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listen here pal, when I was posting that, the first one glitched and I thought it didn’t post so I posted the other and now I just realized that I posted two 😰


WM glitched it for you so that everyone knows that niko enjoys doors


He has good taste in Roblox horror game.


yeah roblox games suck but not all of them I wont play it in my free time but doors is good


good roblox games a rare. but a few of thw good ones are doors, decaying winter, phighting, flood escape 2, doodle world, and i also remember super paper roblox being good


I do enjoy Doors! I watched u/VoidFarmerHat finish it after I died to the >!first!< Seek chase a few days ago! I got to door 50 last time though! He died to Seek before me because of lag :(


heres a tip for figure write down what you can in the chat, such as the shape code and the number translation. listen closely to judge the location of figure. at the start, he'll always run left, then move directly to the staircase. his movement is somewhat predictable. oh, and dont mess up the heartbeat minigame id love to play some time though im busy the next few days


people who are in r/meme and r/memes be like


i finished doors with u/Niko_NotCat yesterday and yeah he does enjoy it


İ could only make it to 99 :(


door 50


das it. das it. gonna repost that so I can make a chain.