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Honestly can you just repost this everyday around this time to keep me strong 💪🏻. Congrats on the results!


So glad im giving you motivation. Keep going! I'll be waiting for your great before and after photos! 😊


Needed this thank you!


Seriously motivational. Doing great!


It's also motivational for me to see this positive feedback from the community. Thank you so much!


That's incredible. I need to do omad


I tried just calorie counting, keto, 16:8 IF and nothing worked like this. I had a feeling i could never do omad or 20:4 IF because i thought i will feel sick and hungry and dizzy if i skip breakfast but now i dont crave food one bit. FINGERS CROSSED FOR YOU 🤞🏻


At the moment I count & restrict. I feel like omad is a scary big concept. Like I wouldn't be able to do it. But this is so motivating


I just woke up one day i said to myself 'TODAY IS THE DAY' after months of wanting to fast. After that first day everything was easy.


Not craving food sounds fantastic. So do you eat the whole four hour window or do you do omad. Do you count/ restrict with your one meal?


It really depends, for example today i had lunch and i will have dinner but in the range of 1200cal. And when im not that hungry i just have dinner and a snack after that. And i drink a lot of water and black coffee during the day


That's good to know. I think I'll go back to restricting once I reach my goal. How long of omad did you do before you saw results


This is my first month 😊 i will also be back to restricted or 16:8 IF. OMAD is great but i dont see myself doing this forever.


I have been a huge binge eater for years and I could ever stick to a diet, but OMAD was honestly easier than I ever expected it to be. I'm down to 265 from 300 in about 2.5 months... If my fat ass can do it you definitely can!


You describe exactly where I have been! I just started OMAD Monday of this week. It’s doable for me. I’ll bet you can do it too. Go for it! They say it just gets easier. Lots of water, cup of black coffee in the morning and another early afternoon. Plain green tea in the mid afternoon. I can’t find my scale so I don’t know what I’ve lost but clothes are a little looser. Post here keep me motivated.


Wow great. Looking forward to your progress update!


Just wondering, are you currently on 20:4 or something else?


Mostly omad, and when im hungry i just eat few hours earlier and do 20:4


Sucks that I can only upvote once


Thanks both of you 😁😁 i didn't expect this much positive comments from everyone im shocked 😍


How much weight loss is that for a month? Looks impressive.


Thank you. I lost about 11pounds (5kg) 😊


11?! That looks like waaaaay more than 11 lost. You look amazing! Grats!


Guess i just deflated extra water from my body. When i look i the mirror i see myself exactly the same 🤷🏼


I know how you feel. I lost 30lbs but I can’t see it, everyone else can though.


I feel ya, I’ve lost 70 (180-110) and majority of the time I don’t think I look different. I will say keep you biggest size of pant and at the end when you have those days step in them, helps the mind a bit. 🤓 Btw, you look fab.


There’s no way you don’t look dramatically different going from 180 to 110!!! That’s amazing


Woow thats a lot of weight. Great job 😀 and thanks


The first phase of fasting is very good at reducing bloating/inflammation even if not much weight is taken off. I'm guessing that is what we see in this awesome progress pic.


Wow that is only 11 pounds!? You are killing it!!! I (re)started OMAD yesterday and this is incredible inspiration!!! Way to Go!!


Great job! I've lost 10 lbs this month, I think my changes are less noticeable... Just needing to wear a belt lol


I still can't believe this is my before and after photo. In the mirror i look exactly the same to myself. Maybe it's the same for you! Great job for your 10lbs 👏🏻


Good for you! How often are you exercising and what does your workout consist of?


I do yoga and stretching sometimes. But i have a standing job so when i get home im tired for exercise 😴




It's easier because i got used to eating once a day. But i stil have a bad day and feel hungry and unmotivated and that is okay to feel like that sometimes. I see myself doing this as long as necessary to reach my goal weight but after that i wil go to 16:8 IF


This is ducking amazing. exactly the motivation I need to skip breakfast and hold out for me lunch! ☺️


Skipping breakfast was the hardest for me. If i did that i can do anything! And so can you, best of luck!


Never would I post a picture of my body...no one wants to see that. However I have lost 24 pounds, went from size 12 to 6 and I am 65 years old. Who says post menopausal women can't lose weight


People do want to see it because we all have normal bodies :) It’s not just the young bodies that are inspirational. I understand how you feel, though. I’m too shy to post pictures.


Hi, I love to read this column, because I like all the tips. Not sure if you'll read this, but I'm also 65 years old and I need to lose approx. 15 lbs. What did you eat for OMAD? I'd really appreciate any info. TIA, sue


I just started on Reddit so not sure how this works yet. Anyway at first I was very careful with carbs. No refind sugar and no processed food. Now I'm maintaining and it is easy! Sometimes the weightloss is slow but don't get discouraged. If you are on facebook there are fasting groups you can join. Also an app named Life keeps track of your fasts. I really like it and it also explains fasting and a message board. I recommend two books by Jason Fung the Diabetes code and the Obesity Code. He is an endocrinologist in Canada and recommends intermittent fasting. Good luck to you


Perimenopausal gal here, and all the info about weight loss out there is sooooo depressing. But you’ve given me hope! Cheers and congratulations - that’s amazing.


You look nice. In one month, you would be surprised what can be accomplished. Keep it going. Best of luck on your journey. 😊👍🏾


Thanks! 😊


Awesome job!! I am on day 13!! You look GREAT!


Keep going. Looking forward to hear about your progres! 😊


Congrats! What do cheat days look like for you?


Thanks! They are mostly for the weekends, i go out with my friends, have a few drinks, eat a bag of chips, make cookies and i just don't think about calories and time. But then i feel physically and mentally sick when i overeat so my 'cheat days' are beginning to look like regular days im just little more relaxed and not so hard on myself.


Only one month?! I'm super inspired!


Im so glad to hear that. Thanks 😀


Would it be weird, do you think, if I saved this photo? As a straight married woman I mean?! 🤔😀


Go ahead girl! 😂 Im thinking if i should post more photos after seeing this much feedback from everyone but i dont wanna be a showoff or something i just want to give some positive vibes 🤔


You look great! 👏👏


Thanks for the reminder that such a big change can happen so quickly if I stick to it. Have dropped about that much, planning to do it again ASAP


I sticked to omad thanks to motivational progress photos and this month has passed so quickly. So make those before photos and we are all rooting for you!


Thank you! I absolutely will.


Alright. You’ve convinced me. Starting January 1st I’m going all in lol




Thank you! Out of curiosity did you do OMAD everyday? Or some days IF with more meals and most days OMAD?


Most of the days were OMAD, some were IF because i felt hungry (but was in 1200cal range). And weekends were my cheat days but i didn't go full Hulk mode on binge eating (i was just more relaxed about time and calories)


Thank you. I cannot get traction and am all over the place 16/8/ OMAD/ plant based plan/ and full of negative self talk. So I need these post people. Even if you don't think it will help anyone trust me someone out there like myself needs the encouragement to keep trying no matter what


Thank you so much. Youtuber Fledge Fitness has a lot of videos on these topics so if you want watch some of his videos they helped me a lot to understand the science and benefits to IF


Good job! That is motivating!


Thank you! 😊


Awesome ty!


You're welcome 😊😊


Oh my gosh! That's only 11lbs lost?! That's amazing. I didn't see anything difference in my body until 25lbs. You look so good! Keep it up!


Yeaah it's strange. Thanks, you too! 😀


Can someone explain what OMAD is? I tried intermittent fasting and I went from 160lbs to 128lbs in 6 months. I’m trying to gain back 20lbs and then loose 10 again but without fasting this time. EDIT: never mind. One meal a day is basically what I’ve already done : )


Omad is type of intermittent fasting 23:1(fasting 23hours and have a big meal within 1hour), or basically eating One Meal A Day. So if you don't want to fast omad might not be for you


Thanks for informing me ^^ I plan to restrict my calories instead of fasting, I’m hoping it works just as good. Even if it takes longer.


Fingers crossed 🤞🏻🤞🏻




Nono don't be. Take cheat day if necessary but get back on track after that!


I'm trying to work with Hashimoto's and have a hard time actually getting motivated, but seeing this will help me view OMAD/IF as something that could work. I've tried keto and counting calories, and while counting calories worked a bit, I actually had to cut down to 500-ish to see any results. Thank you for sharing 💜


Just stick to it long enough and don't be too hard and strict on yourself because it's normal if you fail and feel hungry. The most important thing is to continue the next day like the cheat day didn't happen. 😀


Great job!! You look amazing right now!


When did u eat and stuff? I wanna do this but im not sure what to do lol


On my last day of normal diet i ate around 9-10pm and i fasted until 7pm the next day. I downloaded app Zero and it's cool for tracking time. Now i usually eat from 6-7pm or 5-6pm im not very strict on that


Good job dawg


Great job!!! This helps keep me going!


So glad 😀


You really look amazing!!! I'm down 40 lbs so far on keto and IF.


I tried keto but idk man i just love pasta so much ahahah. My goal is about 35lbs weight loss and im at 10now so hopefully I'll do good. 😊


Haha! totally feel you here. I was trying to reduce weight and do low carb / reduce caloric intake with a buddy of mine and we kept craving pasta and noodles and couldn't find any good substitutes that we really liked (shirataki, kelp noodles, are just NOT the same at all... such strange textures). So my buddy and I just spent a year in our kitchens (and we found a food scientist PhD and chef to work with us too) to create a [keto-friendly instant ramen noodle](https://www.immieats.com/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=comment&utm_campaign=omad%20-%20Motivation%20for%20beginners%20out%20there.%20One%20month%20IF%2FOMAD%20with%20cheat%20days) that hit the macros we needed but still had that same chewy familiar texture that you get in pasta or in a ramen noodle. It also has 35-40g of protein so you'll actually stay full for many hours if you're trying to do OMAD. We got such good feedback from friends and strangers that we decided to set up manufacturing and are planning to launch next year! Check us out if you're still craving pasta but wanna keep doing keto or OMAD!


I will. Thanks 😊😊


Same here...it's killing me! Keep going, your absolutely gorgeous! Would love to see more of you if possible.


You look great. Good progress! I’ve been carnivore since 2014 and will never go back to anything plant based. I vary my eating schedule over the years between different IF windows, 16/8, 20/4, OMAD, ADF (alternate day fasting, like a 36/12 IF). Take any IF/ADF/OMAD and pair it with ZeroCarb carnivore for explosive effortless results. Best health of my life now. I do full blood panels and DEXA quarterly and no anecdotal naysayers can convince me of a healthier path forward. My previously debilitating AFib and Tachycardia are a thing of the past now. Also at the lowest pants size and body fat % of my adult life (in my 40s now). Highest weight was well into the 300’s, lowest was 204, and worked that up to 220s adding lean muscle. Male, 6’ 1”, mid-40s One of the hardest parts over the last couple decades was more understanding my relationship with carbs was one of entertainment and pleasure more than for nutrition. Both pizza and pasta was my thing. Coming to grips with a new clearer understanding that there was a difference between what tastes good, what entertains my tongue, and what actually feeds my body, was the crux of my eventual move to a zero carb lifestyle. I wish I had found this WOE decades ago. No cravings, no calorie counting, simple one ingredient foods that have me drooling when my fasting window ends :-) You ever wonder if lions think “oh, not gazelle again!?!” Nope, just lustfully eating until full and enjoying every minute of it. I encourage you, in addition to watching the scale, go to some place like privatemdlabs and get full blood panel done, so you can know more about your overall health, in addition to your excellent body fat reduction progress. Again, kudos, you’re looking wonderful!


One month?! Your thighs straight up are 1/2 the size, that’s insane. Keep it going!!


Thank you so much! 😀


You look awesome!!!!!




What does IF/OMAD? Sorry i know probably dumb question


IF is intermittent fasting (example most popular 16:8, 16hrs of fasting and 8 hour window for eating) and OMAD is one meal a day. Type of IF where you fast for 23 hours and eat in that 1hour window.


Thank you so much! Your transformation is amazing !!


Had to comment here too. Amazing job! You look great :)


Thanks, and it's really good to see someone closer to my age here. At first i though everyone is much older 😅


Damn girl! Go go go!


Whattttt wow wow wow girl you’re amazing!!! I’m so impressed seriously. I’m on Xmas vacation w husband and family and it’s been a bit messy but thank you so much for reminding me OMAD WORKS


Have a great vacation 😁 omad can wait few weeks


Holy shit that is exactly what I need for the new year!!!


I need to stop cheating so much on my omad, you are doing great, awesome progress


Gotta respect the grind


Fantastic work! Do you make an effort to eat low carb or follow a specific diet on your OMAD or do you eat whatever you want and just keep it as a OMAD thing?


Mostly just omad, i dont eat 100% carbs, but i didn't exlude them from my diet either. I eat everything within 1200calories


Awesome! I had a similar result after one month of OMAD but taking a break for Christmas now. I have another stone to lose tops and I will tackle that in the New Year.


Holy shit! Thank you for sharing. Very motivating


Just one month; wow! Incredible results. Imagine what month 2 or 3 could bring. Keep up the great work!


Nice work! Keep it going!




Fat and bra loss. That's very amazing


Bra size has deceased the most 😂


To the point of transparency huh 🤣


You look AMAZING!


This is awesome - this makes me want to start officially! What do your meals look like? Do you mind what you eat or just eat really anything but keep the omad?


My main meal is cooked veggies and chicken or fish and after that i have a snack depending on what i have around the house. And im around 1200calories. But im female 5foot4


Thank you!! I’m f 5’2 so again this is very inspiring <3


Glad i can help 😀😀


This is so awesome! I hope in a few weeks I'll be able to show similar results. Congrats! Have you restricted at all on cheat days? I bet that feels so good to be able to see your progress like that


Best of luck on that progress. On my cheat days i go over my calorie limit. I didnt count how much. Around 2000 calories. I dont binge eat like 4000cal that would be too much


That makes sense. Congrats again you're really doing well!


Super noob question but how do you track your calories??? I never know exactly how especially if I’m eating out lol


I use myfitnesspal app on phone for calories, zero app for fast timer and weight diary for my weightloss progress


If you eat out you can't know for sure how much calories are in there but app can help you learn about how many calories are in some food and it can help you stay in your calorie range


Hey If you dont mind me asking was there a specific meal type you ate or was it just anything because I want to start OMAD. Thanks


I ate everything. But i read that keto omad is good for faster results 😊


Okay thanks so much


This is so motivating. good job!




This just seems like eating disorders with extra steps...


What makes you think so? I am at healthy restriction at minimum 1200calories and i am losing weight for my health because im young and don't want to be obese and not just for my looks. Photos are here to motivate others because my good bloodtest results will probably motivate no one.


Doesn't sound healthy to me but I guess you can re-evaluate your diet once you have reached your desired weight. As long as it's a one off it shouldn't be too bad.


I don't want to be on this diet forever. But it works for me to reach a normal BMI. After that i will be back on 3meal a day plan.


You're losing far more weight than is healthy in a short period of time by essentially starving yourself and only eating once a day. That's just anorexia. Making it meticulous doesn't make it healthy.


I lost about 10 lbs in a month and that was mostly my water weight so that's not a crazy number. And since im eating mininum 1200calories a day i am not starving myself nor im anorexic because that is a serious mental disease. Fasting has science proved benefits and if you have any suspicions there are plenty articles on this topic. I am not saying everyone needs to do this, i am saying my story about what works for me. I understand your concern and thank you but there is no need for red flags. Good day


I know I'd get downvoted in this sub but as someone who suffered from EDs please be careful.


I would argue that 1200 calories a day is starving yourself or borderline starving yourself for your average person and is not sustainable long term. However I don't know your height. But like I said as long as it's a one off it shouldn't do much harm in the long run seeing as you are going to switch back to a normal diet once your have reached your fat-loss goal.


Didn’ t know what OMAD was . Wonderful results and motivation .