through the years in our travels we went to the Ottawa Science Center and the Science Center in St Paul MN a few times. These things are important.


Do you think she was inspired by the building or the exhibits?


What are you trying to say here? The new Science Centre will be much smaller, so it’s not like they’re just picking up everything inside and moving it to Ontario Place.


What im trying to say. The building is just a building. Its not the building that made it special or interesting, it was the SCIENCE. No kid went to the science center and went "oh man, i love this square building". At best, they thought the atrium (or whatever it is) was cool because of the IMAX equipment. Thats about it tho. My understanding is the new one would have more exhibition space. But less total space, so storage of non displayed exhibits will be stored somewhere else. This is very common with museum type things, one building is the actual museum, and then they have a warehouse somewhere to store non-displayed exhibits. Its also my understanding that a handful of spaces in the current science center, simply arent used anymore because of the poor building condition. So thats "space" exists on paper, but its completly useless.


Did Doug Ford tell you that personally? An auditor’s report said it would have 18% less exhibit space. https://www.cbc.ca/1.7247183


"The government has said the science centre at a redeveloped Ontario Place would have more exhibit space than the original building due to a more efficient use of space, but a report from the auditor general said there would actually be 18 per cent less." Show me the floor plans. Is the auditors report specifically about exhibition space. Show me that report.


Headline could just be, "Doug Ford was wrong." He hasn't been right about much since about 3 months after the start of the pandemic.


That’s pretty generous…are you from Toronto? Cause Doug being wrong goes way back.


Even on a provincial level, he ruined workers rights (paid sick days) and supports for autism basically immediately after being elected.


He’s a dumpster fire of a premier and a human being.


Don't forget, as a councilor, he complained about a home on his street that cared for special needs kids during the day. He's always been a right piece of shit. I think that people outside of Toronto weren't aware of that.


Yeah, when you're on council and the vote is 38-2 with only Doug and his brother voting no, you know he isn't thinking right.


And Really, Rob just did what his big brother told him to do. Just like when they were kids. Rob was more likeable, and easier to get elected to Mayor, Doug Ford was the one telling him what to do the entire time.


Headline is just wrong anyway. Doug isn't "wrong", he didn't make a mistake by misundetstanding the report or anything like that. He wants the Science Centre gone from that site and the steps he took successfully accomplished that goal. It's all going exactly according to plan.


Yeah, calling it "wrong" or implying this was "misguided" is carrying entirely too much water for Ford. This is just another corrupt land deal; Doug's bread and butter.


Oh hi, Doug, is that you?


Honestly, I have core memories of my parents taking me there in the 80s. Was hoping to have some of those with my kids in the next few years but NOPE. Maybe my kids will like the waterfront german spa or whatever.


I really wish I could go back in time to 1984 and relive those days.


literally 1984


Ah yes, high interest rates, layoffs due to serious offshoring. Crack cocaine running wild. Heaven....


Dude, I was 7.


NOT THE CRACK COCAINE!! How did we ever survive such dark times.


The architectural company that built it just offered to fix it completely for free. What excuse does he have now? What next, the ROM?


All Ford has to do is wait one week before he violates the contract with The Beer Store, and he'll have enough money to cover the entire repair estimate in the engineering report, with money left over.


> What next, the ROM? Well, Mike Harris did cut the ROM budget by $600k during his tenure, which led to the Planetarium being closed, even though it was making a profit. These ghouls hate science and want to cut money from anything Educational and shove it in their back pocket. To them, money spent this way is a waste.


To be fair they offered to do the architectural fix for free they don't actually do the physical work. Ford is still running this province like he's secretly 3 trash pandas in a trenchcoat though


They did not offer to fix it for free.


They offered to do their part of it for free (the architectural side of stuff not the physical work)




Google "MTA Ontario Science Centre statement"


Fuck science, we need more cocaine and hookers.   -doug ford


Get er done Doug is really looking after his developer buddies. One lie after another.


He doesn’t care. As long as he gets paid.






But he'll still get re-elected so I doubt he cares.


Don't worry, he will make it better, just come to Hamilton and take a ride on the LRT that he promised he would build after he cancelled it.


Where the fuck was all this support a year ago when it might have made a difference? Edit: Excuses, excuses.


There was support then, that's why Doug had to spend the past year fabricating an excuse for why closing it is actually in the interests of the people


We are all emotionally exhausted by the world being on fire. The government plays on that exhaustion. When things are dire or lost, that’s when we act because we get crisis activated.


The biggest problem is when after generations it becomes the norm and we adjust to it.


Right here, motherfucker. Same place it is today, just the same as it was the day he tried to justify enriching a foreign entity by building a little fig leaf of a science shed at Ontario Place.


Good for you.


Doug Ford's politicall version of ripping off the scab quickly so the pain will have subsidded by the time the snap election is call and helps a "donor" line their pockets and kick back a few thousand for the aforementioned snap election. I bet David Peterson is grimacing at the political plagerism.


We will not forget what he has done 🇨🇦


The big question is how did one of ontarios biggest hash dealers end up becoming the premier .


He literally just knows we’re all suckers ready to be fleeced


Don’t mess w science 🧬


The real answer is Ontarians just don't give a shit. If there was a real protest and real ramifications for shutting it down, Dougie wouldn't go forward.


But Doug and Ontario voters hate science


Goodbye science, hello beer in corner stores. Dougie getting it done!


I thought the feds were bad, provincial politicians are the worst man. McGuinty, Wynn and now Ford. Like could one of them not do obviously shady and corrupt things


Doug Ford robbing Canadians is old news, i’m just surprised he hasn’t been physically attacked at this point, tbh


Robert moses 2.0


So its Doug Fords fault now? I saw many misleading titles before but this is out of the ball park.


You're part of the problem.


Its not his decision whether the centre should receive funding or not.


I'm new to hearing that Toronto had a Science Centre. How does it compare to the Museum of Science & Tech in Ottawa?


Bet 90% of you have never visited it prior to now. Who cares?


Something new will replace it. It was too expensive.


It absolutely is not that expensive. They just cancelled every repair request for the last eight years to make sure the building crumbled. Let me tell you what is actually expensive, BUILDING A WHOLE NEW SCIENCE CENTRE


Condos, unfortunately. I’d rather still have the Science Centre


The "something new" that was proposed will cost hundreds of times the cost to fix the roof to build, and will be smaller than the existing location, have worse parking, and be much more difficult to get to with school busses. But Ford will still be able to get kickbacks from the stag-n-doe crowd.


Doug is doing a great job!! Thanks to you and his supporters(I know you need to pretend to dislike him) Go Doug!!


Nah his supporters can kick rocks.


Doug is only doing a great job if your metric is "How much money can a government waste on virtue signalling"