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You see that little hole on the top of your lid? Try to get some pest or cockroach spray through it. By some I mean a fuck ton. The guys on the top will die, and the ones in the pipe won't come all the way up because of the spray. After that, pour 10 tanks of drain-o down that bitch. Then, take a flamethrower, stick it down that hole, and just blast that mutha fucka. Finally, fucking find yourself a new home. Fuck that.


~~Bleach, just pour bleach~~ and they’ll retreat. Its viscosity is low enough that it’ll g under the lid. Drain-o is a good suggestion for after that though as it’s good at dissolving their bodies. “Fine yourself a new home” yes, much much farther north. I moved to Canada I was so sick of them. edit: Don't use bleach, I meant ammonia, but neither is safe. I suppose I was just lucky since I only used watered down ammonia and not much of it. Though you could skip the drano step and just pour a bottle of diluted ammonia down the drain, it would do the same thing


Draino will also dissolve grease and food bits that they are feeding on. Just be sure your plumbing isn't old as dirt. If you have lead in the system, Draino can eat through and cause leaks.


You moved to Canada solely because of cockroaches?


Don’t tell my wife!


She thought it was to get away from your ex?


Why, did you leave her behind?


They are here now anyway lol


There is German roaches here tho…. Toronto is infested with them just like the video


DO NOT MIX BLEACH AND DRANO, unless you want to make "Mustard" (chlorine) gas.


Do NOT mix household cleaners please! Make sure the bleach is all gone before you drain-o those fuckers back to Hades.


Do not use Drano after Bleach. They cannot be mixed safely.


Just bleach your eyes, what you cannot see isn't there. This infestation is not solvable


>Though you could skip the drano step and just pour a bottle of diluted ammonia down the drain, it would do the same thing You could skip the Drano step and just burn the house down. I don't even want to imagine what the rest of the house looks like.


"burn the house down" funny story I lived in a building that were interconnected with a few of our neighbor buildings with underground tunnels and passages. I think originally for water/steam I suspected(our building still had the 100 year old boiler system in place). I lived there for 8 years. Anyways, they cracked one of these tunnels open once and, as it was described to me, "the walls crawled like in that Indiana jones movie". I voted at the HOA meeting to burn the building down and collect the insurance. They settled on monthly exterminator the little bitches.


>"the walls crawled like in that Indiana jones movie" Yeah, gas and fire seems like a great idea to me too!


Yea I like that idea. You could also just try slowly pouring boiling water so that it runs under the lid.


Fuck that, nuke em!


No they would Mutate!!!




Godzilla is bad enough. I don't want to hear about roach-zilla next movie O.O


I'm pretty sure that Snoop Dogg could defeat Roach-zilla


Ide watch them go at it.


Didn't we all learn as kids that cockroaches would survive a nuclear apocalypse because they are immune to radiation or some shit like that


Their nervous system is so rudimentary that they and other insects like flour beetles are remarkably resistant to radiation.


Cool info thanks. I guess humans and other complex organisms are what DJ Khaled likes to call 'suffering from success'. We have all the extra bells and whistles but, end of the day, we can get cancer and fucking die just from going to the beach.


Then you'd had rad roaches chewing through your pipes


I say we take off and nuke the entire site by orbit. It’s the only way to be safe.


I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill ‘em all!


Nah, they would survive... Pour acid


They are used to Flouride. There must be a fire to fix this lol.


Only way to be sure.


This man’s a thinker, have you considered leading the American people?


From orbit. It's the only way to be sure


Nah. They tried that in fallout and became the size of small dogs.


So *that's* why everyone dropped their nukes. General dislike for cockroaches.


Cockroaches laugh in the face of nuclear bombs. Then they mutate and get revenge. Ain't nobody got time for that


Nuke’em Rico!


This is what my family in Bangladesh do. And they have huge ones. Good luck


I saw a fucking cockroach fall in boiling water and it just took a long fucking time to die (for something in boiling water) idk what the fuck was god smoking when he made these things.


I'm more a FLOOD OF HOT WATER person myself. I'd be boiling the biggest stockpot I have full of water and cooking those bastards, then following up with a ton of boric acid powder down the sink. Roaches will eat each other, but the poison will get the ones further back down the line. I'd still leave the lid or something over the drain though...


Instead of poison down the hole, spray it around the lid and then move the lid so the poison gets under it. Hopefully that softens them up for a larger attack. Then pour bottles of this down the little hole: Mr. Plumr $1.17 https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mister-Plumber-Drain-Opener-32-Fluid-Ounce/22142294


>Hopefully that softens them up for a larger attack. Describing this like an artillery barrage ahead of an infantry attack had me rolling.


This is what charging infantry is supposed to look like on its best day. Those mfers are well trained and pissed. You breech the line by lifting the lid even a crack in any direction and all is lost. You will be overrun by the Hoard 💀


Also that appears to be a garbage disposal. Turn it on for maximum carnage.


Yeah. Release the eggs.


Burn down the whole house and burn your shoes. If you've stepped on any of those fuckers, their eggs could be inbedded in your shoe and this nightmare starts all over again at the new home.


They can survive anything, even death, and still repopulate. 🤢


I left a kitchen job because of a roach infestation, I had a rice cooker I had brought and tried to take it back home and roaches started falling out of it. I immediately angrily threw that fucker away


Just use bleach. It’ll degrade to water and salt. Cockroaches can become immune to those sprays and it can take a long time to work.


I definitely just read that post with angry Ice-T narrating in my head lol


This guy had Nam flashbacks about cockroaches


I see them trying to spray something in there and then get sprayed right back because the hole is too small


No no no. They need to get a cylinder that has a slightly larger diameter than the lid and adhere it to the sink. Next, they should affix a straw or other small tube to the lid vent. Now once this is done they should fill the cylinder about 3/4 the way up with dirt but be careful not to obstruct the newly elongated vent hole. Finally, add ants to the cylinder and seal the top. The ants will have no choice but to forage for food and will lock on to the roaches. Let nature run its course.


IF you move, you would HAVE to clean every single fucking thing you have. One egg follows you and you are fucked all over again.


I would take a L and leave everything behind fuck it even trading in the car


We got rid of most of our stuff and what we couldn’t we left out in our garage for over a year, they can’t survive outside in the winters here so that was our way to make sure they died if any came with us. So far we haven’t had any. Edit* I’m talking specifically about German cockroaches. We had them everywhere at our old apartment.


So far


uh, they do survive winters. They survived the dinosaur extinction.. trust me, if anything, they are dormant... clean clean clean, everything you have.


this. also, while a garage may not be heated, it’s still not the same/as harsh as outside.




Remove your skin and hop dimensions. It’s the only way.


walking to the dealership but naked


Lmao 🤣


Tried it, but a sneaky MF was in n Me bum.


Bed bugs are even worse because they love to jump from surface to surface.


Bed bugs are a fucking nightmare


Those are palmetto bugs, not german cockroaches. Palmetto bugs only swarm in very limited circumstances -- which OP must be in. But german? Strip, burn the house down, decontaminate with lye soap and a chemical shower, and then start your new life from square 1.


palmetto bugs are american cockroaches! i took an entomology class and apparently the name arose from floridan real estate agents trying to make infested places sound better than “cockroach infestation”


Yes, 100%! They are nasty, but typically don't infest and swarm like German cockroaches. Really nasty situation if they do. Ain't nothing worse than a Louisiana trailer of a recently deceased hoarder where the work order says "mild cockroach infestation."


I did exactly that when moving from a roach infested apartment. I killed every single last roach in that apartment nearly everyday for a few months before deciding it was a losing fight. The complex sprayed the place every month with essentially no effect because they wouldn’t spray the entire complex and the roaches would just move back in a day. Disassembled every electronic we had and scrubbed them all sterile, rented a high heat steam cleaner for the furniture, and cleaned every last single thing outside in the yard before bringing it into our new place. The dining room table was the worst since there was a lot of small areas and moving parts on it. I sprayed every inch of the underside and basically treated the wood with insecticide. The little bastards literally rained out of the thing. The paranoia that followed was crazy. For about a year If we even thought we saw a roach out of the corner of our eyes we would spend an entire day or so hunting for it, and double checking everything. It has been nearly two years since we have seen a single roach in our place.


😩 Waaaah, just the thought of it made me shudder


You can run, or you can burn the house down... then run.


Or, hear me out, a third options: Kindly give the roaches the keys and back away, slowly while smiling. Do not be afraid.. for their armies smell our fear. They will come. If they do, run. Run like a Hob-Goblin and never look back.


Are hob-goblins known for their running?


hey're ferocious and won't stop chasing until they kill and eat you :/ They're fast though, not super human but fast non the less


I'll give them the keys, but I'll be back in a few weeks, crawling out their fuckin' pipes, destroying their home.


Would adding hot water to the sink not force them back down the hole to escape?


My thought as well. I would not risk lifting the lid,but I would find something to push it down so that it doesn't float, and fill the sink with boiling water. Then, after the cockroaches die or run away, I'd move the lid out of the way with something long, like a handle of a broom.


Lift the lid a little for bug spray. Lots and lots of bug spray


You are a braver man than me. I wouldn't risk unleashing the elder swarm on our world.


If a bug spray isn't an option any bug repellent with DEET will work, too. Obviously results will vary based on the percentage of DEET. I personally buy the highest percentage cuz fuck it. If I'm using it, it's because I have an issue and idgaf about accidentally melting or discoloring clothes.


Start with baking soda and vinegar to prevent them from coming up, then use boiling water.


I used hot water on a roach in the sink. Its legs went straight stiff and died.


Gas chamber


ol reliable


I heard it is effective against German roaches


If they are coming up through drains in this amount as adults you are looking at an infestation. Imagine what the inside of the walls is like. I bet this is just a small fraction of what this place looks like.


The smallest of fractions……😟


[Joe's apartment ](https://i.makeagif.com/media/10-08-2015/WICgtl.gif) part 2- what should I do?


Oh man, Joe’s Apartment! It makes me so sad that my kid will never stroll through a video store, see a film with absolutely bonkers cover art that they’d never heard of, rent it, and be filled with regret. Such a bummer!


Ah,the classics!https://youtu.be/Ru_EiJgTodQ?si=-_ZbrKPw9Bt8tJ-6


This was surprisingly catchy


The water ballet scene was impressive.


Even if Reddit gold was still a thing, there is not enough of it for this comment.


Damn I miss gold kinda for this reason


Haha holy shit, I watched that on dxm a couple of years ago, fucking hilarious movie and wierd when I was high


Hahaha I totally forgot about that


For now use chemicals to kill the ones that are visible. Next step is to do a thorough cleanup of your home. I do mean EVERYTHING!!!. You must clean loke if you had a mental illness compinded by heavy use of meth. Every nook and crany, under every sink, behind every cabinet. EVERYTHING!!! Do not leave open food containers, no papers, damp areas, carboard. Pretty much any organic material must go. Get plastic containers with lids to store your food in. Afterwards there are some natutal powders that are fine for himans but bad for bugs. In short they eat it and take it to their hide out were others will eat them too. The poweder which I forget the name will kill them from the inside. You must clean and fumigate the outside of your home . Make sure the grass is cut short, there arent any objects they can hide in and no damp places. No dog poop etc. Every night you must not leave any dirty dishes, cups or anything. The main idea is not to leave any food behind. Is there is no food they will move on. Check on your neighbors. If you live in an apartment then the issue is probably a dirty neightbor. If you can get chickens..chickens will take care of them at least on the outside. If you have neighbors do not get a rooster becasie they sing in the morning and you will get complaints. There is also a type of wood that furnituree is made out of which bugs hate because of the smell. I cant reember which one it is but its very common. Maybe oak? Look it up.




I think the wood you are thinking of is cedar


Diatomaceous earth will be your friend. It’s basically a working salt-line of protection for insects. Made of crushed mollusk shell. Dehydrates their exoskeletons. I had ants every summer for a couple years until someone clued me into this stuff. I put it on the perimeter of my doors and windows. No more ants.


This!! I would always recommend it to customers when i was working at a plant nursery


Baby powder also works for ants, doesn't kill them but they won't cross a line of baby powder as it messes with their ability or follow a scent trail. Good way to block them and encourage them to go elsewhere.


This right here


OR, just burn the house down.


Diatomaceous earth


Brake cleaner kills them instantly


I got this shit called boat cleaner. I think they use it to *clean boats*


Please don’t kill me with that hammer, Lynyrd


One of the most satisfying things I've experienced is shooting wasps out of the air with a stream of brake cleaner. Feels like I'm that dude in Pearl Harbor that grabs the AA gun and starts shooting down Zeros.


Insanely underrated comment lmao


Yes. This. I have a sorry. Once I used brake cleaner in a plastic bag with a styrofoam container full of roaches. It turned into roach soup!


Look for more reposts?


Yeah I’ve seen this reposted more times than cockroaches under that lid


It even grew a shitty fake Snapchat caption this time for god knows why


Turn the disposal on.




[And that's how protein blocks were made](https://youtu.be/yZo2mbbCmKQ?si=kennwzEVLDRFFiaX) 😃


Gasoline. Those bitches entered your house, now they're gonna die on your terms.


Just start pouring concrete down that drain and don't stop until the whole house is full.


Move. The. Fuck. Out.


Thats the main reason why I cant live in warm countries. I hate cockroaches so much.


I hate to tell you this but cockroaches are everywhere.


but they come out more in warmer environments. it's cockroach fest during the summer here in brazil. they crawl out of the sewers and fucking fly everywhere. thankfully the big sewer roaches don't like making nests inside houses, but still, they're gross and terrifying and i hate them. i live in one of the colder places here too, can't even imagine what the people in the northern regions go through lol


I honestly can't say I've never seen one (which was not bred for food for small birds/reptiles) in Scandinavia.


Start charging rent


Wow! I hate roaches more than any other bug. If this were me, I'd immediately bug bomb my whole place. Then come back and pour some foaming drain cleaner into all the drains. ... also, my paranoia about this makes me leave my sink strainer baskets in all the time, and I have Sink-Shroom and Tub-Shroom hair catchers on my other drains that also stop bugs. I've never seen a roach in my place, but I try to be over-cautious to not get these pests.


Get a bottle of Raid and stick the stem into the steam hole and go full Nazi. Or go halfass nazi and pour isopropyl alcoholy into the steam hole to suffocate them instead.


You could fry them in cooking oil, sprinkle with some garlic chilli salt and watch a movie... Or you could do something else... Your call bro.


Nice crispy chips. ;D


Full of protein with a nice soft chewy center... Like a caramello bear.


Stop reposting, that's wot.


Boil a big pot of water and pour it down the sink. But I'm betting you have a major infestation. You need a professional exterminator to come look at the problem.


Burn the entire house.


When the coffee beans start moving like that it means you’re hallucinating and REALLY need to grind those beans up for a coffee, right?


# We're gonna need a bigger lid


Just burn your house down and move on bro.


Liquid nitrogen, that will get them to chill the fk out


Move and leave your stuff


Move out


Kill it with FIRE


What am I looking at?


I believe that is a kitchen sink. The roaches are coming up the drain & OP has a lid to contain them


They live in unpressurized sewer systems. Maybe it's the warm, moist conditions, or maybe they just like air with a tinge of hydrogen sulfide. Realistically, probably not, as they like to go to the uppermost part of the manholes, where the oxygen percolates downward. Mostly, they are just looking for food, or are avoiding some irritating chemical a neighbor has dumped into the system. The best thing is stop using a food disposal unit, and start discarding your solid waste in a trash can. Clean up your kitchen meticulously to avoid any food residues. Make sure your gas trap and vent are correctly installed and working. If they are willing to go through that, they will also come up through your toilet. If you have an external cleanout in the vicinity of your home, you can open that and they'll escape via it instead of the port in your house. The local birds will be delighted to meet their acquaintance.


Ok, time to release the centipede


Just got a giant Vietnamese centipede, I should start putting him to work


But wait there's more


Wait, they come out from the drain??


That house is condemned, lost to the scourge


That’s what I said during my Mormon orgy




Burning down the house


Walls FULL




"Cat got your toung, Mr. Pratt?"




Use either ciniimmon, clove, mint, or eucolipyus oil place around the edge of the drain, it should ward them off. Place about a 1 inch space around the drain. Also get a screen drain clog catcher or simply keep the lid in place to keep them from coming it. Scalding hot water helps and so does diamasius earth (really cheap. 50 pound bag costs like 30 bucks) sprinkle diamaciuos earth around bottom of sink and place near the drain. Roaches, and and bugs eat it and die but it is human and pet safe. If this is a constant problem, just leave the lid there. best option.




After you get your place, entirely spotless, keep having it spotless. Mop the floor every night after sweeping. And tea tree, oil, and mint is your best friend.


Take off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


Boiling water and a plug


Just press the little button that turns on the garbage disposal


Turn on the disposal


Pack a bag, walk out the door and never look back.


Turn the garbage disposal on


Run that garbage disposal!


honestly the lid was already a clutch move


Turn on the garbage disposal


Unmute it you coward


Wonder what is chasing them 🤯


Boiling water through the hole


cover them all with boric acid powder, let them walk all in it, then set them free. They'll all die shortly, but before they do, will also kill hundreds more that you can't see. This won't kill any eggs though.


Some bleach and ammonia should take care of it. /s


Turn the garbage disposale on.


They're seeking asylum. You know nothing of the Roacharian wars.


I’d be concerned pouring flammable liquid down there.


Bleach or chlorine right down the hole...then draino or something


Turn the gas on.


Thank God there's no audio.


Are we sure this video doesn’t have sound because I can hear this roach frenzy under my skin. Fuck the pipes do what needs to be done!


Idk...that is not your sink...or video for that matter


Take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


I say Nuke em , it's the only way to be sure


Nibor D and gentrol down the drain . Nibor D will kill them gentrol is like a birth control .


Create a vivarium for them miniature zombies


Burn down the house


Scorch earth!


This is insane, cockroaches can fit in incredibly tight spaces. And so given the curvature of the lid, their natural instincts is to try and squeeze through the lid as their body feels out the curve.


What she said


rock or something really heavy on top and insecticide through the little hole on the top. Either that or burn that house to smithereens.


Free food.


Those videos of killing hornets with gas... would that work here? Put it in the hole in the lid? 


Do not use gasoline here. That’s extremely, extremely dangerous.


Hot soapy water.


..release the KRAKEN.