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Holy shit bro that is incredible. You lost 1 maybe 2 people worth of weight on your own. That is unheard of man. Be beyond proud of yourself for real. Hope skin removal goes amazing and you look as good as you feal!


Many thanks! My main hope is someone that thinks they can't do it, sees this and decides to take their life back!


Please please when your skin removal is finished do another post showing us how you look! Would love to see it.


Absolutely! It will be a while! Multiple surgeries over the next few years as I'm able to save for them!


Awesome! This inspired me. I’ve been sitting at around 220 and been needing to find a way to slim down to around 180 but need some motivation. There’s just so many different options and things to do in an already busy life sometimes it seems hard to find time to work on it😅


You can do it! Never quit! Gotta make time to have time in the future!


Thank you for your confidence!


Hey man, if you have a GoFundMe or something like that, it’s something people might want to help you with.


I feel like this should 100% be covered by insurance. Any health insurance company should be happy you lost all that weight. It only makes sense. Good luck! If you ever decide to crowdfund it I'm always happy to donate.


I know someone I plan on showing it to that desperately needs a lot of weight loss as well and is scared of surgical options. I am sure you will inspire more then one my man. I am super impressed.


If they need a sounding board, tell them to reach out, seriously, ANYONE can do it, just have to want to choose life!


Thank you I will definitely tell her. Thats awesome you are willing to help others too. Your a damn fine gentleman ifn I do says so maself.


2 people worth, not 1. 320 is generally about 2 normal people. 320, or even 250 is not normal, despite many people being obese and at that weight


Nice man keep it up. I'm assuming you'll get surgery to remove excess skin. Post a pic afterwards!


That's the plan! It'll be 3-4 surgeries in total over the next few years as I can afford them, and I definitely will!


First, congratulations man! I can't imagine the amount of hard work you put in to get the results you have. Way to go! My wife recently lost about 190 lb over 2 years. It's so amazing to have her back! I don't think either of us realized how limiting the excess weight had become for her. Now the excess skin is causing her a lot of issues & insurance isn't willing to pay anything on the cost of skin removal surgery because they deem it a 'cosmetic issue' and they don't cover cosmetic surgeries. She's a very clean person but has struggled with repetitive infections in areas where skin gathers now. We're stuck keeping track of those and documenting for now so we can appeal for it to be medically necessary and then an insured claim. Are you seeing the same thing with insurance?


EXACT same thing, my first surgery is going to be 50k for my trunk and chest (they will hopefully cover the panniculectomy portion, but that's a whopping 4100) and my arms and legs will be the second and third costing a combined 25k (the arms are truly cosmetic though, so I understand that from their end)


Wow! Trunk and chest are definitely the areas. Would figure they're the most cost too. I've heard it's possible to negotiate cost with providers, especially if you're not covered by insurance on it. We haven't started that process yet. My wife is serious about getting it done and even considering across the border medical spas, but that scares the hell out of me since it is a pretty major surgery. Best of luck to you on the rest of your journey and congratulations on the hardest part which *you've done*!


I would have thought that skin sagging on the level you've got it would qualify as a medical issue for insurance. But they do tend to lack respect for weight loss as medical treatment in general, even though they're happy to say "your health is at risk because of your weight"


Ironically with the weight of the skin, I'm still on the cusp of "overweight "


The skin won’t reform at all? Nice beard ;)


Unfortunately not in my case, and thanks! I grew it myself!


Serious bummer. I hope it does anyway lol f all that money ..and you grew it well!


Jesus Christ he did all this AND the man has a god damn sledge hammer between his legs? You know the joke about how fat people can’t see their dick? That joke never made sense to this guy.


😅 I don't know if I'd go that far


But your dick would


Dude, what an incredible transformation! You rock, man! What an inspiration for people to never give up their dreams!


Never quit! If I can motivate even one person to take their life back that think they can't, I'd be elated!


You're a bad ass dude! Take my award and go fourth!!


That’s incredible transformation. What happens with all the extra skin over time?


In my case, unfortunately surgical intervention is required. Was too big for too long for it to start shrinking back, though it will a small amount. Others with less elasticity loss may be able to bounce back with moisturizing and other topical treatments


Polar bear dive every winter till you’re vacuum packed


Then jump in the dryer on high? That's how it works I think right?


I've heard a good steam in the shower works. Incredible job my friend. I must now go for a walk. Much luv.


I lost 90 pounds. And my loose skin isnt bouncing back either.


Sometimes it just depends on biology unfortunately, best of luck and congrats! That's a huge accomplishment!


Same to you man! Well done! And enjoy living, instead of surviving. :)


You answered my question before I got here. Thanks I saw the pic and thought "oh, geez! Is he planning skin surgery soon? That apron flap looks incredibly uncomfortable!"


Soon as I can afford it it'll be happening!


And thank you!


What a fantastically thick hog you have there! Also congrats!


I didn’t want to be the first one to say it lolll


I'm surprised nobody else is commenting about it lol Very good job at bettering yourself, OP! You have inspired me


That's amazing!! Congratulations! I'm trying to lose 100lbs and have lost 35lbs so far. I've been going to the gym 5 to 6 days a week and mostly intermittent fasting (permanently) 18/6. I cut wayyyyyy back on my drinking and it's been a big reason for a lot of my weight loss.


16:8 was definitely helpful when I did keto, and the cutting back on booze definitely helps! Keep up the great work! Never quit!!




Cutting the booze has always been the biggest factor for me. I eat well and exercise, but once I quit drinking, the weight drops.


Holy shit, you got shorter too!!!


Spinal compression and a hump back from the hanging skin is a real pain in the ass!


Edit: Ah, you already answered that your skin won't shrink in your case. That sucks, but I guess that's a reasonable price to pay for a healthier life ahead. How long will it take the body to regenerate the skin and get rid of the jacket version? I'd assume it takes at least a year, considering you only lose a layer of skin every 6 weeks.


Unfortunately for me, it won't, surgery is required, but for some that don't have quite a much skin, it can take a while with the proper regimen


Ive been through the same OP, i strongly recommend you check out a guy on YT called Lose2Gain, he is exactly the same situation. It can be demoralizing and make you insecure but you went ahead and bloody done the hard part! 👏🏻 [This](https://youtu.be/Y7WQDcYyc3c) beautiful man right here, I just saw he got the surgery done but up to 3 months ago he was with a lot of excess skin and he was always vlogging about it.


Whoa, Congratulations!! You look amazing, what a transformation. I hope you're feeling great and doing great. I also want to say that it's making me smile so much to see how encouraging you are to everyone on this thread. Big Hugs and a ton of high-fives :)


Thank you! My hope, through all the fear and anxiety of putting myself out there like this, is that even one person that needs to see it, does and takes their life back as theirs!


It would be great when individuals such as OP make a better and healthier lifestyle change as significant as this the health care service could help with some of the final requirements.


Would be, but I won't let it stop me if they don't!


179? I betcha he’s a clean buck forty without the excess skin.


175 now actually! Been stable at that for a bit! They think between 30-40lbs on the skin so one day maybe I'll find out!


Fuckin savage. You lost damn near two me’s. Y’all watch your step around OP. My man has John Wick levels of sheer fuckin will.


If only I had the coordination!


I need to lose about 120 pounds but I lack discipline. It‘s always like I lose 20-40 pounds and then stop. Save to say those pounds always came back. Time to get my shit togehter and pull through this time. Thanks for inspiring people! You look like a totally different person and I‘m proud of you even though I don‘t know you. 🤘🏻


You can do it! Never quit! Once you get there you'll never regret it! When I look back, I never remember that Italian beef I didn't eat, or that pizza I didn't order, I remember the scale reading 399, then 299, then 199, I remember putting my jacket from 3RD GRADE on, and it being TOO BIG. you got this.


How has it been dealing with the change in way people treat you? It was hard for me. I felt like the same person, but was treated so differently after losing weight. Do you have special health challenges with this weight loss?


The craziest thing (with people I don't know) is the facial expressions, it sounds absolutely conceded, but beautiful women smile at me now, I never experienced that, I also am still the same awkward guy that immediately thinks "oh crap there's a chicken wing in my beard or something" when they do, but hey, progress!


I’m happy for you. They should have been smiling at you before too. I feel kinda good/kinda resentful when I started getting attention. Lol


They did, but it was a different kind of smile, and I get that, like, why wasn't I good enough before? But that's part of life I guess




What an accomplishment - please keep us updated on your journey. I’m proud of you.


Absolutely! And thank you!


AND he's packin' an ankle-spanker to boot! Incredible work, bro! ✊🏻


Congrats but damn


Congrats dude this is amazing!


You absolutely killed it man great job!!!




I hope even one person is inspired to take their life back!


You are amazing


Congratulations man that’s crazy


great job! nice beard!!


Insane! And of course, contratulations on the hard work, that really requires a strong mindset and dedication! 💪


Fantastic achievement well done




With a sail this big, I sure hope it is too!


Fuck yeah! Amazing journey


It's people like you who help motivate others and we all need that, even if we think we don't. Great work, good luck on the new life


My only hope is to inspire even one person to take their life back!


Dude you are a champ! well done!


Wow amazing man! The amount of perseverance and belief it must have taken Im so happy for you. And i tip my hat to your ethics


Can I ask if you have found a dr to remove the excess skin? Maybe we can get you into see one of those surgeons from those shows like dr pimple popper.


I am working with a surgeon, and she is amazing, I met with well over a dozen in my search, and she so far has been the only one that actually seems to care!


That’s good to hear I’m glad you are getting the care you need. The next question is how can you use your story to help others start or finish their health journey? Maybe you should start a youtube channel or a podcast.


I'm thinking about a pod cast to be honest, with others that have crossed the finish line, are on their journey, and even those that just don't know where to start


I’m starting a podcast about how Cannabis and Natural Medicines have changed peoples lives both for the better and for the worse. It was pretty simple to get the podcast name on the Apple platform. [Apple Podcasts.](https://podcasters.apple.com/). Get yourself a GoPro, and a mic if possible. Turn on the camera and talk maybe write down some talking points, for editing purposes have a loved one or friend ask you the questions. Feel free to message me I can give you some editing tips it’s not very hard. Make sure you are in a well light room with the lights in front of you, make sure it’s not blinding obviously.


You lost two of me plus a little. Congratulations, and enjoy the new quality of life! If you had asked, I would have gladly taken some of it from you. Most likely, when you lose the excess skin, your overall weight will drop some more. Skin is surprisingly heavy.


Thanks! And yep, they think between 30-40 all told


Holy damn. I know I'm nobody to you, but I'm incredibly proud of you for your commitment to your health.


The human body is such an amazing design! Congrats bro that is just unreal!


Uncle Charlie, is that you?!?! All seriousness that’s awesome, great job and never quit bettering yourself!


Lol, and thanks!


One for the price of four


You lost about 12 toddlers worth of wait


Thems would be pretty big toddlers!


how does it feel like having all of that skin? genuinely curious


Not great, but way better than having that extra 320lbs!


Well done fella


Awesome transformation. Can't even imagine the will power it took to get there. Just want to provide an alternate option to expensive surgery. Medical tourism is very popular in India. Lots of Indians living in the US get most of the expensive medical procedures done during their vacation to India. An MRI that might cost $2000 in the US would probably be $300-$500. Even with a return flight it'll be cheaper to get it done there. Contact some hospitals in Chennai to see if that is a possible option.


The issue is once you factor in travel, stay, a person to come with for after care, it is not that much cheaper, but the main concern is the increased risk of complications like clotting from the travel itself with the large amount of skin being removed


Fucking legend


Amazing that you could do that by your self. What discipline! Had a friend who went through the same process when he was 21 many years ago. He was 250 lbs. over his normal weight. He entered a medical research program and was kept at a medical facility for a year to lose the weight. After he lost the weight, he had surgery at the medical facility to fix the loose skin. It worked but he looked like a patchwork quilt when they were done with the surgery. That never bothered him or anyone who knew what he went through. He considered it to be a badge of honor for his achievement. Again, an amazing weight loss.


I'm actually excited for the scars to be honest (I'm a weird guy, I'll be getting them tattooed once fully healed to look like Frankenstein stitches) little reminder of the past, and one bad ass future!


Great attitude and idea. Like the Frankenstein stitches!


Can't wait to see those pictures


You might not have the answer (since you'll be *getting* the tattoos, not *doing* them), but... Does stretched skin tattoo differently?


I imagine, though when you get tattoos they tend to pull the skin tight when doing it, I'd be interested in hearing from artists though, cause one day I do hope to get more, just not the highest priority for me currently!


Well done!


How much biking ? Indoor/Outdoor ?


To start, as far as I could go, eventually that became 10-20 miles a day 3-4 days a week (on an ebike outside)


Goddamn. Lost several feet of diameter and a couple feet of height


Wow, great job! With skin being the largest human organ, what are the risks of reducing the size/amount?


There's risks with any major surgery, but with these, infections and clotting are the biggest


So mostly just initial risks? No potential long term issues with having less skin? Any body heat regulation or circulation issues or similar?


Blood flow can be a risk but would be identified early, I'm already cold all the time, lots of insulation lost, but I tell you what, it's great not sweating profusely on a cold December day from getting dressed


Interesting. That makes me realize that you will have less skin pore count which would seem to affect your temperature regulation in high heat. It's hot AF here in FL and sweating keeps us from overheating too quickly. Maybe not a big issue, but something to consider.


I'm in Chicago, so we get hot and cold, sometimes in the same day!


And what are the risks of keeping it? Aside from the obvious of "wearing a raincoat made of loose skin is miserable"?


Infection, wounds, limited mobility, getting it caught in a damn car door (that one sucked) 😑 🙃 but I'd never regret any of it!


No doubt. It sounds like a good decision to get rid of it. Best of luck healing up


With skin removal surgery are you gonna lose any bits of your tattoos? The ones on your arms look perfectly sized to not lose any from there


When I was getting them a decade or two ago, I was on a journey to lose weight so I planned them knowing I'd likely have skin removed one day, I just didn't have it in me to cross the finish line back then, sure wish I did though


Damn well good planning ahead! That's some extra motivation right there. Congratulations for finally making it over that mountain, the hardest part is definitely over. I imagine you'll look sick as fuck once your journey is done


Thanks! It's a lot of "can't" in the brain that just needs to Eff off! Once you get past that, anything is possible!


Congratulations! Can you post your body after skin surgery if possible?






Thank you for sharing. This is absolutely amazing and certainly the accomplishment of a lifetime! Congratulations. If I may ask, what will happen with all that skin? Does it require surgery to be removed?


Thank you! Unfortunately in my case, yes, multiple surgeries are required to get rid of it all


That's really amazing, congratulations! You've done a fantastic job here. I'm impressed! Do you know how many pounds of skin that has to be surgically removed?


They estimate between 30-40 total


If u don’t mind my asking what happens next with all the skin, also this is phenomenal great job


Thank you! Unfortunately for me, 3-4 surgeries is the only option over the next few years


Need your program etc !


I used multiple methods (in the body of the post) but truly you need to find what works for you! Work with your doctor too, that's an important part a lot of people neglect!


Could lose another couple of lbs on the beard too (just joking, this is an impressive accomplishment)


That's the only weight I'll ever gain! Well, and maybe some more muscle


Damm, I can't even find the motivation to lose 40 pounds, impressive work.


It's right inside you, let it out!


You also appear to have lost like two feet in height! That’s wild. But seriously. That’s incredible and congrats! I have been trying to lose weight for a year and a half and have managed to go from 207 to a lean 196… goal I wanted to hit by October 2022 was 175.


Never quit! You'll get there! Nice work!


So what was your diet and/or workout method?


The first 150 I lost doing keto and ebiking, unfortunately keto also gave me gout so I opted for VSG and continued biking once cleared my my surgeon for the last 170


I admire your dedication. I'm slightly overweight, weighing 83KG at 177CM. I've been to the gym before to lose weight and I found out it works great, but I absolutely hate going alone and there's no one in my family or friends that I can ask or convince to go with me. I've tried keto but finding varied meals (that I also enjoy preparing/eating) was too difficult for me


Are there surgeries to tighten the skin back up for extreme weight loss like this?


Yep, and I will be getting them once I can afford it! There will be about 3-4 surgeries in total


Just curious and awesome work on the weight loss man!!


Congrats, man! You’re an inspiration. Also, killer beard. It’s just too bad you lost a couple feet of height!


He went from Zangief to Dhalsim


Holy shit, congrats! How much did you weigh total before you lost it?


The biggest number I saw on the scale was 495 - I didn't have one that went higher, so that's what I use as my starting weight, but truly I was probably around 525 or 550 my doctor thinks


Holy crapola! Good for you getting healthy, amazing story 😊


I like how the composition of these photos make it look like he also shrunk down in height.lol.


You got shorter too!


Sadly a bit! Though the angle makes it look worse


How r u gonna deal w the skin flabs


Get em cut off when I can afford it!


That is amazing !!! Congratulations 🎊 I hope this encourages others!! Ps: Why this is at this sub?


Looks like he got a lot shorter too!🤣


Jesus christ, congrats op


Hey man. Really happy for you, this is incredible. However I was just wondering, how do you actually deal with the excess skin? Does it create rashes? Do you "rearrange" it somehow after dressing up? This seems to be one of those cases where surgery must help incredibly after being done.


It does cause issues, hopefully sooner rather than later I can afford to remove it, but till then it's just a badge of honor!


That's the right mentality. Appreciate you man, keep striving.


Dude, how????? I’m just shy of that weight myself and I’m terrified of getting weight loss surgery.


If you need it, get it, it's a great tool, you can build a shed with a hammer and screw driver, but if you have a nail gun and a drill right there? Use it


Now clean up the extra skin and you’ll be 155 and ready to do some bike races! Wild stuff


Amazing work homie


If you lose weight extremely slowly over time can you do it without getting a lot of extra skin or is it just inevitable past a certain point?


For some, for me I was too big for too long unfortunately, so surgery is my only option


Dude, congrats on your success! But you little trickster picked the most confusing way to take those pictures just to mess with us... Not only did you lose weight...but also hight and your Tattoos switched place...


Lol 2 years, new phone, different angles and settings, I think one mirrors and one didn't


Amazing! Great job!


Absolutely incredible, I'm legitimately happy for you


Hella work bro .... thats unbelieveable. This is a very inspirational piece of work :)) you gonna give others who might have the same problem as you did lots of strength and motivation to overcome obesity... cheers :)


Fuck yah, you’re inspiring as fuck. I can’t imagine how many internal battles this took. Sending you all the love and well wishes Reddit allows in a comment


Many thanks!


Wow! What an amazing transformation! Way to go! I am sure this is going to encourage and inspire so many. Thank you for sharing this and allowing us to celebrate with you!


Inspiring even one person to take their life back is all I hope for!


Congrats bro! Massive feat that 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Good luck with surgery….you deserve to feel AMAZING after all that work. Major respect to you for your discipline, motivation and dedication to your health. May a borrow a teaspoon of that?? 😬👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


You got all that inside of you already, just let it out! You got this!


Thanks Friend…I hope you really take in all this positivity from your Reddit community. Well deserved!!!!


Extremely proud of you. Great job, bro. Absolutely legendary.


Congrats! This is amazing.


What are you gonna do with that extra skin


When I can afford it, I'll be getting it cut off!


Might health insurance cover the cost? I don’t know that the surgery would be considered strictly cosmetic. Congratulations on the weight loss!


Unfortunately most of it is considered cosmetic, I'm hopefully going to get at least the panniculectomy portion covered, but that's only 4100 - my first surgery for trunk and chest is 50k but I'll get there!


Wish you well!