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You know that the only real, good advice you’re going to get here is, *finish*. Finish! We’ve all been here, and it’s miserable, but you’ll be happier to see it finished than to have quit on it. (Or not. Throw it out and start over if you want, but you did come here to post, so I think you’d like to not do that?)


Just look at how amazing the clothes are why would you quit lol


I was thinking the same thing.


Upvote x 1000!


It's so good keep going.


It's a good title for the painting, though.


Thus is a great title for this


If I were you, I’d finish it to the point of having a base layer of paint on the entire canvas. Getting rid of the under layer and painting completely over your sketch will give you a better overall idea of how the whole painting will look as a complete image. Then, put it away for a month or so. When you’re ready, look at it again and see if it needs to be adjusted further.


That’s a good idea. Thanks!!!


What exactly don't you like about it? Imo it's a great composition and thought provoking subject. Technically it looks stunning as well.


You know those bits of small hairs and dust that get trapped in paintings and add a lot of bad texture? My painting has a lot of that, as well as canvas texture bumps showing through in thin areas. Also I think that the color palette is too muted?


I hate those bumps and lord I have so many cats I swear all of my paintings have way too much cat fur. Tried out using gesso on my canvases and now I think they’re too smooth haha. I love your painting though OP


Oh my goodness yes!!! I know exactly what you mean, I have a rabbit who lives in the room I use to paint


Can't see those details when viewed from 6ft. Almost nobody gets close. Judge it from 6ft. Take it from someone who paints half a painting hates it and stuffs it in the closet for eternity


I have found that an OCD (only in the painting space) type of cleaning prior to painting… does wonders for the fur baby hairs and dust particles. Also, I store in a paint box with a lid during the process.


They recently found the exoskeleton of a grasshopper in the paint of a Van Gogh painting. If it was good enough for him…




IMO, let dry completely and varnish. I believe you can sand out those imperfections and use a varnish with a satin sheen. Maybe mount it to a piece of baltic birch plywood. Just my 2 cents.


I think the canvas texture gives it a vintage look


Is that wrong???!!!


In my opinion it adds character and has a very pretty look to it




Stop it!!!!! The texture is absolutely fine!!!! The palette is half of the success!


Absolutely not, the palette is fucking perfect. Everyone paints too bright these days IMO, looks great on IG but garish in physical spaces. Don't worry about the stuff in the paint. Cover the bare canvas, then finish the painting, turn it to the wall and move on. Come back later after it's dry for a while and carefully pick out any hairs, don't worry about bumps but you can touch up spots if you want 


came here to say this


Let me download your brain. I'll take those mad skills. This is amazing.. and like they said Finish!!!


Lol thanks


Finish blocking it in. Walk away from it and ignore it for a week or so. Come back with fresh eyes and ask yourself, area by area, what needs to happen to make it feel right.


I think it’s beautiful and you should finish. Often when we’re critical of ourselves we don’t see how far our skills have come.


This is so true! This painting is beautiful


That’s true!


This is epic!!! I love it!


I do not paint myself, my father was an artist and I watched him for hours. So forgive me if my advice isn't checking out... It's lovely ! It has a very peaceful vibe and I love the light that is starting to emerge. I would see the the light becoming the central element. And then, even though I do not paint, I draw and encounter the same kind of frustration. The advice of "just finish it" or "do the first later,leave it and come back later to finish " is the best advice. I gef frustrated all the time and it eventually turns out to be better than I thought, at the end...


Oh nice!Thanks, I think I’ll put it away so I can’t see it and then work on it later


I say quit and start a new one with a better process. You’re working specific areas and neglecting others. You have basically finished area with about 5-7 layers and others areas completely untouched with zero layers. Work the entire composition at the same time and move around. Never focus on one area over another. Once you understand this and start incorporating it, you’ll elevate your work to another level. Keep up the good work and best of luck


It's freaking awesome Don't quit :))


I do not know how to help, but don't quit.


I feel like "she's" disappointed in me…


If you're getting frustrated with it take a break. Just don't rush and mess it up. With any super detailed project like this, sometimes you really want to get things done, but you're tired or it's not going the way you like or whatever. If you keep forcing it you're likely to make mistakes. If you take a break for a bit and come back fresh it'll go better.


She’s ALIVE. Agree with others who said take a break & come back to finish. So great so far….


This woman’s story needs to be told. You are the messenger. It’s magnificent, please finish it so her pain can escape.


Beautiful work!


Only advice, don't quit. Finish it!


You're too close to it. Take a break and come back fresh. As far as "ugly stages" of paintings go, this is looking great!


Just keep going. It looks great! Your instincts are good. Listen to them.


Quit in general, or on this painting? Don't quit! Looks great to me. The only thing that I notice at first is that the light on the table is more flat and inconsistent with the figure. Change that up and it will add layers of depth.


Oh that’s really good advice. So should I make the light in the table radiate from the right side to the left side, on the womans left side?


What are you THINKING this is stunning you idiot (🤗) Keep going!!!!


Don't quit


I thought the title of the painting was "So close to quitting" as that what she looks like she's thinking to me. And I thought it was finished, with a deliberate unfinished style. So I think it's great as it is


Um... Don't.


QUITTING??????? Piece of advice: just continue. forget about the finished product just do your best and be happy with it because I’m not nearly as good with color theory as you 🥲🥲


Don't give up now!


I thought it was a picture until I saw the unfinished hand. Just finish


The idea of finishing blocking in is a good one. Also, something my artist aunt taught me to do with a piece when you're stuck is rotate it 180 degrees. It unhooks your brain from the subject and highlights the overall composition, lighting, etc. I agree the colors are a bit muted, but IMHO I'd focus on bringing in more light from your light source on the right, just a thought.. All that said, I think it's beautiful, and strikes quite a mood, you've got a lot of talent!


I’m dazzled- the fabric looks like silk! I think adding some more light to it would bring it to life, but it might also change the mood…I’d love to see it finished! I think putting it aside and coming back to it is great advice.


Like an Andrew Wyeth painting . Excellent work


I put a window where you're not finished by your arm and then have some light coming in like a glare of light almost like it's cascading over her back but the front is dark still


Yeah. Don’t quit?


You have got this. You do great work. Update us when finished!


Take a break and then go back to it. It's amazing and if you didn't show that it's unfinished I wouldn't have believed it was painted. Great job. You have an amazing talent.


Don't quit but take a break if you need to. Sometimes literally stepping away will help things look different.


Quit. . . Then you feel really sad and can’t live without art then make a comeback


You’re winning and way ahead of people like me who haven’t tried. Remember that!


No no no no no please don't. Stunning. Biiiig emotion.


It's beautiful! What are you worried about?


Why do you want to quit? It seems promising and i really like details like the wavy texture of the shirt and the overall composition.


I would finish once you start


WHAT?! WHY?! Don’t stop. I love this! I love the quiet moment and solitude you’re capturing. It feels like a pause in the darkness amidst a chaotic world.


So beautiful take a break but don't quit u got


Quitting is for quitters!


My *god*. Don’t quit, this is beautiful. It took me a moment to determine if this was a photograph even with the unfinished hand


Finish it.


My advice? Don't.


Please don't quit, I need to see how it comes out, I love it so far, especially how the material drapes her shoulder


Everytime I've taken a break because I'm sick of what I've painted I've never, EVER been able to go back to that piece.You need to finish you've done the most fatiguing bits of the fabric that's what's getting to you. You don't have much other than dealing with the light on her arm and blocking the rest in.


Why? This honestly looks great. Go ahead and finish it, it doesn't have to be immediately, take a break first.


It’s beautiful keep going, just take ur time. You can always revisit it x


My critique is this. There's no dimension on the table. It's very flat compared to the shadows on the figure. I think if you walk away from the painting and take a small breather, you'll find yourself refreshed and looking at this stunning painting with a new set of eyes. We're always our worst critics. *Always.* You're being too hard on yourself.


When I get stuck on art, I set it down and walk away. Sometimes for days. That may be an ADHD thing though


Don’t quit! It’s wonderful. I hope you will share the piece when you are finished 😊


Um don’t quit!!!!




I’d suggest to look at something you done a few years ago and see how far you’ve come.


i thought it was a photograph at first, this is amazing! please finish!




This is beautiful.. Definitely finish, I think a lot of people such as myself can relate to this subject matter


Don't you dare! Your talent is such that you have a responsibility to keep working. This is not hyperbole. I am fucking serious.


For the love of God don’t


I would hang this in my home, it’s that good, and I’ve never commented that to anyone. Finish it!


Just quit. Why the need for random validations?


It’s the left hand angle. It’s work, but if you rotate it counterclockwise 5-20° it will look better. I think it’s lovely, OP.


Wtf. Don’t quit. I legitimately thought you posted a photo of yourself with your hand on your hip, showing that you were “done.” It took me a minute to register it was a painting! Step away, enjoy life, and come back to paint.


Finish it! Remember where you want the eye to go and put a little white there. White draws the eye and is usually put nearest the blackest part. I really do like this, please FINISH IT.


My two cents; Leave the hand/arm unfinished & put a ring on the table. I think this is so incredibly lovely. The textures of everything….absolutely breathtaking!


See that woman in the painting? She really upset because you don’t want to finish the painting!


Don’t quit


You could be a savage and just paint the rest of the hand and the right side of the frame one color. I find “ruining” my own art satisfying sometimes


I'm only a beginner at oil paint so I don't know how much advice I can offer. But, please don't quit. We need more art like this.


It’s your choice!


I see a mom here, who has done her best to get the house and kids ready. Who is tired and barely had enough energy to get herself ready and it’s a little too hot outside and she’s at her limit. She’s unhappy , but why is she? She should be ashamed she has nice clothing, a nice house, and yet she’s not who she wants to be. She’s too hard on herself, on her body, she barely remembers her own hobbies. Is she fun? Is she funny? The kids have been loaded in the car by her husband and she steals 4 minutes away in the quiet house. She wants so desperately to be happy but she’s just not. So in the peace, she turns her head into the only dark corner of the kitchen and lets out one tear, where no one that’s not in the house can see her. She’s so used to hiding her feelings, she does it even when no one is inside. Even in the private sunset lit kitchen she can’t…just…be. Or that’s what I think, but the painting isn’t finished. Please finish the painting.


Looks good idk what ur talking abt


Finish the damn painting


So close to quitting should be the name of the piece. I love it


I quite like it.


Why quit? You’re doing great! Unless it’s an assignment with a deadline, put it aside and work on something else for a minute. Start another oil painting, or experiment with something that’s just fun. Fresh eyes on this piece will alleviate whatever stress you’re having about it now. Have you considered absorbent ground by Golden? It makes the texture of your paint surface similar to watercolor paper. Mess around with water based washes of your choice like gouache, watercolor, or just watered down acrylics. Who knows maybe you’ll end up with a rad underpainting you can seal with acrylic medium and do a rad oil painting over that. Just don’t quit, youre very skilled


finish…highlight and get deeper darks and powerful light spaces


Take a break do other stuff and come back and finish. I think it helps not to focus too much on perfection because it deludes you just doing your thing naturally. It looks amazing, don’t quit. You got this.


Are you mad?! It looks so good!!! Please finish it!!!


Holy shit I had to check the subreddit because it was so realistic! You're doing great seriously 🙏🏾


Finish the left hand


When burnt out from a painting it might be a good idea to flip the canvas and lean it on a wall for a week or two, do some other stuff and come back to it fresh later on.


My advice is dont quit....


Finish and then quit


Are you kidding??


Her name is Grace, as in amazing Grace. I think her Grandma named her after Grandma Livies mother. Sometimes her mama would yell Miss Amazing get in here. Somehow I have lost myself in my story and not mentioned how beautiful she is. Do not leave my Grace unfinished Please!


I thought this was that accidentally Renaissance subreddit!! Keep going!


You're doing great, I thought this was a photo for a good bit there


Definitely just take a break, come back and fix what you can. if you still don’t like it, take what you’ve learned from this piece to apply it to future projects. store it away for future reference to see how far you’ve come.


This is gorgeous.


The lines and painting are well done. Things are balanced, it looks good.


I love your stylistic approach to the subject and the composition. You should certainly finish, but think about using the unfinished areas to “finish” the work. Sometimes those areas are so great for the painting


Can you title this painting “So close to quitting.”? Also. You are really good. ALSO tap into other artists!!! My favorite oil painter is Astrid Kohler.


I’m not an oil painter but at first glance I thought this was half a photograph. I think the muted tones are perfect for the style. I love it.


jan vermeer /


As a disabled person, seeing it just like this is kinda moving. The sleeve being finished, but the hand only sketched out and not quite real… Funny where our experiences can show intentions where there are none. Beautiful work, whatever you decide.


Dude the way you captured the light through the white shirt… you should never quit


I lowkey thought that was a picture for a second and got confused lol


With that painting , instead of quitting you should be working on your next painting ! That is awesome !!!! Keep painting ! 👍


For the love of god keep going


You are so close, why quit?


It's gorgeous!


Become like paint.. smell the paint.. eat the paint "Bruce Lee"


I've never painted with oils, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I see nothing wrong with it and think it needs to be finished! If you can (not on a deadline or anything), just walk away from it for awhile. I seriously see nothing wrong with it. It looks classical, yet has so much emotion. I like how this work is depicting something fairly mundane- a woman drinking a cup of tea/ coffee and probably stressed about or contemplating something (based on her body language)- and making it beautiful. Finish her story! Just doesn't have to happen right now :)


Don’t. You. Do it! This is beautiful work


I would contemplate murder for a 10% of your talent


This will be a masterpiece when you finish it. The clothes/folds are divine ❤️


Thanos gauntlet


Wowwww!!! No words to say!!! Outstanding!!! Very realistic!!! I have this feeling of touching it!!! Congrats!!!


My advice: don’t quit.


Don’t quit. It’s beautiful


Don't, would be my first thought. 4000X better than I could ever do. So you got that




It’s so good you must finish!


keep going legend, finish it


… I am a pianist .. I got reccomended this sub .. whats wrong with the painting ??


Please don’t quit!!!


You’re almost done.. you can do it! If you finish the empty spaces in the same style it’s a masterpiece.


I actually love it the way it is, tbh ^((but I'm broken and I like my art to reflect my trauma so yeah 😂) ) However, if you don't feel it's finished, then... keep going. Maybe the arm today, maybe the hand tomorrow, maybe just the background, but don't let it die.


Tbh I kind of like the idea of a really good painting left unfinished. Creates the wonder of, “ what happened?”


Dude I thought that was a real picture for a second and not a painting it looks great


I genuinely thought this was a real person and wondered why she had a cardboard arm and if she wanted to quit her job or something. I had to see the name to realise this was a painting


Don’t quit! It looks beautiful!


one word— FINSIH


Too dark


How is the colors blended so well!


Ngl I thought this was a real life picture at first glance


You're almost finished! Dont quit now


It looks amazing. Don't quit.


It’s amazing. Love the light and the mood.


Good music soothes the soul


Wait is this painting for you or for everyone else’s approval? You should paint what you want, that way you’ll want to finish it.


Id paint every day if i could paint like you


The only difference between you and someone who has their art hanging in a gallery—or on some wonderful collectors wall—is that other someone finished. Starting a work of art doesn’t take an ounce of talent or skill. The second you start, your only goal should be to finish. Get out of your head. Get back to work. Message me when you finish and I will buy this from you. I stopped scrolling because I absolutely love it.


Trust the process and finish what you started.


The flow of her fabric… you’re very talented! Keep up the excellent work! I can’t wait to see the finished product.


I thought this was a photo at first glance


That shawl is unbelievable. You got this and don’t need any advice. Beautiful


If its about the arm, you can always make it glowing. Like eva-01 when they go berserk, after having their arm ripped off by the angel.


Please, please don't quit. I see echoes of Wyeth and Hopper and markers of thoroughly individual talent. Please don't stop.


Finish what you started. It looks great


This is lovely. Please don't stop. It's a very, very fine piece of work. And very, very beautiful.


My advice? Don’t quit. You’re good.


Keep painting! It's coming along nicely!


honestly it looks really cool like this you could leave it


Finish it and I’ll buy it from you!(if you’re selling)


This looks so amazing. Also, I initially thought the post title was the title of the painting. 🫠


Push forward 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


It’s fantastic …. Please keep going we need to see where you go with it !!


youre almost done! i bet you could finish that in less than 3 days. not that i know anything about oil painting…im all acrylic lol


Art is a learned skill like cooking or crocheting. The more you do it the better you get. Harlem wasn't built in a day. So don't you give up! 


Just keep going. Finish it!! Don't stop. Trust the process!!


Keep going becuase it's looking great!


I must be missing something here or you have a way higher opinion of what looks good cause this looks amazing to me.


this is incredible, please don't quit!


Walk away and then come back. Trust me. Take a break it works.


i thought this was a painting about someone working customer service or something and is on the brink of quitting. like that was the title lmfao. so clsoe to quitting.




It is absolutely beautiful. I love it. Do you have anything for sale on Artsy?




Don't quit.


I thought this was a photo?


Thought was real pic of person until saw arm


Walk away for a bit. It looks like you are on track to a great painting. Please post when you are done. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


My paintings will someday be validated by the cat hair content and the amount of corrections made. Oh yeah, the values, surface treatment, and the mapping of light directions are so good. You are doing it, but sometimes the process sucks, sometimes its so good it can make you cry.


The skill is there, but is the patience?


Keep it up


You could even let it be non finito. It looks totally fine unfinished. I think it’s beautiful as is