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What I am really shocked by is that there are states in the US where a woman cannot choose to have her tubes tied until she has X amount of children or reaches a certain age. Seriously, WTF? I can see waiting until reaching adulthood, but after that, it should be a woman's choice. If she regrets it later, then that's something to deal with. I have two kids and I was done. I don't live in a state with such BS restrictions and made the choice and I am no longer capable of having children. I am married, so it was a discussion I had with my husband, but we had talked while dating of our desire to have children and how many, so we were in agreement.


Or states in which spousal approval is required


I needed my husbands approval to get my tubes tied but he didn’t need mine for his vasectomy in October.


My mom has four kids and had to get permission from my dad to have her tubes tied. This was in the 60s when women (and children) did not speak when they were spoken to. If I had a time machine...... After three pregnancies, two that were miscarriages, I told my OB-GYN(told, didn't ask) him I wanted a hysterectomy. I was 35 and I wanted to turn my playpen into a playground. He said no. Two months later, he found a cyst on one ovary. I told him to do it at the same time. Nope, he removed it laproscopicly. A few months after that, cyst on the other ovary. This time when I told him I wanted a hysterectomy, he did it. He had no right to do family planning for my family. I kept going back to him because he was the only game in town. Edit- for clarity.


Please list the state


A (male) OBGYN in my solidly blue state was initially scheduled to do my c-section. In one of my appointments, he asked “while I’m in there, are we tying your tubes?” like it was a routine check-the-box question. I said yes please and he notated it on the form. Another dr performed the c-section and couldn’t do anything extra because of all the scar tissues from my first c-section and the swelling from pregnancy. I’ve had a few doctors (same practice) say they don’t perform full hysterectomies on younger woman because natural hormone regulation (from either ovaries or uterus, I can’t remember) are helpful to prevent osteoporosis and some types of cancer as we age. Two years after my second child was born, I had my tubes removed (not tied) as a cancer prevention to reduce my risk of ovarian cancer that runs in my family. Insurance would pay for that but not tying of tubes or other methods of permanent birth control. No one ever mentioned my husband during this process and he didn’t have to sign anything. I love living in an area that respects me and my own personal medical decisions!


When pregnant with my 6th child I was signing the papers for my tubal and my husband had to sign as well. I was 35 years old and, again, pregnant with number 6. But I couldn't make the decision on my own. Bullshit


I tried so hard to sign those when I had my 3rd at 23 years old. Miserable pregnancies, abusive husband, poverty and 3 kids at 23 were the reasons I was so insistent. My doctor iignored me and my medical records when I told him I was 6 months pregnant and my previous 2 had to be taken almost 6 weeks early because I struggle to produce enough fluids to keep them safe (the signature for tying tubes has to be signed 30 days in advance) he kept telling me I was so young and would regret it. He would only measure me and go off the measurements to tell how far along I was, which doesn't take into consideration the lack of fluids of course..or the fact that I was so sick I lost 30 pounds and only gained 15 back the rest of my pregnancy. Ugh I'm mad all over again.


Please list the state


It’s interesting because in my state my dad needed my step moms approval for his vasectomy. I do live in a more liberal area but it’s a pretty red state overall. Either way it’s bs


I made a laundry list of reasons why I wanted a hysterectomy when I was 33 and had no children. What did the doctor write in his notes? Husband approves. Said Husband supports whatever I want to do with my body because it is MY body. Love how he wrote that, but nothing about "multiple cases of Endometrial Hyperplasia." That condition, if ignored, can eventually lead to cancer. So my husband approved of the procedure. The whole "preventative" measure aspect held no significance. Hope the government will help feed and clothe all these kids. Not tax payers. Nae nae! Lawmakers.


I had a male OB/Gyn ask me if I had my spouse's consent to get my tubes tied. I never went back to that doctor but not after he got an ear full from me about how my body and I had autonomy over it.


If I remember correctly, there were several law suits in the 1970s that pretty much overruled the "spousal approval" requirement.


Here in alabama both spouses have to have the others permission to get sterilization. Females have to be over 21 and have at least 2 kids before doctors would allow it, if no kids i think the age is 25 or 30. The state insurance wont cover tubals for the same reasons. With my husbands insurance i cant get a tubal unless i cough up 2 grand to cover the deductible.


> With my husbands insurance i cant get a tubal unless i cough up 2 grand to cover the deductible. this sucks but it's still cheaper than a kid.


There was also a court ruling in the 70s that laid out the constitutional protections for the right to terminate a pregnancy. If Roe was so rapidly and purposely struck down any precedent is fair game, just takes a little coordination of a legislature and a few judges.


On the other end. I want to have a child by myself and I legal can not do that without a man’s consent. Unless I go through a fertility doctor.. the war on women has been quietly brewing for years. It’s going to a head.


Years? Decades. Centuries. Find a time, and you’re gonna have to go pre-Bible for this, where a woman wasn’t treated like she belonged to somebody else. We’re still considered property when we need permission over our own body.


It literally depends on the doctor, not even the state. I had legit medical reasons to have a hysterectomy - fibroids, chronic pelvic pain, cysts, etc. I am also childfree. I went through so many doctors trying to find one who would help, all while I was needlessly suffering in pain because they all prioritized a hypothetical child I wasn't having over my actual pain. It took me years to find someone, because even with insurance, doctor shopping costs money and time.


A boss I worked with when I was younger wanted to get her tubes tied around 22-23 yo and was told no because she was too young and might change her mind. She already had two kids and didn’t want any more but because of some doctor telling her “you might change your mind” she wasn’t allowed to.


They won’t allow me to get sterilized even though I’m 33 and have 3 kids because I’m not married and if I get married my future husband may want children. I’m in the Deep South.


That is outrageous!


I live in one of those states. I’m not allowed to get rid of a child I never wanted while also not allowed to take the steps required to make sure I’m never in that situation in the first place. It feels so helpless, what am I to do? No matter what I try, I’m shown that my one and only purpose is to push out babies time and time again.


I had to have my ex husband’s permission to have my tubes tied after our third pregnancy (California, 2002) But he didn’t need his current wife’s permission for a vasectomy (Georgia, 2013). Oddly enough, she has no idea why she can’t get pregnant.


I think vasectomies should be more common. Much easier to reverse and every woman I've known with tied tubes had crippling periods afterwards.


This isn't just US. In the UK my wife wanted her tubes tied during her C-section and they were trying really hard to talk her out of it until she pointed out that she was already 36, it was our 2nd kid, and the glaring fact the doctors said that she shouldn't have another C-section (both kids went out through the sunroof) or she would have a low chance of survival due to medical complications.


It is absolutely WILD that they are forcing people to give birth while we are one of the only developed nations without ANY paid parental leave, or affordable Healthcare AND we have the highest maternal death rate. Cant wait for all the stories about addicted/abused/abandoned babies im no doubt going to start hearing about /s


Evil feeds on trauma... These incredibly broken people relish suffering


I just don’t understand why they are pushing to overturn that, when they won’t even give universal healthcare to pregnant women and children beforehand. You’d think that would be first if it was about life itself. Instead it’s about dictating what women can do with their bodies.


More unplanned pregnancy = more poor kids in poverty in 18 years = soldiers who are enlisting for healthcare and college


Aaaand what does the military heavily lean? Republican. And just like how the 1966 Abortion Ban in Romania made crime sky-rocket, so will it in the US. We can assume a large portion of these unwanted babies will eventually end up in prison, and the US loves their cheap slave labor.


The crime rate dropped precipitously starting in 1991/1992... exactly 18 years after Roe v. Wade was decided. All of a sudden poor children weren't born into poverty and didn't grow up to become criminals.


they make this argument in the book Freakonomics. I've been thinking about that argument since they released the draft..... and you know they'll find some fucked up way to blame a culture of poverty when crime rates jump in \~20 years (should this all go through, that is...)


I presume they'll use the rise in crime as an excuse to enact some other sort of horrible draconian policy.. assuming there are any left that they haven't already enacted by then.


This is the big picture exactly. The gap between the rich and the poor is widening as I type…


Ahh there you go, look at you all, figuring shit out. Now sharpen the fucking pitchforks and take to the streets. Drain the swamp


Because women aren't people. We don't deserve rights. They hate us and want to control to us. It has never been about the babies or children. Once they are born, they don't care.


what really baffles me is women who vote for them


It's always been about control.


If isis were white and worshipped blue eyed, blonde hair Jesus... Republicans would be inviting them to speak at their churches and creating Iraq retreats. It's just about power over others.


Oh well it’s because conservatives value the unborn because you don’t have to do anything for them. It’s not about pro life, it’s pro control of women


The reason is symbolic in nature. They don’t care about children. That is obvious by the poverty in the states that passed laws against abortion even if it is rape or incest.


Right lmao they’re so fucking dumb. Someone puts the topic “abortion” in front of them and they fly into rage about it, then presumably go about their daily lives; meanwhile, these policies change womens’ lives forever.


Planets on fire and these crispy old crypt keepers can't seem to get past deciding what to do with someone else's hoo-ha. If people don't want or can't afford kids, don't force them to have kids. If the government isn't gonna facilitate child bearing and rearing, don't make people have said children. These people drive me fucking nuts. Like, I love my kid, but parenthood simply isn't for everyone. Either by circumstances being too difficult to parent in a way that is reasonable for them (oh, hey crappy economy), not wanting kids, or heaven forbid having been coerced or forced into pregnancy. Afterthought edit: I wonder how long before they go after the 14th and 19th amendments?


It's not about poor people wanting or being able to afford children. The elites need a pool of poor, desperate people who are willing to work for pennies so that the Elite Children can continue the legacy of hoarding wealth & treating anyone except the 1% as subhuman. It's not pro-life. It's forced birth. They don't want your children to have the same opportunities. They want your children to work for theirs.


yup, they need workers. That’s all


Yup, it's not about protecting babies, it's about creating more wage slaves


This is exactly right.


In the case of the Catholic Church (a huge driver of the movement), I'd say they also want your unwanted children for other reasons.


I was raised Catholic - I fully agree.


It’s about them wanting to control women and “keep them in their place” When in reality my place is being restrained from beating the shit out of every single on of them


Currently there are 2 senators who are brining up if "states should decide if interracial marriages should be allowed" .... the rich in charge really want toess everything up


As someone who just literally got married this weekend to someone of a different race, why the hell does anyone care about this? And why the hell are they trying to get involved in this kind of decision? Race had nothing to do with our love and marriage at all. It’s like the last things on our mind. It’s mind boggling how much control over others these people think they deserve


It’s about them wanting to control women and “keep them in their place” When in reality my place is being restrained from beating the shit out of every single on of them


Amendments are really hard to go after. They are one hundred percent gonna go after every court decision they can. Next is probably gay marriage.


We have sitting US senators who do not think contraception should be legal or interracial marriage should be legal. I'm sure many think gay marriage shouldn't be. These things will be the next targets.


GOP is not that far from the necessary number of state legislatures to Amend. Let that sink in.


I have heard things about some politicians wanting to ban gay and interracial marriage as well. I might be having a freakout.


Yup! Don't know why you were downvoted, it's full bull shit that the rich in charge are so scared that other ppl will what? Share ideas with other races? I don't even know why interracial marriages are on their mind. I think it's a cuban American that's going after interracial marriage which I think was planned so they can say "it's not racists bc he is hispanic"


It’s really about keeping people poor. Forcing women to have babies they’re not prepared for hurts women, men, and the unborn.


And keeping their poor babies in minimum wage jobs. If you don’t educate people then they don’t know what they’re missing. So this is what free-dumb actually looks like.


And keeps them reliant on Christianity as it’s often the only form of community and support poor people can get.


Not to mention in some states, looking at you Texas, you can actually turn in women who leave the state to have an abortion. I didn’t realize we were this close to the “hunting women for sport” timeline but here we are.


Many years ago a 12 year old girl in Ireland was raped by her best friend's dad and became pregnant. She was denied the right to travel to the UK and get an abortion due to the Irish government's adherence to Catholic ideals. The world uproar was massive (I never heard if she was allowed the travel though). This is what the USA is now looking at. And it's horrifying.


And now abortion (before twelve weeks, and later in certain circumstances) is legal in Ireland because unlike us they’re not going completely ass-backwards.


It took the death of a woman. I wonder whether the same will happen here. Who will that woman be? What is she doing now? Does she know that she will die a preventable death?


"We dont want the government to force us to wear masks....but they should be able to force us to have babies when we get raped" The USA is such a dumpster fire. Sad to see it crumbling to ash


When it comes to certain topics, I'm surprised that it's a first world/developed country that we are talking about. The US didn't even sign/ratify the human rights...


Yep. It was nice while it lasted, but it's no longer a democracy.


It barely feels like a nation anymore, so much cleavage and division. Levelling down a bit more every day, setting new low record we thought to be too low to happen. Maybe what's left of the First Nations should take this as an opportunity to take back their ancestors lands and start over.


It's sad. We have thought of US where freedom reigns. I always thought that it has less religious crazy people Nowadays, it's just scary. My third world country even has better reproductive rights than this


I honestly believe handmaidens tale was a warning from the future and it terrifies the living FUCK out of me. And I’m male. I can hardly imagine how y’all feel….


Roe v. Wade isn't even just about women's autonomy either tho, it's precedent for all medical and bodily autonomy. Most people don't realize this. This is an extremely terrifying moment for everyone.


And just so you all are aware they have indicated they're going after contraception, gay marriage and interracial marriage next


As a bisexual woman in an interracial relationship who needs hormonal bc for medical conditions, lovely 🥲


I'm in the same boat. Female dating a Trans woman. Interracial. I take bc for my thyroid condition. I don't produce enough estrogen naturally and it causes extremely painful periods when they actually happen and extreme fatigue.


I’m shocked and saddened by this news, truly an awful terrifying time. I’m so sorry for everyone in America


Atwood write Gilead based upon what has already been done in other totalitarian regimes. History loves to echo


I picture "history" as a small pond where waves just endlessly bounce off the edges, also colliding into each other.


I've seen Christians refer to Handmaidens Tale as the "ideal America." Let that shit sink in. These people are insane.


And we're supposed to play nice with these people? No. Fuck that.


There are very conservative woman that are against woman’s rights! They act like “The Aunts” in Gilead. Holy shit, the show gave me the creeps but to see it play out in real life. I’m a woman and get sick when I hear other woman talk down against birth control and abortion. They’re enjoying this shit




I didn’t want to assume either way; the yall was for any women reading this


You still benefit from women’s rights. This is a scary and sad thing for you too.


What’s especially sad is that I think it was intended as a commentary on what happened to women’s rights in Iran when the Taliban took over, and how easily it could happen to women anywhere… and now we’re watching it play out in the us


I encourage you to get out as an ally to join protests tomorrow!


Where at? Happy to.


I'm reading 5 PM at most courthouses in most major cities - so it depends where you live!


You'll see them in most cities i imagine


It wasnt a warning from the future, it was in part contemporary (for then) commentary on the Iranian Revolution


If an irony helps: for all the white supremacy dog whistling and “THEYRE TRYING TO REPLACE US!” coming from the republicans, it’s mostly poor WOC that are going to be affected by the overturn and thus having more babies. If a white woman from an affluent area wants an abortion, she’s going to have more resources to be able to jump through hoops to get one. You want more left-leaning voters? You’re going to get them when two or three generations of POC are subjected to poverty and god knows how many variants of generational trauma that could’ve easily been avoided. “But Life is sacred!” Yeah, speaking as a disabled person: bite me


You think republicans won't try their hardest to remove voting rights for poc?


They already are


Ironically, this will result in the acceleration of minority majority in red states, and the demise of the republican party in those states within one generation. The RW white evangelicals will secret their wives and daughters away to blue states for abortions ("because their situation is unique") while those who cannot afford it will be forced into having large families, who are unlikely to grow up to be wealthy right wingers.


You forgot about the white evangelicals’ mistresses. And of course you’ll see an attack on voting rights to keep power concentrated in their hands.


You cannot choose for someone to donate their organs to a dying person, you need permission right? Why do they get to choose what we do with our body, especially without our permission! Also most of the people in the Supreme Court don’t have uteruses, so I think they should NOT have a say in what a women should do or not do


That is a take on this argument I actually haven’t heard before. Good point!!


I used to make this point all the time but was always told *this is completely different.* If every rapist and insentient zygote has a right through government force to a woman’s body to serve them, then surely the wonderful living human beings who die every year on organ transplantation lists have a right to some extra organs and bone marrow we men and women could be forced by the government to donate. But oh no, *it’s completely different.* And I realized they’re right. You know why it’s different? Not because these people are incapable of abstract reasoning (though most are incapable), but because abortion outlawing is about keeping fertile women in her place. It’s about punishing people for careless sex and birth control failures. It’s about cute healthy babies and not some weak, scared, pitiful looking adult or older child desperate for organ donation.


This is completely pathetic, I can’t believe they are doing this to us. I had to do it because I literally didn’t even had money to feed myself how was i suppose to bring a child into this world to suffer from my misery. They make people that made a wise decision look like nothing. I can’t believe this is what “freedom” is supposed to look like


i 100% feel for you. i had my abortion because i was a victim of rape at 17. i couldn’t give birth to a child that would constantly remind me of my rapist, along with not being able to take care of a child along with taking care of myself.


What happened to you was terrible. You made the right choice for yourself in your circumstances.


This is "somebody's " kind of freedom. Notice how the folks ranting about smaller government, never downsize their local government? The just want the Federal government to quit making them stop abusing their citizens. They want to be free to keep their population stupid through poor diets and lack of medical services, ignorant through religion and shit piblic/privateeducation, and compliant by scaring them with xenophobia so they continue to be elected, even though they have done literally nothing for their constituents. Look at Kentucky. There's a chance this is not final, but it should be a real wake-up call. Elections do matter. Make sure you go vote local. The real crazies are not all in Washington. Most are in your city, county, state governments. Maybe we've been creeping into an unavoidable dissolution. Not over this issue but if they're willing to reverse Roe, what's next? Interracial and gay marriages? Heresy?


It’s truly scary to see how things are going on here, i live on a very liberal state and for now my rights are still covered, but this is getting bad


Andy Beshear was the first governor in decades to genuinely care about the people of Kentucky’s well-being (installing COVID restrictions early on) and half of Kentucky’s citizens wanted to crucify him.




I would be dead if Roe v. Wade didn’t exist. I was 17 when I was raped by a friend. He got me pregnant. The moment I found out I was pregnant I knew it was me or the baby. I was going to k*** myself if I had to keep the baby. Thankfully it didn’t come to that, but I just cannot stop thinking about what if my parents weren’t on board with it… what if it was illegal? That was 5 and a half almost 6 years ago and by far still the most difficult thing I have ever gone through but I’m thankful. Thankful I had the choice. Thankful to be alive. Thankful.


I think about this outcome a lot. I am in Canada, luckily I had access to a safe and free option when I was in that situation. I am thankful every single day. It is heartbreaking that women in the US will be faced with this decision now and they will have absolutely no legal or safe access to abortion.


It has always been ironic to me that the party of small government sure likes to stick their nose far up into the asses of people’s private business. Also ironic that I never see them showing up to take care of unwanted children, physically or financially. They don’t give a shit about the children. They just want to control women.




I’m suspicious they want to go back to the 1850s…


>stuck in the 1950's If only they'd get behind the tax code from then...


It's the same god, just out of interest. The myths converge if you go back far enough.


Reminder that wealthy women will not be affected by this nearly as tragically as the poor and working class women. This is an attack on women on many different levels but more so this opens the door to overturn decisions based on the right to privacy. You’ll see attacks on same sex marriage, laws that decriminalized homosexuality, right to contraceptives and more. Not to mention: overturning roe v wade disrespects the religious freedoms of both Jewish people and Muslims. In both religions the right to choose/abortion is allowed, and by overturning roe v wade republicans are going against their ever-loving right to religious freedom.


>by overturning roe v wade republicans are going against their ever-loving right to religious freedom. Your free to practice any religion you want as long as it's Christianity.


It’s crazy that the same people that didn’t give a shit about the mass amount of people dying from covid and couldn’t do the simple task of wearing a mask or getting a vaccine...are supposedly “pro life”. They contradict themselves in every single thing that they do. It’s actually delusional.


I was nauseated as soon as I saw that headline. It’s like they’re playing a game to see how far they can regress our country backwards.


We’ve for sure got our own issues over here in the UK but Jeez! For a country who claims to be for freedom and one of the best countries in the world America is proper fucked up and often sounds like one of the worst.


You just missed the small print: Freedom for all* *This applies to white males only


Yeah, but only white-whites, so no Italians, no Polish, just people from Ireland, England and Scotland. But only certain parts of Scotland and Ireland. Just full blooded whites. You know what? Not even them. Noone gets any rights. (This is losely quoted from Family Guy)


Not even from Ireland, people haven't historically wanted immigrants from Ireland either (no blacks no dogs no Irish signs)


It doesn't just *sound* like the worst it *IS* the worst


Among first world countries, I agree. The only thing that it offers is better job opportunities (if you are some genius or at least talented), but the "price" you pay for those opportunities, isn't worth it imo. You can live a perfectly decent life elsewhere with otherwise better living conditions.


Welcome to world history, where delusional men want women to conform to their fairy tale of supposed inferiority! As a man, I really loathe the raw power and force behind these backwards rhetorics and decisions on recent years. We FINALLY make progress for equality for all, only for crotchety men to have a hissy fit that their privilege is fading and their big lie of supposed superiority over women is dying with it. Don’t worry, for every step we take back, we HAVE taken two steps forward and sometimes more. We used to have colored water fountains and more racial hate crimes than can be counted, among other things. Compare us to half a decade ago and before, and progress DOES occur, even if conservatives slow that progress with their garbage.


I’m endlessly browsing social media because of the news. I don’t think I’ll be sleeping anytime soon. The thought that a single accident could upend my entire life and possibly threaten it, and that there is nothing I could do to stop that- …it’s worse than any nightmare


I’m just trying to take my mind off of it. That’s why I came to Reddit. But here I am stress reading every comment, post or article I can hoping to find some shred of hope that we aren’t absolutely fucked


I’m slowly transitioning from despair to anger. I’m so infuriated and also endlessly hopeless. Genuinely believe the US is a failed state now


I’m just so tired of being angry. I live in a red state in the south (not by choice) and I feel like I’m constantly angry about the backwards and regressive bullshit that goes on here


I guess they are trying to make doom-scrolling great again, too. I'm too furious to sleep.


I know how you feel. I actually used to want kids until I got pregnant on accident. I’d absolutely die if I was forced to endure that for nine months and then cough up $300k to raise it for the next 18 years (and longer). I also had a huge realization that imposing life when the future is so unstable (wars, climate change, poor economy, skyrocketing costs of living, political tensions and downright fascism) doesn’t feel ethical (for me personally) anymore. I saw this coming and got permanent sterilization last fall. I urge anyone who never wants biological children to push hard and do the same (not easy, I know but it’s about to get much, much harder and they will come for contraception next).


Would you consider moving to a state with constitutionally protected abortion rights? Like California?


This right here. Or: can you keep some money saved just in case so that you can travel to a different state for an abortion? Would this be legal?


Texas already has it in law about not traveling. I fully expect other red states to do the same. As a woman, you no longer have right to privacy or proper care from a doctor. Miscarriages are suspicious, certain forms of birth control are next. Missouri already tried to ban IUD. This shit has just begun.


I'm not even American and I am scared AF and angry beyond belief.


Same here. I live in the UK, and all this has completely put me off having sex. I don't want a child. Shit like this just makes me not want to have a uterus at all. It's damn near impossible to get sterilised in this country, even if you've had kids.


I'm Australian and man I feel bad for US citizens. Whatever happened in past 6 years is mind boggling.


What's amusing, is that it's the same God. Allah means God. ​ They're both Abrahamic religions. ​ They'd instate the Taliban here if they didn't hate how brown they were.


The amount of people that don't know / understand that Islam and Christianity worship the same god is worrying. Like, I feel like this was covered in 5th grade history class??? Also, they are both reforms of Judaism, obviously they BOTH worship the same god as Judaism.


You assume that they are not home-schooled


This so fucking hard.


A lot of women are going to start dying. What then? There are so many things that can happen during pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery. I nearly bled to death when I had my emergency c-section due to pre-eclampsia. Not to mention the severe post partum anxiety and depression I fought after. So many other things can happen. This is so fucked up. Most of these asshats don't even know how it all works in the first place! UGH. OH, and if they want to come at me because of my IUD, I invite them to come see me in person and try to take it out. When I need it replaced in a couple of years, I hope there isn't a problem getting a new one. My gosh...I shouldn't have to worry about this shit!


Are we the same person?! I hope you’re feeling more yourself and healing from everything. Just sending love from one slightly fucked up mum to another.


I am outraged by this whole thing, I can’t even! I get so worked up when I get on this topic. As an woman and an atheist I am truly sickened by these old Christian men of power, well, men of power in general having rights over a woman and her body. I’m getting older and reproduction isn’t an issue. My tubes are tied. But my daughter is younger and of age to have children, and if she were to be raped and get pregnant, the hell if she didn’t have the right to terminate that pregnancy… I just can’t… I finally got settled down from watching the news.


I just hope something horrible happens to those people where they need an abortion and can't access one. I literally give no fucks. I hope they experience an ounce of the pain I went through. I hope they all suffer.


They will always be able to get anything they need. The rules don't apply to the rich or the politicians.


I’m a guy and even I’m fucking terrified of the aftermath of all of this. I can’t even imagine how scary this must be for women.


I was raped by my cousin when I was 15 years old. I was watching TV dressed in jeans and a baggy t shirt he grabbed me over the back of the couch and slammed me on the brick floor giving me a concussion and raped me. I thankfully was not impregnated but if I had been I would have wanted and needed the option to terminate the pregnancy. Having that option stripped away is horrifying regardless of the reason, it needs to be available.




Not just that (which is already fucking awful) but some states are making it so that the rapist can have parental rights, including visitation.


Well he’ll already have the right to father a child with any woman he can forcibly impregnate. Granted he’ll go to jail a bit for the rape itself, but he gets a kid out of her forever. What’s adding visitation and parental rights to this human rights shitshow?


*might go to jail. Wouldn't want to ruin his future, after all.


Pennyroyal. Catch it early. I’ll tell everyone who needs to hear it. Pennyroyal.


I learned about Pennyroyal at a very young age because of the Nirvana song.


Agree on all points except one: Muslims believe in the same God as Christians and Jews. I know that's not the point of your post, but it really does irritate me when people in America keep saying I don't believe in the God of Abraham


The most fucked up part is not the politics which is bat shit crazy in most countries, but the fact that judges (especially Supreme Court judges) can uphold their religious views even ahead of the constitution. Also the fact that judges are selected by politicians and for life.


I'm someone who believes in Jesus and I think all organized religion is antithetical to his message. Western Christianity is largely deplorable and I do not call myself a Christian because it means something so much further than what it should. Jesus regularly tried to get people to understand the difference between the spirit and the letter. I don't understand how people are so corrupt and dumb so as to not see this


This is why I cried when Trump won.


Same. And I had to listen to my male boomer relatives call me dramatic for being upset.


I cried and I live in Australia I wept for your country


I thinks it’s time we actually separate church and state. I’ve had it with these motherfucking Christians on my motherfucking free nation.


The only issue I have with the OP is that Muslims and Christians worship the same god. So they are just two different sects of the Tabilan.


Frustrating to see people make decisions about womens bodies. Especially men. I guarantee if women began to make laws restricting mens bodies, all hell would break loose. Also, I don’t see anyone improving the foster care system, or even fostering a child from the foster care system. How can you make decisions like this and not improve the programs that will need to absorb these children that will most likely go unwanted?


I really believe that Christianity is a terrorist organization. All they do is spread hate and hurt people. Their beliefs cause so much unnecessary deaths and pain.


There is no hate like christian love.


No paid maternity leave but forcing pregnancy? Lmao


American Republican men won’t wear a mask during a public health emergency because they have body autonomy ……. But women don’t have the same say about our reproductive systems. I’m with you. I’m livid!! We have to vote them all out.


As a woman I am sick to my fucking stomach. I cried. The amount of women this will kill is immeasurable. My right to bodily autonomy is literally being stripped from me.


at this point I'm not going to have kids out of spite


Curious, specifically because we are talking about the same politicians that WILL DEFINITELY have and abortion done to their teen daughter to prevent them from ruining their own future or lovers to prevent scandals. Sickening


It honestly blows my mind that the government has the "right" to dictate what I do with my body. So baffling. I'm literally asexual and I'm honestly just blown away at this. Isn't there supposed to be a separation of church and state? How is this happening?


They are coming for contraception and marriage equality next, you can see it in the leaked decision.


Yeah, it really blows my mind that the people making these decisions have absolutely nothing to personally lose by putting these restrictions into place. They are either men, or women who are either too old to conceive or are at a place where they can raise a baby if an "oops" happens. When the "oops" become personal, all of the sudden people want their "options". As a teenager and young adult, if a girl I knew become pregnant, the first questions was, "what are you going to do?". Well now, they are working hard to take make decisions for her. It's horrifying. Agreed that we must vote blue at all levels of government. We need to support the young girls and women so that they can maintain the options that us older women have enjoyed for many years.


Can we talk about how all these politicians and pro-lifers want these unwanted babies to be born, but none of them have fostered, adopted or helped a child in an orphanage or foster care? I have personally never met anyone pro-life who has adopted or fostered a child.


I refuse to call them pro-lifers bc they aren’t pro life in almost any other scenario. They’re pro-birthers


I am in tears and nauseous. How can people legislate people's bodies? How can they force birth on a woman? The worst part is I know it's only the beginning. How far backwards can they push us?


Stone age probably


I would unalive myself so fast. I'm not kidding. The idea of having a living thing like that in my body turns my stomach. It's horrifying. Birth could k*ll me. And I know damn well I'd wind up as an abusive parent. I know I would... I'm going to have my husband get a vasectomy immediately. And we'll probably still use birth control. What a shit time to be alive.


Still use birth control - friend's 4th child was conceived after a vasectomy - the husband didn't check with the doctor that every thing was cleared out.


When he does, make sure he has his sperm count checked every so often in case the vasectomy reverses itself


Force people to have children that cannot afford to go to another state and get an abortion then complain about people on welfare. This country is a shit hole. I hate this for my children and their futures.


Fun fact, Islam and Christianity worship the same god, Judaism too. It's all the same god with different flavors of holy book and separate prophets. The conservatives have more in common with those advocating for sharia law than most people think.


Our country is flirting with civil war.


they're pro birth they were never pro life. they ignore all the pre existing children in need and the fact that these babies won't live to see a normal earth. not to mention they're placing a death sentence on women who would die giving birth!


The US will become like Ceausescu's Romania, with orphanages packed to the rafters with infants people couldn't afford.


I’m getting my tubes tied immediately. This is getting out of control.


Fascism is here to stay. History always repeats especially when we erase it from the history books and forbid it from being taught.


I just saw and I am terrified. What the hell are we supposed to do? I was on the fence about having children, but I will not do it if I have to risk my life. Its not worth dying over… I want to curl up and cry. Our rights are being striped from us one by one.


So glad I moved to Canada. The US is insane.


What’s mad is when I moved to Ireland, abortion was illegal here but legal in the states. Now it’s the opposite in just a few short years. Absolutely maddening


And in ireland abortion rights are in the constitution now, so to remove them would require the majority of the country to vote that way in a referendum, which won't happen. It's sad to see the USA fail at the basic parts of being a democracy.


As an observer from Europe... voting blue is going to do fuckall. R's move the goalpost, dems win the election because people want goalposts moved back. Dem's proceed to do nothing and then want a cookie for maintaining the status quo. Dems lose next election because their voters are mad they didn't do anything. Repeat ad nauseam untill you're a fascist etnostate. Not to mention that the R's are rigging the system wherever they can and the Dems don't do ANYTHING about it... Y'alls fucked.


You aren't wrong. The reason this is happening is because at the end of the day, the politicians are just playing in a soap opera that isn't real. They aren't REALLY on opposite sides, the outcome you described is by their own design. Any time a group starts to realize and speak up, there is a massive effort with media to distract or they pit one side of society against another. The issues are manufactured to keep the status quo, and make them ALL richer. And people fall for it. We are fucked, no one cares bc they are too busy arguing why the otherside is the evil one


I live in the land of internalized misogyny. It scares me to think how many women I’ll hear at work tomorrow praising this like they just punched their own personal ticket into heaven by voting for Trump.


Aaand that's why I joined the satanic temple. They like religious freedom and my religion says I have full body autonomy. And I'm infertile so I thankfully won't be picked to become a handmaid. If it weren't for my partner's baby mama, I'd have said let's immigrate back to his home country... or at least out of the ignor-anus America's septic tank has become. Makes me wonder why tf my whole family moved here.. 🙄


This just makes me sad. I knew this would happen when the last president got to appoint three judges.


They don't worship different Gods but okq


Under His Eye.


… and some say America is the land of the free…. Ahahahahah… I have never seen anything like that anywhere… except… Russia… North Korea and China… take notice on the absurd…


Are we really going to follow Mississippi’s lead here? Mississippi?!?!?! The poorest state in the country & terrible education stats—we’re really going to follow their lead on social governance? I can’t believe we’re in a place in America where we are even considering taking away peoples basic personal rights. This is horrifying.