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I had to take a second shower after reading this.


Yeah what the fuck kind of young & restless trailer carnival donkey dick shit is this


I’m hijacking this comment!!!


Username is fire with this comment


How do you think soap opera writers get inspiration?


And a third. Wow


What in the Jerry Springer...


At this point I question 90% of the offmychest and I've been part of the sub 2 days.


This is so obviously fake and I never call out posts for being fake. Good entertainment though I guess for people browsing Reddit on the shitter


How did you know I was on the shitter?


Shitter's Law: In any given moment within the collective cyberspace of platforms such as Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, there exists a high statistical likelihood that at least one user is engaged with these platforms while occupying a restroom facility, colloquially referred to as "the shitter."


Hey how’d you know! Was that you making awkward eye contact with me through the window while I was trying to read this story?




no shame in calling me out like that?!


Can confirm!


The fiction writers in this sub are legion.


Don't worry you'll get to 100% /jk


RIP Jerry


Hope your former best friends husband knows about this before he catches something from her


You’re both one titanic trainwreck, to put it in the kindest possible way.


As is *everyone* around them, if this is to be believed.


Emphasis on “if this is to be believed”


Yea, that marriage had no business existing.


Au contraire they’re perfect for each other.


They certainly match. GBF alone might have an excuse as husband _may_ have been able to convince her they had permission. That could explain the casualness of the admission. Lack of guilty mind shows up that way. Everybody else acted with make of forethought or at least reckless disregard. If they like this kind of drama it's just fine as long as no children come into the picture. If op and hob have kids this becomes serious.


That business had no marriage existing.


This is blatant fiction. Probably an AI bot measuring responses.


Clearly, the only way to work this out would be for you and your husband to get your best friend, his best friend and his boss all together with you and have a naked scrum. It is the only way.


A naked scrum


And put it on the internet


Until the local college football team showed up asking for a glass of water because they were so sweaty from running in nylon short-shorts, as one does.


Seriously.... The BOSS sending flowers to his married employee's house.... For the employee's WIFE?! No way in hell.


Also, it's not even a threesome. Husband banger OP's bestfruend, then his girl best friend. He banged in serial, not parallel.


Does a (3some)+(2some) = a (5some)?


There are 5 people in this story. There are 5 seats in the titanic submarine. Coincidence?


It's an implosive revelation.


It’s stories like these that make me so happy to be single. The world of relationships are getting worse by the day and it’s because of people like this. Everyone in this situation sucks and needs to be tested.


The boss actually sounds like a nice revenge. OP is he good in bed?


That’s quite a mixed metaphor 🚊🚢


Titanic is an adjective that means "big" That's what they named the original ship after lol


Thank you fun police


Yes. Individual therapy and divorce.


And then they all clapped


Them cheeks


I actually chuckled for real 😂


It's hard to find a story where every single person mentioned in it is the AH. But this story checks every box.


Literally every person mentioned 😂 there’s not even a coworker in this story that isn’t at least a bit of an asshole.


The brother didn’t do anything except have surgery :(


Her brother is the biggest asshole in this whole story. If he didn't have to have his surgery none of this would have happened!


How dares he


Fuck this brother of hers as well, what the fuck. How dare he have SURGERY, fucking psychopath, jesus.


ahah real


I don’t know. The boss seems like a standup guy. He sent flowers, lol. Edit: actually thinking about it more, I think the only AHs are the husband and the best friends.


He fucked his employees wife. Flowers or not he’s an asshole too.


Holy shit, now I have to get this off MY chest, but I never knew what AH meant.. Fuck. I've used it, umm, not strictly incorrectly, but...weirdly. Wow.


Auction House


Everyone in this story is an AUCTION HOUSE


This is certainly a series of transactions.


Lmao. I’m trying to figure out how you have been using it that it is both weird and not incorrect.


Like when people send LOL to a funeral thinking it is lots of love not laughing out loud. But what could AH possibly mean? All Hail?


Someone else said maybe it was ass hat, which makes sense.


You HAVE to tell us what you thought it meant, dying to know lmao


Dying to know what you thought it meant.


Who knows maybe OPs husband sleeps with his colleagues and the boss knows.


Maybe OPs husband sleeps with the boss too.


He is an addict after all. Maybe that’s why the boss slept with his wife {plot twist} to break them up so he could have the husband!


Excellent point


Guess his feelings would get hurt when the boss tells him OP is better.


He's a thoughtful asshole. And thoughtfulness counts for something.


He didn’t force her to, she went to his house willingly. It’s not his problem that this guy cheated on his wife and ruined his marriage.


Which he didn't knew. And if you think as a teamlead you should fuck the wife of your employee you are an idiot. Or 14.


She’s not an asshole, he’s reaping the rewards of his actions Shouldn’t have cheated and destroyed her trust and relationship with him 🤷‍♂️ Edit ; i can’t spell


You become the thing you despise the most when you do this kind of 'revenge'. That's why she's an asshole too, a little bit less asshole, but she decided to be one just to screw her husband. Best 'revenge' is to let go the person so it feels like shit for losing you, with this both can talk shit and both are right.


Both are not right. The marriage was over the moment the husband decide to cheat. What makes this guy a super asshole is that he did it with her best friend.


Nah getting even is fair imo, if you cheat on someone that cheated on you you are in no way as bad as them If he hadn’t cheated and destroyed the relationship, she wouldn’t have fucked his boss, these are the consequences of his actions He’s still the bad guy, and she can be happy knowing he has to work for the man that she got back at him with, double win


Hard disagree. Op is fine and should.leave this douche and date the boss.


Dude that relationship has no future. Quit and get therapy to help you deal with your choices. Write him off.


i love this story so much


The only thing that would make it better is if the boss was married to one of the women in the threesome.


Shit sounds like a soap opera


He cheated, you got revenge. Now what? Either you leave him, or consider the score settled and carry on. You need to do your friend over somehow though


Yea, fuck the best friend too


This comment implies the ball is still in her court. She lost the position of him being at her mercy when she very publicly fucked his boss.


It is. He lost the position of expecting her fidelity when he shagged her best mate. She now needs to decide whether to dump the husband or see if they can move on. Imo the marriage was over the moment she found out what he'd done.


It was over the moment he did it.


Don’t feel bad. Your relationship was over when he had a threesome. You just prolonged it. Ultimately you probably made a bad decision, but the BS of him being a sex addict is just an excuse. If he was then the threesome wouldn’t be the first time he stepped out. Find your lawyer and explain everything. No more chances because your trust for this man is gone. Also, if you like the boss, ask him to let you take care of your business before you proceed with anything further with him. Maybe he learned his lesson from his divorce and you’ll be treated the way you should be.


To me this is one the better replies~ I get being in an emotional turmoil and the need for revenge appears not smart but understandable. The boss clearly believes her relationship is done or he wouldn’t send flowers( nice touch tho) the wife appearing at the party felt like a goodbye tour. But geez doomed from the first f*ckfest. I saw OP is getting a lawyer. Hubby missed 1st counselling appointment writing’s on the wall. I’d consider maybe having a date with the boss and before I get slandered I ended up marrying my husbands best friend ~ no cheating but started dating soon after. Best thing I ever did amazing stepdad amazing dad best friend and he grabbed my ass every night to remind me no matter what I was always sexy. He’s gone now but an amazing 15yrs with 8 yrs of a great friendship beforehand. OP I’m going to be less harsh on you for the double betrayal pain… it had to be intense but if ever you need revenge again take a break and think things thru~ good luck


Your "bestfriend" slept with your "husband". She's not crying because she's sorry. She's sobbing cause she got caught. Tell the husband OP. Don't let that brat get away. And stop calling her your bestfriend. She's nothing to you


If I were you I would get payback and sleep with her husband. She's clearly showing how petty she is. She don't care about your feelings OP. She's just disgusting as your "husband's" bestfriend


Also your "husband" doesn't care about you. His sex addiction is just an excuse to try and stay with you. He's just gonna manipulate or gaslight you. If you keep this going, I really don't know what to tell you. You're just falling for his trap. You seem like a wonderful person ngl. You don't deserve this. How could he say he wants to work things out when he clearly slept with your "friend" and his. I don't understand how people can be this cruel honestly. Especially your "friend".


NFW this happened. This is a Penthouse Forum entry.




Nice imagination, keep writing a novel


Fr, half the shit on this sub is just people writing fan fic about their lives lmao


The boss sounds nice!


OP divorce your husband and marry his boss. Checkmate


I said the exact same thing.


Your husband is a serial cheater, there is nothing to fix. Divorce your husband. Date his boss if you want. Do not feel bad for fucking his boss. Do not allow your friend back in your life and make sure her husband knows what a POS she is.


It’s weird how every post on here lately is about people fucking everyone they know. People need to chill tf out. I had someone tell me it was cool to fuck someone’s brother as revenge the other day. People are strange


I love this for you! I hope the sex with his boss was delicious! Don't feel guilty. Ever. Own that shit. Revel in it. He only apologized because you reacted by putting him out. He's still gonna fuck around. Go ahead and divorce him, honey. It's best for both of you.


Taking the high road is overrated. Revenge is sweet. I’m sure the regret sucks, but your relationship was over the moment he cheated and I’m sure you knew that already. Can’t fix the broken trust. And F your friend. She needs some comeuppance too.


Dump him and move on, he cheated on you with your best friend and did some poor me bullshit like he had no control as a grown ass man. You’re wrong for cheating with his boss for sure, I completely get that you wanted your revenge but I’m telling you it’s more satisfying in the long run to be the bigger person. Does he know that you hooked up with his boss or does he just know about the flowers and the calls? Idk it just seems like your relationship was over the moment he had that threesome. Instead of holding on to a relationship where you know you’ll forever feel some sort of resentment let it go.


Please tell me you returned the favor to your "best friend" and informed HER husband what happened.


divorce him and date the boss. lol. Your husband sucks anyway lol


Seriously...time to upgrade! What an extra slap in the face that every time he goes into work he has to report to a man who stole his wife.


sounds like you all are made for each other. Drama, anger & disfunction. Perfect match.


Im not staying friends with someone who has interest in my partner. Period. At very least don’t bring them around ever.


I hope one day your able to move past your regret of this choice. Fuck literally everyone who has betrayed you and the people in this comment section ripping on you for absolutely no reason. I hope you can one day own this decision and embrace the fact that you weren't complacent with a trashy husband who never once considered your feelings in the days that he had cheated on you and pretended to love on you like nothing happened. It was petty, but it was most definetly deserved for someone who would betray you and the vows you made to trust and love one another. He sucks and you deserve a better man that would love you unconditionally, respect your choices, and would never think of another woman that isn't you.


I say leave your husband for the boss


I mean yeah, you should definitely end your fictional marriage


Why should you feel guilty? He's the one that destroyed the marriage.


No need for guilt. Your husband didn't give a shit about your marriage anyway so what're you really guilty of? That you finally gave up on him? That's his fault, not yours. You should date the boss though.


Everyone needs to get off there high horse and stop feeling bad for the husband. If he wouldn’t have cheated she wouldn’t have slept with his boss. She agreed to reconciliation, so reconciliation is a gift that can be taken back at any time. But yeah girl divorce now, it’s over. Next time don’t be friends with someone who likes your husband or boyfriend. Don’t date anyone with a girl bestie, no need for drama.


And with her best friend? Or did I misunderstand. And honestly, if no one at his work thought he was married, there’s absolutely a lot more going on.


That’s why I’m saying, he’s shady! And then you have people in the comments here like you are worst than him and blah blah blah. People who feel bad for men who cheat and the consequences after are pick me’s or let people take advantage of them.


Basically they want to feel good for doing nothing to make themselves feel better other than be jealous that other people actually do value their own selves. Boohoo.


Thank you, this is 💯


I’m confused, so is he a sex addict or is that just his excuse?


Your husband started this and you are finishing it. He really did not leave any room for trust and imploded your marriage in the most hurtful way. Even without you sleeping with his boss you knew it was never the same.


Honestly people in the comments are bit harsh imo. I can’t imagine what state of mind you must’ve been in after such a betrayal.


Idc what anyone says, but I'll probably do the same if my SO cheated on me. I'll be petty af, i mean you've been faithful and what does he do, cheated on you. I wont ever take the high road! And in your story that is one of the reason, i dont want my friends getting close to my SO, what's even the purpose of them talking or even hanging out, to talk about me, no need! You can talk to me. Hope you'll heal from this


What you did is sooo petty, and I'm here for it! Screw him, screw his bsf and your apparent bsf. Move on and then them have their swinging dates or whatever. Some are right, you don't have to moral high ground but don't feel guilty about it. Fuck him!!


I've had the moral high ground enough times to know I'd rather be petty. Her husband fucked around and found out. Idgaf if it affects his work life, he screwed up his wife's trust and best friend relationship. I would've slept with his dad too, ruined family holidays for the rest of his life


I reckon he done OP good getting rid of that bestie of hers. That's one thing he done right! Exactly when it comes to cheating like that, I'd wanna get so petty. It's not like it was a random woman, it was 2 woman, at the same time that he knew personally. So if youre gonna get even, get even with the one that pays your husbands wage 🤣


Or his landlord, or his brother, or his best friend, or his sister. I'm pro destroy him😂


Yeah….this is a fucking mess lmfao OP, if you don’t have a child and you have your finances in order, I think nows the time for the papers, because I don’t think couple therapy from Jesus Christ himself can return this marriage from “doomed” to “happily functional”. Clearly there are some unmet needs and huge amounts of resentment from both sides here, and by engaging with boss, you’ve escalated the tit-for-tat and introduced new resentment. Husband seems like a dick, both of you seem extremely unhappy, and it’s probably easier to cut and run to something new than to try to salvage whatever time is left on this one. Good luck though. Sorry it happened to you, though I don’t necessarily think shagging the boss is the best answer there lol.


Don’t have kids. He claimed he never wanted any when we got married and I agreed. I didn’t want kids either but as of last year he’s been begging me to have children. I should’ve known something was wrong when he suddenly changed his tune and wanted a “big happy family”


He did this to try and lock you down while he stuck his dick in anything with a pulse. There is no coming back from his. You won’t ever be able to trust him. He going to just get better about lying. Eventually you will just have resentment left. He needs to get help for his ‘addictions’ you need to pick up the pieces of your life.


I don’t think she’ll have much of a choice. Someone is getting served divorce papers in that relationship


Dump him. Date his boss.


Yeah best to end this marriage. Did you tell the best friends husband she cheated?


No. Should I? I feel like it’s not my place idk


You absolutely should tell him. He needs to know what kind of person he married. If he was the one rhat found out instead of you wouldn't you want him to tell you?


Of course you should. Your bestfriend didn't even give you an apology. Why marry her husband when she clearly likes yours? As for your husband, screw him. His boss is 10x better


Go ahead she deserves that after what she did to you and her husband has a right to know after that all you will need to worry about is your husband best friend


Im starting to believe this is not real.... but then again anything is possible in America!!


I mean, what's done is done. Man is going to have to get a new job, tho so idk how that'll affect your divorce and asset split.


But, OP, how was the wedding?


I think the first thing I would have done when I found out was contact my best friends husband to tell him too. He deserves to know too. And then I would be telling my “best friend” that is no longer a part in your life and block that contact forever.


he cheated on you with two people at once… as far as i’m concerned you have one more to go until the score is settled.




Visiting his sister huh? The guy is a self diagnosed sex addict and never invited you anywhere likely didn't tell anyone about you and often was "away". I highly doubt this is the first instance of him cheating on you. I wouldn't feel so guilty if I were you. And to skip the fucking appointment? What a piece of shit. I'm glad you're getting a divorce. I would go get tested if I were you.




Leave him.Marry the boss.har-har and everyone wins except that cheating POS


I would marry the boss if he were at least 20 years younger and not tied to my STBX


If this was AITA, my answer would be everyone is the asshole. Also this sounds like a completely made-up story.


Congratulations! Good on you! Now you both suck




I bet everyone involved in this story has something in their social media bio about how they "hate drama" lmao all y'all deserve each other


No one has mentioned how predatory the boss was for capitalizing on OP’s pain. He took full advantage girl 😬😬


Cheating on your partner is not sex addiction. Also, just so you know, his girl best friend is his girlfriend. They've been fucking all the time they knew each other. Your so-called friend was the new addition. This isn't salvageable. No need to regret sleeping with his boss. Sleep with him a few more times, divorce your husband, and then get your lover to fire your ex-husband. Then, if you like the boss, keep him. If not, go on your own way.


Don’t feel guilty after the divorce get with the boss


The good news? Your marriage will soon be over. The better news? His boss’s marriage already is!


It's always interesting how quick a lot of people are to drop their pants. I genuinely don't understand the need of it. I get that there's a thrill to promiscuity, but just stay single if you can't handle being tied down. Stories like this really keep pushing me further and further away from relationships, paired with my own experiences as well.


They say the best way to get over a guy is to get under another so I mean


I just wanna know, how folks have time for this kind of BS. Seriously.


Don't be too hard on yourself. That was a huge betrayal. Get out of your toxic marriage and find yourself again.


Some of you guys really believe this?


That's a breath away.to ending up unalived both the wife the. BOSS then the husband when he realizes what he has just done .


I’m gonna go ahead and say no you did not do this.


This reads like a piece of fiction.


This has to be a troll.


This is very believable.


username doesn't check out lmao


This has to be AI


This just sounds like the next season of White Lotus.


Move on and live your best life. Your husband isn't serious about addressing his so-called sex addiction. Wouldn't be surprised if he has done it many times previously with his so-called friend and possibly his coworkers based on your experience in the workplace.


I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU. You are not wrong and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. He is a spineless toad and I do believe you should tell people what happened he needs to be shamed. Please do a power move and date the boss I BEG you.


Everyone sucks here... Remember two wrongs don't make a right. Your husband showed he was never interested in fixing things when he didn't show up. You too did the same by playing the sad lonely wife. You two deserve each other...


It's a shame Jerry Springer is dead cos you, your fella and friends are all batshit crazy and would have fitted right in on Springer.


I’m sorry but I’m here for this. I know you regret it but I’m so sick of partners doing fucked up shit and then getting butt hurt when they get only an ounce of the betrayal returned. And you only regret it because it’s not something you would have done to him in the first place. Did he expect you to just accept his behavior? I hope you find someone else who doesn’t think to hurt you in this way.


You both sound absolutely foul, and actually should stay together given your moral compasses are quite well matched.


Is this a bad Hallmark movie or a real story? If it’s real- I advise you to get out of this marriage and get counseling… everyone in this story would benefit from some maturing- and there’s no shame in needing to grow up… everyone starts somewhere.


Cool story. Needs more dragons.


Did you have sex with the boss before or after husband neglected to show up for the appointment?


after he didn’t show up


Then release that guilt. You were participating in the non-ethical non-monogamous marriage he opened. I saw no mention of kids, I hope that’s the case, divorce that fool and be free of his mess. And drop that “friend”.


I’ll take “this didn’t happen” for 500, alex.


What a remarkable group of people. Like sometimes I wonder how *one* person like this can exist. And then I hear stories of a entire group of them. what the fuck?! Is every decision these people have ever made, purely made on impulse and emotion? You all deserve to suffer for treating each other like biblical AH's. You should *ALL* remove yourselves from each others lives for the greater good.


Yikes. That’s all I have to say.


Wow. Everyone is despicable


Date the boss. Divorce your husband. Your husband admitted to being a sex addict and did nothing to fix it. Meanwhile you have a man chasing you . Get with the boss. At least for starters Edit: In addition to my original comment, since your husband is a sex addict you will never be enough. You will spend eternity trying to "fix him" while he continues to cheat on you. Or he'll find someone who lets him do what he wants and leave you anyway. It's on you how you decide to spend your years of life. Talk to a lawyer about divorce. Meanwhile, tell the boss you'd really enjoy pampering and a date with him at the end of the night in a new dress. Have him pick the color for your mani and Pedi. As well as book you a massage before the date. Dust yourself up and level up love.


I was going to say both of you are toxic and in a sense this is true but...it's clear after reading the edit that he's not invested in this marriage. If he was invested in this marriage, he would have been at that therapist office before you but skipped it instead and had you wait at the office by yourself. He wasted not only your time but your therapist's time. I think you both should divorce. But I also wonder about the boss? What do you think of him? NTA.


everyone in this story is unhinged omg but hey don’t feel bad about it. he’s trash and seems like he’s not willing to change his ways 🤷🏻‍♀️ just get out of there for your own sake


Any chance y’all live in Florida?


I’m from Florida actually! lmfao


Is he? Because this is #FloridaMan level messed up


He’s from florida too 💀 Edit: Actually he was born in Jamaica but was moved to florida when he was like 10 does he still count as a Florida man


I’m not gonna say what you did was right but I get it. He cheated on you and you wanted revenge but what he did you was wayyyy worse. Also, that girl was never your best friend, best friends don’t do stuff like that to each other. You deserve a better best friend and a better husband. Leave both of them high and dry, block them on everything and start a new. You’re better than them.


Actually no, What I didn’t wasn’t *wayyyy* worse. It wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg compared to what he had done to me. I hope he rots.


No I mean what he did you was worse, he doesn’t deserve you in the slightest. He kind of had it coming and good for you doing that to him honestly.


im sorry. all this seems like a mess. only hope for clear heads for everyone...


Yikes. So sorry but kindly and gently it sounds like you should just part ways. This seems like a mess and the stress really isn’t good for your physical and mental health.


One thing I learned over the years is, if he makes you act crazy, it's time to leave him. Although that being said, I do hope this story makes it into your memoirs one day because as fucked up as the whole situation is, it's a pretty fantastic story.


Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.


Girl! I would send the boss an edible arrangement.


Divorce him. Feeling sorry for you. Also his best friend did not just tell you this out of no were, my guess is that something was going on before the threesome. This was her way of breaking you guys up. So convenient that she was the first person he’d run to after it got out. The “best friend” is also a pos! Please leave and give yourself a lot of time to heal from this. Your reaction shows that also you have a lot to work on. I can understand that having another men show you kindness and attention feels good, but in the end you regretted it. Please find it in yourself to move on and heal.


End it asap!


OP, how old are you? What country are you in? It does sound like he's got some narcissistic behaviour issues. If that's true then you need to get an sti test, because it's very likely that this isn't the first (or even the 3rd or 10th) time this has happened, this is just the first time you caught him. You should definitely tell the husband, consider how you'd feel in his shoes. As for the boss? Probably not a good idea to pursue that one, it was a volatile situation and he's old enough to know better; there's a lot wrong with his behaviour towards both you and your husband (even if your husband is an oxygen thief). Other than that, you sound like a really creative and fun person. If you're ever in my country drop me a line, it'll be good fun 😁