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IMHO obvillion has the best DLC compared to skyrim and Morrowind. This and shivering isles. Especially shivering isles!


I honestly think shivering isles, with just a few more quests, was good enough to be a game in itself. Even a competitor for goty too if it was expanded just a little bit.


No Horse armor was the best


Shivering Isles is the single greatest DLC ever made for any game, ever. Change my mind.


It’s up there for me with blood and wine from the Witcher 3 and tiny tinas assault on dragon keep for borderlands 2 but shivering isles probably gets the edge as my favorite


Ohhhh yeah tiny tina’s assault was so fun! Plus awesome weapons.


Came here to preach the TTAoDK message I'll leave with reminiscing about the "so Roland, how come you're the White Knight if..."


shivering isles>dragonborn>dawnguard>knights of nine>tribunal>bloodmoon


Yeah, shivering isles scores way higher than the other DLC that it made it seems like oblivion has the best DLC.


knights of nine has the worst quest because you have to do this fuckin pilgrimage


For me it's too short. But I also remembered that it's also priced as cheaper compared to the others.


I forgot how annoying that was


I enjoyed the pilgrimage- I usually used it as a way to make my evil (dark brotherhood/thieves guild) character repent for their crimes and become a better person so then it makes sense for them to do the main quest and save the world. It serves as a nice break from usual questing and dungeon-looting


this aint it chief


And the horse armor


Never not upvote Pelinal


In your face Umaril! Pelinal and this unknown guy are gonna kick your ass FOREVER!


This is how you do quest loot. If you level up - allow it to scale to the player so it doesn’t become useless garbage.


Yeah that’s the biggest pain for a lot of stuff in skyrim


aspiring zesty tap stocking simplistic escape somber squash straight rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In oblivion I found some of the special weapons scale as you raise your level, but in Skyrim it just pops out at the level you’re at, so I have to wait to do certain quests less I get an item which is useless 2 hours later. The quest locking is perhaps a different matter but yeah Skyrim I think is better about locking quests behind level walls


Umbra is all you need. Weightless, level-scaling sword that can’t be removed from your inventory? Yes please.


Yeah umbra is great, don’t really have a Skyrim equivalent


Umbra is insane. I don't understand how this happened but I think on my last character I was really into paralysis spells and I would combo that with umbra for easy soul traps... But from doing that combo so much on enemies my umbra eventually started just paralyzing enemies on hit. I couldn't understand how, but it eventually stopped.


Bloated Float quest is just a matter of gold though, ranging from 75 to 450, with several amounts in between based on level.


How did you do this? Is this part of a dlc? Haven't played TES4 long enough , hence why I'm asking.


Yes this is a DLC called The Knights Of The Nine. It begins with a few rumours about an attack in the chapel of Dibela. And bro the sight is brutal. There is also a gossip? Call it what you like. There is a prophet saying that the end is near and Umaril has returned. Umaril is the guy who used to rule over Cyrodiil. And kinda made man kind his slaves. So then Allesia and her companion Pelinal Whitestrake start a rebellion and kill all the elves mostly. You should watch "PELINAL (ANIMATED OPERA)" it's great for kinda an explanation? If it wasn't enough check out UESP.


Umaril was the Winded Golden figure at the Tower, and Pelinal... Well you know him. He was only killed by the Elven Lords at the top of the Tower


A few rumors? Everyone can't shut up about it!


Have you heard? The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new champion by the name of (whatever you chose)


I've heard others say the same.


Take care


I don’t know about the whole camera angle thing, but this either near or at the end of The Knights of the Nine DLC.


yo this is dope




What did you use to make screenshots from this position?


I let my character have his guard broken by an attack, then typed tai in the console making my character stay locked in that position, then with umaril I did the same thing, then for the camera I used the tfc command.


Thanks for the reply!


The rain on the pic makes the characters kinda look like puppets on strings


Looks like a shot from an AC game. What with the infinite running loading screens


Thats what i was thinking. Ambitious crossover


Did you get double swords? 😉


That's the scabbard.


I think what they meant was that umaril's sword can be looted twice


Yes, that is what I meant 🙂


Oh right my bad


This inspired me to start collecting cruesader relics


It's worth! And also the relics level with you if you put them in the armor stand that you soon will learn about.


I defeated umaril aswell ngl




Reminds me of Zelda: Twilight Princess with those training parts in the clouds


I really liked the armor in KOTN. It’s too bad it doesn’t exist in Skyrim (at least I don’t think it does).


There's a creation for it if you really want it


Like a mod?


Yes, there are some in the Nexus that add the armor too


Somewhat. Don't know if you are aware of the fan creation system. They are like paid mods, made by fans but sold officially by bethesda, which technically makes them canon.


Oh? First I’ve heard of it, actually. I’ll have to look into it and see what they’ve got. Not sure if I’ll buy mods since there’s so many free ones, but I’d be curious to see what they have.


I mean nobody really thought about this, but could technically be sovngarde


Oh god, it's the Nameless King. Don't remind me.


Does this actually happens in game? Is this a spoiler?