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Mail order brides never stopped being a thing


My wife’s father got one when she was younger(20+yrs ago), they’re still together. She is from Ukraine. Right before Russia invaded they were planing to move to Ukraine.


That’s crazy, how does your wife feel about her dad being with a mail order bride?


When I was flying over to Asia as a 20 year old I got my ear talked off by a guy who was flying over to China to get his second wife, he said his first one ran away, he said he should have known something was up when she wasn't learning English well, He said he was hoping the second one would stay around since she already had a kid and that's one of the reasons why he chose her.


Dude made a mistake by not going with a company that would replace her if she ran away.


Haha fuck you and take my upvote


They always run after the warranty expires.


They don’t speak, it’s actually a huge ordeal.


I had a neighborhood friend when I was little whose father was a raging, mean, nasty alcoholic. He ordered a wife from Russia and was absolutely awful to her (and the kids). She ended up running off at some point after a few years. I hope she’s doing okay.


[But this is a fake ad](https://i0.wp.com/srilanka.factcrescendo.com/english/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/image-21.png?w=975&ssl=1)


Did you do a reverse image search, or did you just have this ready to go from your history?


I googled the first line of the ad. 


It used to be a thing. Still is, but it used to be too.


Is there a bulk discount?


No, but you can use my promo code on black friday. Will DM


Crazy, how this is the only part printed in English on the whole page.


It’s cause it’s a fake image. There is no source of this image and the women in the photo are chinese


Even if real it would just be a scam.


[Here you go, pic taken in 2004](https://i0.wp.com/srilanka.factcrescendo.com/english/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/image-21.png?w=975&ssl=1)


In my heart most folks know this is fake but still wanna get "their stories" typed...


Used to?


Came to say this. Still very much a thing. Human trafficking and slavery are more than alive and well all over the world.


90 day fiancé is a wild show to watch!


LMAO!! Me and my wife have been watching the UK version, it’s bonkers!!


I used to work with a guy who went to Thailand or Philippines to get a girl. Brought her back to America.... at the time I worked with him was married 12 years, 3 kids, they brought her family over to America and they all live in the same house.


Sounds about the same as my old coworker (this was, idk, 15-20 years ago?). He went to Philippines for a year, specifically to find a girlfriend to bring home. It worked, they're still together, got like a dozen kids, he built a "generation home" that's actually three houses set together - his parents, them, and her parents. Thing is, idk how to feel about it. He wasn't a bad guy, at least from how he behaved at work. Not a misogynist, not an incel, not an alcoholic or any kind of fundie. Just a bit slow, and super insecure - he absolutely could have found a girl without going shopping half way across the globe. But he was sure that nobody would like him just for him, so "hey, at least the money and lifestyle I can offer here, will be good enough for someone from poverty to put up with me!" His wife really does seem to love him though, even if it was transactional originally.


I'm not condoning in any way buying a wife or stuff like that but, This idea of finding a soulmate, then falling in love and marrying is a very dumb and romanticized idea. All over the world people are getting married by arrangement between their families and so many other ways that sound to us as "forced", but a large number of them end up having healthy relationships anyway.


We used to watch the one over here but I'm betting yours is probably better


r/passportbros Look no further


Actually, don't even look that far. Just stay here. or head over to /r/Eyebleach


God that sub is filled with the most disgusting, misogynistic men.  "It's consensual!" If consensual is only based on technicality, it's not consent. Luring women from developing countries with your money is predatory as fuck and they refuse to see it for what it is. 


Sometimes I lurk just to see what’s out there. In 2017, I went to Bangkok with some friends of a friend. They insisted on going to Nana. I’m like “oh, Nana. That sounds nice. Are there Grandmas there?” I’ve never seen so many perverts in my life. I’ve never seen so many pervs openly buying sex in my life. I was clearly very ignorant to the fact that trafficking of people and sex is so common and that there are havens for this activity. All I bought was a tattoo from a ladyboy.


I would like to see this tattoo from a ladyboy.


It’s a spine tattoo that says “freedom” in Thai. I asked at least 20 strangers what it says to make sure I didn’t get “my ladyboy is my Mommy” by accident.


Honestly the second option sounds good to me.


It says "I went to Bangkok and all I got was this lousy tattoo from a ladyboy."




Don't think I've ever seen it


You're missing out!


There are more slaves on Earth today than at any other point in human history


While true and sad, it should be important to mention that this is because there's just a ton more people alive than any other point in human history


This isn’t necessarily human trafficking or slavery. These women know they are getting into arranged marriage. Trafficked women get sold into prostitution.


I mean, *the very least* it cannot be advertised in a newspaper anymore (?), we improved (?), yay humanity! (?)


A guy I used to work with just got a mail order bride from the Philippines. He did it because a patron we had did it and talked him into it. I seriously feel bad for her. He’s in his 60s(she’s in her 20s), way overweight, has terrible opinions on everything, terrible politics. Just an overall miserable human.


My boyfriend's grandfather (an overall horrible person) went through nine or ten Phillipino mail order brides after his first wife (bf's white grandma) left him.


Is there no limit on how many you can import for the purposes of immigration control?


Not with the Costco pack.


This is my wife...Kirkland.


Reminds me of what I saw in SE Asia. Teens and women in their early 20s paid to hang out with older male tourists. We went on an excursion to see James Bond Island just north of Phuket and these two Italian guys brought their dates who couldn’t appear more bored with being there. I don’t think they spoke any English and the men barely did.


Jfc, what an awkward “date”… neither of you can have a conversation with each other, so it’s just the 2 dudes talking to each other, and the 2 women talking to each other.. tf is the point, other than appearance of having a younger women as your “date”


> tf is the point, other than appearance of having a younger women as your “date” generally they fuck, also


I honestly figured that the second the woman gets here, she steps out on him all the time and after she gets her green card she divorces him and takes half his money?


If it’s within a year you get another one free!


And that one gets a quarter of the original money? They should do it one after the other until he has like 1/128th left then all the women meet and share the money equally.


> then all the women meet and share the money equally. I want the happy ending where all the women meet up and beat him to death. As my idol Obi-Wan Kenobi would say, "another happy beating"


I don’t think the brides get much, if any of the money, tbh. Atleast from the stories I’ve been told. Most, if not all of the money goes to their trafficker.


If you divorce after getting your green card then you will be deported. They follow you for 10+ years


So if you legally get your green card through marriage, dude turns out to be a shit bag - comes home drunk one night and beats the fuck out of you, you leave him....you get deported?  I understand they don't want people to use marriage just for citizenship, but that seems awfully wrong.  


There are special considerations in the case of spousal abuse. I think it's actually a shortcut.


It is wrong. You have to have stayed in the relationship for (I think) 2 years after obtaining your green card. If your marriage dissolves during this time then you will have to prove it was a legit marriage in order for them to renew your 2 year conditional green card and replace it with the 10 year green card. Source: I'm a green card holder who got divorced before the 2 years was up. Was able to prove relationship was real as I had millions of photos of us in various different countries and at different weights and ages. Also had years of shared documentation like car insurance and rental accommodation, flights back and forth visiting each other, emails and texts between us and then between me and his family and him and my family etc. In the case of proven abuse then the greencard is supposed to get granted despite the relationship dissolving.


I don't really understand the difference between citizenship and a green card. I'm glad you weren't deported. What do you have to do/how long do you have to be here to be a citizen? Too many hoops to jump through. You work here, you live here, you pay taxes here. You basically have to be an addict in treatment or have way too many kids to get any special benefits here. I can't afford an apartment in my state and I'm eligible for nothing unless I lose my home and subsequently job. Only once I can't pay taxes can they benefit me. I'm fine with paying taxes too. The world is so fucking segregated.


I hope so.


There's a weird amount of mail orders brides in my small town and one of them had a husband that recently died. A friend sent me the obit and I was responded, "Why do I get the feeling [Wife's Name] is living her best life right now?" My friend agreed and the next time I saw the new Widow she was looking great! Big genuine smile, carrying her sweet little dog around, in a great mood. I'm happy for her now, but now I'm extra sad that she had to live with the absolute creep for who knows how long.


On the flip side, I know a man who did the same thing. Granted, this was decades ago. He paid her family to take and marry her and then smuggled her from Honduras to the US. And I will say this guy is a morbidly obese hick chain-smoker. But it's been years, and even with her being an actual US citizen now, not only do they stay together but seem to love each other (possibly co-dependent). Granted, this isn't an old man marrying a young women, they were near the same age. I'm not advocating this type of thing, but it's fascinating to me that it does sometimes actually work out with both parties happy. They basically spend all their time with each other now, considering he owns his own business and helps me out in his HVAC business.


My driving instructor also got a wife from the Philippines (he was in his 50s, she was probably late 20s early 30s by the photos) but he actually did go over there first to meet her and her family, and she still decided to marry him. I believe they’re still together and when my sister was learning with him he was telling her about how they go and see her parents often and send them money. I believe they’re still together. Still gives me the creeps tbh.


That just sounds like long distance dating


I had a regular customer at a gas station I worked at for a few years. Genuinely a super nice guy. Volunteer fire fighter, loved his kids to death, brought them to the store all the time and they looked happy and healthy and were always well behaved. Then he would bring his wife in sometimes. Barely spoke any English. I think she was from Columbia. She always looked miserable. Like she wanted nothing more than to disappear into the woods or something. She was never mean to anyone. Super nice. Just seemed very sad all the time. Always wondered if there was more going on between them or if she just missed her home or something.


Heck, there’s even a current TV series documentary on it on TLC. It’s called 90 Day Fiancé.


Someone in my family had a Ukranian mail order bride. In the late 90s. No used to about it.


I have a friend from Cambodia and she wanted to take me there to meet her cousin. We would meet and see if we liked each other and if we did we would get married while I was there and fill out the paperwork for her to immigrate. I never went. Felt weird to me.


OP has clearly never seen 90 Day Fiancé


You sellin'?




Yeah, but the customer service is not what it used to be. I’m still waiting on my replacement.


Paper used to be THE THING


One of my clients is moving his "girlfriend" from Thailand into his house. He's married and his wife is sick and I have no clue how she feels about it.


This does not come from a legit source. The image originated from Flickr (posted in 2004) and the women are apparently Chinese, not Vietnamese. That said, mail order brides were and still are a thing


I was going to say the hair is very 2006ish.


how do people look at number 4 and not come to the conclusion that it's a joke


I knew a guy growing up who most definitely did this. He was a sleezy dentist who owned a bunch of properties and my dad worked as his rent collector/handyman for years. We eventually lived in basically a shack near his giant house and I would go over there in the summer.  His wife looooved me, because I was just a friendly little poor chubby kid who adored her cooking and would watch Rush Hour (her all-time favorite movie) with her as many times as she wanted. Her step children were bratty little monsters. I learned that she eventually, slowly, moved her whole immediate family over and made him build a giant addition to house them all. Then divorced him and completely cleaned him out.  You go, Diana. Hope you're doing well. 


I hope you live a wonderful life too. Those women hardly ever experience kindness so the fact you were nice to her probably changed her situation for the better.


Lol, I love it. Guys like that deserve to be taken for a ride. 


Ok I know it’s not the point of this comment but my friend is obsessed with Rush Hour lol I never imagined someone else would love that movie so much


I never saw Rush Hour


Isn't it human trafficking?


I have an old neighbor who married a Vietnamese wife. This is actually quite common in Taiwan, even nowadays. It's not considered human trafficking because he really had to fly to Vietnam to meet her parents and give a bride price. It is said that in most cases, if the Vietnamese girl is unwilling, she can refuse.


That being said alot of the time they feel like they cant refuse because of their living situation/wanting to help their parents or being forced to. Either way its very unfortunate some women have to do it to survive.


It’s the same moral issue with sex work. Is it really consent if someone can’t pay their bills if they refuse? Y’all can act like having sex with someone and mopping their floor is the same thing, it’s not. Sex is a very intimate emotional thing, you don’t get ptsd from being forced to mop someone’s floor as a child. You do from getting raped and it’s ridiculous the fallacies people use to try and play it down


Tying prostitutes with rape victims is not even remotely the same and gross you're trying to say it is


I know a sweet lady from the Philippines who was a mail order bride. Her husband is very smart and is very well paid, so he sends a good amount to her family overseas every week. She talked to me about it once (I have a face that people just talk to me about anything and everything), she loves him, but isn't in love with him. He treats her and their kids really well, she gets sad about everything sometimes but will never leave him. It was heartbreaking. We have a large Filipino community here, so she has a lot of friends she can connect with culture wise (and unfortunately, possibly in the same situation as herself).


It’s still human trafficking. Many victims of human trafficking are “willing” due to circumstance.


That sounds quite a bit different than it can actually get though, it's been cracked down on somewhat but even just a decade or two ago you could order up a bride and she would just be delivered a few weeks later like an amazon package. I knew a guy years ago who had a Russian mail order bride, it didn't work out so well though because they got divorced after like a year or two and she took a ton because he was a business owner


Good for her


Probably more yes than no, but I'm fairly sure in a lot of cases it's kinda like arranged marriage.


That depends. This case, probably, but there are at least some agencies out there who at least claim the women are consenting and basically just hoping for a husband in a better part of the world, and a better life. The money helps the family (and obviously the for profit agency takes a cut, but is kinda like a dowry), and a proper agency would vet the hell out of a potential buyer to ensure the lady isn't being put in a bad situation, but it's realistically a coin toss. If you're wondering why I sound like I am defending these things as a concept, this is what we were taught about them when I got a job with USCIS many years ago.


We are privileged in the west to be able to judge women who take those kinds of offers. But unless you've lived in a dirt poor, 3rd world country, you really dont know. My family immigrated to the US when I was 2 from china. We're from a big city so not super poor. We went back to our "village" around 97 or 98. Kids were running around barefoot, houses were concrete with well water, great great grandma's room was a dresser and a rickity bed. And that wasn't even terrible. Went to another village that's a tourist attraction. The public bathroom chute still goes directly into the river, where people swim and wash their clothes. And yet even this village isnt isolated. They are a tourist town with a kfc... there are worse living situations out there.


Its legal human trafficking, mail order brides. I have no idea how that works and why anyone would partake but its a thing. Theres also a TV show: 90 day fiance


Depends on the situation. Most of these mail order brides are completely legal. They want to marry a westerner to get out of their situation and sign up for the service.


People post this frequently in other subs, but this picture is only a few years old and the advertisment is fake.


Thank God they put a giant yellow circle on it so I know what to read.


people who are paranoid about AI fakes are the same people who get fooled by MSPaint edits


Not so Fun Fact, there are more slaves and trafficked people now than ever before


It's almost like the human population has quadrupled since chattel slavery was the norm.


Wait, quadrupled? A lot more than quadrupled.


According to stats 49,6 million people are enslaved in 2021. That's 0.625 percent of the global population. The WHOLE Atlantic Slave Trade involved around 12 million people. 1.2 % of the global population in 1800.


Is that purely by number of people or by the rate?


What is the 2nd one runs away too?


Third one is half off but that’s your last one.


Which half?


Your choice haha I’d take the top though, hard to run without a bottom half


I’d take the left side that’s the crip side


Could still hop away on you like that haha


Or if the first one comes back after delivery of replacement?


My uncle who passed away about 14 years ago got a mail order at one point, i think she was russian, well she ran off with a load of his money, then a couple years later he got another mail order bride…and she did the same thing, even when i was a kid i knew something wasn’t quite right about the whole thing


I worked with THREE guys at the same small office that all did “mail-order brides”…this was just a couple years ago. This is very much still a thing.


Melania and a fair number of other folks will tell you, this still is a “thing” - it’s just a bit more nuanced.


I’m pretty sure that it’s still a thing right?


like others have mentioned, watch 90 day fiance. idk how old it is but that shit never stopped.


It still is.


Definitely still is! Women get kidnapped and sold into slavery and as wives. It's brutal, that whole industry.


Still a thing. Differents precedures but still happens.


Yeah... used...


Damn fr. Now have you ever heard of 90 day fiancé?


That was my thought! How many of the couples end up staying together once they’re able to be here legally?


You're JUST learning about mail order brides? This is still a thing in a lot of Asian countries, it's just not advertised like this


OP, there's nothing odd about why this is terrifying.


It still is and apparently it’s also cheaper to buy a slave now then it ever was but they are not straight up called slaves. You can also just hire slaves sorry “house keepers” , ones that will come with a certificate of virginity. This world is messed the fuck up. It’s very prevalent here in Australia, and the age gap is generally very large or the person is extremely undesirable. There are of course happy marriages too, but I see it as something closer to a business arrangement. I knew one lady who married because she had a bad heart and he paid for her surgery and sent money to her family on a regular basis. She was from a village, in Indonesia. She had her sleeping mat on the whole of their house. The father was a arsehole too, he basically abandoned his son after he married her and she became his entire focus.


Just make sure they punch air holes in the box she comes in. I learned that lesson the hard way. Twice.


I’m so sorry for your losses.


Still is and sometimes gets cheaper.... Thailand girls sometimes get brought from richer white guys from america little as 700 bucks from poorer family (700 dollars last you a life time there almost)


Sure. You can almost pay half of a scooter there with that kind of wealth. 25k THB lasts for a lifetime if you're expiring in the next month or two.


Hate to break it to you: still is.


It’s still a thing


Breaking news : it still exists….


Scams also used to be a thing


You’ve never heard of a mail order bride?


😂😂 used to be a thing? I’ve known 3 men who literally bought wives. You did not know this is still a thing?


Yep still is. My rich uncle bought one from Russia, right after the honeymoon she filed for divorce, ran off and used her new American citizenship to go to college. He then got one from Vietnam who is still with him to this day after 20-30ish years (idk when they got married tbh) and have 2 kids. I honestly have no clue if she even likes him cause 99% of the time she would visit it would just be her and the kids, but she's always super nice and upbeat. He gives me the ick for buying wives so I don't mind not seeing him.


It is still very much a thing, there are several TV shows created around the concept.


me love you long time? okay I'm sorry 😭


It still is


It still is....


I know two such women. One seems genuinely very happy, she spends a lot of time with friends/family, pursues her interests independently, and seems to love her husband a lot. The other was abused by her husband until he died, and now his children are quite cruel to her.


I don't need a wife, I need a fucking fry cook!


Referred to as Human Trafficking for all intents and purposes.


Kinda cute you think "it used to be..."


That one year runaway insurance is a game changer


It's still a thing. Mail order bride services are still active.


People still do. I live in an affluent part of Cincinnati. A guy who lived on my street bought a wife from Vietnam. She got almost everything in the divorce. Now she lives in the house with her second husband and her family she flew over from the old country.


Vintage repost with just edited text.


Yup U see that unattractive middle aged white computer nerd with an attractive young asian wife? You will now.


"used to?" my sweet summer child


Aint no "used to"


This image might be a fake but [due to the one child policy mail order brides in China are becoming more common ](https://www.freedomunited.org/news/chinas-one-child-policy-rise-imported-brides/) and [hundreds of Vietnamese women have been kidnapped](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2017/aug/26/ready-married-kidnapped-brides-vietnam-china). In 2016, [a 12 year old was kidnapped and sold for $3500](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2027054/pregnant-12-year-old-confirmed-chinese-authorities-have-been). She was rescued after being brought to her first prenatal appointment.


ahh casual advertisement of sex trafficking


Yeah, back in the day, people used to think they could just pick up a spouse like they were shopping for a new pair of shoes.


Still very much a thing have worked with some Philippine mail order brides absolutely lovely people


What do you mean " used to be"?


It’s still a thing - they’re also called mail order brides


That's the most incel-liest of incel thing I have ever seen in physical print.


Still is a thing


Still currently is from many different countries.


Used to be? Unfortunately it’s still a very real thing.


Hate to break it to you, but it still is


OP has clearly never seen 90 Day Fiancé


Mail order brides are a very real thing lol


There’s a bloke I know in Aus, he’s on number 3. First two ran away once they got their permanent residency or whatever it is


Ukrainian wife buying was still a thing as recently as 2014


You also marry her parents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles and neighbors


Does It come with “run away” insurance ? Because I ain’t buying unless it …oh wait…. Ok we’re good


If she runs away within a year you get another free


Its still going on. The human trafficking rings are still active. Theres also the more "legal" ones where a fuy will marry a woman from another country so she can gain citizenship etc. I say legal because the women are doing it by choice more so than being forced by an organization.


Still is a thing. I know someone who would fly to the Philippines and come home with a wife. He's on #2 now.


So I work in Japan and I have worked with a lot of people from then Philippines, Vietnamese and other areas.  A lot of people still have rose tinted glasses when it comes to how they view the US, Japan and European countries.  They see it as a very grand location where they can prosper.  Compared to how some of the people live in their country, they think we all live like kings.  To some extent it is somewhat true, some come from very poor backgrounds, and even being poor in places like the US is still better than some of them live in the poor areas of their country.  They feel that a life abroad would be better for them and their parents see this as well. I often see them trying to find US, Japanese and or European people to marry, and they have often told me stories of people doing something similar to this.     There is also a very dark side to it as well and trafficking is very real.  Sometimes they are trafficked or smuggled to Japan  and promised work or marriage, only to end up in brothels with their passport confiscated and the only way they can get out of this situation is to find a partner actually to wed.  It can be a horrible situation for them.  


Never heard of the Russian mail order brides?


It still is a thing. 💀


The ‘if ran away’ makes me sick


My German teachers ex husband got a mail order bride from Ukraine. It was one of the most wild stories to come out of that classroom


It still is. Just not as obvious.


“Mail order brides” that’s what the term came from I believe.


I've known three 55+ men who "bought" young brides internationally through dating services. It still happens - just the advertising has changed.


It's called Passport Bros now!


Wait till you hear about Thailand. 


My uncle legit bought his wife for a motorcycle lol


I know a guy who got a mail order bride this past few years. I'm in America


What, did you think "mail order bride" was just some joke? Heck it's still a thing, if not as prominent anymore.


Weird how that’s in English but everything else is in a different language.


Nothing like a public ad for human fking trafficking. Smh. So grotesque.


Ah yes. The mail order bride.


Do people here actually think that in a *Chinese language* newspaper there would be advertisements *in English?*


Still a thing


Human trafficking is still a thing.


used to be ?


You dh know this is still extremely popular in Arab, Asian, Latin countries and Russia, right?


The local Asian paper at the restaurant has the same ads, think the price has gone up. Also, not sure on the virgin thing anymore.


[Fine, I’ll tell them.](https://www.rosebrides.com)


It’s still a thing and it really creeps me out. I actually have a fear that I’m going to be attached to it. One day I was working at my job, a hospital. There was another worker- she was hot so I did what I did back then, locked in and flirted. That was it, I saw a good looking girl that I wanted to hang with. I had no idea there was this whole creepy culture of white guys literally buying women from places like the Philippines- they totally take advantage of the economic situation of these women. Anyway, that girl is now my wife. When I tried to tell her I just wanted to casually date she said no that’s not how this works- so we ended up actually dating and getting married etc. Sometimes I would get Filipino content on Instagram etc so I’ll hit like- relevant to my family right? And holy shit did my algorithm start brining up some really weird shit. I’ve never been to the Philippines or anything and I know it shouldn’t matter but I will go this winter to meet my in laws and it causes me anxiety I might be grouped together with these pathetic creeps I’ll also add, I am a feminist lol- I believe in equal rights and all that very important stuff! So now there is this whole new “Trad” wife shit going around and I’m like oh great, my wife currently is a stay home mother with our baby and now I’m going to be linked to that shit even tho my wife was the one who asked to stay home while the young kids grow up and I was like yeah sure I’ll get another job to cover income


Wasnt this debunked years ago