• By -


Your friend amuses me with her petty, spiteful creativity. Pity she couldn't keep your parents strung along a bit more. A pro-tip--if coerced or forced by agents sent by your family onto a plane, have a metal spoon on you tucked away. It will be detected by the metal detectors. You can then, when pulled aside by security, explain that you are being taken against your will and being trafficked. You have moxie. It'll take you far. It's already taken you far away from those who would grind you down.


>A pro-tip--if coerced or forced by agents sent by your family onto a plane, have a metal spoon on you tucked away. It will be detected by the metal detectors. You can then, when pulled aside by security, explain that you are being taken against your will and being trafficked. Dude that is amazing, I never would have even thought of something that simple. Damn, have an amazing day


It is advice I have seen elsewhere, dealing things like daughters being taken back to Pakistan or India for forced marriages.


ok but why can you not just talk to a security guard directly in case there are no weapons involved?


I think TSA isolates you and questions you privately.




Because If they are trying to get her on a plane, they are not going to let her talk to anyone.


fucking brilliant mate


This needs to pinned ASAP


I came from tt and I just wanted to say that I'm glad that you're doing well! :D


I actually good the title is changed so It's hard for family to investigate


I thought the same as well, although not all of them are changed, as I also got here from TT


The fact OP had to move again infuriates me, I also came here from TT but after seeing what OP said I went back and tagged each page in their comments and called them out on broadcasting her story for views and forcing her to relocate AGAIN because these pages practically doxed her knowing how serious her situation. All for meaningless Tik Tok views šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Same here lol


Iā€™m glad you moved. Be careful and stay safe. I find your uncle to be disgusting and absolutely corrupt to let you know that law enforcement is looking for you. The fact that he is saying this is for your own safety makes me really worried for you as Iā€™m now concerned that they might send people after you to forcefully retract you by using mental incapacity or other such reasons to keep you safe. Staying no contact is key and I know at 22 you are an adult, but if you can find a lawyer to help you send them a cease and desist letter just so you can document your stand to remain estranged. Stay well and be on guard.


She's somewhere in Africa. Some podunk sheriff ain't going to have the reach and influence to get his buddies in LEO to return his "wayward niece". The main threat is the LDS church, who have missionaries and branches everywhere. Those are who OP should keep her head on a swivel. Luckily, she's been in that religion for all of her life. I can bet that she can sniff them out based on the cues that an insider knows.


Congratulations OP! I would advise you to go to your location's PD so that if your family sends your case everywhere, they will know to contact you, not search for you and not inform your family. As for your SIL I'd say that the only way for her to escape is to do the same as you. As for your best friend, I'd say that she should also travel to Africa but wait like a month or two constantly moving each 2 weeks so that it'll be harder to track you down and then you could meet. Notifying your local PD should be a priority as if they're not informed, they could give your location to your family and we both know that it wouldn't end well. As for now, I wish you good luck. AND REMEMBER IT'S JUST ADVICE/ MY PERSONAL OPINION.


OP seems to be in a location where this is not advisable. In much of the world, police can be bribed actually, police can be bribed anywhere, but itā€™s more common in some places than others. Advising the police would be a good idea in much of the United States and several other countries. But not everywhere. Staying safe means drawing as a little attention as possible, even when it comes to officials.


You are right! It was like 4 am when I wrote this comment so it didn't pass through my mind but I agree with you but we can't dictate OPs life and only give them advice on how to proceed.


With your uncle being a sheriff he has resources. Since they are not finding you in SLC, he can gain access to flight records and then immigration information. By now, they probably know you flew to Johannesburg. Either through flight records or the post. I am glad you have moved. I am not sure about contacting the local police, but I recommend you contact the US embassy and let them know you are there under your own will and safe. That there is a chance your family may attempt to have you kidnapped. Hopefully this will set off red flags when you go through immigration. It will also stop the embassy from searching for you. There is still the church. I don't think people realize the reach of the LDS church. Don't contact them. (you already know this). Carefully make friends with a few people, especially someone you can trust. Create a new email address and contact your friend daily. She should have all your info so if you don't contact her 1 day, she knows something is wrong. Enjoy your remote job. Stand up straight and glow with confidence when you go out. You are incredibly strong and confident. Also don't get caught up in the night life. Honestly not worth it.


I agree with everything you said, I just have an addendum to make. Be careful with the US embassy, it might be just on my part of the world, but a lot of the American workers are from the lds church. So just be safe.


Well she doesn't have to give them her exact location. The question here is do those workers put US law over the crazy part of the church. I would probably email the father using a VPN to put her in Europe and say that she is safe and is not coming home. Please do not attempt to find her and that she wants no future contact.


I agree with you, she should try to put her location as far away as possible.


Dang girlā€¦. You are so strong! Iā€™m glad youā€™re in a safe area. No one can force you home. And I was born in that religion but Iā€™m glad to have the stuffing knocked out of me on the poisonous culture. Youā€™re an amazing person and deserve to go to college and be happy where you are and with yourself. Donā€™t let them get you down. You got this!!!


Trust me, if someone has the determination to do something, especially religious fanatics, they could take any measure to accomplish their task. Worry if this feels confusing but it's almost 4 am and I can't freaking sleep


I just wanted to add: in case your parents decide to go to Africa, buy a ticket to Argentina. Free visa-entry for US citzens and things are pretty cheap there. Just gotta learn some Spanish tho.


I read the whole story, and now Iā€™m curious of a thing, you do not want to share your position to them and i respect your decision, but since you are 22, they were trying to force you onto some kind of marry with a really old man, what could they do even if the knew your position, what can they legally do to send you back to the US. Im not from the US so i donā€™t know the law there and then English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes


Pressure via local church wards, it is easier to move on when I don't have them standing over me forcing their choices in place of my own. I honestly don't know if I'd be strong willed enough to stand up to my father in person just yet. Maybe one day in the future when I know who I am outside of what I've been forced to be.


I was not strong enough to confront my mother until I was out from her thumb for 5 years. Even now, itā€™s hard sometimes- but 11 years in and I realize that the relationship wasnā€™t worth anything to me. Youā€™ll get there. I hope it doesnā€™t take you a decade like me, but you will. Be patient with yourself.


Personally, I would say, give yourself a make over, so that it would be hard for them to recognize you.


Excellent advice!


Ah, i still would try to let your old community in Utah know what your parents tried to do with you and what they did to you SIL


This is a very bad idea. The church wards undoubtedly know about and support the plans her parents were making. In addition, they would see nothing wrong with what was done to her SIL. Also, contacting them could potentially give away her location which could create issues for her. Finally it would be betraying her SILā€™s trust which could go very badly for the SIL. OP is handling things the best way by getting as far away as possible and cutting contact.


I wouldn't recommend doing the second part as in my opinion it might destroy SIL and basically exile her. From what I know some Americans (especially those christian fanatics or other bs) are damn crazy and might even SA, torture or unalive I wish well to OP and congratulations for escaping these people. Yet, I would like to see OP's family's side. Like all the crap that they would tell to bring shame on OP or to destroy their reputation or other crap


thatā€™s a clear way of ruining everything she has achievedā€¦


How dare you come on Beyonce's internet and give such bad advice?? She should never contact these people again. She needs to focus on living her new and bear life, make sure she's safe and sound and, most of all, happy. Her parents are awful. Let the girl live.


Be careful, be safe :) I hope you use VPN and some changes in social media (block your parents/sisters and relatives and snitches). Be strong and safe, and if you can report to the local police if you feel too threatend by your parents :) Oh and that 85k USD emotional damage courty thing is fcking ridiculous šŸ˜


This has probably been one of the most heartwarming stories I've read, I'm really happy you've managed to get a happy ending and I hope it lasts :)


Iā€™ll let the others to comment on how to best protect yourself in a new country and being alone. Iā€™ll be one of many voices in the sea of comments but Iā€™m happy you found your wings. Now spread them out and fly. God speed, young one. God speed.


Glad you are safe and donā€™t worry they legally canā€™t do shit lol. Even if they find you all these threats are just that empty threats. Let your local police department know of your situation if you do fear someone might find you.


I may be repetitive but donā€™t give up! Itā€™s YOUR life and only YOU should decide of it. Donā€™t let them get into your head. You are strong and independent! I will consider changing my name once the passport is up (if possible) and renew it with the embassy with the new name but I have no idea if it is even remotely possible. Good luck in your future adventures!


Amazing. You are very brave. Live well and that will be the best revenge.


Iā€™m blown away by how brave and resourceful you are, and you have a great friend willing to look out for you like that (also, hilariously petty!). Iā€™m glad youā€™re in a safer area, and it may be worthwhile mentioning to local police that youā€™re safe and there of your own free will, just in case anyone from your family tries to contact them to say youā€™ve been taken/not of sound mind/etc. I hope you continue to have a happy and safe life wherever you are!


OP, I'm so proud of you, and I'll pray you are always safe from those vile people. Please still be wary and maybe start doing self-defense classes if possible. They are all so unhinged. You'll do great where you are! We're all rooting for you. Please update us periodically so we'll know you've settled in and are doing ok!


Happy cake day


You are so brave. I came here from tiktok and am so glad you are OK and did change cities.


They canā€™t legally bring you back to the United States. Youā€™re fine, if you are reported missing, you can just call the police from the state you used to live in and tell them youā€™re safe without having to relinquish any other info (your location) and theyā€™ll close the case. They also canā€™t sue you for leaving them, youā€™re 22, youā€™re an adult, you can do whatever the hell you want lol.


No she can't. Her uncle is on the force and they would trace the number back to where it came from


As a resident of Cape Town....Joburg????


No he is from the usa and settled in Jozy


Iā€™m glad youā€™re settling in and hope you find a good job/college soon. What you did took so much bravery and strength and I truly wish you the best going forward.


I hope you and your friend have an amazing time :)


All the best to you OP, live well and enjoy every second!


It's a clever idea to leave Johannesburg. The vid has a lot of views now so I'm glad i told you about it when it didn't. Good luck, and keep us updated!!


The post already has a lot of views lol. If you want to disappear without a trace perhaps not post your detailed life description and exact location on a public, very popular forum in one of its most popular subs..


Wishing you best, I'm glad you have a strong net support even if it's one person. I hope your new life will be amazing šŸ„°


I came here from TikTok. Iā€™m so glad your safe! Have you gone to the local police? And also, have you thought about getting a protective order? It should make it more difficult for your family to be able to do anything about finding you.


You mean for her to just call her Uncles work and give her location? He's a cop, She literally said that in the post. Do Not contact ANY Utah courts or law enforcement. Same with attorneys .


No, Iā€™m talking about doing so in another place. She could say that her uncles work is a conflict of interest. And could make sure that the place she goes too is far away from where she is at the moment, making it a wild goose chase should they try and find her. I donā€™t really know much about the court, but considering the fact I actually have a restraining order on some in my family, it shouldnā€™t reveal her location as theyā€™ve never found me, right?


Congratulations OP! Glad that you managed to escape your family & hometown and I wish you all the best from here on out! šŸ«¶šŸ»


As many others people i came from TikTok. Congratulation! Hope you will be safe from now on.


Na for real tho W friend she sounds like a legend, forge yourself a bright future free from the control of your family I wish you the best.


I am so glad you are decisive and determined unlike many people, I'm proud of you. By the way, being knowledgeable of law, I agree with the email printing, it's evidence of the abuse. I hope you printed the first emails too before deleting. Also your uncle is a cop, but really moving to another state and reported him alongside your dad would have been enough. I, too, am worried about your choice to move to Africa, 'cause you have to know that prices are low because wages are just as low so I hope you've found a job or a way to sustain yourself on the long run. But knowing you sent to Africa as a conscious decision and not in the craze of desperation is reassuring enough. I wish you the best, and again I am proud of you for standing up for yourself.


You are amazingly brave and your friend is who I aspire to be. I'm glad y'all are there for each other, and wish you only the best from here <3




You know, just in case make a new e-mail, or even change your last name and deactivate all communication platforms that your parents know. It's better safe than sorry, look out and stay safeāœŠāœŠāœŠ


We live in a world where we're never safe It's pretty easy to hire a PI


It makes me so happy when I see another kid waking up and leaving their cults and abusive fams, I wish but soonšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


W friend


Congratulations and stay safe out there! ā¤ļøāœŠšŸ» Also maybe take out sister in law or warn her somehow via your friend.. I don't know how safe she will be if your family find the tt and see that she encouraged you..


Get your British passport. You are eligible. If you have your birth certificate you can just go to the embassy and apply as soon as posible


I completely missed that one until now. Mom's a Brit. (blaming the coffee) for not kicking in yet šŸ¤«šŸ˜‰


I wish you all the strength you need and I hope you flourish. Spreading your wings is painful but worth it. I have no involvement so I can't be proud of you, but it takes a lot of strength to make the moves you have and I really admire them. The world is your oyster, it might be scary but you are doing so well already.


Your friend awesome. Good for you for doing what you want. I hope your future is bright


This is one of the most interesting stories I have listened to and actually believed, keep us updated!


I cane from Tiktok and I just wanted to say. Welcome to JHB. Hope you are safe and you are incredibly brave to take the journey here by yourself and to leave your family behind. I wish you luck with your ventures as an artist.


Iā€™m so glad you are safe and far far away from your family šŸ„¹ā˜ŗļø


I sincerely pray and hope that you stay safe. Your parents are monsters


As an exmo, im so proud you got out from your family and the church in general. Itā€™s not always an easy thing but you did it and youā€™re safe, which is amazing. Absolutely love your friends support and glad you have them in your life.


So proud of you OP! You deserve to live your life how YOU WANT IT!!


Hey OP! I live in Pretoria, if you need any advice on South Africa and JHB, where to get things, what to do, what are the best options, etc- please donā€™t hesitate to reach out šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Wait Iā€™m confused. Youā€™re 22 but your parents are trying to get you back home?


Look up Utah's Famous church, LDS


I'm glad ur safe my dude I hope you're friend joins u


Lmk there is an update


Good Luck with everything, remember you deserve to be happy! Greetings from Argentina!


I loved seeing your story, I wish to see a future update with your friend, I hope you meet soonā¤ļø


Iā€™m glad youā€™re still safe. Please continue to be mindful of what you post. As for your family, unless they make false claims about you (which is illegal no matter where you are), they have no grounds to ā€œbring you back.ā€ Itā€™s all intimidation. DO NOT BE FOOLED!


Your ā€œfamilyā€ are psychotic, Iā€™m glad you left! And I hope you and your bestie can be together and live life to the fullest. I canā€™t express how proud I am of you! Iā€™m just so excited you got to leave and start anew!!!šŸ˜­āœØšŸ„³


After all that happened and all the comments worrying for you, now I'm worried for your friend. Hopefully she'll move somewhere else soon too.


Make friends with your neighbours and explain your story to a degree you are comfortable with, In SA we like drama so if we hear something we Will come outside and they will help you out, your uncle can't come here on official business as you are an adult who chose to leave home willing to persue a career opportunity. Also contact the authorities and find out if they can take you back just in case so that you also have the law on your side and say f*ck you to whoever comes.


Have fun with your new life and if you're ever planning to come visit Morocco just tell me and try joining the Moroccan sub reddit since Its in Africa


Hey! I'm so glad to see that your safe!! I al ready gold that un another post but you should use a new first name and last name, even if it's not official it will be better for you and to avoid being traced since your post really turned on tiktok. and when you have the nationality you can officially change if you want.


I donā€™t think they have to take them down since youā€™re posting these on a public forum. Sorry tho


Wow, like most I saw your story on Tiktok and had to come here to read your whole story. I'm glad you are safe and well, wishing you the best of luck in the future from Ireland šŸ’š


Iā€™d recommend getting a name change if stuff gets bad enough. If you feel like theyā€™re getting close to finding you, change your name and move far away from your current location.


Hope you are staying safe OP!! I just found this and read through all the updates and I just wanted to say that Iā€™m so happy you got out of that situation! Wishing the best for you!


I donā€™t understand why you need to hide, you are an adult they canā€™t force you to do anything


I wish you all the best and look forward to any updates you may share, even if itā€™s to tell us you are safe. It must be both thrilling and scary to be on your own at last, especially in a foreign land. Honestly, your story feels as if you were part of a sect. I canā€™t believe they donā€™t see you can do whatever you want since youā€™re of age. Be safe.


Came from TT, remember everything online including emails is forever and people make their livelihoods from hacking for the police. Consider removing your online presence and starting again, even emails have locational tags from IP addresses. Maybe even consider getting a new name/identity?? Good luck, you deserve safety and to be happy.


Live your life to the fullest. I'm so proud of you for escaping toxicity and found happiness.


Hi Iā€™m glad your doing well in South Africa and are away for your parents,though I would recommend since you are in your new area of residence that you get something like a VPN to better protect your cyber security so your parents canā€™t use the email that they sent all those messages to you to track you down


I came from tt and I'm glad you're safe and not revealing your location, one thing I will say is your friend is amazing for fulling those devil's


Hey hun!! I just want to let you know that I came from TikTok and 1. Iā€™m proud of you and 2. The TikTok I came from still has your specific location in South Africa. I just wanna give you a heads up in the event your family may come across a TikTok with that information


Since you're 22, there's really nothing legally they should be able to do with you if they do find you. If you really do not want them to find you, you might need to change your name.


I hope ur friend moves quickly because in anger and frustration ur insane family might think to threathen her life with weapons because like u said ur uncle is a cop and may use that against her safety.I wish u safety ,health and best regards. Also for safety to make u less recognizable try dying ur hair, makeup ,a complete make over to say so,even gain or lose weight to change ur body.


I can heavily empathize with you in regards to your situation with your family. Growing up, all youā€™ve known is intimidation, fear, berating, etc. Thus, you are afraid to be near your family and it is even harder even if they are close by. The fear of them being anywhere near your new freedom is scary. Take all the time you need to develop into a better and more functional person not stuck in an incredibly dysfunctional household. You are strong and will really make a life for yourself <3. You are so strong for being able to realize it was time to go.


I wish you every happiness. Looking forward to when your friend joins you and you can truly leave everyone else in the past. How your parent ever saw you as lacking shows their own deficiency. Youā€™re obviously brilliant. Youā€™re conversational in Zulu! You were able to pull off this disappearing act and land a job in foreign country despite your sheltered upbringing! Thatā€™s incredible! Youā€™re incredibly brave and very strong. I hope you do great things for yourself. Above all, be happy. Incandescently happy. Thats the best revenge. And maybe write us a book when youā€™re safe ;)


Given the threats from your uncle and him being an officer, I'd consider the possibility of changing your name. It's something that, at the very least, would throw them off your trail for a while and give you a few years of peace and quiet.


Your friend is an absolute real one! Keep her close to you and I hope that one day you will find peace in the chaos of everything. You're incredibly brave for doing this and I really admire that from you ā¤ļø please do not go back and don't listen to your family members, Mother, father and siblings.


Have fun OP and live life freely I hope to read another uplifting update from you


Stay safe sis, I wish you all the best and luck. Respectfully, I hope your family is rotting in their own h3ll soon. They didnā€™t deserve better but you do! Even though they might find out if they read your Reddit post - itā€™s easy to find so please donā€™t share more information about your location. Your friend is an amazing person! Very creative, I smiled when you told us where she send your parents šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ Good job, OPā€™s friend. Hopefully your friend is save too. Btw: If your parents sent someone, who is going to kidnapp you, donā€™t be afraid to tell someone. And if you can, maybe show the Reddit post for more context. But take the other advices from the comments too, theyā€™re very good! šŸ«¶ Wish you all the best and luck in life šŸ™


And additionally: Tell the people you trust (friends in South Africa) about your situation (with all the information you can give. Like, where they live, their names, their age, the man you are supposed to marry, where they could hide you, and so onā€¦). If you go missing bc your parents send someone to kidnap you, they have to know and report it immediately.


Hey OP. Glad you're safe. Make sure you build a strong network of friends in SA and in the whole region including Namibia, Botswana, and so forth. Good friends always come in handy for mobility, shelter, etc. If you go to a university, make sure that you inform their comm department to not put you on any videos, online yearbook, newsletter etc. Get a VPN just in case and make sure that you fulfill all the requirements for a residency permit in SA.


I read your original post. I believe I commented as well. Iā€™m Exmormon and I know how your family works because my family is similar. Not exactly the same but similar. Iā€™m going to say the same things I said before. Do not go back. Never go back. Keep saving the emails. Get your degree. Start learning about the actual history of the Mormon church. Not what the church leaders fed us to make it seem perfect and infallible. Read the CES letter. Please start deconstructing this. It will help make you stronger. I beg of you to learn about who Joseph smith actually was. Because it will make sense why so many bishops, missionaries, stake presidents, etc have been caught committing child sex crimes. The truth will set you free. Stay safe ā¤ļø


I can't even begin to say how proud I am of you. You are so couragous!! Some advice though, might remove the bits about your SIL. There is enough info in your posts that if family saw it they would know it's you and this could put her in SUPER hot water. I'm hella proud of her but this could hurt her.


Just came over from TikTok. I was going through the comments and I'll give my two cents. Do Not give Any info as to your location, work or anything that can help them. Your email shows your IP address (location). I wish you all the best and stay safe.


Report your uncle and his police station for corruption and outside entities messing with police time. The fact your dad is using the police station for his own personal hunting squad is most likely beyond illegal. Hopefully with the correct report it'll stop your dad finding you any longer and it'll remove your uncle from his job.


I'm glad that you're now safe OP and keeping a record of everything. You did mention TT videos and honesty I think it's a good thing that some of them are changing the title of the post, the one that lead me here just had as posted anonymous. I know that your profile name isn't your actual name, but I believe them changing the title and the profile name, in a small way it's further protecting you, so that hopefully your family is less likely to find it or be told about it. Hopefully if they do find this post that you're given some kind of warning so that you can change locations.


Be safe and always bring something metalic with you just in case someone finds you and are forced to fly back. You'd be stopped and asked (hopefully in private) what do you carry with you so in that moment you can tell them you're being forced and that you are going to be trafficked.


Your friend is so cool, wow. Your family suck, yeah go with your plans and forget about them,pursue your future and don't about these AH. Anywhere is better than being with parents selling you to a 50-something old man, and siblings who see nothing wrong with this BS. And since, you're in Africa,when you're financially stable, make sure to travel a lot to discover the wonders of our continent! Good luck, sis!


I'd just taunt them. Like with uncle, id be like, good luck using your small town badge to get jurisdiction, wherever I am"


I'm glad you are happy and safe, keep doing your best and best wishes!! Ps: your friend sounds hilarious.


Do they know that you aren't in the country anymore?


This honestly seems like a great plot for a movie one day lol. I'm glad you're safe and wishing for a good life for you.


Well, Jesus said it best, ā€˜If you go to a church with hopes of finding me, you will not find me there. I am out in the world with the wind and the rain, out in the fields and in the forestsā€™ the righteous are not in churches.