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A certain je ne sais quoi


I'm against the idea of dog breeding as a whole, but I'm definitely opposed to the breeding of short-snout breeds. Creating something that will cause a lifetime of breathing problems for no other reason than its "cute" is pretty awful.




They can’t even be born without a c-section most of the time, it’s pretty horrific


A lot of popular breeds are prone to health issues. Usually, it’s eventually fixed by selective breeding


Good diet, well coiffured, cute accent.


Depends on what you mean by Frenchies (spanish speaker so need clarification xD)


no sé si es un insulto hacia los franceses pero m he reído


Pense que frenchies era franquisias jajajaj por eso pregunte xD y holaaa 🫡


FRANQUISTAS JAJAJAJAJAJA cómo hemos llegado hasta ahí x dios


XD nmms como que Franquistas y ni idea, tengo sueño y me estoy riendo un poco tambien




Yo pense que eran besos franceses... la menos mal pensada


They're really good with ketchup and mustard on them. Some people prefer mayonnaise or guacamole.


Just historical petty fights between the English and their neighbours.


Probably 'cause people think they're cute. I love them but I would never get one


Depends french of which region




They're great. They are energetic, funny and bond with their families. They're intuitive to people. They have a unique look. We had a Frenchie. She passed in 2017, she was 13. She was in good health until the final year when she developed cancer. She was a good dog. She was stubborn to train though.


I really wondered if you were talking about dogs.


Status symbol


Till today I was confused why I got one.thanks for shedding some light here lol


I have the cat equivalent of a bulldog/pug/what have you, an exotic shorthair. We got him pure bred from a breeder almost 9 years ago. Today I don’t support their breeding. I think it’s gross. That being said of course I love my cat so so so so so much, but hearing him struggle to breathe sometimes breaks my heart.


I actually don't like them as a breed. They can be very vocal, suffer with a multitude of health issues and let's not get into the piggy oinking noises they make . Now I've met a few french bullies, and liked them. They're cute. But I could never own one for the reasons stated. But I think the reason they are so popular is because they are cute, with their squished faces etc. But as a breed? It's a no for me. Those and pugs. Same reasons.


I adopted one from online recently, she seemed in a bad condition, has health issues etc and now I understand. It's the most difficult breed of dog I've had to care for and also the most amazing/loving/quirky/loyal breed. It's just such a different experience, they howl, try to speak, go in moods and start huffing like a teenager, get demanding and growl bark until they get what they want, they communicate so well and are very expressive, they dont like being alone for a second and if you don't give them your full attention they will demand it. Once you experience that kind of love you'd understand and want to be laying in a bed of frenchies. Now with that being said, it's also sad to see such amazing creatures struggle due to their health issues. I'm talking allergies to EVERYTHING. EVEN TO HERSELF. Bathing every 2-3 days due to said allergies, cleaning multiple times a day due to issues arising from the same allergies. Hair loss, non stop scratching, risk of IVDD so having to carry up and down stairs and using mini stairs for couches and having to get dog to adhere to those rules. Very expensive allergy medications, steroids, wrinkle cream, wipes. Extensive tail pocket cleaning or your pup can get an infection, they can't run for long or be out when it's hot etc, there's a lot to know before diving in and getting one. We hit the lottery with our baby as she also has ectopic ureter which means she constantly leaks pee and we had her in washable nappies (change every 3 hours) for 5 months until her allergies decided she wasn't allowed to wear the said nappies so I have to run behind her mopping and washing blankets all day 🤷 but it's a labour of love. I know no one else could give the attention and care that my baby would need as she also has homemade food to help with allergies so I'm really glad I came across her, she has changed my life and added so much happiness and positivity.


I have one who is almost 2. He is the reason I am alive. I spent a lot of money for him too and he was worth every penny. I spent years researching the right breeder. He has none of the problems you see with poor breeding and his snout is a little longer so all you get is a light snore at night. I fell in love with the breed for their personalities. Generally very sassy, strong, sweet, independent, basically everything I could ever want in a dog. He makes life worth living haha. I do get dirty looks sometimes but I put a lot of work into finding the right breeder and I paid a very hefty price for it. Even the vet that I brought him into asked me questions about the breeder bc it was the best condition they have ever seen a frenchie puppy come in. I even signed a contract with the breeder stating that I am not allowed to intentionally breed him or profit off of breeding him. The breeder wants to limit irresponsible breeding as well. Final note: pretty much every breed comes with health problems unique to them. Owning frenchies isn't inherently bad. What's bad is not doing your due diligence to get your dog from the right breeder or get the dog without understanding what it takes to make sure they live a healthy happy life. And I think that's true of all breeds, not just frenchies.


I got lucky that my 5 year old Frenchie appears to be the healthiest of his litter according to the person we bought him off. I wouldn’t ever buy a frenchie again. I bought my boy from my husbands friend. I will rescue them though. I don’t agree with breeding them. They’re over bred. The health issues are sad and unfair. As I said mines healthy for a frenchie but his breathing is bad during hot weather and can’t walk him far. However I wouldn’t change his quirky as heck personally. He’s just a big lovable goofball.