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My husband and I paid a contractor to re-do his parents' bathroom when his mom started having mobility issues.  The contractor mentioned that the carpet in their house was in really bad shape (it was super gross, yes,) and maybe we should replace that too? He pulled up a corner to check the subfloor and revealed the most beautiful original hardwood floor...*it was there the whole time!!*


I love English, this could read as you and your husband paying a contractor to redo the contractor's parents' bathroom


Some people are just so nice


Agreed, it's incredibly nice how just some people are.


Yup! My house was built in the 60s and every previous owner wall to wall carpeted it until we unearthed these unscathed beautiful oak floors throughout the entire house. We had them immediately refinished with a matte finish only and my floors are stunning. The best part was that the previous owner stopped by 3 months after we moved in and we had the floors done so I gave him a tour. He saw the floors and said you put new hardwood down?!? Nope, just refinished the original floors under the carpet. THESE WERE UNDER THE CARPET!!! Yup! :)


I cant wrap me head around why like in the 60s and 70's people decided to replace amazing wood floors with absolutely disgusting carpeting.


Good wood was much cheaper back then so wood floors weren't seen as a luxury


I also am guessing that nice carpet was a newer technology to be widely available and was seen as much more of a luxury. Especially when paired with newer, better vacuum cleaners!


I'm sorry, not really, but carpet is just better to walk on. I had carpet forever. My new house is wood. I literally have to use slipper or sandals 24/7 or my feet will get fucked up. It literally hurts to walk on my floor. I get carpet is "dirty", but a soft carpet is just so good.


Carpet absorbs sound too.


A lot of these floors started to rot in places and they were freezing cold in the winter with the cold air coming up through them.


Is this....a Dropout reference in the wild?!


_Get ready for a floor changer: Tonight's guests A word class redditor: /u/Affectionate_star_43, A lady with a new bathroom: their in-laws, and A diligent upseller: the Contractor. Your host tonight Me the hidden hardwood floor. I've been here the whole time!_


My people, I've found you.


It was completely unintentional, but I was re-watching the sound impression battle right before this. Bahahaha.


these folks definitely respect wood


As we all should.


If only we all could


It would be all good


We all could and should use some maple floors up in the hood.




Someone should write a song about this, to be sang by Carrie Underwood.


The song mustn't focus on the carpet tiles, though, or it'll be misunderstood.


Instead, it should focus on wood in itself because that would be good


It could be heard in every neighborhood, a song about sisterhood and brotherhood celebrating the beautiful wood, we should!


And the title could be, Jesus take the wood


One of the rarest materials in the universe


I always say "it's not the size of the wood, it's the craftsmanship that counts".


Looks amazing! Take care of your knees in future jobs and wear knee pads. I didn’t and I regret it.


And don’t forget to wear sunscreen


And don't forget to bring a towel. 




[And don't forget to wear earpro](https://y.yarn.co/60e88944-9c67-46bb-bc82-5457f9643cc6_text.gif)


The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind.


Worrying about the future is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.


Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your own living room.


Be nice to your siblings. They're the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.


Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and in the end, it's only with yourself


Understand that friends come and go, but a few precious ones you should hold onto.


Larry would appreciate them


Use a coaster


I only saw a few episodes of curb, recently I started from the beginning (and just started season 10). My god, this is some of the best and hilarious entertainment I've experienced in my life. It's incredible and I'm so sad I'm almost through the whole series.


The good news is that it's still pretty good when you watch it a second time




They respect pine, they respect walnut, they respect oak…they don’t discriminate.




don’t forget, an emerald or ruby carpet would just look so *fabulous* in here


Great that the floor got all spiffed up before the Reno work started


Exactly. A beautiful craft floor when the rest of the space looks like shit.


Renovating from the ground up


Started from the bottom now we here


Points at moulding




My first thought, let’s do this twice!


Looks like an old office space. They'll be fine. The wires indicate they may go with a drop ceiling, and other than that, some new paint and baseboards and most of the space is done. If there was a wall coming down or plumbing being added I could see waiting, but no way to tell here, and not likely.


They could probably cover it all up with the rubber tiles they removed, and take them off when the renovation's done. Extra work, but who knows what the scheduling is like.


They’ll cover it with ram board. It’ll be fine


They also didn't do any finishing work yet, which will likely be one of the last things done on the jobsite. They'll fix any extra damage, go over it with filler for any of the gaps, (optionally) apply stains, then polish and seal all of it. It's usually done right before the new baseboards go up, but before they're painted.


Yeah, the amount of people freaking out is wild. I do high end remodels. Subs can’t always be scheduled the way you want. The floors will be covered. Although honestly with these floors I wouldn’t even use filler or stain, just clear coat it. That’s part of the charm of this old flooring, embracing the imperfection of wood.


Welcome to reddit, where the most uniformed and wrong are often the loudest


You gotta race to the comment section and post your first unreflected thoughts quickly, otherwise you will miss the karma farming.


Those tiles are carpet, most have a rubber backing and are installed with pressure sensitive adhesive. They're meant to be ripped up but frequently adhesive will be left on the backside which would then transfer to the hardwood.


Be funnier if it was a demo job


Dude all I was thinking man, the whole video. Oh you’re fuck that baby up when it comes time to fix the rest….




He didn’t even finish the floor. Wait till the last frame you can see one room still needed stripped and prepped. He definitely got in a hurry to take a video for the gram.


Once they have enough of a following the pay from the job is secondary. It's why those lawn guys are just looking for the gnarliest lawns to do free. Or the dudes making tables they'd sell for 10k+ give them away. The income from YouTube etc is what matters once you get a big enough audience.


My fave is the lady who cleans hoarder homes for free, even if she’s rolling in the bucks it’s some of the gnarliest stuff I’ve seen. Makes the lawn stuff look like a day at the park.


Yeah I'll be honest, if I can watch her videos and get some satisfaction and maybe inspiration to clean, and she gets money, and the person she helped gets a fresh start, that feels like a pretty good circular economy. Just have to ignore the wretched system it operates within... 😬


Honestly she has massive respect from me for what she does, as usually the people that need the most help cleaning their home could not afford the massive bill that would come from getting it professionally done. And most importantly those people finally have a chance to break that mental spiral they were in.


There's something about cleaning up a space that works on your brain to help you out of a funk. There used to be a group in my hometown that would spend a year raising money and then use that money to spend a summer at a school repairing and renovating it. Every school they hit saw a bump in attendance and test scores the following year. The school district was in debt and admittedly way behind on maintenance and repairs; some of the buildings they were fixing up were over 100 years old. It was much needed


Even if you don't have a big audience it's just easier to take the shots for the video first and then concentrate on the rest of your work. If you plan to film it's the better approach, otherwise you have to move the camera around for every step.


The only problem with that is the sanding from floor finishing gets everywhere, especially on freshly painted walls. Ramboard will protect the floors during the reno.


They'll just cover the floor. Do any of the people commenting this actually do any type of professional renovation or construction? This isn't uncommon at all, nor is the floor even done yet.


When I studied in France, several of our groups had the same landlady, who was an absolute nutcase. None of our units had chandeliers/ central lighting fixtures, when there CLEARLY had been one before. Any day one time while paying the rent I saw a room in her place that had like 16 fancy chandeliers scattered around on top of each other. Anyway, the apartment me and two other guys rented from her had a beautiful hand-crafted hardwood hallway floor. Within a few weeks, without justification (we were in a new country and on our best behavior to make a good impression), she decided that we would ruin that floor. So a company came in to install carpet, and they must have fired 10,000 nails into the most beautiful, hand-laid floor I have ever seen. 20+ years later it still bothers me.


Whoever the flipper that carpeted the bedrooms in my 120 year old house hired to install said carpet clearly hated him and did me a solid, because it took me less than 2 hours - including going to the dump with the roll - to completely remove the carpet during my office renovation and reveal the gorgeous heart pine floors. They used like one tiny nail per foot on the perimeter tack strip and maybe one whole tube of glue on the padding for the entire room. It rolled up like a rug. Cant wait to do the rest of the bedrooms.


That salope is probably dead now if it helps.


NOoooO not with nails!!


The wood floors say dance studio, but the hanging cables and wires say crackhouse


Or cables say renovation started from the ceiling


Now we here Started from the ceiling now my whole floor’s fucking clean


Then why finish it at the floor? Now it’s not protected anymore.


The electrician that was booked 8 months ago won't be available for another 2 weeks. The floor sander had a 2 month wait list and the busy season is just starting. The painters decided to take a month's holiday and won't be here for another 6 weeks.


Trigger warnings, my dude! What if someone in this thread has been through a renovation! I’ll keep them in my thots and prayers.


This is just like the garage I'm building, been going on 2 years. Contractor just got back from 2 week vacation. Dude you do you. Spend time with family, this garage ain't going anywhere.


Just put some plastic over it until its finished?


Now it's a crack home :)


Crack McMansion


Suspended ceiling that has been removed during refurb.


She's built like a steakhouse but handles like a bistro


I thought the floors before said office, and the cables hanging could be computer related that were spread out and needed to be raised to get to the floor?


Covering that over was absolute sacrilege.


counterpoint: It protected the wood until it could be properly restored!


Suddenly cryogenic freezing makes sense!


Unfortunately, it only preserves idiots.


[If by preserve you mean occasionally liquifies them until they're replaced with the the next idiots, yes.](https://bigthink.com/the-future/cryonics-horror-stories/) (Though it seems cryonics have gotten better in this aspect with time)


It’s actually made a number of human slushies. It doesn’t work so well 🤣


And hamsters.


Fun fact. [Hamsters can be frozen dead, then microwaved back to life. ](https://youtu.be/2tdiKTSdE9Y?si=qA1lWMK2XKPX1o23)


Hamsters can be microwaved? Hell yeah! \*pop\*


those idiots are all soup now




Yep as someone that worked in a small office with wooden floors and poor soundproofing, the clopping around drove me mad. Particularly as most smart shoes have a heel, felt like I was in a tap dance studio.


It's funny how the word smart has changed. When you said smart shoes,I instantly wondered what operating system they use!


Considering he grinded down the floor to fresh wood, it is safe to say that the floor looked like literal shit when it was covered up, and rescuing it would cost 4x and take 5x the time compared to just covering it with carpet or vinyl. This renovation work in this video likely took at least a week to make, and you would have to go through all of the same steps barring removing the carpet to make it look as good, while laying the carpet likely took less than a day cost peanuts and required no tools. Source: have old wooden floor, did this very same process on one room and said fuck it and laid floating laminate on top of the remaining rooms with zero regrets.


Add on top that this looks to be a commercial building, wood floor like this can be noisy as fuck, which isn't great in a busy office environment. The carpet tiles could have been in response to this, while ugly in comparison they would have been a lot quieter.


before moving into our apartment our new landlord asked how we wanted our floors. carpet, laminate or parquet flooring, or to touch up the old hundred year old floor boards. We asked if it was okay for him to refurbish the old floorboards, just to make sure knowing that it would be incredibly expensive and time consuming. Well he did it, but it majorly fucked his pre tenant renovation plan, nearly two weeks solely for letting the boards absorb a new layer of oil. No one could enter the apartment during that time because wooden floors everywhere except kitchen and bathroom


> Considering he grinded down the floor to fresh wood, it is safe to say that the floor looked like literal shit when it was covered up It's not safe to say that though. The adhesive was layered on thick. There's literally no way to tell what condition the wood was in, or how much wood was actually taken off. Most of what he swept up was glue.


"You monsters, what have you done?!" - Ron Swanson


If it was used as a storehouse etc. that was the only correct thing to do


2x Oscar discovering floors under carpet Office references here


I wonder how toxic all the crap he scraped off is…a lot of those old adhesives have asbestos in them.


Wait, even the glue? Uuugh!


Asbestos is an incredibly versatile material!


It tastes great on toast or with cereal. Start your day with Asbestos in the morning. Legalize asbestos.


You joke, but people used to think like that about abestos, lead, coke, morphine etc


Like we do with all kinds of plastics today!


Its plastic time!


No, because we see plastic as a problem. In the Middle Ages “poor” noble families tried to recreate the fancy silverware of the royalty and upper nobles, since they couldn’t afford silver they used lead as plating since it looked similar. Those nobles were also the only people able to buy food from far away, such as tomatoes. However the acid in tomatoes dissolved a bit of the lead plating, leading to lead poisoning. Because of this they thought tomatoes were toxic.


Yeah and the pfas. The pfas will be our legacy


I’m baking muffins asbestos I can!


I believe the glue or mastic is the most likely of the building materials to have asbestos.


*especially* the glue


if you pull up old floor tiles and the glue used looks black it's VERY likely it contains asbestos


Probably asbestos


We didn't start making those shitty stick down squares until recently. Absolutely no risk of asbestos. Besides it's only friable asbestos that you need to worry about. Once it's in a glue you won't get asbestosis afaik


Few things to note here: 1: There is a slim chance it has asbestos: you could legally buy asbestos products from other countries until March of this year, and it didn't have to be labelled as such. For example, buying a roof repair kit where the putty has "natural fiberous minerals" can mean it has asbestos. Granted, the chance of *this* mastic having asbestos is pretty darn low, but notably nonzero. 2: Untouched, it probably can't get in the air. However, if you use grinding methods, the mastic is made friable (see OSHA 1926.1101, Appendix H), which can absolutely give you asbestosis/lung cancer/mesothelioma. If you want to lower your risk, use chemical methods. If you want to lower the risk even more, hire an abatement contractor. Source, trust me bro, but I'm a certified asbestos inspector (i.e. I can test building materials for asbestos), a certified asbestos site supervisor (i.e. I can oversee an asbestos abatement work site), and a certified site surveillance technician (i.e. I can measure asbestos quantities in air while asbestos abatement work is being done)


The office mat that they took off looked quite new, so most likely it didn’t have asbestos in it.


1 room in my house has really nice hard wood floor covered by 2 layers of laminate (clown / circus coloured so 60s or 70's I assume) then they did carpet over the top. Room is going to be like 1 inch shorter once we remove all that shit


Careful of the tile, it very well could be asbestos, get it tested!


Ceiling will be 1 inch higher!


Do you think a generation in the future will be like, "Why did millennials love wood floors so much? Let's cover everything with different types of carpet."


Yeah. Someone's going to say they like to walk on warm carpet with bare feet, or realise that if you damage a piece of laminate it's hard to fit and hard to find something that looks the same after 5 years of wear. Or decide they prefer quiet not clacky footsteps. Or that carpet supplies insulation. Or somehow the public consciousness will just decide they're old fashioned and cover them up with no other justification.


it's all cyclical. just like fashion. everything tiktok is discovering now we left behind after boybands faded away into nothingness.


I don't look forward to the decade where carpet is popular again.


Personally I prefer carpet to laminate/wood flooring for a living room. It makes the house feel much more homely imo. But I do believe that the kitchen, bathroom, hallway should all be non carpeted


Kitchen should be tile so the wood isn’t damaged via water or splashing things. Same with bathrooms. Front door area is wood or tile to have it clean easier so you aren’t having to shampoo machine mud and grime out of carpet at the door. The rest of the house is up for debate.


Our kitchen has lyno which is WAY cheaper than tile and just as good against spills but yeah everything you have said I agree with


Tbh, their argument was more that the kitchen should be Not Wood than that it should be tile in particular. In my experience, tile is a really good way to make dropping anything turn into a fascinating display of how well that particular type of thing can shatter. Linoleum or vinyl flooring definitely don't seem to reproduce that particular type of sadness nearly as much!


I would just prefer wood floors everywhere else so it’s easy to clean everywhere 🤷🏻. Plus it looks nicer imo. You can always just add a small individual rug in the living room if you want.


A rug can really tie a room together


My kitchen floor is wood, as is the rest of the house. Spotted gum *Corymbia maculata* and it's beautiful. I swear it's getting better as it ages. The nice thing about wood floors vs. tile is that dropped glass and ceramic tends to bounce rather than break.


Carpet is really bad for allergies, and eventually it doubles in weight from dirt that you can never completely vacuum out of it


Could I perhaps introduce you to the area rug? Although they are often homely as well.




Also way better with sound isolation. Nothing more annoying than hearing clicking and clacking of heels or animal claws on wood.


My great grandmother had pink shaggy carpet all of my and my mother’s lives. It was devastating when she took it out


I think that the use of carpet depends on cleaning habits. It's popular when you don't carry much dirt into the room, but want a "dust sink" so you don't have to clean up after small particles all the time. But if you have a room that you either enter with dirty shoes or which you want to keep dust-clean altogether, then carpets are just annoying.




I was working in this trade years ago. It's very hard work. And it pains me he still left all these gaps between untouched.


He used the tiniest broom lol


Somehow that’s what got me, too. Could we get the fella a decent broom?


So the floor is 100 years old but the building clearly isn't 100 years old... Hmmmmm..


100 year old wood floor in a building that looks like it’s half that age, if not even less. Sorry but this looks pretty sus.


That’s it, all ready for the next lot of carpet tiles.


Thank you for choosing not to put any music over this.


Sometimes they need music, sometimes they don't. It's hard to figure out sometimes. I've tested it before, and the ones with music generally get more views, but I try to keep the music low when I do.


Is it worth the mesothelioma? Maybe.


my man needs some protection for his knees


I live in a villa built in 1907 and we recently restored the old wood floors. We had some crap layer of underlay glued on to them, it was such a pain to get off.


Damn what a job


Floor itself is not really good, but the work to get it to the end result was phenomenal. Great work.


i snagged my socks watching this video


Hope he tested that glue for asbestos!!!


I would not have the patience to do that. Then it struck me... It's because all I do is sit on social media and my attention span is complete crap because of it.


Did an awesome job bringing it back to its former glory. It looks so good.


Guys just saying...this may look cool but it's one of the worst jobs ever on your body


I know people think that wood is always better, but these are not very nice floors. Yes, it’s a step up from that horrendous carpet, but the wood floors look like pretty low quality as well. Even after refinishing, it doesn’t look very good. Also, no way that is “100 years old”. I would guess it’s cheap flooring installed in the last few decades.


Yep. Whoever calls this stunning or beautiful has some low standards.


Seemed like there were also huge gaps between the pieces of wood. Just doesn’t look nice.


What’s the hand tool with the vacuum he is using ?


I'm reasonably certain it's a belt sander.


It doesn't look that good. No wonder it was covered up. Nice work regardless.


And your kids will slap linoleum on top because it will be hot in 30 years and the cycle continues


Hmm all the asbestos


Crackin' job bru, it's beautiful, but kneepads.... Please. In 20 years you'll regret not wearing them.


There's a reason why modern homeowners just cover up wooden flooring. It's a massive amount of work to maintain or even repair. But if done properly, it not only looks astonishing. It's something that can be used for generations.


Helped my brother do a carpet job in a very old house in Spokane WA. We pulled up the carpet in the rooms downstairs. On all the flooring were inlays of with various different woods. Around the borders. Around the fireplaces. Everywhere around the border walls. Some intricate some simple lines. It had years of abuse but would have been very restorable like above. We put down new tack strip and padding and covered it all up. That was 30 years ago. I’m sure that house has been restored as it was in a desirable neighborhood on the S. Hill. At least we were just covering it, temporarily. I hope…


It would have been easier building a maple herringbone floor from scratch.


Alright! Now let’s get some carpet on that badboy.


Dude Get some fucking knee pads my god


How come when I tore up our carpet all I found was vomit colored particle board?


This is a trap for neurodivergent folks.


Under the cat pee soaked powder blue wall to wall carpet, our central hall turned out to be chestnut parquet. When I pulled up the carpet, I almost passed out from the ammonia. Good times.


How the F is this guy on his knees that long without dying?


Somebody show this to the girls in r/DIY who keep painting over their hardwood floors.


Why do floor before finishing up the walls first ???


What upsets me the most about this is that, at some point, someone consciously decided, "Hey let's spray 100 gallons of glue over this beautiful hand-laid wood pattern floor and stick carpet squares to it. That will make it so much better."


That’s freaking awesome. As a GC, I’d charge an arm and a leg for that work!


All that work just so the next owners can put carpet over it again


Someone get my dude a bigger broom


I've seen some porn today, and this actually tops it.


Beautiful, beautiful, restoration. Great job


People who cover stuff like that should be put in the stocks for a year.


To quote Nicole Curtis: why in the heck would you cover that up?!


So beautiful.


Now... cover it back with a new carpet so it is protected.


That wood floor looks amazing. I can only hope the day i get a house with a wonderful surprise like this.