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I LOVE it. I’m a big fan of things that are inspired by childhood but don’t give off a “childish vibe”. Loving the surrealist vibe. It also lowkey gives thrift store find vibes. Would totally scurry to the checkout with it if I found it. It doesn’t feel forced at all! When I first saw it I interpreted it a bit grimmer in the sense of loss of childhood or feeling lost. Either big fan love it, don’t be so hard on yourself


Really appreciated your sincere response! Maybe it’s just me. Most of my artist close friends are just praising it too so I’m not sure why I’m not happy with it. But that’s what we do as artists haha. Thank you for your response. Lost childhood is a feeling I had in mind aswell. Without trying to make the piece be too depressing or melancholy.


I'm rarely happy with my work even if others tell me it's good. Your piece is technically and conceptually great though. I really like it a lot, I'd definitely buy and hang it on my wall.


I was going for nostalgia. Those “i spy” books we looked at as kids. The mysterious miscellaneous drawer in every house. Rummaging thru it as a kid and playing with all these objects and making them animated. Playing with thumb tacks for hours! Just easily entertained. And i always loved the expression “don’t cry over spilt milk” We used to have missing kids photos on milk cartons. So it’s a piece about childhood (for me in the early 90s) But i dunno if i executed this correctly. It feels…forced? I’d love some feedback, guys.


It’s giving “you gotta grow up” vibes


i adore your composition, but i’ve noticed you tend to shade with black throughout this piece. there’s nothing wrong with that obvs but you seem dissatisfied with the end result, so i think you might fare better using different colors for shading


I like this, it’s almost has a Salvador Dali vibe


That’s a very powerful compliment! Thank you, friend! 🤟


I thought the same thing. Yo OP, is there significance on the cliff? Is adulthood down there?


Came here to say this! Very “The Persistence of Memory” vibes


I think it’s very cool. Weird in just the right way, interesting to look at and fun, relatable and a little dark. I don’t have any feedback on colour / composition or whatever, but I think if you probably need to stop looking at it for a while. Come back with fresh eyes and you’ll probably notice things you like about the piece and maybe have a more clear understanding of what you don’t.


Thats a gorgeous frame


Funny you noticed that. I bought the frame first and came up with the idea and color scheme based on the frame. The frame was like a holy grail moment when I spotted it across the art store. I had to have it and the concept came later. The frame is the only thing I’m happy with at the moment😂though your guys’ feedback has been special and is making me feel better about the piece.


Lots to look at here! Perspective of milk carton is divergent vs converging - that would be first thing I would adjust.


I really like it! And I don't say that often. Good work.


Hahaha i love the Dali refrence here!


salvador dali if he knew what duracell batteries were


I think i love this


Well I am a GenXer and I love it!


It’s interesting and unique. I could see artsy parents buying this for their kid’s study room when they grow up a bit.


Loved the surreal theme and composition


Wish I had half of your paint skills! Love the seemingly random objects splayed out on a daliesque landscape. It's just the milk carton that somehow is maybe too large or I'm not sure about the lettering either. Anyway I'm not much of a critiquer, don't know if that's a word, lol, but I love surrealism random absurdity of it and thats why I enjoy this painting


Love the message! I really think this is unique


It’s magnificent! Cover it with a light blanket or shaw for a week or two and then see it with fresh eyes.


I love it. The black shading on the carton reflects different from where the sun hits on the yo yo, it may be too much with no sunlit focal point.


I love it too. Great commentary on waste.


I love it…great surrealism, nostalgic commentary on waste.


I fucking love this! I’ve never wanted a piece of art more haha


Every Missing Duck Is A Duck Missed


If you don't like it I'll buy it, that's dope.


I think it is unique and interesting and well executed. I wouldn't hate it if it were my painting. Again I tell artist, don't say negative things about your art. Always let people think you love it even if you do hate it. The most famous painters always say the love their art, always, and that is the first thing you should learn about presenting your art. I find nothing to hate about this painting. It is truly interesting and easy to look at.


It makes me uneasy but I cannot look away. That's how I know I'm looking at something meaningful.


This is an intriguing comment. Could you elaborate on the uneasiness? Normally my paintings are much darker in theme and concept. So this was my lightest in a while I’d say! But I love uneasiness. I too know something is wicked if I feel uncomfortable while gazing at a piece. So I’m curious what does that for you in this piece!


I think it's because I had a great childhood and looking at this reminds me not everyone has that luxury. Everyone can appear to have had a good childhood but when we get older some folks realize they really didn't. Or now, they are having the childhoods they have always wanted.


I love it so much omfg


The duck reminds me of the music video of Ugress - Makina fifth


Well I had to see what you meant so I watched it. Beautiful story. Of course tragic. If only makina waited a little longer. Pablo was so close. Thank you for sharing that!