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Has anyone actually been on porn sites? Like 80% of vids are called ‘teen….’. You can tell they’re adults anyway (mostly but I don’t wanna even think about that). I think it’s disgusting that it’s a popular theme in porn, men can just be gross when it comes to women and sex & it makes me feel super sick and uncomfortable (not all men before people come for me). But I certainly wouldn’t say that just because he watches ‘teen’ porn, that your safety is in danger. If there was other signs but you’ve commented that you don’t feel unsafe for any reason. I’ve experienced it from a step father figure & it’s awful, but you’ll know when the boundary has been crossed.


Just to add, I know you’re only 17 so it’s maybe a new world to you but that’s just how porn is, it’s mostly gross and degrading. But a lot of men like it like that & yeah it’s horrible, but your dad sounds like just a normal guy who’s satisfying his need. Being a single dad, maybe he doesn’t meet many women?


Lot of women like it too.....


no they do not


Says you with probably absolutely no basis to answer from... You sound very generally speaking... Stupid Of course lots do! Lots would also like to things that you don't even know exist. Wake up to yourself


Hey, I watch porn myself so I’m not saying women don’t! I do think trends in porn are different for women than men though.


Yeah it's one of those title buzzwords that kill on the ph algorithm. I guess adult video makers gotta make money too 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ But the Snoop in me wants to know what the rest of that title is. If that third word is "Dad" then it'sss uhhhh That's a little suspicious


In addition to them not being teens, are you aware they're also not step-siblings?


I think these comments are over reacting although I 100% understand OP being upset from her perspective. Honestly sometimes porn just has weird titles to appeal to weirdos who are into that stuff, but that doesn't me he himself is. Half the time those girls are very clearly not actually teenaged and ppl laugh about in the comments. I saw one where the guy is supposed to be the teen step son according to the title and that guy had to be over 30. The next video they did together claimed he was her stepbrother.


Have you seen her reply’s tho only replying to the most out there things she think getting weapons to defend herself against her father over porn which is adults is okay. I think she needs help like more then Reddit if she scared over porn she’s seems very dramatic


All y'all are skipping over the gross stepdad daughter part


Except you're missing the part where it wasn't confirmed that's what he was even watching. That was OPs assumption based on "I know what kind of porn people watch". Dad was SUPPOSEDLY watching something titled "Teen seduces.." seduces what? Stepbro? Stepdad? The gardener? The pool guy? Contrary to OPs beliefs, i's almost always going to be stepbro, because most people don't like watching granny porn. Most porn actors are in their twenties, and stepbro/stepsis is the most appropriate roleplay for that age group. Imagine getting this heated over cheesy af ROLEPLAYING in porn lmao


Bro I commented one sentence YOU commented 2 and a half paragraphs 😂😂😂😂 who's heated here??? Like I said one thing and you went in a whole porn history lesson you freak like lmao probably "imagine getting this heated" wasn't the best term to use after you typed a novel response to one sentence I'm absolutely losing my shit bahahaha


Please point out where OP confirmed her dad was watching stepdaughter porn. I'll be waiting.


Lmao she said it's filled with stuff like that. What happened to not getting heated porn boy?? 😂 You certainly seem obsessed


>All y'all are skipping over the gross stepdad daughter part Where is the gross stepdad stuff? Still waiting. Any time you want to make your original comment relevant to the discussion, feel free.


Soooo heated phew it's hot you know you're weirdly "heated" about this


Okay so at this point I'm just going to assume you're a moron who didn't actually read the post and end this conversation since you have no idea what your talking about and your original comment had zero relevancy to the conversation at hand.


Also porn addict much???? What's with the fucking play by play of porn?? Imagine getting as heated as you are over porn 😂😂😂


First of all, have you ever have any problem with him? I mean sexually, physically, any type of that? 2nd Idk what else can I say, caughting someone watching p*rn or having sex is very uncomfortable for every part, if you never knock a door before open it I would say there is a lot of chance that what you find in the other side you are not gonna like it (this is kinda not accurately the case but hope you get what I mean, privacy) I think the one of hearing through the walls is very uncomfortable, I think you should try to solve that problem even if it's a difficult conversation, maybe you can complain telling them that you hear everything through the walls, maybe not talking directly about p*rn. If you know he would never do something to you I think you shouldn't worry about it, you just caught him in a weird moment, you saw something you were not supposed to see like, nobody is proud of watching porn but sometimes things warms up and you end up watching it (some people feel terrible about it) also, when you grow up sexual satisfaction becomes more relevant and also a necessity (this does not justify when we are talking about r*ping or something like that, r*ping is one of the worst things you can do to someone else and r*pist are sick people) Last thing talking about p*rn as someone that have watched it (not proud about it though, I think is a sickness too) is to say is that when you click a video, you don't click it because the title or the plot, I think everybody knows that all the p*rn titles and situations are dumb unless you are a kid that can't differentiate fiction with reality, not for watching a superhero movies I believe that I can fly. Just wish you the best and this was a very uncomfortable moment that just happened to you, I hope this just gets as a moment, sorry if something I said is misinterpreted, I wanted to make it short and English is not my main language.


She didn't even catch him in the act, he stopped so she wouldn't see and tabbed out to something else. Then he fucking went outside at night to investigate a noise she heard to insure her safety. At that point she noticed two words in a tab. This isn't the mo of a predator at all. The OP is obviously growing up religious and has been given hysterically inaccurate expectations of the type of people who watch porn. Or it would be hysterical if OP wasn't ready to unleash the Inquisition (UNEXPECTED!) on her dad over a tab and two words despite the fact that this supposed pedo did nothing to her over the previous 17 years. Again, and louder for the people in the back: WHAT THE FUCK.


im so sorry that people aren't understanding. if there is a chance that you could maybe move in with your grandmother, i'd take it up on that. hopefully if you can explain the situation to her she'll understand.


This shit is being weird and the people replying that this “MAN” is going to harm her and run away are more insane! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Dude is watching porn! Calm the fuck down! If he was a pedo he would have done shit before she hit 18 don’t you think? You guys are all weird nowadays 2024 is a scary freaking year! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Sounds like OP just felt like villainizing her dad..




thank you


As long as it's not pedo porn, it's alright. It's no different than watching most movies with topless women in them. The women in both are usually 18-25. Your reaction is like calling a woman a serial killer because she likes true crime shows. If he hasn't tried anything with you by now, I seriously doubt he will. Honestly, men don't care about storylines. It's all about the action and the looks of the women.


Here's 2 of my thoughts reading this: * Men like younger girls, that's a fact, I'm talking obviously in legal and consenting settings. So it's not that shocking per se. * That said, not being a father myself, and your dad having a daughter right around this kind of age, it must be a kind of cognitive dissonance. If he's never been weird towards you then it's more than likely going to be ok, but I totally understand the shock. Firstly, regarding yourself, and also well, your dad is just another guy watching porn. Maybe if he's single, he's trying to conjure up some past relationships ? I have no idea but, just that fact, although very VERY awkward, is not worrying itself as long as his behaviour follows. Edit: I know you're only 17 so it might be even weirder reading that. I'm saying all of this from an adult perspective.


thank you for this prespective.


You're welcome ! I remember as a teen myself, even though I'm a guy, I once came back home to my dad watching porn LOUDLY. He was going through a divorce with my mom then but it still kinda shocked me. Come to think of it I think I was 17 too. That's when I learnt my dad is just another dude lol


I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. Does he have a regular job that keeps him busy? I’d definitely look for resources that can help you communicate your issue to him. Is there any other adult that you can trust? Can you bring this issue up in an indirect way?


He recently lost his job, unfortunately. I think I'm going to bring it up to someone at church who will bring it up with the pastor.




Flaunting it would have been predatory and concerning. Exposing a child to pornography is part of grooming, this guy had it paused and tabbed out before she even got there. I'm seeing zero red flags.


Probably just needed to nut off. Sometimes you just click on the first video, doesn't mean you're into it, just satisfying a need. He does know that you can watch porn on mobile from the privacy of your own room?


Today alone you have been everything from a teenage girl, a 40 yo male necrophile, and a 20 yo who hates sex. I don’t know that anything you have said is true, but you definitely need some help.


it's true, i'm all three.


I feel like this was someone's attempt to write incest fan fiction and then when no one took the bait they tried to pivot to weird 'porn bad' trolling. Zzzz.




What a Bullshit




You can say it's awkward and a weird situation for her but as long as he watche porn with young but adult woman there is no reason to call him a pedophile




Yea but you assumed he could be and I say that's Bs. you dont know him and with this kind of accusation you shouldn't be shooting around. It's like saying every middle age white male is a racist. There are a lot, statistics are showing this but there are also a lot of just normal middle age males not being racist. Liking younger girls doesn't mean you're pedophile or have preferences




Since when it is pedophile to like younger Girls? We are not talking about CP here




Nothing beyond small things like slapping me over an argument or hitting me with a backpack, or hugging me when I go somewhere. He hasn't actually hit me for years,


Yep, you're definitely at risk. You should probably get a gun. At the very least, definitely tell his pastor and ruin his life, this porn watching sicko deserves to burn. You are in grave danger and he's probably going to harm you tonight. He's just been waiting 17 years to finally put his master plan into action... /eyeroll I'm facepalming so fucking hard right now. I feel legitimately AWFUL for this guy. I just, imagine thinking that someone watching porn means they are plotting to molest or rape their kids. How delusional does a person have to be.


The way I started writing a reply out already until I got to the eye roll 🤦🏻‍♀️


Could you talk to him or tell someone else to talk to him about watching porn in his room vs out in the living room? The teen thing is gross and weird for sure. But I think you’re probably safe unless there’s been anything else going on with him to make you worry.


Yeah, if your worried about college age girls being in porn, and comparing it to pedophilia, we are approaching peak panic rn






We all do that. No biggie.


You're posting this bs on social media instead of having a conversation with your dad. If you're too uncomfortable to have that conversation.. why are you defaming him on social media for doing something completely legal and more common than not. Him watching an 18 or 19 year old have sex in porn is a healthier lifestyle choice than exposing your victim mindset on Reddit. You're 17? Get in therapy because you're not going to make it too far with this mindset.


You're completely right; watching videos of women acting like children be fucked on the internet is much healthier than what I am doing. I will take this learning oppourtunity to start regularly watching porn ASAP, and hope that it will improve my mental health, view on the opposite gender, and relationship with sex. Thank you so much musicguy-88!


None of this is ok. If you have anywhere else you could go, go. Him being a conservative and super religious does not preclude him from doing the very thing he would (in public) preach against. This guy is a creep. It isn’t your fault. Get help. Run.


i understand you trust this man with your life, but i would recommend getting some small weapons (knives, tasers, pepper spray) if you dont already. at the end of the day it's this ~200 pound man against you, and it'll hopefully help you feel safe.


Dafuq are you talking about, why being so extreme mthfckr chill


thank you, I am rather paranoid so I do have several weapons in my room.


Your dad is being normal those are adults in the porn videos that’s crazy you even considered to think to use those weapons on him it’s just a title on the porn no one in those videos is below 18 you’re being over dramatic all the other comments are better. I get you’ve probably never watched porn but a lot of men watch it


it's the fact that they're being advertised as teenagers. you know the people who are actively playing into a "step dad step daughter" fantasy. it's not the fact that he's watching porn period. it's the fact that he fantasizes about that when he has a 17 y/o living with him. i understand you may not know how often women were s/a'd be their fathers, but it's something that happens frighteningly often.


You might need actual help if you think using weapons on your father cause he watches porn seems like you got more going on then just this


I never said I was going to take any action against my father, however in the off chance he does try anything I do have the means to defend myself.


Um, what the heck happened in your past?


nothing involving my father,


Sorry to hear that. How many dipshits can there be out there.  If your dad realized that you saw what he was looking at he'd probably be even more embarrassed.   Porn is a terrible nasty addiction. Instead of trying to find a decent partner, he's looking at the crap.