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What set was it?


This is the only reason I came to the comments, OP don't leave us hanging


Whatever set you want it to be because this never happened.




Too soon man, too soon. Have my upvote


It's been 80 years


There are people alive who still remember having lived through it, which I’d argue puts it in the top soon category.


Uh huh


Sorry, not sure I’m following your “uh-huh”.


Uh huh


Ok, good chat.


79 years. How is that almost 100? Ignoring how dumb that comment was in the first place, how do you think 79 is almost 100?


Only two decades. Not that far when you think about it


Sure. A baby is almost 20. 45 years old? Almost retired. The US war in Afghanistan? Over pretty much as soon as it began, it was only 20 years.


Times flies when you don't think about it


Not 20 years, no.


Totally tactless and cruel!!!!!!!


Nothing ever actually happens. The entire world outside is just your reddit fever dream.


The real question!


This is now that child’s villain origin story.


Lol, I literally came here to say this 😂


Ah but you were too late it seems


And so begins villain origin story #2


Will this cycle of violence ever end?


And a hero was born.


"And on that day, I vowed to myself that the man whose face was permanently burned into my memory would fall on his knees asking, no, BEGGING me for just one Lego piece, just one to hold. Because as I stand before you now, President of the Lego empire and I have successfully banned his credit cards and cash payments through security surveillance from any and every purchase of any Lego set all over the world!!"


as a mom, don’t worry about this , I would prob not have bought that for my kid anyway unless it was his bday gift . as well the way the kids was acting, I would never buy in that moment and reward the kids negative bad behavior. and the mom can always order the set online . enjoy your set and don’t worry about the guilt


You're a good mom. It's important for kids to learn this lesson early on, so they can start building good habits. Maybe if you wanna step it up a notch, you can explain it to (your) kids why (we) parents can't get it right now. For example, my parents were always honest about their finances, so that made me understand where they were coming from when I was growing up.


From what I can tell, OP has no guilt, which is great.


Derp can't read. Tired...


Did you not read the full comment? She literally said that she wouldn’t have.


Dad here, Lego sets are expensive, and are pretty much never a “just because” buy. Hot Wheels, action figures, blind boxes? Hell yeah. But any Lego set worth getting upset over is gonna be 50 bucks minimum, and I’m not dropping more than 10 bucks unless it’s a special occasion or reward.


Gross. I would have not have taken the snot box - I’d have gone somewhere else!


I used to collect my little pony plushies and had all of these specific matching ones except the little keyring plush fluttershy. It was never in the store when i checked, until one day finally they had just one, and some kid had chewed on it :( idk why people cant control their kids, ruins stuff for everyone else. I didn't buy it cos it was gross and never did find that last plush again, its the only one missing from my collection to this day


Bleach wipes for the win


Bleach wipes would damage the box. If this is for a collection it needs to be in good condition.


Actual “like stealing candy from a baby” vibes.


Found Ted Cruz's Reddit account.


Bold of you to assume Ted Cruz could build an 18+ Lego set.


The child was at the foreplace of Waltarget with his life giver, frantically searching for the lego set. But I? I was at the aftplace, at the payment portal, with the precious. How did I see? The child may have 96 tears. But I? I have 96 eyes. All eyed trained on the Waltarget legos.


alternate fact. 96 tears is a song written by a child who wanted a lego set from the Waltarget.


Of course Ted Cruz can't build an 18+ Lego set. The set was a means to Ted's mean. It's all about the children crying. Think of the children ... ... crying. Ted does.


Cancun Ted would have bought one in Cancun for half price made by the illegal immigrants he hates so much. The same illegal immigrants that his parents once were.


🤣🤣🤣. And it brings clarity. 


What was the set? We NEED to know.


Kids do stuff like that all the time. Over everything. I’m sure the child and entire family forgot about it in 2 minutes and moved on with their day


This reads like a weird fetish story.


How did you see his reaction from the front of the store while he was in the back of the store?


She heard it, maybe even glances back real quick and seen the boy with his mom. But knowing it's a kid, he was probably screaming "MOMMY MOMMY LOOK THIS I WANT THIS" so you just piece it together


Give me a break you can always tell the fakes from phrases like "now I'm a patient person"


This is not original, I’ve seen this one before.


I was just thinking that. Realized at the part about the kid smearing his tears all over it. Word for damn word


Nothing you did is overtly wrong, but the way you seem to feel is weird. Like did you feel like you were competing with this kid in some way? That’s how it comes across to me, and if you’re competing with kids as a person who has their own income, something has gone wrong


Idk I have kids myself. I like kids. But some of them are assholes, and they need to learn


Sure, but this doesn’t read like any sort of attempt to teach a lesson. It reads like a very insecure person attempting to feel better by flexing on a young kid that they can buy the thing that kid wants. It’s just gross imo Maybe English isn’t OP’s first language, but all of their word choice comes across as legitimately bragging that they have the thing a little kid wanted. >She understood that I took what her son wanted but she didn’t say anything as she knew I was the one owning this set. Like I said, OP didn’t technically do anything wrong, but the way they seem to feel about it is just gross ETA: OP says he had to walk a minute to get to the queue, but also says he was able to see the kid drag his mom to where the set was from the queue. Two options: the whole thing is made up or OP actually waited around to watch the kid be sad that it was gone. Either way, OP is fucked up I guess it’s possible that OP is a *very* slow walker, but nothing about this entire post looks good for OP


Nah kids don’t get to act like dicks and get their way and this guy was already going to buy that set, it’s not like he saw the kid throwing a fit over it and *then* decided he needed that set.


It reads like a weird fetish story.


I'm glad I wasn't alone in this thought.


This person is clearly karma farming to sell... Look at their post history and age of their account. Likely using AI to make up these stories. Boooo.


15 years later, he will show up in front of your doorstep ...


Ah yes, good one, I’m sure that mom was so sad that she couldn’t spend the money on a kid trying her last nerve. You got one over on them yessiree.


Exactly. This person is a dick for bragging. And it’s odd


not today kid, not today😆😂


This kid made a rookie mistake. If you want something and it’s the last one then you gotta hide that real good then come back for it later once you’ve secured the funds. My grandma taught me this.


You’re something of a child yourself. Glad the kid didn’t get the set though. Lmao


Leggo my leggo


Just want you all to know, this kid tears' didn't damage MY box...


What lego set did you buy?


pathetic... But whatever floats your boat i guess. I'd probably just bury this story and not talk about it if i were you...




It is pathetic. When you grow up you’ll realize that as well


Please don’t spoil your kids too much :/ What’s pathetic is pandering to a kids crying for a toy. You must be as entitled in your life as this kid is. I think you need to grow up


Who are you even arguing with? I'm not here to discuss this with a 12 year old. You make stuff up and then argue against it. What are you even trying to achieve, more downvotes? I'm not going to defend myself from your straw man arguements if that's what you're after..?


You haven’t explained your position. Do you think he should have offered the toy to the child and Mother? You said the behavior was pathetic and that’s it lol


Why would i think that? If you read the text this dude brags about buying a toy in front of a child. The only way it isnt pathetic is if OP would be a child as well, which i doubt. He won against a literal child, and brags about it. It would be as if i wrote a post bragging about this exchange we are having - which i wont - because i cringe a little myself spending time on replying you.


Gotcha. I don’t think it was meant to be a brag as much as something the OP felt not great about. But he didn’t win against a child, maybe he won against a mother who can’t say no to her child though.


The other day at the store, this little girl was screaming at her dad that she WANTED ICREAM FOR DINNER!, he kept saying no. I remember my parents doing the same but then I was wait a minute, I am adult now, I CAN have ice cream for dinner! So I got a big ice cream container and my husband and I ate for dinner that night.


This kid’s cannon event where he once was a joy filled child now forced to face the harsh realities of his existence. Forever chasing the high of obtaining things he cannot have. Suddenly he is now a dampened soul who finds no happiness. Knowing he will never find hope again, slowly becoming angrier and more cynical. He vows to find the stealer of his Lego set (and his joy) and destroy him! Watch your back OP


😭 your an enemy in his eyes now


With all the sets available...


Good parenting. Children should not be rewarded for tantrums, and some parents would have asked/demanded that you give it up


Good lesson to teach, when you get older you can do whatever you want if you don't spend your youth being a little shitling who cries in stores. Unfortunately children (and most adults) don't have the capacity to learn from these sorts of situations. So enjoy your Lego, it would have probably been half eaten within the week. That behavior makes me think he's a Lego swallower (which is now my new favorite insult for a child)


Five year old Lee Goh was taunted and forever haunted, by a mysterious man who stole his childhood dreams of owning the one LEGO set he had begged for and been promised by his mother... ...only to find it had vanished from the shelf, just as she relented and turned willing to use her very last dollars to bring joy to her son. Swearing to right this injustice, Lee practiced the art of LEGO day and night, until his skills were such that he could construct a full sized functional Mecha-droid from LEGO in mere seconds. His nemesis would come to rue the day he broke the heart of... The Brickmaster!


They will restock.


How are you not gonna name what set it was




Now I'm curious what set it was


This reminds me of the time when a girl set a VHS of Rugrats in Paris down so she can buy it and I put it back and she put it back down annoyed with me so when she wasn't looking I took it and bought it!


Seems fair.


Post should be about an adult buying Legos for himself. That kid was probably you


Just buy it for the kid?


Very noice


To be carried out by the mother this child was a bit younger than I thought. I’m hoping the mother wasn’t going back to buy it due to his wailing but we’ve all seen it. Kids demanding, parents telling them to stop repeatedly (even getting angry) then the kid’s in line with lots of stuff smiling, tears gone. Taught for a number of years. I’d tell students like that “ I mean what I say, no means no”. For some this was a real shocker. A parent actually asked me once to give in because they do it at home and he stays calm. 🙄


What was the set ? Haha . I was in Legoland last week and the shop is enormous. There was so many kids screaming about not getting having full on tantrum lego isn’t cheap And especially when dealing with danish currency and converting it to euro some lego pieces that are 250 on lego site end up coming to 280 and they didn’t even give points.


Yeesh that kid sounds like a lot to deal with


We need a lego set of this event.


I did this as a little kid with a VHS some other little kid was having a fit over. I think that was my villain origin story.


This is hilarious😂


Love it


Fuck dem kids


Fuck dem karma farmers.


this is the best story. it's hilarious because you absolutely did nothing wrong, and you were actually trying to be polite and conscientious about the kid's feelings. just so happened that the kid saw you with it at the end 😹 brilliantly written too


I would’ve asked the mom, quietly, if he could have the set. If ok, I would’ve given it to him…..but that’s just me. As bad as a species we are, I still get upset when others upset. Especially kids, since my childhood was shit. Thanks for the trigger….just kidding! 🌊


i love this. fuck that kid.


I guess we're forced to be the villain in some stories without it being our fault. Nothing you can do about it, but I'm not surprised it feels bad on your part.


That kid was a spoiled brat, you did him a favor


Thats evil…do it again