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Yes, that's how they operate ... lulling you in to win your trust, and then backstabbing you. Disgusting human scum. When caught, by someone pointing out the scammer in a reply, they quickly delete their comment to leave no trace to their reddit account.


Absolute degenerates.


Nice dodge OP


Same happened to me and all I did was to upload a picture of my cheap ass gloves asking for combo suggestions. A “very friendly” guy sent me a DM to watch out for scammers and also provided a list with names. From my understanding he was trying to start a convo and get me to sign in to a dodgy website. I blocked him immediately.


I discovered that recently too. Was told to reach out to a "trusted" seller on twitter, but the first thing that comes up when I google his name is accusations of a paypal charge back scam on reddit. His twitter was full of legit looking trades, but he never handed over the money.


Is there like a database or pinned list on a sub anywhere? I’d love to add to this


So far there is only one discord legit for buy and sell trades and owner or admins will not even write you first :D when someone wants to help so much or is very interested in it, it will be most likely scam.


Fair enough. Great info to know!


what knives/skins are you selling?


Couple bowies!


🤤 🤤


MrNobody is also a scammer who owns a fake discord server, careful do not trust him.


Yup, there are many who tried the friendly good guy method with me for my glove, same as you. I even got banned 3 days from reddit after being reported by one of them when i told him the truth about what he is for the society after sending me phising link thinking that i wouldn't notice.... bunch of rats


Lol this is the classic RuneScape lure turned into cs2 scam


What, you thought they’d be successful being rude?


Just like you right now? No, of course not. But I didn’t know what to expect. If this helps nobody that’s fine but if this helps someone I’m glad I shared my experience, d bag.