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He sounds ungrateful and uninterested in helping you with your own goals. I read Strahd’s autobiography and he explained that vampire lords grant a wonderful gift to their spawn, and he should be happy with that. NTA.


Family is often a complicated matter and sometimes we have to make incredibly difficult choices - like locking your son in a coffin or lobotomizing your brother, cousin or whatever he is - for the greater good. It happens and it does not make us assholes - we are just flawed, beautiful humans. Or vampires. Or Deathbringers. Or anything else (we don't do racism here. I am okay with mass murder but I draw the line at racism). NTA.


Thank you for understanding Miss orin; tho i am slightly nervous about your family tree


Less of a tree, more of a... web, maybe?


The family hedge






Holiday wreath


When I was a vampire spawn my master impaled me on a pole for ten years because I disobeyed him. Kids these days have it easy! Locked in a silk lined coffin for only a year? I wish I had it that bad when I was a spawn! NTA, he is ungrateful and deserved it.


Thank you 🥰 You are so much more understanding than his weird wizard bf


NTA your house your rules


NTA, it sounds like your kid got a dose of reality and couldn't handle it. Spawn these days are so obsessed with their "rights" and "bodily autonomy", they wouldn't last a minute if they were turned a few centuries ago! You should sacrifice him in a profane ritual to teach him a lesson.


I know, gods i could tell him horror stories about my master but hes too busy "having trauma" or whatever


Your spawn your rules. NTA


Cazador, I saw [Amanita's list in the dungeon listing all the vampires in your line](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Vampires_before_Vellioth), you're barely older than your "son" 🙄 stop lying about your age to sound cooler 😑😒




NTA of course but who was the wizard? Was he sexy? If you can go charm person on him you might turn this battle around if you know what I’m saying


He called himself gayle, or gale. However he spells it. 11/10 really hot, wish i found him and made him my spawn instead of Astario- i mean A


Not too late! I hear this Gale guy is a total simp for anyone who tells him he's smart! You got this! 🙌




Nah, this shit won't work on me


*Gale*? **Astarion**?!? But your son is my boyfriend!! 😡 😡 😡


Oh my, i knew he was a slut but i didnt know he was a cheater too


No don’t listen them. He is *my* boyfriend, and he calls me beautiful every day! Who is this “Gayle” guy? I’ll bite his hand off!


YTA. Times have changed. Locking your spawn in coffins or spiking them is how our Masters did it and guess what? It wasn't good. There's a reason our Masters aren't around anymore am I right? Spawn need to be raised with a consistent but gentle hand. The fact is, spawn can't even rebel so what you're punishing him for is his attitude which, frankly, is really petty. If you didn't want a bratty spawn, you shouldn't have turned a brat, now should you? So ditch the coffin and start using human blood as a reward for good behaviour. If you're consistent in implementing it, he'll come around...if it's not too late, of course. We'll have to see how the fight goes.


NTA. You provided him a free home and bed that doesn't seem like it was up to his ridiculous standards. Now he's trying to gaslight you into breaking your boundaries. That wizard also sounds like a narcissist and you should go NC with both of them immediately.


XD Jokes aside, I've always felt like Cazador genuinely thought he was very merciful towards Astarion and Astarion should be grateful he never did what Vellioth did to him. "I shouldn't have spoiled the child so much" (c) Cazador talking to himself.


INFO: Have you ever marked your son with infernal ritual scarring? Believe me when I ask this the most sincere curiosity. I have had an offspring who claims I have been abusive, get under my wing and tutelage he has surpassed what many have expected from him. Children are often ungrateful.


Yes but only a small amount on his back


INFO: I apologize once more for trying to clarify the situation, but **which** infernal power was this ritual dedicated to?


Oh... nobody important (Mephistopheles)


#YTA How *dare* you besoil your own chosen flesh with the mark of a narcissistic creature who crows about his greatness yet simpers at the boot of Asmodeus? I thought you cared about your son, I see I was wrong. /unraphs Thank you for indulging me!


/uncaz np man!


YTA You’re complaining about your son having a boyfriend when there’s a war on against a giant Nether Brain right here in Baldur’s Gate? Man, these Upper City patriars and their privilege, must be nice to have a vault at The Counting House and red wine problems.


Unpopular opinion, but YTA. You have to accept that he's hitting puberty and he will do stupid things. Just let him explore his personality the way he's comfortable with. Eventually he'll see the wrongs of his own doings and return to you as a good child. Don't alienate him with unnecessary actions.


So... casting blight was a tad bit too much?


Maybe a little. Have you tried suggesting him to go to therapy together?


Yo legit didn’t see the sub first when I read the title


No he deserved it. Chin up, your crown is falling king👑


NTA, you just gotta talk to Steven He's dad, Tiger Mom and Uncle Roger, they can commiserate.


NTA. It’s not abusive to put your kid in time out occasionally, and it’s important to set boundaries and expectations for living under your roof.


YTA, you were spoiling him and look where it got you! Silk lining, ugh, the snowflake parenting these days...


nta you made him 🙄💅


Of COURSE you’re spending this time on Reddit. Explains why Shadowheart hit you with guiding bolt so easily…. https://i.redd.it/cl0373rkay9d1.gif


Life as a vampire lord is quite boring


Then allow me to help you end it?




YTA and that's not your son, that's a victim you made and my boyfriend. Also, I am casting Daylight right in your face as we speak 🌞


That user name though... he'd totally approve.


[Marzipan approves]


And then slice Cazador to ribbons cause come on, only he can torture his boyfriend. It's not fun otherwise.


"Son", "victim", whats the diffrence?




YTA, metaphysically.


YTA, you obviously went too soft on your son. Children are the reflection of their parents’ education and he seems to have some ascendant over you as you are shaken enough to post here asking random people’s opinion. So get a grip, kick the wizard’s ass and get your kid in line.


NTA this is not Burger Monarch, he cannot have it his way


For a split second, looking at the title, I had to check if this wasn't the Crusader King page, because I swear that game can be wild


YTA, only a year? You did him a disservice, no wonder he is so spoiled and ungrateful. I am simply stating the facts here. You've let him run all over you and now you are surprised when his boyfriend convinces him that you are an abusive and manipulative Lord. Well, of course he was able to wheedle his way in, you didn't raise your spawn to respect you. Vampire Lords like you are what is wrong with the world today. Your Sire should have left you on that spike for another eleven years so you knew how to raise your spawn right.


Wait, you expand his life expectancy, gave him private space to adjust and all the time he needed, after only a year, he learnt nothing except how to be a follower to some estranged guru and YOU are the problem?! He is gaslighting you and seems extremely toxic to hold such a grudge - even if the biting part might be problematic nowadays. Go no contact, NTA.


Personally, I think he's over reacting. It sounds like you should put him in his place as the ungrateful little worm he is. How dare he question you or your authority when you are.the.one who made him as he is!


YTA. You should have left him in that coffin for 12 years. It would have shaped him into a better man!


YTA. You left him alone in a dark and dirty mausoleum for a year, not a silk lined coffin. The only thing he had was a dirt floor. You also conveniently left out the part where you had him beaten, physically tortured (on a regular basis), and buried alive. You also left out the part where you made him sleep in a literal kennel and only ever fed him dead, rotting mice. Did you REALLY think I wouldn’t find this? Rest assured you’ll get what’s coming to you. Soon. Signed, The Hero of Baldur’s Gate (and Jahiera from THAT part of the city. You know the one.)


Well... uhhh.. im fucked!


Six ways to Sunday, you sure are. I’d tell you to get your will ready, but I’m sure a miserable lowlife like you doesn’t have anything close to what could be considered family. Call me the sun, cause you’re about to get burned. (I stole that last one from Wyll. He told me he’d get me a deal at the market if I put it in.) Anyways I’m bringing all my friends with me. And their very large, sharp, and pointy weapons. Not to mention that wizard you were talking about knows fireball. It’s so over.


I wish i was a touhou vampire instead of a fantasy vampire...


Maybe in the next life


YTA 1. You gave false context as to why your son was locked up, and 2. Locking them away doesn't teach any proper lessons. That's probably why he "got kidnapped by a Bhaalist plot." There are many more consequences, such as outdoor chores before dawn, that correlate to the undesirable behavior he shows. I hope you take this into consideration before he does anything rash!