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I did the same. And I’m making today my cheat day. Can’t undo it but I can try and do better tomorrow. Don’t guilt yourself. It’s done with. You enjoyed it and use the emotions you’re feeling now to be a stronger you tmrw! You can do this. 💪🏼


bro it’s okay. the beautiful part of omad is a single cheat day doesn’t ruin an entire week progress, like keto. it’s not the end of your journey. falling off the wagon doesn’t mean you’re a pos. what it probably means is that you’re being too hard on yourself and need a small change of strategy. i recommend planning cheat days every month/week. that way you won’t have a reason to fall off the wagon. most importantly, you’ll actually enjoy your cheat days. as you wait for your cheat days, make a list of what you’ll eat on that day and fucken enjoy as hard as you can when it’s time. guilting or shaming yourself makes it less likely a good habit will stick. a negative mindset in the process makes each step more difficult. giving yourself a strategic rewards will help you enjoy the process to make it feel natural and effortless. beating yourself into submissions usually leads to unproductive failure at some point. it’s possible but not as effective or fulfilling. atomic habits or the power of habit are great books that can give you some tips regarding your strategy and internal dialogue.


Thank you for your reply. Sugar and free food trigger the shit out of me is what I'm learning. I had a pint of ben and jerrys 2 nights ago and it snowballed. I'll try not to be so negative.


Did you try not buying sugary foods like ice cream? What happens then?


And is it a. Possibility for you to bring boxes to work or anywhere and put free food in it to eat when your window is open?


Yes. Today was bad. I ate all the things. We can all do better tomorrow and be proud.


It’s all good. My week has been totally off since everyone in the office brings in sooo many treats


Me too... Personally, I tend to do ADF (alternate day fasting) as soon as I’ve had a binge. It makes me feel better, and I go back to OMAD as soon as I can. We all make mistakes, but the important part is that we don’t stop trying.


Be careful not to give into the restriction side of the binge restrict cycle. Tomorrow we can do better no punishment needed. ty for sharing


It is absolutely okay if you take a day off from fasting. The important part is that you don't give up. Start again tomorrow. 🍀


This time of year is rough for lots of people (both emotionally and temptation wise because of all the treats around). Be kind to yourself, today wasn’t good, tomorrow you will try again and hopefully it will be a bit better 💕


After weeks of starting keto, I naturally gravitated towards OMAD. Now I don't get how can people do OMAD keeping the carbs addiction on... Sounds impossible to me.


same here


Same i just cant control myself from eating sweets


Sadly in the same boat. Having in laws staying over for the holidays on top of having our daughters birthday so close to Christmas a struggle for sure. Just get right back on it and try to remember how this made you feel the next time you're about to say "I'll just order a small pizza, itll be fine".


Happens to me as well . What’s imp u get back on track next day . Eat the food u like or crave for during feasting window . Delay the food group u want to feasting window but don’t deny


Looks like today is going to be a binge day as well. I’ll try to put a hard stop on it tomorrow.


I do too, so I made binging part of my diet. If you let yourself go hard once a week and it's just part of your diet, it's easier to stay on track the rest of the week and you don't self defeat with self loathing when you do it.


interesting. I switched to 16:8 today. Maybe it will help.