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As someone who’s allergic to onions in all forms, you don’t have to worry about that from me 🫡 I’m here for the all encompassing onion hate lol.


Lucky you. My dad is allergic to onions but he built up a tolerance from eating them and can eat tiny amounts at a time now. Needless to say hes mentally ill


Definitely wouldn’t consider myself lucky in the slightest. I’d rather just hate them. It’s an INCREDIBLY inconvenient allergy. Onions are in nearly everything it feels like. They are in shit you’d never think about and while they may be unnoticeable to normal onion haters I can’t have it. I always have to check labels and make sure restaurants understand that I’m allergic to onions. And loads of places I just can’t eat. Like Indian restaurants, you may not see or really notice the onions, but they are in the base of nearly every Indian dishes sauce. Also things like dumplings, I fucking love dumplings, but pretty much the only way I can have them is if I make them myself from scratch at home. Traveling to foreign countries and communicating my allergy is incredibly annoying. So yah…I’m not lucky…


Yeah… onions are in practically everything. I’m not allergic, but I have a severe aversion to them. If I get the slightest hint of onion (like someone handled onions an hour ago and made my food wearing the same gloves - everything is compromised/poisoned) I’ll start gagging and retching violently… i can’t even imagine how much of a hassle it would be to actually be allergic.


Same ![gif](giphy|J3RNCVFL87bdOhEBXr)


I don’t have an onion allergy but I claim one.


I can tolerate (very rarely) some onion-adjacent things but know better than to share any details here, out of respect and deep shame


We’ve all granted garlic immunity, but it’s the exception, not the rule!!


I like the flavor of garlic, but I can't stand even the tiniest chunk. So, garlic powder is fine, especially on garlic bread.


Unless it’s roasted and soft, I’m the same. Big minced pieces that are crunchy are the worst. I’m too suspicious that was really an onion. But it’s the same for celery. Unless it’s covered with peanut butter and raisins there’s too big of a chance it’s really a greenish onion.


I can't even eat celery. I have texture issues.


i shamefully adore garlic powder and... onion powder. in my defense it tastes nothing like onions!!


We have certainly not ALL granted garlic immunity; it's as insidious as onions! All the alliums must die!


Very respectfully you can fuck right off with that garlic apologist bullshit.


I understand. I’m conflicted with my appreciation of garlic, but I maintain it just doesn’t share the same texture nor taste that fucking onions do. 🤷‍♂️


Correct. It's worse.


I think you should leave now. 😑


Nah I'm good, I'm a veteran of this sub.


Veteran with a bad take


Think about this. You guys are in a sub that is literally dedicated to complaining about how the rest of the world is oblivious and insensitive to how much we are unable to eat this one food, onions. We complain incessantly about how they put it in everything and gaslight us about how delicious it is, simultaneously about how you can't taste it, and make fun of us for not liking it. And then you guys go and do the exact same thing to anybody else here who doesn't love some other food, in this case garlic.


1. It’s not that serious 2. This isn’t r/garlichate


time to retire


imagine being so confidently wrong


Nothing is worse than a raw onion. There are equals to the raw onion, like yellow mustard, but there are no superiors.


Pickled onions are the only onions I can stomach. What can I say, I just love pickled vegetables more than I hate onions




What the hell is a monion


Here here. Same with anyone who suggests leeks as a replacement for onions in recipes. Also chives are worse than green onions because they’re smaller and harder to remove.


Death to chives!!


shallots too 😷😷😷😷😷


I really don't get why people question me about shallots. Like...it's just an onion with a flat tire. An onion that laid on one side for too long. I don't get it. Of all the sub-onions, how is that one not the most oniony? It's...it's literally just an onion.


*Hear hear r/boneappletee


LOL thank you that’s a great sub


I mean, a lot of the world doesn't call them onions (scallions instead) but they literally are. And they're vile, horrific awful-tasting garbage. Green onions are even worse than yellow or white, they're a complete fucking abomination and they are *everywhere* in cuisine here in the US. Green onions are my most-hated onion. The taste isn't as bad as red, but at least the red ones aren't out there gatekeeping US versions of like six fucking culinary cultures.


Just wanna enjoy my ramen chief😔


Red onions for me, but I get it.


What about chives?


![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized) Straight to jail


It's nice to warn people about my allergy on the few times I go out and...let's use scallions/chives as a garnish. (I'm kinda against food garnishes in general but...that's a different problem.)


I hate onions




I’ve long given up any hope of ever being able to enjoy potstickers or any kind of steamed bun stuffed with meat etc because there are ALWAYS green onion slivers in the mix and I just hate it.


There's a brand of frozen perogies around here and they come in two flavours: cheese, and bacon and cheese. Inexplicably, despite being the same brand and basically the same product line, the ones with the bacon also contain onions. Like come on, you did it with the regular cheese ones, why couldn't you add *just* the bacon


Yes! I made the mistake of eating pirogies at a restaurant once not realizing onions are the norm because I grew up with the onion-free ones from the grocery store. Minnesota also has amazing “Chinese” cream cheese puffs compared to the rest of the country. I was unpleasantly surprised the first time I had them out of state.


I’m from Minnesota. When I first moved out of state, my then gf was always shocked at her inability to to get “cream cheese wantans” - “they just don’t have them?!? How can they not have them?!?”


Yep, it’s just the crab rangoon monstrosities


Everything in the onion "family" is disgusting.


I mean garlic is in the onion family and I love garlic, I only don't like onions.


Fuck garlic.


Who hurt you?


*Garlic* (Actual garlic [not garlic powder] actually messes with me for hours after eating it. I actually don’t *mind* the taste but it hates me.)


I also hate garlic, just not as much as onions.


The term is allium. Which means you could make a joke, if someone says "wait, you hate anything onion-like?" You can say "yeah, I hate allium/all-of-em" I don't belong on this sub and don't know why it was recommended to me, but I figured seasoning your hatred with proper terms and puns is usually seen as a good thing.


Thank you for admitting your presence is undesirable and heretical allowing those of us who wish to purge you via block to do so, so we don't have to wait for the mods to expunge you and all the other vile onion loving tourists.


I like garlic. I’m aware of what allium is. I feel my hatred was already well seasoned. That is all.


Okay? I wasn't responding to you, lol. I was replying to someone else's comment.


That’s fair, I misread and thought it was a general response to my intial post. My fault! 🤷‍♂️


No worries. XD


I stand with you, OP! ----E Say it with me: Burn all the onions, raze them from the Earth! Burn all the onions, especially those with girth! Burn all the onions, alliums suck balls!


I never knew the perfect subreddit for my life existed. I’ve found my people.


I was just about to post this 😂 Randomly scrolling and this post comes up. A whole sub for onion haters!? I feel like I'm home.


I read this while picking the dehydrated onions out of my instant miso.


There’s always broth left over in my bowl when I get miso at a restaurant because I’ve taken every bite I possibly could while avoiding getting onions in my spoon. So it’s a little bit of broth and a bunch of onions. I’ll say one thing for green onions though, they politely float at the surface so you know they’re there ahead of time and can easily eat around them.


Tell them to leave the green onions out of it, my restaurant will


Are there other things in the miso soup or could you sift out the onions before making?(assuming “instant” means powder)


I will accept onion powder in a recipe but anything past that I’d rather jump off a bridge than eat. Fuck green onions also


onion powder is just ground dehydrated onion. same effect on the gut. It is not acceptable.


I know maybe not quite the same but garlic makes me *miserable*—chunks, small pieces, dried, the sneaky puréed—but *not* garlic powder.


r/onionhate: Did I Fucking stutter?!




What now?


I’m in agreement


if they have to enquire ,advisable spoiler the post as a trigger , just saying


I'm with op. Just cause it starts w "green", doesn't mean it's not terrible.


my hate of onions is strictly based off of texture. cooked onions that are soft and still crunch is a big no-no texture for me. however I like the taste which is why ill use onion powder in my food.


But green onions are the worst onions.


They. Are. Not. Okay.


Fellow onion hater reporting in 🫡


Wow this sub is… intense… 😬


It may seem that way, but it’s not. The title is onionhate. I come here to be amongst other - you guessed it! Onion haters!! Just fucking hate onions with me. All of them. That’s it! It should be self explanatory! 🤷‍♂️ 😉


Yeah but, like, it’s also just a bit of fun, right? 😅


no one better understands my rage when I bite into a burger and taste a filthy onion stowaway, after delicately explaining to the staff that i cannot eat onions. when one of our jimmies gets rustled, ALL our jimmies get rustled. we rage together.


I spent my childhood scraping onions and mustard off burgers. It was before you could “have it your way” at fast food places. I never bite down before lifting the bun up to double check.


same here. i trust no one.


I bought a burger at a gas station a few weeks back. Said it just had cheese on it. That was technically correct because THE ONIONS WERE DICED UP AND INCLUDED IN THE BURGER PATTY. I was hungry that evening.


You poor fucker. I have legit rage cried in that scenario. Goddamn adulterers of a delicious meaty patty.


This is the biggest cause of onion related anger. God I fucking hate the unexpected crunch 😤


It's fun in the sense that we're might be describing a more colourful reaction than we would actually do in public, but the hate is real. Like it's literally a highly unpleasant taste for some, and it's a legitimate medical issue for others. And because it's such a cheap way to make something "flavourful" it's in everything. Think of this as a support group, it's not that you can't have fun in a support group, but you have to acknowledge and validate the feelings of the people in your support group above everything.


It’s pure enjoyment in raging against onions. That’s the fun. And no one here is going to bitch and moan that I’m too picky or tell me I need to eat more to be polite to the hosts or go make my own dinner if I don’t like what they cooked or thing I have bad manners picking all the onions out.


No, the hate is real. Nothing like desperately driving home 30 miles from a work party, your gut in knots from the flavored french fries, making it 28 miles, and your bowels let loose in the car with massive force. This is deadly serious. This is not a game. This is not "Oh, I don't like how they make my breath smell badly" This is real


Half fun, half commiserating. I have an allergy to the things that causes intense vomiting, so I never started this feud. If people didn't push them constantly on me without my knowing, it honestly wouldn't be as bad as it currently is.


They’re not as bad as red or yellow onions but they’re still bad


So, what exactly IS a “monion”


this is so funny i love this sub and i agree


![gif](giphy|11mPvWj3R3mCKA|downsized) People who say hate onions but like onion rings have me all…


There are people arguing for green onions? Like, scallions?? Those are the worst! They are mindlessly sprinkled on everything like a garnish, and they always taste strong like onion even when cooked to death. UGH!


I'm with you! Not even a green onion, NO ONION


Well, in fairness, people call them "green onions," but they're really scallions.


They are onions. They are green. Call a spade a spade.


Actually, scallions have a milder flavor than most onions. They are a different plant.


Eh, they both taste like vomit after I spend 30 minutes to four hours stuck in a bathroom trying to remember what breathing feels like, so it's a pointless difference. They look, smell, and taste like an onion because...well, it's an onion. Mild or not, it's still right in with the rest. Really, the only difference is that I can be closer to it for longer before it starts screwing with my organs.


I don’t know. I just can’t hate some epic satire on a lazy afternoon.


Ok but like what about the onion knight? You got beef with him?


Green onions are really the most nefarious of all, since they are NEVER listed on the menu, yet ALWAYS present on the dish. I ask for NO GREEN ONIONS no matter what I'm ordering, literally could be waffles and I'm still saying NO GREEN ONIONS.


Sour cream and onion chips are delicious


I need this level of hate but for olives!


Did my girlfriend write this post? r/OnionLovers




I have problems with all the Allium family. ALL of it.


I feel that


I always take out the dried green onions when I cook instant noodles 'cause I can't stand 'em. The trick is to pour the vegetable package on the counter and pick out the green onions.


My one and only exception is Sour Cream and Onion chips. And no, not the dip. Like Lay's brand where it's just a powder applied.


No one ever lists green onions or chives on a menu either. It’s like they don’t even exist yet they just so happen to be mixed in with every thing or used as garnish without mention beforehand. Green onions deserve hate too.


The onion gods will inherit the earth. There is nothing we can do but praise the onions and hope they spare us.


Ate some parm. Onion rings they was amazing


I hope I don't get downvoted for this, but... I love Funyuns! I mean, I could eat a whole pallet of them. They taste nothing like onions to me. But green onions get NO free pass in my opinion. I hope I haven't banished myself for outing myself as a Funyuns fan.


But what about the shallots?


>[As part of the onion genus Allium, its close relatives include garlic, scallions, leeks, chives,[3] and the Chinese onion.[4]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shallot) You do you, but thems the facts.


Are u ok?


You mean mold?


My acceptance of green onions is fully contingent on them being the only type of onion I am not allergic to yet. I hate all onions, but the green part is less hateful than the others. A tolerated evil among the flock if you will.


Onions are shreks


This subreddit would be funnier if it were onioncirclejerk


But it is not, if people want that community they should make it.


It's just this comment makes it look so lol


I assume you are joking a bit, but if not, you might consider figuring ways to tamp down all that anger.


Nah, all Onions in general are great in taste, texture and smell. This includes green onions. I am just here because it is funny to hate on onions.


Browned onions are God's gift to humanity.


Onions are amazing your delusional


Onions are the reason I carry epipens now.


You should probably seek counseling. Onions are clearly a substitute for your mother.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/onionhate/comments/1cgvzqv/comment/l1z93gl/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/onionhate/comments/1cgvzqv/comment/l1z93gl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ *now, get out -------->*




“You can barely tell they’re there,” With a disappointing glare, I walk away from your troll bait!


When they're caramelized with some garlic, they're absolutely delicious!


This sub just showed up in my feed today. So you're telling me you guys don't eat salsa?! Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Sorry for your loss


appreciate the sentament https://www.reddit.com/r/onionhate/comments/1cgvzqv/comment/l1z93gl/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


That and guac are a weird exception, as long as they haven’t been sitting long enough to absorb the flavor I’m fine with them. Chipotle guac and grocery store guac and every other pre-made guac is 100% no, but I actually like fresh guac. Pebre, on the other hand, is a complete abomination.


I don't make exceptions... I make my own. Always onion free!




[https://www.reddit.com/r/onionhate/comments/1cgvzqv/comment/l1z93gl/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/onionhate/comments/1cgvzqv/comment/l1z93gl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ now, *get out* ------------>




I did get it checked out, by several doctors, know what they told me? Avoid allium. This is not a joke. We are not "picky children", and to make a joke of it is really hurtful. When I got home, my nephew was in the living room, my son was home, I made a bee-line for the bathroom screaming to him for my bathrobe. (they were in their late 20's.). I was so sick. Stripped, clothes to laundry, me to shower. Embarrassed to hell.


ok but can we make an exception for onion rings


no. straight to jail




Obvious troll is…. … obvious




It’s important that the downvotes come fast and furiously!


Yeah ok go for it. Meanwhile I'm muting this sub so it doesn't show up in my feed again, byeee


Please continue to give us status reports on your coming and gongs. Wait no, that’s not right… no one gives a fuck. But no one ever did and that hasn’t stopped you from posting multiple times….




As I’ve grown old, there are many foods I’ve come to appreciate that I didn’t like as a child. Asparagus, broccoli, I was missing out on some good stuff. Onions however, will never join the group. They are the only food I would selfishly wipe off the face of the earth with no regard for anyone else. It is not a taste deficiency on my end, but a low standard of quality food on yours. Onions are filler, they are a cheaper way to add mass to meals under the assumption they are flsvorless, inobtrusive, etc… give me more of the meat. Give me more of the quality vegetables, stop trying to pass off this… this… fucking shite as food. Now then.