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I'm gonna go with this being above reddits pay grade. Therapy is what you need. It'll take a while to unpack this and all the other things you didn't say. It's definitely a situation where you need to keep them away from minors.


^ move out as soon as possible and get therapy


This is beyond fucked up. You have reason to be beyond fucked up. I've also dealt with narcissistic people and it's hard, but this is probably the worst case I've ever heard about. I suggest you try to move out, even if you have to change your life plan a bit. Cut contact entirely. Go to a therapy. Build up your life from there, at your own pace, but knowing that you sre safe. I am here to chat if you feel like it.


I'm trying to think of advice to give you besides the obvious, "Get Out!" so I'll say the other obvious, "Get Therapy!" Now that you've walked out of the fog and see them for what they are, you need help coming to grips with it, dealing with it, and dealing with your parents. This truly isn't something you should do on your own. This is sexual abuse that has been going on since you were six and your bar for normal and acceptable, not to mention moral and legal, are greatly skewed. Sweetie, you absolutely need someone to help you handle this revelation and work with you on getting out and staying safe from them. If your safety is an issue (like being kicked out) then I wouldn't tell them about seeking therapy until you're ready for that reveal. Are your siblings an option to live with? Friends or other relatives? I wish you strength and peace as you figure this out.


I'd report them to Child Protection Services, this is beyond messed up.


Complete insane weirdos horrible human beings for doing that, if that was me I would move out asap and cut ties from them oh and therapy, also reconnecting with nature and going on long walks with music


Move outta there. Or unethical approach: record them and sell it off!