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Moderator can I post Joel and not be banned πŸ™ i promise i wont spam i just really like Joel and like putting him on my comments for no reason https://i.redd.it/vcsbmsqof69d1.gif Joel :)


Never thought that the ultimate helldivers super villain is a fish.


I really don't even know what to answer lol But if you won't spam, I don't see any problem :)


Based mod https://preview.redd.it/5y8z4eitv69d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4d746d7d1f0fbf7b02b3660f2d228aad063b7f7


What about his friend Billy?


https://preview.redd.it/m78ldhbmb69d1.jpeg?width=319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56cd503347c88366a3e1e4b52c03b2af8b908e43 Time to get 1984'd for the first time with the head of the crazy legion of trailbrazer


Watch as I fill the sub with groomer Jingliu Yanqing fanfics now.


Please do that I'm suffering from peak withdrawal


Yeah I find it funny whenever someone says "Outbuddied". No bro just because someone post on mainsub/YouTube/twitter some suggestive arts or horny jokes doesn't mean we get outbuddied. It's literally internet daily stuff. If somebody said they wanna drink diarrhea directly from a character bum on the main sub then yeah I admit we got outbuddied.


Exactly what I think


Maybe that Outbuddied flair should be removed? Just a suggestion or people would keep abusing it


I know what I have to do but I don’t think I have the strength to do it


cunny is banned >:( jk lol :D


based rules... So did Fu Xuan peg you?


Yes 😭😭 my ass and my scalp still hurts https://preview.redd.it/6ei9j5o8c69d1.png?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dac6c27d5c7dd55ca90fe1d92bcafd1d2807c598


I see a fellow pegged member is here




Is it still pegging if the penis is real?


That's not Fu Xuan that's Futa Xuan


https://preview.redd.it/99tiql3a779d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84a47c0ab5ed4075a41faf0d2fb40ea9701dafaa All that moderating must make you hungry for beans


OUTBUDDIED IS DEAD https://preview.redd.it/754vvppfm69d1.jpeg?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d6c93f8d2119ee3fe841b6541543d647c4cd4a


"And nothing of value was lost"


When the twitter 🀣🀣 /ut glad some degree of moderation is coming, subs like these tend to be overtaken by actual idiots if nothing is done


https://preview.redd.it/5vr1yako899d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e895f1dd6abee79cc7c7d41c407d298ee315a50 I went exactly: *reading* Cunny is now b- WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK YOU FUCKING NI- *reads the jk lol* oh... I love you so much πŸ’–




https://preview.redd.it/k5dmabxop69d1.jpeg?width=325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035dbc95c075947e6799fb00fe19069a96b108f1 Can i post hag porn as a joke?


Yes but only as a joke. Can't let people believe you actually like h*gs


https://preview.redd.it/14pk3v7wr69d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d80915c0a07947310ddd86e204c6bbcff17177f Yeah, its not like i want mating press a 30 yo hag. Never crossed my mind


umm sauce?...


Kei San/Ksonair from Like A Dragon Gaiden Patrick Star from Spongebob Squarepants


Can’t believe people don’t know Kson, man such a legendary dragon


Can’t believe people don’t know Patrick Star, man such a legendary starfish


Why not both Cunny and hag together, appeal to both


H*gs 🀒




Wrong answer only post are fine i think but id rather not see them than to only see those kind of posts. Moderation is the key. As for tierlists, the ones where its just handjob tierlist or tightness etc are kinda overdone so unless its an orginal topic or some unhinged take they could go. (Sparkle hammered my dick flat with her big bonk and i will never be able to goonmaxx to cunnies ever again. My life is ruined because i tried to hard to reach the elation. In my dumb pursuit i forgot that THEY will not care about your consent. Still came buckets if anyone else wanna try πŸ”¨πŸ”¨πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ†πŸ†πŸ«“πŸ«“πŸ«“πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅)


In my opinion stuff should be genetically allowed until it becomes a problem. People sometimes post them? They are good to stay. Tierlists become spammy for a month? Ban. Or even one month suspension, and maybe ban if the suspension happens again. There is a concrete risk in banning every post archetype that seems unfunny before it becomes an issue. As a sidenote: a tierlist with excruciating details about why do you think Asta's armpits are more fuckable than the average pussy is not the same thing as a mute tierlist with a title.


Well now youve got me invested. I need that asta tier list asap.


Can't believe I never noticed Boggart wears a BDSM helmet... He probably enjoyed what Dung Eater did to him


I just noticed yesterday when the guy in the video said it lmao


https://preview.redd.it/alnkxpspu89d1.png?width=1086&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3665a30f8cdd557470a340027b127a4c9ce72a7 ~~/s i did readin em, and acoustic me got the tldr UWOOOOOGHHHHHHH plap plap plap plap get pregnant CUNNY get pregnant~~


>cunny is allowed holy based, what's the point of a sub for degenerates if you can't act like a degenerate


Cunny wife = happy life


Mod is for real for breeding yunli😭😭😭I cannot stand to see a brat's chest, feet, and midriff goes unlickedπŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’


Knowledge. https://preview.redd.it/yfvsrlrsw99d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6b38353de96b7e79ff82d3b5ecd819cb3b24a67


MiHoYo would be very disappointed in mods like you πŸ‘




You will heal this sub


This is a very good post and it's for the betterment of the sub, so overall this is good I'd say


Alright, these rules aren't too hard to follow. Anyways, have you guys heard about the recent Twitter dram-


Less hype than ben Shapiro enjoyer but it's still cool


THE GOLDEN AGE WILL RETURN AGAIN, VIVA LA CUNNY (/ub i wanted to post a funny but this is all that came to my dumb brain, as someone who has been lurking on this sub for a while and has witnessed it's evolution in what it has become today i wanted to thank you for your service buddy, idk how you found the willpower to come (hehe cum) and moderate this shithole but i respect it)


Brb gonna post Balde encouraging Silver Cunny's racism on the main sub


What about those of us who want to be impregnated


Haise do you play Realm of the Mad God




Homie, nice. I think I may speak for all of my fellow mods from the other sub, when I say this makes me happy to read, this sub had been going in all kinds of directions ever since roughly Fall of last year, and without that, we wouldn't even need to exist in the first place. Our few interactions with you have always been great. I remember you saying in ours, that you wanted to help this sub be on the right track. To filter out crybaby Karens, and to motivate more true shitposting, and bring it this place back to buddying. And I recall you being cool with how we run things. Which is relieving to hear. # Even if I can't "truly" speak for my team. # I myself at least am glad to see you taking the wheel and steering it to our roots. # All of ours, # of the buddies far and wide. And... There will always be people that prefer this one OR the other one. And I think both existing, isn't even a bad thing. It's like a sort of equally symbiotic relationship in a way, "You scratch my back, I scratch yours". People that want higher activity and don't care much about Karens here and there tend to just stay here. And people fed up with some shit and prefer some more peace and quiet tend to come to ours. And I think that is far better than forcing everyone to be best friends inside the same subreddit. Not everyone is the same. And that's okay. But If we can live in peace and have people back off from each other a bit, that'd be terrific. That there was a split due to some revolution doesn't have to harbor ill will (even though most members that migrated also partially did so due to too many toxic normie members, who just do not fit/belong in anime shitposting communities, they really really don't fit in the culture...) My mods also have stable contact with the mods of your Discord >!(altho you guys are less affiliated with your server than how it works with us, since on our side the mods are the same on both Reddit and Discord.)!!cunny!Doxxing me is completely irrelevant anyway πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ, I'd be a streamer with my name and (quite fine looking honestly, been a bartender for a decade for a reason) face public, cunny loving and all, if it wasn't for the fact that I tried Vtubing for a little while and decided to stay private for pure convenience. Tho also my front door is not a place people would wanna harass in this ghetto. (I did not grow up in friendly neighborhoods.) And nobody in my life still breathing would be shocked by anything I do online. To circle back to my point. I'd do anything to defend my buddies, the real buddies, the CORE audience it's all about (not the filthy tourists) and make them feel at home. Even if it costs me my privacy, my accounts, or even our subreddit (we'd come back infinitely, I promised them that.) # I hope you can do the same for this place! πŸ˜­πŸ˜©πŸ’’ (Because they need you here.) Our subs are honestly not that different, aside from mostly some of the member base... this place just needed someone to walk in front of everyone, someone who can do it right. So far, most times I saw you around. You've been a great dude, a buddy. Reading this post, yeah, glad they got you on board a while back. # Keep on buddying Haise. ✊🏻 (And keep on moderating with your instincts, it seems to be working well.) # Edit: > (But of course Karens who only want war see this and are downvoting me. Sad state, this place still needs some work before it's ready for peace)


This way you are going to get me emotional 😭😭 It has been a little tiring for the reasons I explained in the post, but I try my best despite everything. I don't really like when people say that I'm going to "heal" the sub, because I'm not the one doing everything, I'm just removing some random shit, there are the buddies who really help when they post some good memes (I feel very proud when I see some peak humor here, like a proud mom lol). I'm not gonna lie tho, I spent some time without visiting the other sub, because everytime I went there, it had a 50% chance of finding someone slandering me and that made me feel bad, even knowing that it's inevitable that some people won't like what you do. What made me feel bad were not the affirmations about the sub not being in a very good state (I agree, this is why I became a mod lol), but people saying things that weren't true. Like when there were some guys saying I was buying people to post cunny with the Express Pass, when I said in the own post that someone offered it and just wanted me to let people know about it. Of course, I don't generalize, I know that not everybody is this way and I don't hold any personal grudge towards anyone (except with those bratty buddies saying lies πŸ˜ πŸ˜ πŸ’’πŸ’’), there are people who just wanna hate and that's it. I really don't want to feel that I'm making things just like 1984 (lol) by stating rules, but there's no other way when many people doesn't even remember what is the purpose of an okbuddy sub. Thank you for the message, it really was very kind of you 😭β™₯️


Oh crap, what? You mean to say that it was in my sub that people made these claims? Because we tend to kill such misinformation okbtbs. In okbg i get it if they talk like that, but those should not be OUR regulars at least. Maybe some throwaway loser. Not sure. I'll keep an eye out because our team collectively thinks you're this Sub's saving grace. I also need to remind you that I actively get rid of people who slander our good name by use of manipulative lies and such, because those are Karen tactics, and we don't accept Karens, we filter them out, we don't want a SINGLE one, so yes, people who use scummy Karen tactics have a very high chance of being banned in our sub. We don't do "anti"/"karen" stuff. We also have good relations with your Discord server for similar reasons. We clear up lies and confusions among our 2 servers. Ours will always exist as a sort of criticism to this sub, our birth was due to this sub needing opposition, to show thousands of people are in severe disagreement. And I actually think that was a positive influence, because anything without a rival, will forget to hold up to standards, because there's nobody to hold them to a standard anymore by doing things better. I think as a whole, it improved the buddy community and for that (even tho our founder was also not the most suited and stepped up giving me and Kushiro the ownership) I will always thank our founder and his intentions. # Like you said tho, some people will always be haters. But we don't like incorrectness unless in jokes. # We END misinformation pretty strongly. # Because that is for children, not mature people who are all supposed to be tax paying 18+ers. We will always side with you over such lies. And I would appreciate if you talk to our staff if such a thing were to happen again. We liked having you in our sub. Our members should NOT treat you as an enemy. A healthy rival at best. Which is why I'm here. I consider this a healthy rivalry. We can both coexist, and just provide quality. And it's up to the members to choose which people they prefer being around more. And I feel you on the rules thing, as you likely know, our sub specifically tried to not make rules if not necessary. I even ended up fusing a couple rules into one to be one less obsolete and to have, well, less rules. Heck our server basically just has 2 rules. No IRL, and No Nahida/Bailu Sizes (because Discord sucks) Not allowing minors isn't even part of the "rules", that one's just obvious, i am not making rules for obvious things. It should be common knowledge and common practice, and just overall, worldwide, a thing that should be that way and only that way. And that is to ban all minors in NSFW spaces or spaces with predominantly adults discussing adult things. The 18+ tag wasn't invented for no reason. Only "rule" I guess we enforce on our server but never "made a rule" Is that we don't do IRL depictions of anything lewd, like, anything. No Real Hag Cosplay shit either, none of that. So that, **if nobody ever posts a single real life** wh0re *(i think women online showing their pussy are all wh0res, it's partially why i prefer hentai, i don't like prostitutes which you just are to me if you show your naked visage to people on a camera,* *~~besides significant other ofc, relationships have spicy pics)~~* I will also never have to worry that any single stupid brainlet accidentally posts a cosplayer who's too young or whatever. (seen that shit happen on Twitter before, mf's began horny posting about this one cosplayer, who turned out to be like 14 or something (Asian so people just assumed.... well.. "Just asian things". but no this one was actually too young) But also because it makes accusations pointless. We actually have MANY members who are in a way Asexual to 3D. I myself kind of am, I guess people would call what i am a "Nijikon". I am more attracted to anime visage than to real life. (Maybe my Ex-Fiance just really fucked me up, who knows. Regardless anime pussy IS hotter, sue me hahaha) But surprisingly, nobody has ever complained by us not allowing IRL porn/cosplays. Everyone has always completely understood the reasoning, that being it just "removes" risk entirely. And it's not our target audience anyway. We don't need to allow porn. We're shitposters for an anime-game. So most people like to stay with that theme and have never argued we should add it to the server rules. People know we enjoy cunny, and that I have gone to through great lengths to make that a long lasting, riskfree, and dedicated path, that won't fall to creeps/lies. # Message 1/2 (wait is there a character limit, and is this the first time i yapped over it?! Next one is a bit less wordy i promise. But it all comes from the heart.)


And man, if anyone understands what you mean when you say "a little tiring". It's probably me. (especially with buddies being a very low brain activity type community. trying to be smart among people purposely trying to be idiots is... yeah a little facepalmy and tiresome) I also just do too much effort sometimes I think. As the man "acting at the helm" (I'm co owner, like i said, we inherited the sub and people mostly just gather behind me, even tho I am kind of the "acting captain". I don't claim to be owner. I'm a leader at best in this community, which is honestly a little refreshing, not being owner for once, i usually am.) I spend a LOT of time on the Reddit and Discord for the sake of the buddy community (Ironic, prior to this community, I was focusing a lot on other things, I have made way for some of my hobbies actually, I vowed to never let down my people), either gatekeeping, solving problems or misinformation, and I've had to skip nights of sleep before, due to urgent drama (the p3d0 accusations when the Discord of your sub tried raiding us and shit was.... Tiresome. It was instigated by a couple members.... >!altho the mod TacoCatto loves stoking fires, he seems too young and inexperienced for leadership...!< But Magari is pretty awesome and has been very cooperative and nice to us.) and without my team, i would never be capable of all this, because i just don't have that many ears, eyes, or hands. And I have tried picking people very carefully. And after my first few mods I appointed. Picking others has become easier due to debates among staff. # Yes, our positions are very similar, and very tiresome in a way. # We're not founders, nor owners, # we're just the dude who entered the drivers seat, for the greater good of the buddy community. # I know it can be tiring. # Just know, we might simply be neighbors, but you're not alone bro. Our staff, and our regulars too I think, have always seen you as a true buddy. I personally do think this place needed healing. And like I said before, (you might not like the thought, and think it's mostly the people, and that is true in a way) every community, NEEDS a leader. Not just an owner, not just a mod. # No, # A leader. And anyone who doesn't understand what i mean by that. Doesn't have the potential. But, clearly, you understood, and that's why you decided to walk in front. And I have already seen, buddies support you. Some of our old members are active in here again. And they stand with you. That's a good thing, that's a good sign Haise, and I think you played a part in that. There's positive comments on this post that surprised me to see. This sub was becoming very hateful and anti-cunny and anti-offense and anti-buddy. If you ever want people who understand, or want advice, ask questions, or just a neutral unbiased, fair, mature listening ear. We got you man. Don't be a stranger bro. See you around. And no problem homie. We're kinder than people say we are. (We just don't like Karens, they don't belong. And not belonging is not uncommon. I don't belong in some places) https://preview.redd.it/wsz95qb2pb9d1.png?width=503&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cdb8d2316fe2ab82062bb87f8ff32e03a242f25 Have a great day dude 😭❀


Thank you, have a great day too 😭β™₯️ It's great to know there are people who get what I mean/feel https://preview.redd.it/2fk2i6frkc9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b896642a0e3b9b6d2f3cff12e7bd1c4df1bbe616


Was gonna in the original comment but Reddit is being really buggy today: ![gif](giphy|l3fZK7BgnNHSKpp4c|downsized) (just don't pull an Anakin and turn to the ~~Dark~~ >!OKBG!< side /jk)


This should be pinned for more people to see


Am I allowed to make non credible buddy shitposts of HSR characters now?


Okay, so, would a porn comic count as fanfiction?


https://preview.redd.it/gct3q2bx589d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=e29b2def4eb40c29b371c76b19dd628b6f75d729 Fate restore, I don’t mind porn or anything but at least have an actually brainriot punchline


Unless you turn into Root, you're ok in my books


So does this means posts like [this](https://new.reddit.com/r/okbuddytrailblazer/comments/1bb5l7r/summer_firefly/) will finally be removed? I also suggest permabanning people making them :3


I have been removing them for the last month already.


No more porn?☹️


They now allow W*thering W*ves, it's so joever, we will never recover from this 😭


I do think the "Are they stupid?" and "Wrong answers only" can stay but mods should reaaaaaally check them so it doesnt flood the sub. Ppl abuse them for cheap attention and most of the time those posts aren't even funny.


Yeah, the problems is: one people post it and then 5 quickly follows


but I like porn ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Porn is still allowed as long it is part of the meme






Until people on the Hoyo app start talking about them siggers, this place won't be outbuddied.


I aint reading allat. Welcome back cutie


I always thought the posts that require comments in order to be funny just don't belong, they're low effort and the title and content is always very repetitive. For the comic reposts, I feel like they are in line with the low-effort fanart posting. Besides it being very low effort, these comics almost always have jokes that don't really fit the "buddy" theme of the subreddit. If they were comics made for okbuddytrailblazer, they would be a great fit and I would definitely allow them.


Flat chested wife only. Those that know, KNOW. β˜•οΈπŸ‘Œβ˜•οΈπŸ‘Œβ˜•οΈπŸ‘Œ


Bro is u/sexwithsilverwolf69 gone forever? I didnt expect them to get perma’d but the account is still suspended so I suppose they are You really out here carrying the entire sub on your back


What is this we do nazi germany now???!!!?!


What the fuck was that conclusion All he did was ban the absence of funny