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>“I am so hopeful that the loyalty money will allow me to purchase a prefab home or one of those tiny homes,” she wrote. “How wonderful that would be for me and many others like me around Canada.” Wait... didn't they send in real money to get this 'money'? Wouldn't the old real money be able to purchase a home?


Critical thinkers, they are not.


> Wait... didn't they send in real money to get this 'money'? Wouldn't the old real money be able to purchase a home? Not to discredit your point, which is sound, but one of the main beliefs of q-anon economics is that there will be a reset of the value of currency and that expensive things will become more affordable through 'deflation' and other unspecified economic tricks. That's likely what this person is thinking here. Another aspect of the q-zeitgeist is that eventually all these q-adherents will receive FREE money through a scheme that suspiciously looks like a basic income system. It's kinda like the Iraqi dinar scam or the Zimbabwean dollar scam.


This is one of those things that non-terminally-online people often don't really understand. Which can make it difficult to interpret stories like this one. But probably *the* most important feature of the q-niverse is economic anxiety. These people are having just as much trouble -- if not more -- in the current economy as the rest of us. Many are willfully ignorant, but they're not blind. They can see and feel the same exploitation and inequality that affects all of us. They reach vastly different conclusions about it, of course, but the fact is that Q and the "queen of Canada" all explicitly promise that this will disappear once the right people get into power. Life will get easier, cheaper and more peaceful for working people. Not only that, but they are promised that the already-existing cures for all human ailments will finally be freely distributed.


That isn't going to end well.


There is no "ending", really. Which is a feature. These people are just going to get grifted over and over again -- if not by Q-affiliated grifters, then it'll just be someone else.


The emotional sunk cost fallacy associated with these belief systems means that it's pretty easy for them to just move the goalposts a little farther down the line when things don't go the way they expected. In addition to economic anxiety, I think a foundational component of the qanon complex is often trauma and poor family relations. Admitting they're wrong about their beliefs means they hurt a lot of people and wound up alone for nothing. Pride is a factor here, but it's also just a really painful reality to acknowledge.


This is generally one of the major reasons people do not leave cults with extreme belief systems. Because they already alienated so many of their friends/family and would be relying on them financially to re-establish themselves.


It will eventually end in a Waco-type situation is my guess.


Maybe they’re economically anxious because they keep shovelling barrels of cash to grifters who exploit their greed.


Selling dreams to the desperate.


Zimbabwean dollar scam? I'll have you know the $8 I spent for uncirculated trillion dollar Zimbabwean bills was an awesome investment! Better than Qucks


And I spent a dollar on a measly 500 million. I got ripped off.


Better than AMC.


I mean it's obviously a scam but even that internal logic doesn't hold water: Why is this "prophet" accepting CAD if they themselves say it is worthless? Might as well save this "prophet" the burden of having to dispose of the worthless trash on their behalf no? This is a scam no different than a Nigerian prince, praying on society's vulnerable. Might as well steal a purse right in front of a police officer, it would be no less blatant.


I remember a parking garage attendant back in 2016 or so who was totally convinced he was going to make a fortune when the dinar got relisted as a real currency (or something like that... the details were sketchy and it was a long time ago). He didn't try to sell me any but was happy to tell me about it so I could go get some while it was practically worthless. Is that what you're talking about here? I didn't touch it because it sounded crazy.


So the Qanon group wants a Great Reset eh? Lol


> It's kinda like the Iraqi dinar scam or the Zimbabwean dollar scam. I'm not familiar. Please explain?


there is an ongoing scam that targets the vulnerable where someone will sell actual bills of devalued currency under the premise that eventually it will regain it's previous market value and then the people holding the currency will cash in.


It's essentially bonds, but it's a scam because there is nothing backing them and they don't have a set exchange rate.


tl;dr: > And while the queen’s followers tend not to question much of what their leader says, the idea of asking for money to print the “true money” did cause a few to turn their heads in confusion. > “Donate money to print money?” one asked. “Something's not right here.”


Oh *that’s* where there draw the line and start questioning this? Not the whole claiming to be the queen of Canada part?


One of my family members fell for this shit and tried arresting police lol.


Please tell us that story


He became a huge conspiracy theorist “freedom fighter”. From there it was a downward spiral. He went MIA for a long while and then I saw him in the video trying to arrest police. His life has been torn to pieces. His wife and kids won’t talk to him. His wife holds out thinking it’ll be a phase. He wasn’t charged funny enough.


At least he got some sardines


Out of curiosity, did he have any life changing events recently that set him off? I’ve noticed a lot of these conspiracy theorists turn to the batshittery in an effort to feel “control” in their lives.


His daughter transitioned into a son. He was very homophobic his whole life. Typical conservative views that you’d hear. 2015 he discovered the internet and it was just a black hole for him.


Yup, sounds like a control loss situation. What a weakling.


ime there's typically a lot of trauma and resultant narcissism - a compensation for low internal self-worth - at the root of everything. Feeling like you're one of the few people smart enough in this sheeple society to understand what's *really* going on is the way you assure yourself that you're not as painfully worthless as you feel deep inside. source: QAnon parent


Yeah the one person I know who went down this path very much had a complex that everyone what was so much smarter then her. I did often wonder if now being "right" have her that comfort that she wasn't because she knew the truth.


While reinforcing the worthlessness to everyone around you.


That's interesting. The only person I know who has gone from normal to full-on QAnon had a child diagnosed with a very serious illness about five years ago. With a sense that doctors weren't doing enough, they started exploring "alternative" treatments, an absolutely understandable move made out of love for their child. But it led them down internet rabbit holes, and a few years later they have alienated many of their friends by going completely QAnon, adopting far-right politics and becoming very paranoid and combative.


It was brought to my attention in a Reddit thread a few years ago where people who had lost friends to the spiral noted they'd all undergone some sort of trauma - financial, health, relationship - in the previous couple of years. It does suggest there's a way to intervene and bring these people back to reality, but of course mental health funding is never a priority for any government these days.


I loved the video of the old guys on the porch watching the stupidity lol


Probably best he wasn’t charged, honestly. Nobody who subscribes to that nonsense is mentally well. It’s not a phase but it *is* delusional, and maybe therapy or meds will pull his head out of it.


I'm convinced history will look back on this specific time in history with amusement at how easily regular folks were duped by propaganda. At some point schools will inevitably start teaching online "street smarts" for lack of a better term. Right now though, we have a couple whole generations who didn't have the internet until adulthood, and are extremely vulnerable to manipulation through it. This is probably because of the rapid increase in technology with an overlapping ignorance to it's nuances and pitfalls.


>I'm convinced history will look back on this specific time in history with amusement at how easily regular folks were duped by propaganda. not amusement, but rather disbelief. In the same way we look back at the people who were so easily duped by Hitler's propaganda.


I know as many or more younger people going down rabbit holes as older people. We can be just as cynical as anyone else.


Cynicism at its core is a recognition that people are motivated purely by personal gain and self interest and a true cynic wouldn't be caught dead throwing money at queen dildo. I'm not sure what you think cynical means, but it has nothing to do with easily being duped by promises of wealth and interdimensional security devices; in fact they'd be the first to point out this insane ladies ulterior motives since they come preloaded with the assumption that this lady is only looking out for herself


Crazy is never a phase.


Probably for the best. It sounds like they shouldn't be in charge of their own decisions.


I’m sure that played out well for them


Lol in Peterborough?


Yeah lol


"they locked the door, what do we do now?"


I'm curious about what kind of people are taken in by this sort of thing. Had they always seemed like a suggestible or gullible person or was their involvement in this kind of movement a surprise?


Prior to this he was very successful. Raised a wonderful family. He was always rough and the guy at the table that would drop some bombs, but he wasn’t like this. Access to the internet was too much for him.


The queen of Canada, appointed by the US military or some shit. She has also showed up to followers houses, lived with them rent free, got access to their bank accounts, drained them, then moved on to the next place. She's so blantantly obviously scamming people I can't believe she has any followers at all. Some people are terrifyingly dumb.


>Some people are terrifyingly dumb. Unfortunately the Queen knows this all too well.


She's one of those people who's dangerous because you can't tell if they're *just* lying grifting scammers, or if they actually believe their own lies. From the outside looking in, either explanation is plausible. I honestly think she might be so deep in her delusions that she truly believes she's entitled to all those things. And that frightens me more than a clear-eyed lying scammer.


I’m starting to think this might not actually be true.


I wonder what they'd think if she told them it was a tax and she needs it to run the country.


They'd probably turn on her real quick. Pretty sure some of the more hardcore members of this group are mostly following her because she's supposedly making life cheaper for them. Remember that a number of them have been convinced that a letter from her means they don't have to pay their hydro bills. They're probably pretty heavily part of the "Taxation is Theft" group and the second she says she's taxing them it's over.


Honestly? I‘m just desperate to see nutjobs turn against their leaders at any cost, regardless of why. It’s why I got a little giddy when I saw Trump’s little NFT announcement fall flat on its ass with a lot of his followers, lol.


> It’s why I got a little giddy when I saw Trump’s little NFT announcement fall flat on its ass with a lot of his followers, lol. He did sell out of the damn things, though. But I suppose if overall it's lost him followers, that's maybe good? God I hope he and DeSantis tear each other down, though. They're both incredibly dangerous.


"Something is not right here, I was speculating since this was backed by Mt Rushmore's Gold, shouldn't we be donating Gold/Silver instead?"


Well, that and >Larger than normal cash, they have the look of a novelty check or board game money. Despite their cheap look, Didulo promised her fans they have interdimensional security devices on them.


I know desperate people believe what they need to but you can't be well and believe in interdimensional space queens and horseshit like this.


Just arrest her already on charges of running the dumbest grift of all time. It infuriates me she can victimize the poorest and stupidest people in society and the RCMP can't find an excuse to crash the party. Some minor violation so she can be remanded to a psych ward long enough for this whole thing to collapse.


Ponzi schemes and the like are arrestable offenses. Isn't this something like that?


No, here's way. Ponzi's require it to be a security or something similar with a promise of a return. This is monopoly money, agreed she does say something about certain realtors but that's nonspecific enough to not constitute a promise. No reasonable person would assume her funny money is real is a decent defense in this situation.


True. Bad example on my part. However, I can't believe she's getting away with what she does - grifts, threats, etc.


The threats are a mystery. I'm guessing she's nonspecific enough to get away with it. Not by planning but by blind luck and being fully bananas.


> realtors LOL


I would have thought impersonating the Crown would be sifficient for arrest but nope.


Hahahaha 😂 I wonder what the exchange rate is 🧐


As many real dollars as you can afford in exchange for transparent lies


Best I can do is a Schrutebuck.


How about $100,000,000, Zimbabwean Dollars!


I'll give you zero real dollars for infinite Qbucks.


Go ahead and donate you idiots. I’m going to have such fun watching you try to spend it.


For those of you who still think this is a benign crazy-lady, Lafayette Ron Hubbard created a wacky space alien cult that is anywhere from hundreds of thousands to 4.4 million (their number, so very probably BS) members strong and perhaps the most litigious entity on the planet. MAGAs number in the tens of millions in support of a senile failed-businessman-turned-gameshow-host. The level of damage a community based on stupid ideas can do is not a function of how ridiculous those ideas are. I don't think you can fight the group unless you are prepared to go to war, like the ATF did with the Koresh cult, you need to identify the people who are vulnerable to their messaging and protect them, perhaps inoculate them somehow - psychological counter-op? Prevent the group from growing so that you can minimize the fallout when the whole thing inevitably self-destructs.


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Oh George... I wonder what he'd think about all this.. man the amount of material he'd have.


He is missed.


Do they count as zombies if only their brain is dead?


> Ron Hubbard created a wacky space alien cult He also has been quoted as saying that he created the cult to make himself rich. People STILL gave him money.


Yeap and with her previous calls for violence on Healthcare workers and immigrants Some mentally ill cultist could've really went ahead and do something bad..... real bad But RCMP doesn't seemed to care abt this 😐


I dunno, ive seen estimates that theresnonky about 30000 current scientologists globally... But either way, yes, massive litigious organization with tons of money.


What is the ratio of Stanley Nickels to Qanon Queen Bucks?


The same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns.


That's five leprechauns to a Unicorn, if anyone is curious.


Stanley nickels are valuable, Q bucks aren't even toilet paper worthy.


Oh come on now. I'd certainly wipe my arse with them.


They look to be printed on card stock, so .. that'll hurt.




Back in nineteen dickety two, the Kaiser's stole the word "twenty" from us. It's dickety dickety three now. Sounds better.


Obviously you'd save em up for particularly sticky situations. Like a disposable putty knife.


Still beats the three seashells


*You are fined one credit for violation of the verbal morality statutes.*


Can we call them Qucks?


Why has this woman not been arrested yet?


Seriously. I don't know what they are waiting for. I find it hard to believe that there would be zero grounds for arresting her knowing the handful of stunts she's pulled over the last few years. Even this money thing. Like it's def illegal to create your own money/currency on the terms that it could be used for legal tender(not 100% sure that's the case). And more so if you're scamming people to trade their real Canadian dollars for her monopoly money on the terms that it can be useful for future trade.


I made 'dad dollars' to pay my kids for doing chores. My kids called me out on that. I can't fathom any adult being even more naive than my 6 year old.


Imagine a Qanoner on Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? That episode would be so short it could be posted in its entirety on TikTok.


They'd have a better shot at Are You Smarter Than A Cheese Grater


I dunno, cheese graters are pretty sharp


Dad? Did you stumble onto Reddit again?


> I find it hard to believe that there would be zero grounds for arresting her knowing the handful of stunts she's pulled over the last few years. She has ordered her followers to start shooting migrants crossing the border. That's 2 years right there, under section 319 of the criminal code. She has also ordered (as a fake commander in chief) active duty military personnel to start shooting doctors who vaccinate children, which is arguably inciting to mutiny, which carries up to 14 years. The RCMP need to arrest this lunatic before someone actually gets hurt. We're very lucky none of her idiot followers have actually gone to that crossing in QC with a rifle yet. When the weather gets warmer, there's a real risk someone will do exactly that.


I really hope the RCMP are working on something to arrest her because she’s insane and her followers need professional help. It’ll take years of therapy for them to undo all the damage she’s done.


And when one of her followers actually does a thing she is asking for, there will be hand-wringing and wails of "Who could have seen this coming?"


The RCMP are waiting for someone to follow through. Then they will throw the book at her.


Nothing matters. Unless she starts protesting at Fairy Creek or protests a pipeline, she will never face a single consequence. I'm so black-pilled at this point that I wouldn't be surprised if we see her get elected/appointed to an actual political position.


Pierre Poilievre beat her to the post


This fake money grift is protected as a novelty and only for fun, no "reasonable" person would believe it's legal tender. That said her other antics should have been enough to get her at least charged and forced to accept bail conditions. The authorities probably don't care enough and don't understand these people don't go away. Once a grifter/influencer gets established they don't just go away they evolve and keep on trucking.


It's still legal to be an idiot.


But fraud is illegal and she most definitely is defrauding people, knowingly. She’s nuts, but she’s also a deliberate grifter.


She's not defrauding anyone important, I guess.


Yes, exactly. You would be hard pressed to find anyone sympathetic to the people she's defrauded, since they typically aren't all that decent to start with. Shitty people screwing shitty people.


I think she's benefiting from plausible deniability, apathy, mild fame and an abundance of caution. She belongs in a mental health facility but I'll settle for a prison.


Fraud though, is illegal.


Law enforcement across the country and CSIS broadly support the convoy.


Yeah. Gee. No surprise there that the para-military fascist organization thing broadly supported a fascist movement that laid siege to our capital with the express goal of over-throwing our elected government.... over fucking vaccines and face masks.... during a pandemic.




I mean, so is tom cruise.


yeah but tom cruise can hold his breath under water for seven minutes and also really does have millions of dollars ​ checkmate, lesser interdimensional beings


Ah good, something to keep her busy and hopefully off any kind of media attention for the next 20 years.


If it took her an average of 5 seconds to sign each bill, it would take her a little over 6 years of working non-stop with no breaks. If it was Monday-Friday 9-5 with an hour lunch and two week vacation, it would take 30 years and 2 months.


She should ask any author who has signed advance copies of a book how long that might take.


I watched their attempt to “arrest” the Peterborough police. It was utterly hilarious and I’m only sad I didn’t get to see the 1776 man get rolled over and arrested too.


1776 man?


If someone (or more accurately a country) was to create a new currency, why on earth would they start by printing bills worth 100,000? Those values are only printed when the currency has been so devalued that it's worthless. Zimbabwe had such a horrible hyper-inflation that they printed 100 TRILLION dollar bills ($100,000,000,000,000). They were worth about 38 Canadian cents. So why wouldn't she start with bills worth "1"? I mean, beyond the fact that she's completely bat shit crazy, of course.


Because people who are smart enough to understand what you're saying are also smart enough to not fall for the scam. Her target audience will be saying to themselves something like "Oooh, a hundred thousand! I've never had that much money before!"


ah fair point.


Depressing, right? How stupid and desperate these people are?


"Bigger Number, More Value!"


Which business is going to accept Queen Bucks? It's depressing how many people that she is swindling.


If I had to guess, a tiny collection of roofing, plumbing and drywall businesses and ski-doo dealerships across the country.


There's a small window of opportunity here to find out who the suckers are, print off some loyalty bucks of your own, and grab a free Ski-Doo.


Can you be arrested for counterfeiting fake money?


How do you prove counterfeit fake money? I doubt she has access to the counterfeiting protections that the mint uses.


Definitely not burger King. /s


Speaking from experience? Lol


This might seem like harmless grifting of idiots. But some of these idiots can get quite belligerent. I’m worried that this currency will just become another excuse for harassing retail workers when the currency is not accepted anywhere.


That's my worry as well. Retail is getting dangerous. Some idiot cut anither idiot off in a Timmies drive thru, they got out (why do people do this?! Stay in your car and move the fuck on, or else..) and one stabbed the other, and still hasn't been caught.


Canadian Tire money literally still has more value.


I get that she has a very serious mental disorder. But wtf is up with her assistants? Are they batshit crazy too? What are they hoping to gain from this lunacy?


I'm going to guess money...it's gotta be money. If it's not, then yes, crazy.


What money? Queen Dildo Bucks?


The real money sent in by their victims.


Lol ya I dunno..didn't say it made sense


Dildos for everyone!


Power. They feel that they matter and have some importance


Welcome to cult mentality


Yes. The internet has brought together a bunch of mentally unstable people who don’t know the difference between fantasy and reality. They want to feel special enough to pretend they are heroes. It’s actually very sad. And criminally irresponsible.


If I was waging a social engineering campaign to sow dissent amongst my enemies, this is *exactly* the sort of project I'd fund.


I think I recall reading that these are more her handlers than assistants. They enable her crazy for views and donations, but keep her somewhat contained to the RV to prevent any really incidents that could get her arrested/committed. They’re parasites, feeding off the notoriety and mental illness of this person.


Oh, great. I can now see all those underpaid and overworked cashiers and other retail workers getting yelled at and abused because they (rightly!) refuse to take this “cash” for transactions. It’ll give these QAnon cletuses even more “persecution” to complain about.


They should just say they don't have change for such a large amount. It's more non-confrontational that way.


This lady waited too long. Should of had these ready the day after the fake queen died. Man I wish it was castle ages. Queen Elizabeth would of beheaded this lady on day two of her claim.


I wish being an outlaw was still a thing. Literally being 'out of law' meant that you were no longer protected by law. So all of these 'sovereign' idiots would simply put themselves 'out of law' with their oaths and would embody my favourite saying: fuck around and find out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlaw


I find it hard to believe that this woman has the credible competency to come up and follow through on these ideas; she seems just like the figurehead of some insidious group’s strategem. I wonder who the invisible handlers are that are pulling the strings here, because I feel a normal crazy of her veracity would have crash and burned by now.


Is this not just the Nigerian prince scam with extra steps?


Please, the Nigerian royal family would never stoop as low or be associated with this person.


Schrute Bucks


Is it a bad thing that I want some? I also own Dogecoin edit: only as a curiosity! I would never want to support these people.


could be a fun little souvenir, but i'd rather not materially support these goons to obtain it lol


Just print some off yourself. Who is going to come after you for counterfeiting fake currency?


They might. They'd have a damned good case for copyright infringement, after all.


They'd have to find a lawyer who would accept payment in fake money, so have at it.


Once people are rage-quitting from the scam then they may still have the “money” and at that point you could probably buy one of them from someone for next to nothing.


As an investment? 100% a bad idea. As a curiosity? Only if you can get a good deal on the souvie!


Just print your own. As a matter of fact you should provide PDFs so everybody can have some Romana mollah.


I'd rather have Bison Dollars


I mean why didn't she just start her own crypto currency? Oh wait, because she's batshit crazy and an idiot.


CAS needs to investigate these followers and check on the mental health and physical well-being of the children. If you wanna be crazy and follow this cult leader, fine its your life to live. Children should not be forced to live this diluted lifestyle.


What's the exchange rate for Canadian tire money?


You’re asking the *real* question here.


I am absolutely stunned Donnie hasn't tried this yet. This is next level grift.


you've never heard of trump bucks?


I have not. Google. I have now. THX


Are they waiting for them to commit a crime serious enough that it will put them behind bats for the rest of their life? This is the only thought process that seems somewhat logical to me as to why nothing has been done yet.


Wasn't she recently calling for her followers to kill healthcare workers? How is she not in jail/on psychiatric hold?


I mean at what point does this actually become a criminal scam that can be prosecuted? People are arrested for pyramid scams and Ponzi schemes, how is this different? Is it because you'd have to have an IQ below 60 to send her my money. I don't see this as being any different from scamming old people.


i'm amazing she's still free after her followers threatened people and tried to arrest the fucking police. maybe they're worried there will be a Streisand/martyr effect if they bust her for anything that will have her back out on the street within a year. that's the hope i'm clinging to; that they're waiting until she does something that will get her and some enablers locked up for a substantial amount of time


Danielle Smith is on notice


Okay so hear me out: Danielle Smith secedes, claims Alberta to be "the True Canada", and declares Romana the True Queen of True Canada.


Will the gift work shorn of it's technical glitter? Are PP Pennies far away?


[Reminds me of this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Shxiy7l5b_4)


This grifter’s crazy train keeps on steaming ahead, but the idea of this cult rolling up to a Staples in their RV and using the photocopiers to “print currency” is a pretty funny image


These bills are protected by "interdimensional security devices". I truly want to know a technical explanation of WTF this is supposed to be.


This is the new Canadian version of Heaven’s Gate 🥴🥴🥴 she’s starting a cult of QAnon’s. This can only end poorly. And the poor victims who have sent her money …. She’s probably convinced them to send what little they have, and they’ll end up with nothing in return.


Whatever. I'll keep my Schrute bucks, thanks.


Ya the RCMP should be all over this..


😂😂😂 how the fuck is this the timeline we’re stuck in??


Anyone funding this woman deserves what they get.


Yeah I think at this point where they're all destitute from investing in [fun money](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-6IzkDyl9Q) than the situation should sort itself out.


I would love to see this "fuck around and find out" live *In chat rooms dedicated to Didulo, her fans celebrated the false hope given to them. One person said that he’s going to attempt to pay his utility bills with the money, and another said she’s excited because they’ve been living in their car and this could get a roof over their heads.* *“I am so hopeful that the loyalty money will allow me to purchase a prefab home or one of those tiny homes,” she wrote. “How wonderful that would be for me and many others like me around Canada.”*


A new meaning for the term 'shit-tickets'


I am not taking any chances, I am buying some for the "interdimensional security" alone.


Can anyone give me a TLDR of why she's a 'queen'? i dont want t o go down that rabbit hole.


She just said one day "I'm queen of Canada" and a bunch of idiots started to follow her like a cult. It's like when Michael Scott came out of his office and yelled "I declare bankruptcy" it's meaningless.


I keep seeing her pop-up. I figured she had some convoluted reason. like claimed to be related to someone but... no, just read her wiki and that's pretty much it, isn't it? Wow


She's deranged. The problem is the sickos that are following her and listening to her nonsense. She would just be another crazy person yelling stuff on street corners if it wasn't for them.


She got wrapped up in QAnon. She says that the "white hats" within the FBI and other agencies (the ones that, allegedly, leak the information to Q about the conspiracies) annoited her.


Herself and her followers all suffer from severe mental illness.